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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
    • 1 comment

Cbdt Chapter 4

https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/0sand1scbdt/5   How are secrets kept in the real world? The answer from WL, they're not. The modern world is so stuffed with information outlets from 24 hour TV News, streaming videos of private citizens, blog entries like this, and even old fashioned paper mediums. However, secrets can be compartmentalized, each piece revealed and opened up as needed to achieve a certain goal. If I were running the CIA, it would be the most logical way to keep secrecy in a



Writing Prompts #458 & #459

Happy Prompt Day!!! Otherwise known as Friday. I hope everyone has had a great week and are getting geared up for the weekend. Have you ever tackled one of the prompts provided by Comicfan? If not, what better time is there than now? Each week, Comicfan provides two brand new prompts to help get the ideas flowing. Don't forget to share your prompt responses in the forum and if you're posting in GA Stories, remember that all stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Now, l

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

The New Book, Part 3

Two days, 5,313 words, and Chapter 3 is over. Ended with new found love and a marriage. Oooh, so mushy-mushy.   Total word count thru 3 chapters is 16,110.   As I’ve said before, this is going just swimmingly.   If I could get some sleep this could go even better.   Chapter 4 starts out with Sister Angelina of the chromed rod and wooden ruler. Sounds absolutely peachy! Though, there will be a happy surprise.   Originally thought to use Sister Angelica as the evil nun, but I Googled tha



The New Book, Part 2

Well, actually, it’s going swimmingly.   Yesterday I worked on Chapter 3, section 2, and it went better than expected. It just didn’t seem to want to end. It’s mostly dialogue. It’s a party, a barbecue, steaks. There’s a problem on the commune that needs to be solved and the initial six partiers are trying to come to terms with their new situation. Then four new characters show up, which causes just a bit of consternation for the first six.   In the end, there were over 1,800 words. Just whe



Ask An Author #33

I can't believe it's already November! The great thing about it being the start of a new month, is it's time for a new Ask An Author feature and this one is a Special Edition! For those who don't know, Ask An Author is when members send their questions for their favorite authors to Dark and they ask the questions. So remember, if you have a question you want to ask, but don't want to do the asking, send it to Dark!   Ask an Author #33   Welcome back to another quirky question and answe

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Why Do I Feel So Bad....

Today I was having a conversation with a co-worker who work in Minneapolis (about 4 hours away). She started talking all dark and about how she didn't want to live anymore and how she was done with our team and the company we work for.   I got really scared for her and went to my local HR person and talked with her and shared the text messages that were traded. I landed up talking to her HR counter part in MPLS and provided her the documentation plus some other things my friend had told me.  



The Book And Life

This morning I finished Chapter 2 of the new book. Remarkably, it has an ending slightly similar to Chapter 1, though without the mushy-mushy part.   Right now, the plan is to have a number of characters solo in their first chapter; then come together and separate (or stay together) in subsequent chapters. The bot situation on Hercules III is a little different than the previous book, which has a lot to do with how they have an impact on human life.   One aspect of the new order is the diffe



The Amazing And Wonderful Famous-Barr

The Amazing and Wonderful Famous-Barr   As I begin posting my series of Christmas short stories and novellas set in this department store, I am struck by how paltry and sad the Wikipedia entry is for this amazing company. In an effort to improve that article, I have created this short summary, which I hope to tweak and eventually add to wiki.   My information comes from first-hand sources, primarily documents made by the company, such as employee newsletters and handbooks, an

AC Benus

AC Benus

C S R Feature: A Rescued Life By Lilansui

Who else thinks this is a good month to curl up with a story and a hot/cold beverage? I do, I do!! This story has been called beautiful, fabulous, and wonderful, so I thought it could use some feature time. Check out this month's featured story, read it, then be ready to come back and share your thoughts on the discussion day at the end of the month!   A Rescued Life by Lilansui   Length: 53,313   Description: Stabbed and left for dead, Toshiro Shindo is at the end of the


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up!

So have you woken up today with a candy hangover? Or worse, for those of age, a real hangover from partying too much? Well time to pack away the ghosts, goblins, ghouls, and drama queens (like that will happen ).   We had a little different week here at the GA news blog for this most festive weeks of the year.   Monday saw our monthly CSR Discussion Day. This month we not only had 1, not 2, but 3 stories, hahahaha (done in my best Count voice). Three stories were up for the month to be read


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

His Casual Acquaintance- A Halloween Story

Awhile back, a fellow GA member told me the story of a party buddy he used to have, and a curiosity surrounding him late one summer that still gives him chills to this day. Here's the story:   His Casual Acquaintance   When Greg was in his teens, he went to high school in the South. It was the early 1970's, and his hair was long- all the way to the back. Back then, having long hair meant that you smoked pot. At least the old folks thought you did, anyway. It was a sign that you weren't willi



0's And 1's: Cbdt Chapter 3 Lives

https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/0sand1scbdt/4   I hope sincerely that people, who thought I only dabble in writing are now seeing that I am laying groundwork in an expansive story. I want to write a story that does not just sit in one place and tells a story from one perspective. I want my characters to be smart, but ignorant of certain facts at different times.   In this chapter Hunter wakes up from a wild night of drinking and partying, he doesn't know where he wakes up and when he fi



Writing Prompts Second Chance #270 & #271

Hi Everyone   Turns out that I'm helping out in a pinch with this weeks Prompt Me! blog entry. Our prompt guru Wayne, aka Comicfan, and Renee are shall we say 'indisposed' for now.   Since I'm not an expert here, I thought I would copy a Prompt Me! that was originally posted on October 17, 2013 by Comicfan. I thought why not give this another go to share your Spooktacular writing skills with all!   Prompt 270 – Creative Tag – First Line “Because, I’m leaving you.”   Prompt 271 – Creati


wildone in Prompts

My First - And Perhaps Last - Blog

How to write a blog? I've no idea, since this is my first try. I've looked at a few blogs written by other GA members, and I don't think I could come up with anything remotely resembling the interesting, funny or cool entries of other people. In any case I don't have much to say, and I certainly don't expect anyone to pay a lot of attention. Except my GA friends who're kind, supportive and wonderful. You know who you are. My main reason for creating a blog and making an entry is to compi

Timothy M.

Timothy M. in Member

Withdrawing The Anchor

My heart was broken yesterday.   Does that sound a tad cliche?   Perhaps it is, but not to me,   For now my love will never be.   But in the silence of the night,   I contemplate my common plight,   And now, quite plainly, I can see,   That in the breaking, I am free.   Yesterday, I learned something about a friend of mine. She is in love with someone; a person whom I do not know, but who has been in her life for some time. There was



The New Novella Or More

I’m still riding the high wave of mania. That’s okay if one can channel the extra energy into some purposeful task. I finished the first draft of Chapter 1 of the new book yesterday morning. I’ll need a week or so to give it a number good reads looking for those errors that hide from your eyes. Having had a number of different keyboarding jobs in the past (word processing and typesetting), it’s not surprising that their are always a number of works that come out rong. Primarily this will be sort



Cbdt Characters: Hunter Douglas

Just like DVD commentaries, you guys get to hear me talk about the characters and what went into their development.   Hunter was the 2nd Character I created for this story (The first character is going to show up in chapter 3).   He's my ideal of what the future of LGBT movement will evolve into; he is a cross between Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Leonardo Da Vinci.   Imagine if one day, a gay teenager invents a massively popular App, then he uses his success and keeps inventing until h



Shrink Time And An Introduction To Iterations

I went to the shrink last week. I wanted to discuss the problems I was having with getting and staying asleep. It seems the VA hospital in Seattle came up an instruction booklet for older adults to acquire proper sleep habits. Starting off with going to be at the same time every night then getting up at the same time the following morning.   Since my son turns the TV off at 1:30 a.m., that is my scheduled bedtime; 9:30 is the time I’m supposed to get up. The TV is distracting so it delays the



Conversion Therapies

I just wanted to share this with you all. My mom subscribes for a weekly magazine I generally steal away for a couple of hours it to read about the sex Q/A. You know, the kind of one where couples send questions to a sexologist and he/she answers them. You can just call it a guilty pleasure or a pet peeve or whatever. I find it entertaining to read about the kind of problems straight couples face regarding sex This week I read something that made me think now that's rare ....okay the que

Victor Gutte

Victor Gutte

C S R Discussion Day: Halloween Short Stories

'Tis the witching week! Perfect timing to talk about the three short stories we featured this month by GA authors, Gee Whillickers, Cynus, and Bill W. Did you make time to read them? They're only about 5k each, so if you haven't, check out the announcement blog post with links to each one. If you did, now's the time to add your comments and reviews! First, of course, I have a great interview with each author to share.   Cynus:   What’s your favorite Halloween memory or tradition?   This me


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

My Halloween Loop 2015

Last night, I went on the Halloween Loop, which is something that Wilmington puts on every year as a way to entertain their residents and the people of the suburbs and making Wilmington a happening night spot, at least for that particular night. Anyway, dressed as a cowboy, I went to many different bars- Chelsea Tavern, Extreme Pizza, Shenaniganz, Firestone Roasting House, Kelly's Logan House, Satsuma Kitchen, Scratch Magoo's, and finally ended up at Rooney's/The Trolley Square Tap Room. It was



The Last Word

The Last Word   sometimes a song says more than a heartbeat, sometimes a glance through a windshield shows the longest goodbyes – but mostly it's the words in our hearts and the view in our mind that says it best those I love yous speak the loudest over time.

AC Benus

AC Benus

Weekly Wrap Up!

It's hard to believe that it's almost November! This year has flown by so quickly and we're once again at the end of the week. I hope everyone has had a good weekend and now it's time to look back over the week. Before I do that, just a reminder that tomorrow is the CSR Discussion for the Halloween short stories. Speaking of Halloween, keep an eye out for a special Halloween post this coming Wednesday.   Monday brought us a review from Timothy M. of carringtonrj's story Presence. Based on the

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

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