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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Anthology - Creature Feature - Guidelines

    By Valkyrie

    I'm super excited about this year's theme!  There are so many possibilities.... Do I go with a cute fluffy kitty?  Or maybe a fire-breathing dragon?  Or an army of Norse penguins fighting Canadian otters?   It's a good thing there's a lot of time before the deadline, although with my prowess at procrastinating, I probably won't start till the week it's due   The guidelines for this year's anthology are posted below.  So now that we know the theme and the parameters... start writing!  
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Anthology Special Review: Nature's Wrath

The Anthology Review   Did you miss the posting of the fall anthology? Maybe you saw it but were wondering: Exactly what is an anthology and why should I read it? Anthologies have themes, and contributions have to be self-contained short stories that incorporate that theme in some aspect. This is a chance for authors to be inspired to write something new, especially if they’re struggling with their current project, just need a break, or are trying out writing for the first time. The anthol

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

It's All About Attitude

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thy .45 and thy ka-bar they comfort me. For I am one of Uncle Sam’s misguided children and I am the worse thing out here on this dark cold night.  



Weekly Wrap Up (Nov 6 - Nov 12)

It's that time of the week again! In case you missed any of what's been going on this week, never fear, because we'll take a quick peek at everything that we looked at from Monday on. Are you worried you might have missed a story update from one of your favorite authors? We'll help you out there too with the story updates from all of GA's promoted authors. I'm not going to go in any particular order this week, because I want to start out with Thursday's post.   In case you missed it, the 2016

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Being Fixed - More Issues

Sooooo, went for my pre-op appointment on Thursday. Nurse is concened about my blood pressure. "You need to see your GP, Mr. Landon." Really?   "This likely won't stop your surgery but you need to go." Okay.   So I go home and make an appointment for Friday morning.   Friday. Yes, it's still high, but not as bad as I was at the hospital. "I'd like to get you started on meds, Tim, but you were a walk-in patient and we don't have any history. I need to do some tests before I can do any



2016 Fall Anthology: Blindsided / The Forgotten ~ Now Live

Hope everyone is ready for some new stories and poems! We had a great turnout for this anthology, and we have 17 new stories/poems for you to enjoy. If you checked out the "Double Check" post, you already know which authors and stories we have for you, but don't worry, I'll include them here as well! Before we get to that, we have a couple of things to take care of.   In order to encourage authors to participate in the anthologies, we came up with some author incentives. All authors who partic

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Just Some Thoughts On The Election Results . . .

If all goes according to the Constitution, Donald Trump will become the 45th President of these the Divided States of America on Friday, January 20, 2017.   I suppose by the following Monday the order will go out to either the Army Corps of Engineers or some other government entity to begin construction on the Great Wall of America. When we threaten to bomb major cities in Mexico for not being forthcoming with the funds to cover the project is open to speculation because how else will we make



Grace In The Face Of Defeat

Carlos --   Thank you.   Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans.   This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for, and I’m sorry we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country.   But I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign that we built together –- this vast, diverse, creative, unrul

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday

Thank Goodness Its Over

I hated this election cycle. I couldn't get behind either candidate.   Trump didn't thrill me for lot's of reasons. I don't like populists because they tell you what you want to hear then they do what they want.   Clinton didn't thrill me. The wikileaks stuff and the Veritas videos were enough to make anybody think twice.   So I went with my libertarian roots.     I've finally found a theme song for this election.     Just remember- what YOU do is a lot more important for your



Election Is Over, Now Back To Writing And I'll Offer You A Ray Of Hope

Well, it might be early, but with the tallies as it looks, Donald Trump is going to be our 45th President.   I don't like either candidate, but I do hope the Mexican deportation was hyperbole along with the trade bans and departing NAFTA/NATO/UN were also just campaigning. I am a Republican, but I don't support those positions.   Now let me introduce the Prologue of Book 2: 0's and 1's   https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/0sand1sbk2-webofconceit   I wrote it several months ago, thinkin



Utterly Disgusted Right Now

So over 40 million people decided to hand over control of the country to a racist, homophobic, sexist xenophobe who starred on a realty show.   I fucking blame the DNC for failing to connect Hilary with the voters.   Just disgusted. Completely and totally disgusted. I think I'm done with caring about politics. May God help us through these next four years. Or actually, may god help Trump when the working class straight white males who voted for him realize that he isn't actually going to bri



Health Issue 2016

This story begins almost a week ago on Tuesday, 11/1/2016.   I went online to order a refill of Novalog for my insulin pump. After going thru the process, it tells me that they need to get my doctors permission to renew the script and should be available after two pm Thursday. On Wednesday, I called the Doctors office to talk to her nurse. I wind up leaving a message for her to see if I can get some samples to use while I waited. I knew I wasn't going to have enough to last until the Pharmacy



November C S R Feature: Between The Lines By Comicality

It's hard to believe the year is almost over! Just 2 more CSR's in 2016, and I thought for this month I'd feature the kind of story a lot of the site's readers enjoy, but a very popular author. For the first time as a CSR feature, this month's story is Between the Lines by Comicality (I know, I was shocked I hadn't featured him before!)   Between the Lines by Comicality   Length: 46,928   Description: "College is definitely a great place to revolutionize your life, try new


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 30 - Nov 5)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. If you're someplace that practices daylight savings, don't forget to turn your clocks back an hour. Just a reminder that there are open blog opportunities. If you'd like to see something of yours featured in the blog, then go check out the possibilities in the Blog Feature Opportunities thread. On the same note, if you have an idea for a blog feature, send me a PM and let me know. I can't guarantee it will be feasible, but I'm always looking for ide

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

My Vote Of Conscience As A Honest American Citizen

Well before I return to the Pit tomorrow, I should tell you my vote:   So, here's it is, I voted for ...Gary Johnson. I can't vote for Clinton and I cannot support Donald Trump even in spirit.   Why did I not choose either candidate and instead chose a guy who has been ridiculed for his lack of foreign policy experience?   Reality is, I believe in something beyond just candidates and the current election. Despite all his flaws, Gary Johnson is one thing that neither Clinton or Trump is: He



2016 Fall Anthology: Blindsided / The Forgotten * Double Check *

Hey authors! If you submitted a story to the anthology, please make sure it's listed below. If it's not, PM me! And hey, if you didn't submit a story for the anthology, then here's your chance for a sneak peek at what author's you will see when the anthology goes live. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! Yes, the links for the stories are included, but alas, you'll still have to wait to read em because the stories haven't gone live yet   A Blind Spirit Emi GS   A Gift for Mom Emi GS   An

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Being Fixed

Not that kinda 'fixed'!   The last couple of months have been trying, personally, but things seem to be coming together. Let me tell you self-diagnosis can be a wonderful thing, if you're honest and like to research things.   So after three horribly painful attacks that involved my upper chest front and back, plenty of nausea and some vomiting, Google and I figured I had an issue with my gallbladder.   I put myself on a very low fat diet immediately. No more horrific painful 4 hour bouts i



Writing Prompts #538 & #539

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Hopefully you'll find something in this weeks prompts to spark an idea and get you writing!   Prompt 538 -Creative Tag – First Line “I need to find a way to make this right.” Prompt 539 – Creative Tag – Silence It began last night.

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ask An Author #44

Who's ready for this month's popular feature, Ask An Author. This month is all about Dayne Mora. A quick reminder: Dark can only continue this feature providing they have the content. Dark is running out of questions, and that's where you come in. Don't forget to send questions for your favorite author so that we can keep this feature going!!!!   Ask an Author #44   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #43, we had questions

I Voted For The First Time!

I'm still on cloud 9!   So, earlier this afternoon, I went to cast my vote for the 2016 Election.   For President: From the get-go, I would not be voting for either Trump or Clinton. Trump is a buffoon and too unpredictable and volatile (especially when it comes to international matters) to be our president. Clinton, she has so much baggage with an array of scandals (real or imagined) and she is too much of a warhawk for my liking. In the end, I voted for Jill Stein, because

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

October C S R Discussion: Wolf Like Me By Dayne Mora

Did you find the time to read Dayne Mora's Wolf Like Me? Or re-read it? Because today's the day to share your love! Check out the feature from October 3rd if you need incentive. Otherwise, make sure you don't spoil it for readers who haven't had a chance. If you have something you want to share that might reveal too much, use the spoiler tags. Simply type [spoiler ] and your text then [/spoiler ] without any spaces between the brackets and the words and your text will disappear. Everyone can enj


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

The Ending Through The Hooded Bridge Part 4

Through the Hooded Bridge   Part IV: The Horror in Truth   As a shout out, I want to thanks Kitt again for the marvelous job of editing she did for this story.   Now onto the main event, can you imagine seeing the end of the world in a perfect 3D image from something like an Oculus Rift or a HTC Vive system. Photo-realistic images have been around for a decade and 3D video for at lest 2-3 years in mass consumption, so a 3D video from a drone is not that far off in our future and I recall



Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 23 - Oct 29)

I hope everyone had a great week! Just a reminder that the deadline for the fall anthology has passed. If you had your story proofread and have not uploaded yet, it needs to be done by the end of the day today(Sunday) and the links provided in the forum thread as I need to start getting things prepped for the anthology release. If your story has not been uploaded by then, and the link supplied, your story will not be accepted into the anthology. With that being said, lets take a look at what hap

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Through The Hooded Bridge Part 3

Through the Hooded Bridge   Part 3: The Arcology (aka. Why did all this happen?)   An Arcology is an interesting concept, some of you, like me played SimCity 2000, remember this as the ultimate achievement in the game if you can build a city to the level of creating Arcologies that can house thousands of people with all the necessary elements of industrial, commercial, and even agricultural use combined together in one structure.   I am also introducing the Triumvirs: Edwin, an elderly ga



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