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Happy Birthday NEPHYLIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When I first saw that it was your B-day I wanted to see how much it would cost to kidnap Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman for youdevilsmiley.gif but it was WAY outside my price range so I hope the simple happy birthday will do....this time around thumbsupsmileyanim.gifthumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Older than dirt, for those who want to argue based on experience;

Younger than Springtime, as the old saying goes, for battling it out with your female friends;

and eternally 29...just in case you run into Jack Benny, Phyllis Diller, or Cher somewhere.


Happy birthday, Neph'!

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O WOW.... How awesome is this ?? :)


Thanks for all the happy birthday wishes... they came true :)


How did you know I was 29 kj? :P


And Cammy.... it's none of your business where my hands are going to be.... but the only time I am going to have my hands behind my back is when I am facing away from him/her/them :)

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I hope your day is filled with chains, skulls, black and red candles, spiders, axes, good-looking (naked) people and lots of (gorish) happiness. Suck a pint of blood for me!!



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