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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
    • 1 comment

The New Book, Part 7

Well, must have been feeling real good today. Wrote and finished the first draft of Chapter 7 all in one day, just over 6,000 words. Of course, it had the protagonist from Chapter 1, so it went rather well. He’s a good character that just has a little trouble with life at the present time. Though, he’s young right now and has a long way to adulthood. Can you imagine being 12, while actually being 173 years-old? This guy has 257 years to live until he’ll be 18 and an adult. My only problem with h



What Is The State Of Us Racial Relations?

Before the Paris attacks, before our minds and hearts were set ablaze with images of terrorism, the biggest news in the US was 21st Century Racial tensions. I made a thread in the Pit to ask a simple question:   I am not doing this to gain attention, not to start an argument or another protest, but I want to know the truth. I am a minority Asian Citizen of the US as well, but I don't understand the racial tension from an African American point of view.   There are other things I can talk a



The Class Of 1995 #throwbackthursday

I've been going through the 1995 Newark High School yearbook to find pictures that I can post to my museum's Facebook, and I found this wonderful photo from the class of 1995: I get such a kick out of going through the old yearbook photos...seeing how people looked, how they dressed, and getting a feel for the era and the area. Checking out all those baggy mid-90's clothes was pretty funny. (I tried going through an '03 yearbook to see if the clothes started to look funny to me yet, but they do



Writing Tip: Grammar Rodeo #7

The hardest part of self-editing is knowing when you're doing something wrong if you don't actually know you're doing something wrong. You might have an inkling and check a reputable source and figure out how to fix your sentence or story, but, other times, you might think you know what you're doing yet still get it wrong. But sometimes we're taught wrong. I think many older authors will recognize these grammar don't rules that are really grammar do rules!   Grammar Myths We All Know Wrong

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

The New Book, Part 6B

Finally finished Chapter 6 today. It’s a long one, over 6,700 words, but I think that was the only way to completely tell the story of a new character who goes from a horrific life to one peace, but full of questions. Sorry about being so vague, but, you know, that’s just the way it goes.   The next set of chapters will move up in time allowing each character to come to terms with their existence on Hercules III. The future still looks a bit vague, though. I know where I want to go, but I’m no



Featured Story: Confounded

It's time to take a look at another story. This week, Timothy M has provided us with a review of Confounded by Andr0gene. This is actually one of my favorite stories by Andr0gene and I've re-read it a few times. I hope that you enjoy it as much as Timothy and I did.   Confounded by Andr0gene Promising Author   Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Complete Word Count: 24,632   What happens when a self-confident, possessive but caring man with a huge capacity for lov

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

First Entry. Yet No Words...

#fluctuatnecmergitur #prayforparis #prayforbeirut #prayforbaghdad #prayfortheworld #paris #parisattacks #blue #white #red #light #theatre le #manège #architecture #pierrehebbelinck #archi #urban #city #ville #town #glass #concrete #steel #window #bluestone #pretty #sky #mons #belgium From Instagram: @remypbourgi   ... First entry. Yet no words.

Pierre Ghislain

Pierre Ghislain

Weekly Wrap Up!

We're going to get right into the wrap up this week, starting with a reminder. The winter anthology deadline is coming up quick and we've only had a couple of entries so far. If you want to participate in the anthology, you need to have your stories to the Anthology Proof Team by December 3rd. Hope to see lots more entries come in! Now, let's see what happened in the GA news blog this past week.   This week was our Signature Author week and we started it out by featuring CJames with our new Si

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

In Need Of An Ear? Lol

Anyone up for an embarassing confession? I need advice on something. Not sure who I can confide in. Friends? Can't tell some of them and the ones I can stop replying lol. Definitely not family lol. PM me if you're curious or have the feeling to laugh at someone lol



The New Book, Part 6A

Chapter 6 is going a bit slower than the first 5 chapters, but I took Wednesday off. Hey, I’m a vet, disabled vet, too; not bragging, just saying. Frankly, I was drunk for most of the 7 years I was in the Air Force. That kind of thing tends to happen when you’re the child of alcoholics; not bragging, just saying. Also, the lack of sleep finally caught up with me. I’ve been averaging 6 hours of sleep and, now, in the last three days have had to take an hour nap in the afternoon (prime writing tim



Cbdt Chapter 5

https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/0sand1scbdt/6   Before I talk about this chapter, I want to say that my heart is with France, Mon coeur est avec la France.   This chapter is oddly poignant for today. Kevin is the voice of reason in a unreasonable world; he is shocked to learn how far people are willing to go to win an ideological victory. I wrote this chapter a month and half ago and sent it over to Kitt back in September, just pondering on the notion of Terrorism and ideological motiva



Writing Prompts #460 & #461

Have you started working on your Secret Santa Short Story contest entry? If you haven't, and are still trying to come up with ideas for it, maybe one of today's prompts will jump start something for you. Also, another reminder, if you want to participate in the Winter Anthology, the deadline to have your story to the proof team is December 3rd. Now, let's see what prompts we have for today, shall we?   Prompt 460 - Creative Tag – First Line “Who invited you?”   Prompt 461 – Creative Tag – Th

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

A Rescued Life On Ga's Csr

Lady Luck is smiling, and A Rescued Life is featured on GA's CSR Feature. I'm excited!! Do read, and on November 30th, let's meet on GA's Blog. I will spend my time over on GA's CSR blog reading what everyone thinks of this story, and won't mind having a chat about everything and nothing, and all...candid and epic conversations all accepted. See you then!



November Signature Excerpt: Circumnavigation By C James

This month we're featuring CJames' Circumnavigation with a whole new style of Signature features. Monday you probably saw the current ad banner running in Stories, as well as a signature banner fans can use to show their appreciation of his story. If you haven't, go check it out now and download your copy! We also featured several reviews of the story to whet your interest, if you haven't read the story. Now, usually authors will get to choose the excerpt we share on this feature post, the goat


Cia in Signature Feature

The New Book, Part 5B

Well, finished Chapter 5 tonight. Another quick one. Two days, 5,621 words. At this rate, the book looks like it’ll come in at over 100,000 words; good size for an amateur writer.   Tomorrow, I’ll start Chapter 6, introduce a new character, and move from an agricultural scene to another urban story. Chapter 4 was sort of an urban story, but there was no clear indication where exactly it lay. I suppose it could have been in a small town, but that never came into play.   As I see the book prog



Giveaway For My Story 'bear Hunter'!

Goodreads is hosting a giveaway of my book Bear Hunter in case you'd like a free copy in exchange for an honest review https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/17600493-live-bear-hunter-by-albert-nothlit---dbml-213   Here's the blurb!   Bear Hunter Sven is on the run. He escaped to Alaska trying to get away, but the cops are still on his trail. Desperate, he kidnaps Matt and hides in his house. He has to keep Matt tied up, and Sven is surprised and turned on at the fact that he refuses to be in



Writing Update

It's been a while since I've posted anything, so I wanted to give an update regarding my writing. I had a long bout of writer's block, which finally seems to be over. I've had a lot of ideas lately, which is a good thing. Now I just hope I'll be able to write them all! I have three ideas for upcoming anthologies - one of which has been written and beta read. I've started a second anthology story and have jotted down some notes for a third. I have an idea for the holiday story contest, whic



Update: I'm Still Alive

Hey there!   It's been a while since I last updated and talked to anyone here. Well, a lot has been going on, especially in school. I barely have time to do anything, so yeah, long story short, I've been very busy recently.   BUT, I'm currently on holiday now for the whole week. So, I may be around here chatting or doing more updates or replying messages that I've neglected (I'm so sorry for that). Keep a look out for me lol



November Signature Feature: Circumnavigation By C James

This month we begin a brand new feature to promote our Signature Authors. Instead of the computer background each month, we're going to promote the featured Signature author's story with an ad banner that will run in Stories. I'm also adding a banner that works for personal signatures on the site for the authors and their fans to use to help promote their feature! This month, we start off with C James!     Length: 1,082,090   Description: Trevor, through little fault of his own, fi


Cia in Signature Feature

The New Book, Part R.1

Revision day on the book. Chapters 1 through 4 received major proofreading, correctioning, and a bit of revising. Major revision was the title of the book. It started out to be GMMOs because at the time I came up with it there was real meaning to the letters, but now I can't remember what the second M is supposed to be, so the book is now titled The GMOs. I'm sure everyone knows what that means.   I admit it, I have a problem with tenses. Went through Chapters 1, 2, and 3 looking for 'ings' th



Weekly Wrap Up!

Oops! It seems like last night I was a bit spacey and forgot to do the weekly wrap up before I went to bed. Guess it's better late than never, right? Even though it's not in the blog directly, in this weeks wrap up, I want to include the opportunity for promotional posts. For more information on this opportunity, check out this post: Authors: New Blog Promo Opportunities!   On Monday, Cia posted the newest CSR introduction to the CSR Book Club. This month, it looks like we'll be reading A Resc

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

The New Book, Part 4B, And 5

I’ve decided to end Chapter 4 at 4,064 words. I’m sure there will be more with revision, but there just doesn’t seem to be anywhere to go further than when two 11 year-old girls admit not to have feelings toward each other. You just can’t go any further. It’s an important point in life. You have to stop a chapter somewhere and those two came to an end. Well, not totally. They have a full life ahead of them, if the bots or the hazards of living don’t get them first. They will be back in future ch



The New Book, Part 4A

What a day!   The neighbor’s Weimaraner got out of its run, again, and was terrorizing the neighborhood. It’s basically a very nice dog, but just a little timid and, of course, dumb as a door nail, but it’ll crap in the most inconvenient place, like our front yard.   Rambo was having a total fit whenever he caught sight of the other dog. For two long hours, Rambo ran from one window to the next trying to see where the dog had gotten to, twice knocking over his water bowl. He got so foamy at



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