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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Without Remorse by Tom Clancy

I have mentioned before that I enjoy Tom Clancy's epic length novels.  He had three intertwining series all set in the same world.  This is another thing I like.  Having a created world where you can do different series of books and the characters bump into each other.  Without Remorse is where we meet the major recurring character of John Clark.   This is a good solid book that is a pageturner.  It's been entirely too long since I've last read it, so it is back into the queue for the next time


Myr in Books

Writing Prompts #680 & #681

I'm back again! Happy Friday! Did everyone make it through the week? Did you get some writing done? There's always time for a little flash, right? Well, maybe you wrote for the game featured last week or maybe you wrote for the weekly prompts, or maybe you wrote something of your own. Either way, great job! Or perhaps one of this week's prompts will catch your fancy. Give it a go!   Prompt 680 – Creative Tag – First Line Don’t bother trying, kid. I’ve been trapped here a wee


Cia in Prompts

Gay Song Seven – “You're the cutest jailbird I ever did see”

. Gay Song Seven – “You're the cutest jailbird I ever did see”   Note: for this series of postings, the term 'Gay Song' refers to music written to/for/by or about Gay men or women. A second category also deals with music identified as Gay because it speaks to the heart of the Gay Experience. So to make this easier, I will call them Gay in the 1st Degree (to/for/by/about), or Gay in the 2nd Degree (like Judy Garland singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow).   ---  

AC Benus

AC Benus in Essays

Love Simon - Movie

Just been watching the movie, "Love Simon", man I thought I had it tough growing up knowing that I am different, when I saw this movie I realised it seems to be tougher for guys and girls to come out, these days. great ending thou....



Thaw is published!

OK, this is something I never thought I would ever get to say. But my book Thaw is published! Yes, my little story has been turned into a real book. I'm excited beyond words! Of course, none of this would have been possible without a lot of help from the best friend anyone can ever hope to have. The ever amazing @JohnAR has guided me through the entire process and all I had to do was follow instructions and enjoy the journey.    And don't you just love the cover?     



Chair in a Bag

This fits today's theme too...   One of the cooler things they have come up with in the last few years are these folding chairs that fit in a bag.  I have about a dozen of these in various configurations as they were sturdy, portable and fairly comfortable.  I have several different brands in different colors bought in different years.  lol.  I keep one in the truck all the time and have one in standby just inside the garage door for when I went to sit out in the shade to read or


Myr in Gadgets

Ask an Author 2.0 - #9

My threat to ask myself questions in a previous entry sparked the following from a GA member: A question or two for you... Or for anyone else with a long-running saga.  How do you keep track of everyone? And indeed everything they do? Do you just remember, write notes in a separate file, rely on your beta-reader to keep you on the straight and narrow? Do you ever mix characters up, giving them characteristics belonging to someone else?  I decided to accept the invitation to share the q

Tech Tuesday - Following Blogs

Today we are going to talk about how Follow works.  In the forum software, Follow works by notifying you to new content in the item you wish to follow. So, if you follow a blog, you get notified of new blog posts.  If you follow a blog post, you get notified of comments to that blog post.  If you follow a Forum, you are notified of new topics to the forum.  If you follow a topic, you're notified of new replies to the topic.     When you click the follow button, you get these


Myr in Technology Archive

2 Guns

This was a nice little action movie.  And I generally enjoy any movie Denzel Washington shows up in.  If you haven't you seen it, and you like action movies, this is worth checking out.


Myr in Movies

July CSR Feature: The Tampa Chronicles by BHopper2

What? Another 2 story series? Yes, that's what's on tap for this month's CSR feature too! Of course, instead of two short stories, we're featuring a prompt and a novella-length story written by BHopper2. This contemporary coming of age story is rife with feels, but also contains some graphic content (no sex) so please make sure you check out the tags and the story description. It's quite popular already, so I'm hoping we'll have a great Discussion day on the last Monday of the month. And hopeful

Weekly Wrap Up (June 24 - June 30th)

Greetings all on your Sunday, or maybe even your Monday! We survived another week at GA and I think if you look at what we had featured this week, you will agree it was a great week!   Monday, Cia kind of began bringing June to a close with the CSR Discussion Day:   Tuesday was Myr's time and he gave us an update of upcoming changes with the Story Archive on the site:   Wednesday Cia shared some great tips for Authors new to the site on posting and a good reminder


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


I messed up today. Again.  And i spoke to Michael about it, and asked his permission to write this.       For a long time, I'd heard this term: mindfulness. It sounded so much like a catchphrase because everyone was using it. Be mindful. What the heck does that even mean? Took me a while to figure it out even after I'd looked it up.   Turns out I am pretty bad at it. The Doms in my life tell me so. Sometimes directly, sometimes in other ways.  I



Percy Jackson the Olympians

Rick Riordan has become a juggernaut through Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse Mythologies with his interlocking series of books.  They all started with Percy Jackson and the Olympians series.  (Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief being the first book) I've read this 5 book series and I have the other 15 or so books in the interlocking series, but I haven't read them yet.  The man is just cranking these things out. They are aimed at teens, so they make a great light read for those th


Myr in Books

Writing Prompts #678 & #679

Surprise! I'm popping in this week! Cia's offering an extension, so if you want it, you still have a little time for just today to write something (even a short paragraph or two fictional promo blurb for the headline you choose is okay if you make it creative enough!) for the Gay Pride Headline Prompt Game for the newsletter. You can get your work linked in the site's newsletter and featured in the forum game topic if you can send her a submission by midnight Pacific (US) time. Play along with f


Cia in Prompts

How I Really Feel Right Now

I don't know how long it's been since I've posted a blog here. Last night, I totally freaked out, like completely. I feel like I've wasted years of my life. I feel like nobody really knows me. It makes me feel empty. I need to do something about this, like really do something about this before I just cease to exist. 



Anthology Flashback: Summer 2012 - Choices

Welcome to another week of Anthology Flashbacks.  This week brings back to the summer of 2012...       Do you like these weekly flashbacks?  Let us know in the comments below.  Click Follow on the Anthology News Blog at the top of the page.  And, of course, be sure to review stories to let the authors know how you felt about their stories!


Myr in Anthologies

Router Table

One of the things I'm getting more into outside of the computer is woodworking.  I'm lightly researching routers and router tables now for a purchase later in the year.  This will allow me to do some more work on making some furniture items as well as simple things like frames from plexiglass that I'll need for other things.  (Like an enclosure for the 3d printer I'm looking at). Is there anyone out there that enjoys woodworking?  what tools do you prefer?


Myr in Gadgets

Cia's Torturing Me: Mod Queue Tips

Cia’s Torturing Me! by Cia   If you’re an author, I’m sure you’ve thought that at least once, right? I swear, it’s nothing personal! GA’s posting system is complicated, and there is always a learning curve for new authors to figure out the ins and outs of posting here. I'm also the primary staff member who reviews Stories submissions, so I am not picking on any one person if you receive more than one PM; I'm simply the staff member who reviews everything in the qu


Cia in Writing Tips

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom

Just returned from watching Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.  Or should I say dragged to see the flick.   I should start by saying that I am a huge fan of Jurassic Park, a satisfied fan of Jurassic Park 2, a meh for Jurassic Park 3, and a very disappointed viewer for Jurassic World.     For all the amazing CGI of the first one, they did not skimp on the story and characters.  All I have to say is Alan Grant.  Jurassic Park 2, the sequence when T-Rex squared pushes the camper off th

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Tech Tuesday - Story Archive Next Version

So I shared a sneak peek of this post in our Writer's Circle.  I encourage authors to join the club if you haven't yet because there are a ton of great posts in there, and sometimes early information about upcoming features for authors.   So, we've got the new Stories user interface worked out, and we're fixing the bugs.  Here's a sneak peek at it:      The quick Title search will now be on every page.  The previously empty search field now has "Search stories..." to g


Myr in Technology Archive


I was invited to this site by @Rambling Robin a few years ago. I didn't even know that such a forum existed and the rich diversity of authors it contained. Though we are not on the same page for everything in life (as few people are, regardless), both Robin and I realized that we wrote as therapy and as a means to entertain ourselves and to take breaks between our hectic work, university, and home lives. I am grateful that though we butted heads on many occasions, especially in our early beginni



Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

As I mentioned in my book blog a couple weeks ago, I have been a fan of the Chronicles of Narnia for a long time.  I've always been a bit disappointed that they didn't do all the books as movies, but they also seem to run out of steam in the process.  (this series included).  That said, I think they did a good job with 3 movies they did in this series.  The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe was the best of the 3 though, I think. If you haven't watched it and you like fantasy, this was well d


Myr in Movies

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