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19 yo to lose his virginity in public as "performance art"


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I find this very odd. People vary a lot at 19, some are still emotionally adolescent and others are mature beyond their years. It does strike me as odd that at 19 he wants to exchange intimacy for a public act broadcast to strangers. Even if it is art it doesn't make it healthy for him. Besides what is new and change worthy and wonderful for him is not necessarily anything but voyeurism for others. This is an act that he can never take back and may not think it brave or adventurous or art in the future when his kids are viewing it online in 20 years. 


Obviously it is his decision as it is the public's to engage it online.

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he must have chickened out or finally came to his senses on what a stupid idea it was in the first place.


I wish he came to senses before the performance, not after, or worse..., during.  :/


Hey now, I wish I would find a guy my own age and also a virgin, so we could experience the same tender and innocent first love as the young 'uns.  In private, of course.  :P

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because Saturday 25 Jan....


Today's the day!!!




I searched to see if I could find an article covering how it actually went, but couldn't find any current articles. Interesting. 


You're right - there's absolutely nothing! :P


... because the "performance" was the frenzied response - his artistic input was the promotion. It's cost him bugger all and he got a worldwide response.


I'd call that a result :lol:


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All Right. Who is the Necromancer?




Necormancer has a supernatural ability to bring long-dead forum discussion threads back to life. After having been flogged to death the thread may have been deceased for many years, and bringing it back may have scant relevance to the current topic, yet Necromancer will unexpectedly exhume the thread’s rotting corpse, and strike horror in the forum as its grotesque form lurches into the discussion. The monster, instantly recognized by all who knew it in life, seems at first to breathe and have a pulse, but, alas, it is beyond Necromancer’s skill to fully restore the thread’s original vitality. The hideous apparition may frighten away some of the weaker Warriors or Warriors badly wounded in former battles, but the thread is only a shadow of its former self and very quickly expires.

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Nope, you're missing the point - not reviving the thread discussion, that's been done to death / flogged to destruction :P

Just closing it off - after all Saturday was the appointed day...


What he has done is actually get people talking about "what is art?"
In this thread - just look at the views! - and in loads of others like this http://www.ladslads.com/blogs/view/2014/January/north_west/so_today_is_the_day_art_school_stole_his_virginity/382241


And that's a good thing.

Someone in the ladslads blog made the interesting point that for something to be "art" it must provoke a reaction. Well, he's sure done that :P


Simple concept cleverly executed. He should get an A+ :funny:

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Nope, you're missing the point - not reviving the thread discussion, that's been done to death / flogged to destruction :P


Just closing it off - after all Saturday was the appointed day...


What he has done is actually get people talking about "what is art?"

In this thread - just look at the views! - and in loads of others like this http://www.ladslads.com/blogs/view/2014/January/north_west/so_today_is_the_day_art_school_stole_his_virginity/382241


And that's a good thing.

Someone in the ladslads blog made the interesting point that for something to be "art" it must provoke a reaction. Well, he's sure done that :P


Simple concept cleverly executed. He should get an A+ :funny:



I agree with you.  The thread was started when the guy said he was going to lose his cherry live.  I'm curious as to whether he did it or not.  It's like starting a thread about elections, then whining when it gets resurrected to announce the results. 


So when someone hears results on this, please let those of us who are still marginally intrigued know.

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Not if you are sitting in the audience. Then again, I guess thats a risk you assume when you buy a ticket for a live sex show featuring a virgin teenager. 



given that this guy's ugly as shit, i have a hard time imagining how a little more shit will ruin the show for anyone who has the capacity to want to watch

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given that this guy's ugly as shit, i have a hard time imagining how a little more shit will ruin the show for anyone who has the capacity to want to watch

Sex is sex, all that matters is raw emotions.

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   I think the kid is pretty attractive in that artsy, kinda effeminate way who may or may not be into heroin.


   You gotta remember that Yang Bang seems to like his guys to be generally of the "bro" type of beauty.

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You mean in the Queer as Folks way!!


   I think the kid is pretty attractive in that artsy, kinda effeminate way who may or may not be into heroin.


   You gotta remember that Yang Bang seems to like his guys to be generally of the "bro" type of beauty.

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You mean in the Queer as Folks way!!




Holy shit, hh5, that's Fabrizio!!!!! I was so in love with him!!! Omg, I used to stalk his website all the time!!!! Omg, whatever happened to him? Yeah, Ethan Gold, the nice Jewish kid from QAF. ;)

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