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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
    • 1 comment

Star Wars Episode 7 Force Awakens (No Spoilers)

That was AWESOME!   Seriously, they pulled all the stops, we got to seeold favorites and new faces with great backstories and mysterious pasts. I was scared JJ Abrams couldn't handle this franchise, but I was wrong, he did it well and added some fun plot points. When Han Solo (Harrison Ford) came back on the Millennium Falcon, a round of applause came from everyone in the theater.   I think everyone appreciates George Lucas as the founder and creator of Star Wars Franchise, but his prequels



Weekly Wrap Up!

It was a big week here in the news blog. For those that missed it, we had 21 new stories posted as part of the Secret Santa Short Story Contest! We've only had a few votes come in so far, but don't worry, there's still plenty of time for you to get your vote in!!! Votes have to be in by 2:00 PM EST on the 23rd of December. There's lots of great stories, and picking a favorite might be hard, but you never know, the story you pick could have been written by one of your favorite authors.   Monda

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Cbdt Chapter 10 (2 More Chapters Then Hiatus Break)

https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/0sand1scbdt/12   The plot thickens; the relationship between Hunter and Kevin is complicated to say the least. There is definitely romantic and sexual tension, but losing a lover is not something you can get away from easily, nor is a Nervous breakdown really a great start of a romance. I am being realistic with the two of them, if they do form a lasting bond eventually, it will have to be done through a long drawn out process of soul searching.   As for



Life Interrupted

Just a few notes.   1 - still no computer. For my friends from here who may wonder why they haven't gotten a card, um, my address list was on the computer. No computer, no lidt. Sorry. If you want resend me your address, I will be glad to send it.   2 - had some health issues I am dealing with. Part of why I don't have a computer yet.   3 - hope everyone is doing well.   Wayne   Happy Holidays



Writing Prompts #466 & #467

It's time for the last Prompts of the year!!! Normally we'd have at least one more, but with the 25th falling on a Friday and the reveal for the Secret Santa Contest happening on the 25th, there won't be any prompts next week. Don't forget to send your votes to A.J. before December 23rd at 2:00 PM EST. Now, onto the prompts! Hopefully you'll find one of these prompts to your liking. Don't forget to share it in the prompt forum, and also, please remember that prompts under 1,000 words have to be

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Miracle On 34Th Street 1947 (Non-Lgbt Movie Review)

Why do I consider this movie to be one of the best Christmas movies ever made?   Simple, in a society that has become so cynical and hopeless, it is a refreshing reminder that the world can surprise you. Faith is something this movie transfers in a non-religious way to conceptual reality. If a man says, he's Santa Claus, we would likely say he's insane. We're a society in doubt and denial against faith in a positive aspect of the world and mankind's capability to be better than what we are tod



Working Title: Contract Lovers

Seems I’m on a creative wave and I don’t want to get off. Wrote the outline—which is something of an exception to my normal writing technique—today, including naming the protagonist (Jacobus or Jac), childhood friends (best friend until death is Laconus or Lac), primary friends, secondary friends, lovers, and lovers under contract. The span of the story will be from age 5 to death at 106.   To the best of my chemically fuzzy memory, this will be the first time I’ve tried to write something in



December Signature Excerpt: Heart Of The Tree By Graeme

This month we're featuring Graeme's story, Heart of the Tree, which he picked for the Signature feature. You'll notice he has a graphic running in the story and site ads, and you can also download a graphic for your signature if you want to help support Graeme. Today we're sharing an excerpt from his story he picked to share with you. Enjoy!   Heart of the Tree   Everyone’s attention was drawn to the sound of a motorbike being ridden at well over the speed limit, and then to the squeal


Cia in Signature Feature

December Signature Feature: Heart Of The Tree By Graeme

Welcome to the new Signature Feature where we feature one of our lovely Signature Authors with a site ad banner and signature graphic. This month's featured author is Graeme, and he chose to showcase his story, Heart of the Tree. Check out his ad banner that will run for the next month on the site as well as a graphic you can add to your personal signature if you want to help him share the story!     Length: 192,363   Description: The Tree is a local fixture in the rural town of Mort


Cia in Signature Feature

The New Book, The End

Finally!   The end has come.   The GMOs ends at Chapter 17. There are no more words to add.   Difficult chapter, death, evil, marriage, commitment, and children.   Pending revisions, the story ends at 112,301 words.   Soon, to a computer near you, The GMOs presents a world controlled by robots where humans are treated not much better than cargo as their spaceship heads out into the heavens looking for an acceptable planet for the humans to colonize. There will be crime, prisons, gay id



Weekly Wrap Up!

This week was a busy week. Don't forget that the 15th at 2pm EST is the last chance to get your entries in for the Secret Santa Short Story Contest. Unfortunately, if they're not in by then, I can't include them in the voting that will start on the 16th. Good luck to all the entrants.   On Monday, Cia announced the choices for the December CSR. This month is all about Christmas stories!   On Wednesday we had this month's Ask An Author feature. To see what the authors were asked, and what the

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Christmas Special One Man's Worth

First In case you guys didn't read Chapter 9, which I posted yesterday on regular schedule, here's a link   Now, here's One Man's Worth Link and a little background:   This story is set 2 weeks after Chapter 12, so there are a few spoilers.   The inspiration for this Christmas Special came from two sources: One Man's Worth is the title of X-Men TAS Cartoon and Comic Book about the death of Professor Xavier causing a horrible future to be fixed by "Bishop", a mutant time traveler. The secon



The New Book, Part 16

Once again things didn’t turn out as planned. I wanted Chapter 16 to deal with the marriage of two characters but that was thwarted by bureaucratic rigamarole. Then, where to go from there?   So, my original plan was to add a new character to the current core group in Chapter 17. Well, the way it worked out was that the protagonist from Chapter 1 is the addition. This character brings a whole new set of problems—what would a story be without problems—and as it worked out, he fit perfectly into



Cbdt Chapter 9

https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/0sand1scbdt/10   Did you think I forgot about Kevin or his crush on Hunter? If I mentioned it in Chapter 3, I will not forget it even in Chapter 9 (Hmm...3x3 = 9, is that a math reference, a religious reference to "3" by WL, or just a coincidence )   It's been one sided love of course, but what great love isn't one sided to begin with.   Before we get to love, let's talk about loss; Hunter has lost a major battle against his foes and the walls are sta



My 20's Megamix Playlist

So, as I say goodbye to this decade and say hello to a new one, I thought it'd be cool to take some time and reflect on the tunes that I loved in my 20's. Here we go:   My 20's in Music   1.) (2006, Age 20)  2.) (2006, Age 20)  3.) (2006, Age 20)  4.) (2006, Age 20)  5.) (2007, Age 21)  6.) " (2007, Age 21)  7) (2007, Age 21)  8.) (2007, Age 21)  9.) (2007, Age 21)  10.) (2007, Age 21)  11.) " (2008, Age 22)  12.) (2008, Age 22)  13,) "



The New Book, Part 15

Finished Chapter 15 last night. Good thing I have a great selection of music to listen to because on Tuesday and Wednesday this chapter was difficult to write. Two suicide episodes were just a bit tragic and tough to put down. Then, there was the end to write, which ultimately turned into a surprise, happy event. Nothing like death and sex to get things bubbly.   Did a bit of Excel boo-boos on reporting the results of the last chapter. The total word count now equals 97,354 and the projected 2



Brandon Bitner

For me, story research on the Internet often invokes whisperings and promptings from those in spirit. This sweet soul led me to his story. His final wish was that his story be told so that others could avoid his fate by stopping the cruel torment of bullies.   I encourage you to explore the world of Brandon Bitner, a beautiful child who fled from this world to escape his tormentors. Share his story if you are so inclined. He will love that you would do this for him and his memory.   http://w



2015 Winter Anthology: Blackout * Now Live *

It's hard to believe that the year is almost over! With the end of the year comes our final 2015 Anthology. The theme for the Winter Anthology was Blackout, and ten authors took the challenge. There are some different takes to the stories and we hope that you enjoy them. Don't forget, if you enjoy a story, leave the author a little note (via review) to let them know how much you appreciate their work! To get you started, here's a brief snippet of each entry. Happy reading everyone!    

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Looking For Beta Readers

Hello Everyone!   I recently joined Gay Authors so I could start sharing "The Persephone Chronicles: The Icarus Protocol", a novel I've been working on for some time now.   I'm looking for a Beta Reader and I decided to open the invitation to anyone who wants to join me in this adventure.   Thanks and greetings from Mexico

Roberto Zuniga

Roberto Zuniga

Ask An Author

Typically, this would have been posted last week, but better late than never. For those who don't already know, Dark provides us with the Ask An Author feature. Members send in their questions for authors and Dark goes about getting the answer and then compiles those into this wonderful feature. Don't forget, if you have a question for an author, but don't want to ask it, send it to Dark!   Ask an Author #34   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorit

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

The New Book, Part 14

Okay!   Need a new character?   Well, create one. Give him a trade, a living situation, a tragic event, rejection, and finally, the chance for love.   Chapter 14 came in at almost 7,000 words, on track to exceed 100,000 words in 20 chapters. But, maybe, I’ll just stop when I hit 100,000.   At this point, there is only one, maybe, two characters that are coming to the commune. Definitely one. Haven’t decided on the other.   Chapter 15 will deal with suicide and possibly a wedding (or, m



The Nordia Incident: Is Live!

Few people in the Alliance had ever heard of the Nordia system but it's name has been spoken more and more often.   The systems third planet had been undergoing terraforming and will soon be open to colonization.   Suddenly a stricken ship arrives there igniting controversy and political strife.   The TransStellar Corporations spin machines and political apparatus goes into damage control mode.   Conspiracy theories are rife.   What really happened there?   Find out soon here!



C S R Feature: Holiday Short Stories

The holidays can be hectic, crazy, wonderful times! I figured, why not show that off with a variety of short stories, from 1,852 words to 36,353 words. You may have read them before, or they might be new to you, but this is your chance to get into the spirit of the season through some great stories. Enjoy them now, and be ready for the Discussion day on Monday, December 28th. The authors have all agreed to pop in and respond to your questions and comments.   Katie's Sketchbook by AC Benus Leng


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

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