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  • Valkyrie

    Auld Lang Syne - A Tribute to Carlos Hazday *Now Live*

    By Valkyrie

    Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot in the days of auld lang syne?   To answer the question in the song - no, old acquaintance should never be forgotten, especially when they were a force named Carlos Hazday.  It's hard to believe our friend has been gone for over a year now.  Based on the stories submitted for this tribute, it's clear that his influence lives on.  So, let's raise a glass and toast to auld lang syne and fond memories of
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Gonna go to the fair

Well tomorrow is the big day. Our once yearly trip to a fair. I'm very excited. I can't wait to eat some caramel apples, and some fries and some dough boys. Oh and I'm going to try some funnel cake this year. I haven't had that before, hadn't even heard of them until I started playing Roller Coaster Tycoon. Last year I saw a booth for them, but I was too busy eating cotton candy to stop and by the time I was hungry again I couldn't find the booth again! Lol, last year was funny too cause I



Urban dictionary

I have contributed some old eighties slang to the urban dictionary. There is, of course, much more of it. This is all I've written up so far. [entries in red have not been accepted yet.]   The Urban Dictionary is pretty raunchy but where was I going to find out what a filthy-Sanchez was? Wikipedia?             Disgusting alert! Be warned- it gets ugly below.   organ-spasm A mind-blowing, earth-shaking orgasm so intense that you never forget it. It must be something of a religious e



I carried a watermelon

OK, I'm bored (watching Dirty Dancing for the 100th time, if that says anything) so you guys get to listen to me ramble.   Against my better judgment, I just signed up for Netflix. I know I'm always on about how I don't have any free time, but I've actually started doing a lot of my studying in the middle of the day (one day a week I have a 4 hour gap between classes, one day I have 3 hours, and one day I don't have class till 2 but I go in at 10 and sit in the library and work, because that'



Goodbye, September

It's now officially Fall, my favorite season. My third week of work went pretty well. Our boss wanted us to get out by 4 o'clock on Friday, but we got a big French and Italian translation job right when we were getting ready to go, and the client wanted it early next week, so we had to find translators who could do it and it took a loooong time.   I thought I'd learned my lesson a long time ago about falling for straight guys, but this guy I work with, we'll call him 'Diego,' is just too hot f



Oh No!

Hubble Telescope's Main Camera Fails Associated Press 9/25/06 Source Link   The main camera on the Hubble Space Telescope has shut down unexpectedly for the second time this year, the operators of the orbiting observatory announced Friday.   The Space Telescope Science Institute, which coordinates use of the telescope, said the camera shut down Saturday. Program managers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt and at the institute were investigating the cause and what action



Astronomers Insight on How Massive Stars Form

Astronomers Gain Important Insight on How Massive Stars Form National Radio Astronomy Observatory Press Release September 27th, 2006 Source Link   Astronomers using the National Science Foundation's Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope have discovered key evidence that may help them figure out how very massive stars can form.   "We think we know how stars like the Sun are formed, but there are major problems in determining how a star 10 times more massive than the Sun can accumulate t



Life and kittens

So...my life... Well, Scott's head popped out of his ass for a while but has popped back in. His ass is getting more action than mine. 18 days no sex and if things keep going as they are, it is likely to turn into 18 years before I have sex again.   Not that sex is the most important thing in the world. Actually, right now I would just like him home and in my bed so I can feel him near me.   ...moving on...   Kitten pics!   These are a few of Little Girl's babies. They are the one



So messed up

Man I am sooo messed up over what happened that I cant even think straight. The incident happened last Saturday but it seems like its really hitting hard now. kinda like a delayed feeling reaction. I wrecked my car this morning .... not bad though I kinda zoned out and hit a curb which tweaked the right front wheel weird. Its kinda drivable but pulls like a SOB to the right. Its a 95 Mazda Miata MX-5 blk convertible. Shamrock Towing took it to Camelback Mazda and I'll find out this eve how ma



Senior Pictures

So nothing special tonight, but I got my senior picture proof sheets in the mail today. Here's what they looked like:   http://www.gayauthors.org/tech/images/scan01.jpg http://www.gayauthors.org/tech/images/scan02.jpg   I get to pick one of the plain-clothes to be in the school yearbook and one of the Tux ones for a family deal. I think I'm going to go with the bottom left on the plain-clothes and upper left on the Tux one.   Anyways, it's way too late to still be up. School and work tomo



I Want a

Coin Operated Boy by The Dresden Dolls   Coin, Operated Boy sitting on the shelf he is just a toy but I turn him on and he comes to life automatic joy that is why I want a   Coin, Operated Boy...   made of plastic and elastic he is rugged and long-lasting who could ever ever ask for more love without complications galore many shapes and weights to choose from I will never leave my bedroom I will never cry at night again wrap my arms around him and pretend....   Coin,



Y'all don't understand me

I've done a lotof thinking about what happened last night on my blog, and after chatting with Kitty for hours about the conflict I had, what led up to it, and how i'm looked at by others, I've decided to reintroduce myself to everyone.   First of all, my name is Nick, and I might be the most hated member in the history of Gayauthors.org. The reason why, you ask? I can't say for sure, but I think I have a really good idea, so here goes....   There seems to be this perception about me that som



Do you do it?

So it's been a while since my last blog and I thought I was over-due for one. Let's see if I still remember how to do this.   Hypothetical Situation:   There's this guy that you know. You're not friends with him, you haven't talked to him, but you know him. He was in one of your classes and could possibly be classified as a 'friend-of-a-friend'. Now, you know he's gay. Or at least you assume he is from past experiences.   So you're into him, you want to ask him out, or hell even just say



Japan Launches Solar Probe

Japan launches Sun 'microscope'   By Jonathan Amos Science reporter, BBC News Source Link     Scientists have high hopes for Japan's Solar-B mission which has been launched from the Uchinoura spaceport.   The spacecraft will investigate the colossal explosions in the Sun's atmosphere known as solar flares.   These dramatic events release energy equivalent to tens of millions of hydrogen bombs in just a few minutes.   The probe will attempt to find out more about the magneti



I came, I chatted... I broke my panties

Okay, well not in that order exactly... but it sounded better. Actually, I came, I broke my panties, THEN I chatted... and had SUCH a great time! So... thanks you guys! It was awesome! So many of you showed up and I am still so surprised about that, I'll admit. Kevin AFF, Kevin Bard, Krista, Conner, Drew, Justin, Natey, Robbee, Grant, James, Tony, Steve, CJ, Kurtie, Joey, I'm sure there are more that I am so... horribly forgetting so I'll apologize for that now. But my point was.... OMG! you guy



The Royal Time Machine

Something really awesome is happening on the web!   The Royal Society of London is opening 340 years worth of its archives to the public until December.   Now, free of charge, you have the oppertunity to download and look at the works of some of the giants of science like Hawkins, Einstien, Pauling, Chandrasekhar, Bohr, Herschel, Kelvin, Liebnitz, Maxwell, Newton, Rutherford and many, many more.   Of course I'm biased towards the physical sciences, but biology is covered too. Watson, Crick



just thinking out loud

HI Everyone,   I haven't been up to writing much lately. It seems that I have fallen victum to a really strong mood swing, making it almost impossible to write the next chapter without strangling Kevin and shooting Jamie in the foot   when I add to that the fact that I have picked up a cold and have been working 60 hour weeks for the better part of 2 months, I feel like I'm shutting down inside.   since this seems to making me feel worse...I'm just gonna stop here...maybe I'll finish



Another Weekend

Well, Vance mentioned that I haven't done a blog in a while, so I figured maybe I should write something. Work is going pretty good. We had a pot luck yesterday, and I stuffed myself on all kinds of good food. I brought a pasta salad with feta cheese, pepperoni, broccoli, and cherry tomatoes. They usually do that kind of thing about once a month, and we'll be having a chili cook-off next month. I LOVE chili, so that should be pretty fun.   I bought Elton John's new album, The Captain and the K



Sometimes torture is good

Last night I got an IM from someone I know who is pretty much against all republicans no matter what the issue is. Usually, I am too, but I think they're right when it comes to defending the US from terrorism. Well anyway, she IM's me about some lunatic named Kieth Olberman, who has some show no one watches on MSNBC. He goes off on the president whenever he has a chance, but intellegent people pay him no mind because he's a loser. Anyway, I hate Bush for his politics. I hate that he wants to gi



My GA Literary Debut

So I finally did it. I finally managed to sit still and focus on an idea long enough to produce a first chapter.   It's a story idea I had about 2 or 3 months ago. I frequently come up with story ideas. I even often conceptualize them to a high degree and plan out the plots and characters. Getting them down on paper is the hard part though, but I finally did it! I'm really excited about the story too.   I hope to post it in the "Sneak Peaks" section within the week. I might still add a



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