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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

When it's not just about you

A few years ago I was fat and out of shape. I got tired of it and decided to do something about it.    Over several years I went to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. I didn't do anybody's insanity workout. I studied and talked to some people and came up with plans that would work for me.    Sometimes I missed. Sometimes things came up and just didn't have time. I was sick on occasion but, more often than not, I went.    I went down from 300 to 240- over time. I haven't l



Tech Tuesday - Premium Subscription System

For those of you that don't know, Gay Authors stays open and improving through the combination of Premium Membership subscribers and advertising.  This pays the bills and allows to maintain and improve the site.  In the last version of the forum software, they introduced a simplified Subscription Management tool.  The most important thing it does is fixes that stupid error "You have already purchased... etc".  The catch, of course, is that any time the software changes like this, there are hiccu


Myr in Technology Archive

September CSR Feature: Time Will Tell by Remijay

Time Will Tell... will you read this month's CSR story by Remijay? This recently finished story is one that also stood the test of time. It began six years ago with chapter one and just finished in August with chapter fifteen. There's a tale to tell about writing the story just as much as there is in the story itself, I'm sure, and I can't wait to bring more about both to you on the last Monday of the month on the Discussion Day, September 24th.    Time Will Tell by Remijay  


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug 26 - Sept 1)

Well, it has come The semi official end of Summer in my little area of the world. Today we had rain, we had hail, an hour west of me they had the S word flying though the air . Hoping everyone else is having less seasonal weather than me! I do realize that the southern hemisphere is ramping up for Summer, and other places don't really have a winter, but seasons are a changing!   Your next weather forecast live at 11 PM!   Let's get down to business and look at what the GA


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

College Weeks 1 & 2

Howdy y'all!   Today, I'll be giving y'all a brief summary of my first two weeks at college. But, before we begin, I'll give a quick introduction and explain a few things.   First, the actual titles of my courses are long, so instead, I'll be referring to them by their Subject and Course Number. So, with that in mind: Principles of Physics I is PHYS 2425 Calculus II is MATH 2414 Business and Professional Speaking is SPCH 1321 Introduction to Engin

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

Writing Prompts #696 & #697

That's it. August is done. Finito. Wait... the season change doesn't come for 3 more weeks? There's still more warmth or the heat from H-E-double hockey sticks (depending on your locale) or smoke (I'm out west, it's awful!) to go? Well how about we stay indoors and read and write flash fiction? Yes, that's just the ticket!  Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 696 – Creative Tag  - The bench A bench appeared in the mid


Cia in Prompts

Thursday 30/8

Dear GA It is late Thursday morning, I have no idea where the past few days have gone. My anxiety levels have been up and down a bit this week, having to deal with government red tape, grrr, they are impossible sometimes. I have just finished another one of my stories, and already had many requests for a book two, I'm not sure if I can or not, I will have to think about it some more. meanwhile, I have gone back to the one unfinished story, and I am hoping to find a suitable conclu



Another Opportunity for Learning: Plotting!

As with a few weeks ago, this Wednesday we're lacking any submissions for the author self-promotions and self-improvement blogs (shown below) so I thought we'd focus on some information and questions shared on GA by members and authors and maybe some other help I could provide when it comes to another vital aspect to writing to build on last week's post. The earlier exploring characterization explored past blogs that had different angles for writing characters as well as two file downloads I've


Cia in Writing Tips

Donating Stem Cells

Stem cells are a critical part of the human immune system. The sit beneath white cells and T-cells and usually reside in the bone marrow.   In certain types of cancers like leukemia and bone marrow cancer, the damaged stem cells must be cleaned out by chemotherapy and radiation and re[laced by healthy stem cells. Those stem cells establish themselves and go to work.   This is very tricky as small genetic variations can cause disaster. An identical twin would be the best match



What's the (point) .5 of it all?

Greetings acolytes!   Sorry, sorry. I was rereading a Mercedes Lackey book and saw the add for her fan club. And yeah, excuse the brief moment of imagining I have one of those and needed something to call my fans. I blanked on how to start this post after I wrote the title. Mid-afternoon caffeine on an empty stomach.    Ahem.   Since March, I've been striving to post chapters monthly for my story Predators: 2-14-9X   March saw chapter 1 (Imagine Magazine



August CSR Discussion Day: The Hidden Ones: The Spotlight by Aceinthehole

Holy mackerel it's Monday, the last Monday of the month! How did that happen already? Well it's a good thing we're ready for it, right? Did you take advantage of the time you had to read Aceinthehole's story, The Hidden Ones: The Spotlight? I know it was really long! Hopefully you made a dent. I will caution you, if you're still mid-read, there are some questions below in the interview that have answers that might be a tad revealing about the story, so I've hidden them with spoilers. Or maybe th


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Monday 27/8

Dear GA I have fallen into that bad patten again, of staying up to the very early hours of the morning, and going to bed around 9am, and sleeping most of the day. Yes, I hear you, I know it is bad for me, but I just can't help it. The medications that I am on really screw me up sometimes, and although I am no longer gaining weight, I am still over weight and I can't seem to loose it. I guess the addiction to Coca Cola doesn't help either, but I do try to eat healthy, with ple



Weekly Wrap Up (Aug 19 - Aug 25)

Hey all, time for our weekly look back at what happened over the past week!   Monday, Cia introduced us to this month's Classic Author Feature:   Wednesday, Cia followed up with the Excerpt for our Classic Author:   Finally it was Friday! What better way to wrap up the week with @comicfan giving us some new prompts:   Anthologies 2019 Anthology Theme Selection is here  - Due Sept 7th 2018 Fall Anthology: Fight Back - Due Nov 15th


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #694 & #695

August is winding down! How about some end of summer fun with these prompts?  If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 694 – Creative Tag – First Line I’m tired of this, so I’m going home!   Prompt 695 – Creative Tag – The role You’ve been asked to guest star on your favorite show. What is your role like


Cia in Prompts

Back to Seattle

Tomorrow I fly back to Seattle.   Jeez that town needs a Cajun Restaurant.    I wonder how I would do there selling Po-boys and gumbo. The seafood there is great but needs a touch of BAM.   Damn. Now I'm hungry and think about jambalaya with chicken, sausage and shrimp.   But I digress. I'll be there to donate stem cells for my brother.    This procedure will cure or kill him. As we're so genetically compatible, it's his best shot. Only an identi



August Classic Author Excerpt: My Jump Off by Nickolas James

Did you catch Monday's blog post feature of this month's Classic Author story, My Jump Off by Nickolas James? There's something to be said for reading about flawed characters who have a real life and problems they might not handle like you would want a character to do... since real people and real life so seldom follows a script. And that's just what this story has going for it. I picked this month's featured excerpt for that reason as well. You can really see the 'teenage drama' and the self-in


Cia in Classic Feature

Calling All Aussies

G'day Sheila's and blokes, stop hanging around like a galah, and send me a message without stoning the crow, and splashing around in the billabong. i am wanting to promote all the Australian Authors & Editors on my Facebook page, to promote gay authors.org around Australia. Can you please send me a private message of your GA user name and what city / town or just state that you reside in please. Thanks in advance, Regards Preston, aka Quokka p.s, I thought the old Au



August Classic Author Feature: My Jump Off by Nickolas James

This month we're keeping the theme going with another teen story by one of our site authors. This time it's My Jump Off by Nickolas James, one of the site Classic Authors. All too often authors write their teenage characters as if they are minor adults--a little more impulsive and stuck in high school still--but with all the wisdom and maturity to make the "right decisions". Well... what happens when right doesn't feel right and wrong feels so much better? I think Nickolas James's story features


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug 12 - Aug 18)

Well hello everyone! Happy Sunday I hope for you all. I was shocked to hear that the schools in some parts of the US are back in already. What about your neck of the woods, what is the school year like? I imagine down under and elsewhere it is probably ramping up for summer holidays soon. I think it is interesting when you read a story from another country than your own, as I actually learn more about that country in a way that is never taught in school.   Oh, I'm here to do the weekly


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #692 & #693

Happy Friday, prompt authors! How do a few creative prompts sound for this week's challenge? There's something very, very wrong with both of these scenarios, and you have to figure out what that is... have fun!    Prompt 692 – Creative Tag – The trunk Aggravated, you march out to the garage looking for boxes to pack your belongings in. You spot the trunk in the corner, grab the handle and go to drag it out, only to nearly dislocate your shoulder. Stopping, you open the trunk


Cia in Prompts

Featured Story: Losing Kevin

One thing many readers have in common here on GA is that, at one time or another, we've had to grapple with the fact that we're not quite what everyone expects us to be when we're growing up. We're different. But others can't tell. And sometimes, when you're reading, that's a good thing! There are a lot of teen coming-of-age stories on GA, but BlindAmbition really connected with this one for his review. Read on to find out why!    Losing Kevin Ronyx Reviewer: BlindAmbition


Cia in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug 5 - Aug 11)

Well I am finally home after my 7734 km/4805 mile drive! Thank you Cia for helping me out last week.   First off, are you like me and getting lots and lots of notifications? Well even though we didn't have a Tech Tuesday, Myr showed us all how to authorize what we get notified on. Check it out here by clicking 'Read more...' on the big red bar on any page or via the announcement. Or just go check out the actual options to selection what you are getting notifications for, not just how


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


I have had an extensive physical at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and am in great shape.   I have been tested for all sorts of viruses and conditions and have none of  them.   I am in great shape and will be an excellent stem cell donor for my brother- who has bone marrow cancer.   We expect to give him the transplant around the 1st week of September.   Since we are such a good match, that ups his chances for recovery considerably.   This is e



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