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19 yo to lose his virginity in public as "performance art"


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19 yo art student Clayton Pettet has announced he intends to lose his virginity in a London gallery as a performance art piece entitled 'Art School Stole My Virginity'. The 19-year-old will have sex with another boy in front of an audience of up to 100 people who will then be invited to ask questions about his experience. This is scheduled to take place on 25 January next year and "aims to challenge the idea of sexuality".


He explains in his blog:

My name is Clayton; I am currently at Art School in London. I am nineteen years of age. I have brown hair and brown eyes and I am a Virgin.

A Performance for The People
The Idea of “Art School Stole My Virginity” came around when I was Sixteen, when all my peers at school were losing their Virginity it was incredibly hard for me to ask why I was still a Virgin and why it meant so much to the people all around me. My piece isnt a statement as much as it is a question. The whole aspect of Virginity was incredibly emotional for me and has been ever since. It became a thought process that turned into the performance piece that I wish to create for the public on January the 25th. The London Art Scene has slowed down recently and whilst London is in its prime and is constantly changing the contemporary artists are the same and they aren’t so contemporary anymore. I want my piece to inject some speed into the arts, a performance of the people if you will.  I feel like now is the time for the new scene. To lose my Virginity with the new age is the Avant Garde that London has been unintentionally waiting for.

He explains further in an interview

“The key thing about performance art is that it should only be performed once, and this is the ultimate once-in-a-lifetime performance. I’ve held on to my virginity for 19 years, and I’m not throwing it away lightly. Basically it’s like I am losing the stigma around virginity. I want the audience to see if anything has changed between me and my partner. Since culturally we do hold quite a lot of value to the idea of virginity I have decided to use mine and the loss of it to create a piece that I think will stimulate interesting debate and questions regarding the subject.”

The idea is that people will be encouraged to question the importance of virginity and the traditional values placed upon it while also considering issues surrounding sexuality and gender.

"Virginity has almost become heteronormative in its definition," he says. "Is virginity even real? Or is it just an ignorant word that was used to dictate the value of a woman's worth pre-marriage?"

He also said he has chosen not to tell his parents about the project but has informed his tutors at the university.

No, they're never gonna find out. Nope. Not in a million years :lol:

Well, if a dead shark floating in a tank of formaldehyde, and an unmade bed are art then I guess anything can be. As the artist Grayson Perry said: "Art can't shock us anymore – we are all bohemians now."








Edited by Zombie
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He doth protests too loud :P


Takes a seat next to the pig and waits for the Fore-Play :o (I got to stop with these puns)

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Oh good lords. Exhibitionism at its finest, I guess. *shrugs* No one's getting hurt, and it doesn't involve me so if that makes him and his partner happy, great. I just wonder if he truly knows what he's in for. Guess he'll find out if it happens.

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HELL YEAH,  free porno!   :2thumbs:    Who wants to meet up? I have to paddle my canoe across the Atlantic first ... 


Seriously, what the hell is he on about?  His level of cognitive dissonance is staggering.

Edited by crazyfish
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Do you think they will film it? I would like to play art critic but I can't make the show.  :lmao:


All kidding aside, I have very mixed feelings about this.

Edited by Ron
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As a performance artist myself, I would never have thought of this LOL


The idea is absolute genius for the London performance scene. Recently there has been a growing 'need' for the Real experience in theatre. Theatre companies have been trying to create the real aesthetic for years but its has never quite been achieved.


This is with the exception of the Rhythm Sequences by Marian Abramovic and Ulay. I reccomend researching any of their performances. They are genius.


I performed a rewriting of Rhythm 10 last year. Instead of using real knives, I used black ink pens. It made a really interesting drawing at the end of it :)

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$5 says he cums in 15 seconds


You're on, but he's a performer, I'll top you off and say $20 that he goes over 2 minutes.

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My name is Ashi; I am currently at Gay Authors. I am thirty-five years of age. I have black hair and dark brown eyes and I am a Virgin.

It was incredibly hard for me when people asked me why I am still a virgin.  It's a slow day at GA, so instead of wiping fingerprints off my typewriter keys, I figured I could lose my virginity in front of the public (limited to 100 dandy perverts) as an art performance.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so this is a once-a-life-time experience.  It'll make people question whether virginity is a cultural value or just sore in the back.  I hope you'd get it off as much as me on the idea.


Just kidding of course....  Long live my virginity.

Edited by Ashi
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Well it's not that far from here and he's kinda cute...


Around here Joseph Beuys is still an icon of performance art. He said: To provoke means to evoke something. By making a sculpture with fat or a piece of clay I evoke something. I ignite a thought within me – a totally original, totally new thought that has never yet existed in history, even if I deal with a historical fact or with Leonardo or Rembrandt. I myself determine history – it is not history that determines me.. ..every man is a potential provocateur.


I'd like to know what he would have thought of Clayton's performance. I'm with Cia.

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Magpie's reaction to this went somewhere along the lines of, 'What a pretentious douche bag! I would pay his partner not to use lube.'


I'm more in the camp of, hey, good for you being all empowered and what-not. Different strokes for different folks. *shrug*

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It's kind of sad when you think about it.  The young man apparently never has had a close loving relationship in which he wanted to give himself to another.   So to replace that with "performance art" seems like a poor second choice in my humble opinion....

Yeah indeed. Really sad in fact. I hate to think that the biggest worry in his life is that he's a virgin. People are worried about getting a job or surviving cancer, he's so so depressed about being a virgin.  First world problems indeed.


I can't be too hard on him. The culture is sex-obsessed: women are under pressure to lose it and still look virginal, guys have to lose it as fast they can and proclaim themselves the biggest studs.  


Still sad, there's no sane, level-headed bloke around him to tell him to relax and take it easy. Instead, he's got his horrific echo chamber around him, "Yeah, cool idea, genius idea, way to stick it to heteronormativity ..."  I'd hate to think of all the guys cheering him on and going out of their way to help just because they want to see a live porno. 

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But the privatism of sexuality is a relative newcomer to our species. Pagans expressed some of their highest ritualistic ceremonies through sex, including public sex, for ages until prudism began to reign. I'm not saying that sex should be treated cavalierly, I'd certainly never tell my kids that, but I think that this guy's thought about what sex means to him and the culture he lives in, and he's making a statement he feels strongly about. Exhibitionism is a fairly widespread kink, ( :P Lacey) and this guy is simply taking it one step further.


Sex can happen in many different forms. While I would say having a private moment with a partner you love is the ultimate expression of feeling... that doesn't demean the connection that can be made from other types of sex. People can be happy and fulfilled with all sorts of sex and relationships.


If this way makes him happy... then so be it. I'd think it'd be incredibly awkward, especially with a virgin, but that's just me.

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Cia is right. many people look around and see their local community, local values, maybe too their own country and its customs, and tend to think "this is how it is". Well, no it isn't. The lives we live today and the current values and customs we take as being embedded have existed for a mere blink. Go back just a few hundred years in England and it was common for newly-weds to consummate their marriage and then their bloodstained bedding would be immediately shown to the waiting crowd as witnesses, and such customs are still practiced in parts of Europe. In fact for most of human history sex has not been carried out in private. For the simple reason that people lived in single room dwellings - personal privacy was an unknown luxury. It is only in recent times that people have constructed the current - historically strange - attitudes to the sex act. And as for the comments that losing his virginity is this guy's "biggest worry" I've seen no evidence for that, nor that he doesn't have a "close loving relationship" with his boyfriend. Is this art? Well, I gave up trying to define art a long time ago :P

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Cia is right. many people look around and see their local community, local values, maybe too their own country and its customs, and tend to think "this is how it is". Well, no it isn't. The lives we live today and the current values and customs we take as being embedded have existed for a mere blink. Go back just a few hundred years in England and it was common for newly-weds to consummate their marriage and then their bloodstained bedding would be immediately shown to the waiting crowd as witnesses, and such customs are still practiced in parts of Europe. In fact for most of human history sex has not been carried out in private. For the simple reason that people lived in single room dwellings - personal privacy was an unknown luxury. It is only in recent times that people have constructed the current - historically strange - attitudes to the sex act. And as for the comments that losing his virginity is this guy's "biggest worry" I've seen no evidence for that, nor that he doesn't have a "close loving relationship" with his boyfriend. Is this art? Well, I gave up trying to define art a long time ago :PI



My problem isn't privacy. I don't care he wants to lose his virginity in front of people.  People have their kinks, I allow them that. But I do care about the pseudo-intellectualist posturing about what is essentially his hangups.  Virginity may not be his biggest worry, but the guy thinks about it a lot. So much that he decides to make an event of it, the equivalent of  a"hell fuck it, we might as well make a show of it."  


Instead of being honest about it, he frames it with political art speak about "explorations ... questions ... heteronormativity ..." without concerns of luridness, or that people would cheapen it to get their rocks off.  I'm asking myself, "Is this guy for real?" He manages to come off as naive and pretentious at the same time. 

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