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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
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Weekly Wrap Up!

Hope everyone has had a great weekend so far! Just a reminder that the Secret Santa Christmas Story Contest deadline is on the 15th. Let's get right into this week's wrap up! This is going to be quick, since I'm watching a 2 year old and worried he's going to wake up, lol.   On Monday, we had the discussion day for Lilansui's story "A Rescued Life".   Wednesday we announced our newest Promising Author, Headstall. If you haven't already done so, go congratulate him!   Friday, we had two ne

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

The New Book, Parts 11, 12, And 13

As has oft' been said, “The best laid plans of mice and men . . .”   Well, I had plans for Chapters 11, 12, and 13, but things went awry. As often happens with my writing, the characters generally lead the story. So, in this case, Chapters 11, 12, and 13 cover the same characters over a four day period and, since they totaled over 20,000 words, there was only one thing to do, break it into three pieces.   As I had it planned two protagonists meet on the first day at a university when they we



Cbdt Chapter 8: Wtf Did Wl Do?

https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/0sand1scbdt   Why did I do that to my Characters? Why did I open an old Can of Worms?   I am person, who can see the worst in human nature and its best. I am not a LGBT crusader or activist, but I am a conscientious man. What is stopping Christian Fundamentalists in Africa from Aligning with radical groups in the US? How many Christian Clinics for HIV are there in Africa open freely in repressive Anti-gay nations like Nigeria with Death Sentences for Homo



Writing Prompts #464 & #465 & Poetry #16

Finally, the end of the week and time for a couple of new prompts to inspire you. I hope everyone got in their Anthology entries, as the deadline was yesterday and it is now closed to new entries. If you had thought about doing an anthology, but wasn't able to, maybe you have a holiday themed story for the Secret Santa Christmas Contest. The deadline for that is December 15th. There are some great prizes for the top three stories, just make sure to read the rules thoroughly. Now, let's see what

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Welcome To December

Just wanted people to know I am alive. My computer died and while saving to get another have had a few issues.   While I did do a story for the anthology I just have no way to type it up and get it done. This will be the first anthology since I joined that I haven't done. When I get my computer I will do it anyway.   For those who haven't gotten a Christmas card, I'm sorry. Most of my addresses were saved on my computer and when it died so did my list. I am hoping to get things together but



G A's Newest Promising Author: Headstall

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Headstall as GA's newest promoted author! Headstall joined the site in April of 2014 and only started writing earlier this year. Headstall has become a favorite of many on site. Not just for his ongoing serial story, Cards On The Table, but for his reviewing of many stories on site. Headstall writes both fiction and poetry and we look forward to seeing what other stories he brings to the site! Check out his work.

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

C S R Discussion Day: A Rescued Life By Lilansui

Did you have a chance to read Lilansui's A Rescued Life for our November CSR Featured story? We had a lot of time, so I hope readers enjoyed the 50k tale. If not, well maybe this interview and the reader comments below will help motivate you to check it out. Make sure you leave your comments and review for Lilansui, who promises to pop in throughout the day/night as possible.   Single people often have more time to write. Are you single? Yes, I’m single. . It is a source of stress sometimes, b


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

The New Book, Part 10

Chapter 10 is in the bag with 6,902 words. Two days, 6,902 words, just a bit too much. I watched an interview quite a while ago of an author who only wrote no more than 1,500 words a day. I’m definitely exceeding that rule, but as I’ve said before, this is a good story with a good set of characters who work well together, sometimes. Chapter 10 is one of those heartwarming stories. This book has a lot of those.   Coming up, Chapter 11 will concern a young girl who leaves her boyfriend and goes



Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend, and for those who celebrated, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Before we get into the wrap up, I'd like to remind everyone once again that the Winter Anthology is just around the corner. If you have a story that you plan to submit, the deadline is coming up fast. I hope to see even more stories come in over the next few days. Now, lets see what happened this past week.   For our Monday featured story, we had a review from LitLover of JohnAR's st

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Cbdt Chapter 7

https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/0sand1scbdt/8   New developments and new characters, I love exploring the world, but the biggest piece of understanding is subtle interactions. Benji is tasked with subtly enabling detection without revealing how much he knows and with a clear target.   On a side note, during federal Implementation of Health Information Technology standards at my former employer, a Medical Center, we actually did hire outside consultants to test the database. Here's the k



The New Book, Part 9

Chapter 9 is in the can at nearly 6,500 words. As luck would have it, Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 are now connected as Part 1 and 2 of the same story with a set of antagonists that in many ways are worse than the established antagonists on the ship. They are a group that is so evil they will go to any possible extent to eliminate those who they consider defective or a threat to their existence. Yes, I play the hate card, again.   If this book goes to twenty chapters it’s on course to come in at ov



Circle Of Life: Lion Guard Review (Non-Lgbt Show)

Before I do a write up for CBDT, I want to have some fun and do a review of a kid show that I caught by accident.   Caught the tail end of Lion Guard earlier this week, then found it on demand for free on my Digital Cable.   For those who do not watch Kid shows for nostalgia (How many of these shows are actually throwbacks to our generation's childhood, Millennials Rule! ) Lion Guard is the new Disney animated spin-off to Lion King movies.   Yes, you can enjoy the show without being a kid



Writing Prompts Poetry Second Chance

First, a reminder that the deadline for the Winter Anthology is coming up quickly. We've gotten a few entries, but there is always room for more. Now for the prompts. I thought this week it might be a great idea to look at some of the first poetry prompts that AC Benus has been providing in the forums. If you haven't already checked them out, then now's your chance. All of the linked titles will take you to the lessons and instructions for each kind of poetry prompt. Have fun!   Poetry Prompt

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

First Things First

Uh ok i am trying.....i need to express myself got it...do i hav to? yes cause someone forced me to be here to write this ..... Last night i was thinking about this...i have to write something here...but what? i am terrible at deadlines so here i am.Am i talking to myself here? I was told i can write anything i want to....but its really hard when i am not used to express myself correctly or accurately.Be myself...its easier said then done.I am not an author...but i love to read stories here.It



What's Up

I know I've been a little quiet the last few weeks, and I wanted to address it with everyone - along with some thanks. I do appreciate your patience and kind words.   With respect to serial stories: I will try to post Friday. If I cannot, there should be a large Sunday post. Due to travel on Thanksgiving, I will not be posting on Thursday.   Sanitaria Springs: The next story up is 'Isn't it Bromantic? by Ryan Bartlet. Many of these stories were written out of order, and then we would post th



Putting It Together...

So hey! I thought it'd be a good idea to write a post here, which i'm going to try to do every month from now on, just so that I feel a bit more motivated to do stuff lol   So first, I started a new job in September which I actually forgot to blog about lol I'm an elementary school cover teacher, 3 days a week I cover all the years from Year 1-6, and I spend a morning or afternoon with them when their class teachers are doing their lesson plans and marking etc. Giving teachers 3 hours to p

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Author Promo: Carlos Hazday

It's time to start our new blog feature: Author Promos! Authors were allowed to choose up to three of their stories to be promoted in the blog. For each story, they had the same three questions to answer. For our debut blog entry, we're bringing you Carlos Hazday with his stories Melvin Ford, Children of the Dust, and Happy New Year. Enjoy!   Carlos Hazday Author 16 stories * 777 reviews * 287,170 total words   Melvyn Ford   Description: A 1929 Ford Model A Tudor is

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

The New Book, Part 8

Well, Chapter 8 is now in the folder. It needs a few revisions and proofs, but it’s fairly well established as it is. Unfortunately, it came in at over 7,000 words. But, I can’t see any way to stretch it out to 10,000 so I could split it in two. So, I guess I’ll just have to live with a long chapter.   One thing about this chapter, though, there is a storyline that can be established for a future chapter. I could’ve done it now, but it would be better to do it later because of the nature of an



Featured Story: Metashadowlands

It's a new week and it's time to take a look at one of the many stories that are posted for your enjoyment on Gay Authors. Today, Liltlover has provided us with a review of MetaShadowlands. Enjoy.   MetaShadowlands by JohnAR Author   Reviewer: Litlover Status: Complete Word Count: 102,329   MetaShadowlands is the third book of the MetaWolf series by JohnAR. Most readers will attest to the fact that the Meta series is a series unlike any others you have probably read.

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend so far, maybe even found some time to write. Just as a reminder, we have two great events coming up within the next month. If you're writing a Christmas story, maybe think about entering it in the 2015 Secret Santa Contest. If you're not writing a holiday story, there's still time to participate in Blackout, the 2015 Winter Anthology. Now, lets recap what happened in the blog this past week!   Monday we featured a story I personally love, Confounded by A

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Chapter 6 Cbdt

https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/0sand1scbdt/7   Well that was a fun chapter. I know some people will expect explosions and gun battles (Those will happen later), but most data-based investigations are inconclusive until you can find common threads or links. Despite the advances in technology, deductive reasoning as seen on CSI, NCIS, or Criminal Minds based on hard evidence alone is not enough.   I am introducing a genre concept for GA writers and readers, Abductive Reasoning. Detective



Writing Prompts #462 & #463

Well, it's Friday again and since Comicfan is without a computer right now, and I'm out of prompts, I guess I'm just going to have to wing it. Since Thanksgiving is next week, I decided to do one prompt using it and one not (sorta). Hopefully you enjoy these prompts and if you do, don't forget to share it in the prompt forum.   Prompt #462 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in your prompt: Thanksgiving, turkey, dog, cornucopia, pilgrim   Prompt #463 - Creative Tag - Noisy

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

The New Book, Part 7

Well, must have been feeling real good today. Wrote and finished the first draft of Chapter 7 all in one day, just over 6,000 words. Of course, it had the protagonist from Chapter 1, so it went rather well. He’s a good character that just has a little trouble with life at the present time. Though, he’s young right now and has a long way to adulthood. Can you imagine being 12, while actually being 173 years-old? This guy has 257 years to live until he’ll be 18 and an adult. My only problem with h



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