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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Writing Prompts #690 & #691

Friday is here! Busy week for me yet again, with the CSR on Monday and the post about crafting characters on Wednesday. But maybe you can use some of that info to help you when writing for one of these great prompts supplied by our guru, Comicfan!    Prompt 690 – Creative Tag – The horoscope Imagine reading a horoscope and having it come true, but only in accidental ways. What happens?   Prompt 691 – Creative Tag – Fairy Tale Gone Wrong You’ve been trying


Cia in Prompts

August Author Opportunities & Character Articles

This week we have something a little different for today's blog post though we're keeping it all about improving and encouraging authors. Remember we have various opportunities for authors to be featured such as:    Story Critique: Open to all GA authors. Sign up here. Ask An Author: Send your questions for your favorite authors to Carlos Hazday (no questions = no Ask An Author) Story Recommendations:  Open to all GA authors & readers. PM your r


Cia in Writing Tips

Real BF , Where Are You?

Me: Hey! Hi ! Hello ! How are you ? Can we be friends ?             I am so like that! it is so funny that I am so hopeful that I can find my true love. True love that I can’t see , it’s like I am blind or that “true love” is so far to see . I am now 18 ! and that existence I didn’t have a relationship yet! I have so many crushes and sadly none of them like me? Am I ugly? “ looking at the mirror” Me: No , my friends and other says I’m cute .  Am I super girly?  Me: No Am I sw

Saint Peter

Saint Peter

Hammerhead 19

I had to publish 19 before it was really ready.    I'm flying out to Seattle in the morning to be with my brother for a few days as he's undergoing chemo at the Seattle Cancer Care Clinic.   If I'm healthy enough I will donate stem cells for him which will give him a shot at recovery or at least remission.    Real life is a pain sometimes.    It gets in the way of important stuffs like writing.    Next chapter will return to the Stonegarden syste



Life Happenings

On August 9, 2013 I decided to take the plunge and join GA as a member instead of reading stories as a lurker.  While I'd dabbled a bit with writing poetry and some creative fiction, I'd never actually finished anything I started writing.  The closest I came was a vampire novel I started writing in the early '90s (which I may yet finish )  The atmosphere on GA was so welcoming.  It felt like a place where I wanted to interact with others, and one of my favorite things was reading the weekly pro



August CSR Feature: The Hidden Ones: The Spotlight by Aceinthehole

Oh, how the world turns... for so many in the upper hemisphere, summer is coming to a close and that means school is beginning again. And with school, we think of teenagers and all that comes with them--the angst and pain of growing up and fitting in or maybe not fitting in. One of our recent promotions to the ranks of Promising Authors, Aceinthehole is one of the site authors who has written a popular story featuring a story that is "a slice of reality of broken people. The ups and downs of gro


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Taryn's Song

Track List Closed Doors (Message To Bears) - Overture: Taryn Inside Looking Out For Adrian (Many Years Ago) (Mark Tulk) - Taryn’s Song Darkest Dreaming (David Sylvian) - Taryn’s Dreams of Escape Shattered Dreams (Johnny Hates Jazz) - The Last Straw Shake Dog Shake (The Cure) - A Fateful Decision Leave In Silence (Depeche Mode) - Stealing Away Into The Night Dirty Blvd. (Lou Reed) - Taryn and Alec on the Cold Streets of Chicago To The Ends



Weekly Wrap Up (July 29 - Aug 4)

Wow, July is gone and August has started. In Canada, the first week of September is considered the end of summer. No matter where you are, let's make the most of August! Currently I'm on vacation , so a big thanks to Cia for running the stories Saturday night and putting them in and publishing the wrap up!   Monday, Cia started the close of the month with the CSR Discussion Day:   Wednesday, Carlos brought us another edition of Ask an Author 2.0:   Friday, I was a


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Poetry Might Not Be my Thing

Back on July 16 @AC Benus posted a status update looking for volunteers to look at one of his poetry prompts.  i thought about it, and decided to try.  (it's here, if you're interested  https://www.gayauthors.org/profile/18130-ac-benus/?status=134349&type=status)     i'll show you the evolution in just a sec, but first i learned a couple of things i wanted to share.    These authors who post poems here are a very talented group.      They also work



When to Critique

This has been on my mind off and on for a while. There are writers of all stripes and there is an entire spectrum of ways to offer criticism and a matching spectrum of ways to deal with receiving criticism. Probably the first one many writers get has to do with punctuation. I remember well the first time someone said 'neat story, but you need an editor.' My first thought? Screw you! Which I guess brings me to my first point - being polite.   Every single work of mine has issues and I k



Writing Prompts #688 & #689

Happy Friday, blog followers! Time for some flash fiction and for some weekend fun. Hopefully fun, at least. If you have to work the weekend, maybe you can write a short story for a character to have the fun you can't inspired by one of the following prompts provided by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Who doesn't enjoy a good death threat?    Prompt 688 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – a nest, a spider, a snake, a bottle of wine, and a motorbike.


Cia in Prompts

Why Delaware has so much suburban sprawl.

I wrote this article for Reddit just for the hell of it. *** Someone posted earlier about the annoying amount of over-development and suburban sprawl in Delaware. I thought it would be interesting to go a little bit over the reasons why the system is set up like the way it is, and how the forces of suburbanization have made Delaware into the bedroom community it is today.   Wilmington developed at a steady pace throughout the 1800's- especially during the C



Ask an Author 2.0 #10

Here we go again, folks. Another installment of your questions being answered by GA authors. Have you sent me a question to pass along already? No? Why? I never reveal who send in the questions so you need not be embarrassed of anything you may want to ask. Hell, once I send the question to the author, I delete the message so I don’t even know who asks most of them in. I’m old and my memory’s deficient. • • • With twenty-eight stories and over 800,000 words posted in a little over two

Aria Graice: Backstage on Chapter Four

I've just posted Chapter four of Aria Graice. Amara is performing a concert at the O2 Arena in London. I hope I am about to post a blog that puts images to some of the things Drew saw when he accompanied Aria backstage   The O2 Arena ×  Your previous content has been restored.   Clear edito   The FAB Room   The Wardrobe Doors   The M&M Dispensers   The Room     The Secret Room



Why Don’t You Play The Game, Arcade Junkie?

TRACK LISTING Computer Game (Yellow Magic Orchestra) - The Arcade High Score Summer (Arcade High) - Matt Meets Sam Digital Love (Daft Punk) - “Why Don’t You Play The Game?” Ready To Start (Arcade Fire) - Matt Levels Up Slow (Kylie Minogue) - The Body Game, No Batteries Required Boom, Boom (Let’s Go Back To My Room) (Paul Lekakis) -  Scoring Tyler No ‘I’ In Threesome (Interpol) - Matt + Sam + Tyler = Mamler Moments In Love (Art Of Noise) -



July CSR Discussion Day: The Tampa Chronicles by BHopper2

Well this was a nice long month between Mondays, so I picked a short story and the novella continuation of the tale written by BHopper2 in A New Life and a New Home and My Son. Did you have a chance to read them before or this month for the feature? Make sure you share you thoughts below! You might also consider writing a review for the story or copying your comments there; authors always appreciate those! But first, as always, I have an interview with BHopper2.    Are you a person who

The hardest chapter to write

This chapter is really hard to write for Book 2 of 0's and 1's, so I will share with readers its problem:   I feel like I can't skip an important event, but if I write it, I am never going to hear the end of it.   This will mark probably the darkest chapter I have ever written, maybe one of the darkest chapters on GA. I am making sure the guidelines are followed, nothing graphic or explicit, but the implication is more than enough with a dark imagination. And to top it all of



Weekly Wrap Up (July 22 - July 28)

We continue on with our summer broadcasting schedule (do you say shedual or skedual?  ) I didn't take over the weeks worth of blogs for Cia, as you really don't want to see that . Instead we split up the week a bit more this week .   Monday Cia brought us a Story Review by @LitLover   Wednesday Graeme took over the blog again for some big news!   Friday, Cia shared prompts from our prompt guru @comicfan   Saturday Myr jumped in with some exciting news a


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Stories 2.3.2 Is now Live

We have just posted a new version of Stories.  In theory, this finally corrects the notification bugs.  If you Follow a Story, you should now get your notifications every time.  If you Follow an Author (on the author page) you should be alerted when they post a new story.   A "Part of Series" toggle has been added to filters:   The quick search links now properly activate existing filters and you should be able to change them or remove them with the minus sign. Exa


Myr in Technology Archive

Writing Prompts #686 & #687

Hi prompt blog followers! I was a little late this week, just by a few hours, but I actually dozed off last night looking for a picture and didn't get the blog quite up in time. Sorry! But you still have plenty of time today and the rest of this week to post your flash fiction inspired by the following prompts, and I did find a picture that was perfect this morning.    Prompt 686 – Creative Tag – Wish The sign read, Wishes Fulfilled – All magic comes at a price. Your friend


Cia in Prompts

Kiss Of An Angel: The Soundtrack

Track List   Shy (Karnaboy) - Ariel’s Theme What Makes You Beautiful (Cover of OneDirection by Tyler Ward) - Tyler’s Question Dissonance (Hammock) - Of The Banging Of Heads Against Walls Ready To Start (Tear For Fears Cover of Arcade Fire) - Tyler Breaks The Threesome Puzzles (The Mary Onettes) - Figuring Things Out Back And Forth, Forth And Back Pretty Haze (Summer Heart) - The Pink Haze Of Angelic Love Sweetness And Light (Lush) - Ariel’s



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