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A Kid's Reaction To His First Gay Couple

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A Kid's Reaction To His First Gay Couple


This is making the rounds on Facebook. It's pretty cool.



It's stuff like THIS, right here, THIS is why all the neo-Cons can sign any homophobic "protection of marriage" acts they wanna sign, but will ultimately fail in the long run. More and more kids are growing up with "Adam and Steve" as the neighbors down the street, and not some crazy guys part of some fringe group lurking in the shadows. Slow and steady; but man we're going to win that race.


I love how I have to keep fixing the link. LOL.

Edited by methodwriter85
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LOL. Well most parents put the spin on the fact that you're married cause you love each other and leave out all of the naughtier reasons :P But I do think it's all in how you approach the subject nowadays. My kids are familiar with GA but I don't think they know what it means because it's just a non-subject. I can remember the first time Annika saw 2 guys holding hands and in response to her question it was just 'because they feel like it'. No explanation needed because to her it's not really strange for two people of any gender to be holding hands. She still holds hands with her friends and so does my son, physical affection is natural to children for those they care about. If adults acting the same way is treated as commonplace then it's just no big deal. I'm fortunate to live in an area where you can walk around and see gay couples pretty openly affectionate and comfortable so we're lucky. Society is changing on a basic level with each generation I think.

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My son grew up with a gay sister and uncle. At one point he asked. Is it okay for a boy to kiss a boy and I told him it's okay for a boy to kiss a boy... like uncle Jay and David... or a girl to kiss a girl... like Lori and Sam or for a boy and a girl to kiss... like mammy and daddy. He was lucky I guess that I could give examples


The video is absolutely adorable. We really should listen to the kids more.


As for Mark's question I guess the answer is because it was the quietest part of the room... I would also point out that the door was wide open and there were lots of people around.


Cynic :P

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Found it.


And it is cute ;-)




I would be very very careful with any site you don't know. It was gone from YouTube when I went to look at so I Googled it and found it at the originating site which promptly began to bombard me with spam and junk, my security programs were going nuts. It took me a while to get all the bogus programs completely cleared out.

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One of the married couple who interviewed the kid, who had a small scene in the vid was cute. :D Why are all good men taken or married. Hello universe, I'm still here damn it. Bloody hell.


As for the child... innocence is bliss as they say. Adorable! I salute the parents who had an open mind for their kid not to be tainted with the societal coneceptions of same sex relationships.

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