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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
    • 1 comment

My New Life

I almost called the VA hospital emergency room today, but my son talked me out of it because he definitely wasn't in any mood to take me down to Seattle. I just wanted to talk to the on-call psychiatrist about how I've been feeling. You know, just talk to someone. If I feel bad again tomorrow morning, I will call, just to talk if he/she will go along with it. I'm not bad enough to call the suicide hot line, but sometimes I need to talk to someone and there's only so much Rambo is willing to list



Snowed In Thoughts & The State Of Me In 2016

So, I'm stuck in this blizzard hitting the East Coast right now. I'm alone in the house, as my mother is staying at the nursing home she works at.   I've got some beef stew roasting, thoughts of brownie-making in the future, and a belief that I will likely chase some shots of rum with hard cider while I watch some movies.   Alone with my thoughts, I thought I'd go over where I'm at right now, as a newly-minted 30-nothing, and where I want to be, and the general confusion I still have.   Fi



Avocado Pasta

This is a quick and easy dish suitable for vegans, vegetarians, and days when you just don't feel like eating meat. For two people you need:   2 ripe avocados 2 spring onions 1-2 cloves of garlic a handful of walnuts or pine nuts (or both) the juice of one lemon olive oil salt and pepper pasta of your choice 1. Toast the nuts. You can do this in a pan or in the oven. I recommend oven for walnuts and pan for pine nuts. In the oven: lay out the nuts on an oven

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde


Despite having dulled thought processes probably due to the increased dosage of risperidone, life seems to be getting along. I have noticed it's harder to write. The motivation just doesn't seem to be the same as it was. I've started Chapter 4 of the new Hercules III book, but it's going slow. Chapter 3 was relatively easy, so I can only say that it must be the dulling effects I'm getting from the combination of the increased risperidone acting on the divalproex (mood stabilizer). An increase in



Prompt Me!

Wow, this month just seems to be flying by. Here we are at another Friday, and that means it is once again prompt time. Just remember if you decide to write a story and it is under one thousand words you must make it part of a collection.   I don't want to keep anyone in suspense so here are this week's prompts.   Prompt 474 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – a historic document, a reporter, a lunch bag, a rat, and a rose tattoo.   Prompt 475 – Creative Tag


comicfan in Prompts

Gender Politics In Art Therapy Group

Today a dude in my group presented a painting with a bunch of hearts, meant to represent how sharing in art therapy group had helped him and put him in touch with his emotions and stuff, which, good for him. He prefaces this by saying, 'So, a bunch of hearts... Boys don't really draw hearts, I guess that's a little feminine...' This is the guy who's previously complained about his boss being a woman, said he doesn't think a female therapist can understand a male patient, and made a whole bu

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

A Shallow Recess

I’m going to try and write this without sounding childish, but perhaps that’s unavoidable. I may, in fact, be completely out of line to write this at all, but I feel the need to vent my frustrations.   Over the past two and a half years, I’ve channeled nearly all of my free time into becoming a writer, and learning and striving to become the best one I could possibly be. Obviously that’s a work which will continue until I either die or decide to stop, as I can always improve. One doesn’



Maybe What We Should Do Is Change Your Medications. . . .

Last week the shrink dropped my antidepressant and doubled the dosage of my antipsychotic. And, then, the world as I knew it began to change.   I'm sure I'll eventually get used to the extra mg of risperidone, but right now I've experienced an incredible increase in weight, increased tiredness, decreased libido, and to top off everything else Microsoft ended the 30-day restriction I was experiencing with my account due to attempting to change my password, thereby enabling me to finally use my



Amor Fati

Amor fati, or the death of desire, is a common goal sought after by those that pursue the spiritual path. Desire dissipates the overwhelming, ruthless Will, which should be paramount. The Will of one that serves the Light would achieve what is right and best and good. Desire surrenders control to external entities, transitory and of limited value. This is why desire should die in one who seeks more than the obvious from this life. And so mystics since time began have sought amor fati. For desire



College, My Schedule, And My Future

Today is MLK Jr. Day, so my Spring Term won't start until tomorrow. I just want to outline what my time will be like at school.   Well, I'm not taking that many classes, just 13 credit hours in total. Plus, they are spread over the week: on Monday/Wednesday my classes begin and 8:30 AM and on Tuesday/Thursday at 9:55 AM. And they end at 12:35 PM each day. What about Friday? Well... my college doesn't hold classes that day, so... three day weekend! Of course, these classes I am taking are fa

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

Featured Story: Toy Soldiers

I hope everyone had a great weekend, but now it's time to start off a new week. A great way to start the week is to take a look at a story that can be found on Gay Authors. Today's feature is Toy Soldiers by Dabeagle. Valkyrie was nice enough to provide us with this great review. If you haven't already done so, maybe it will inspire you to take a look. If you do, don't forget to leave Dabeagle some reviews. Enjoy!   Toy Soldiers by Dabeagle Classic   Reviewer: V

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend so far. Now it's time to take a quick look back over what has happened this week. Before we do that, just a quick reminder that the deadline for the Secret Admirer Contest is approaching, so make sure to get your entries in soon! Now, let's see what happened in the blog this week.   To start our week off, Cia brought us the January Signature Feature: Beloved By Don H   To continue Signature Week, we looked at an excerpt of Beloved.   Friday, Comicfa

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt Me!

Well, we're slowly making our way into the year and we already are up to the third Friday of the month. If it is Friday, then it is time for some new prompts. So let me see what I can tempt our writers to create this week. Just a reminder - any story under a thousand words needs to part of a collection.   Prompt 472 – Creative Tag – First Line “When did you expect me to get that done?”   Prompt 473 – Creative Tag – Personal Pet The last thing you expected was a pet from your partner. However


comicfan in Prompts

January Signature Excerpt: Beloved By Don H

This December we're featuring Don H's 600k plus story, Beloved, for our Signature week. This story originally brought me to GA, and it's still ongoing six years later. Are you a fan? If you are, make sure you check out Monday's feature showcasing the new Stories ad as well as a downloadable graphic you can place in your signature to spread the love.   There are many great moments in this story, but back when I used to follow it, this was one of my favorite between the two main characters, Cam


Cia in Signature Feature

I Need Your Help With Something

Hello, everyone!   I'm preparing for a short story competition in a couple weeks, as well as a personal goal I'm setting for myself in February.   The short story competition follows a specific pattern, which I need to practice if I expect to do any good at it, and since the second and third stages of the competition happen in March and April, I intend to practice through all of February.   This year I will be doing something I'm calling "Flash Fiction February". I'm going to write a short



January Signature Feature: Beloved By Don H

Midway through January, and it's time to feature a new ad designed for one of our Signature Authors! This month's author is Don H, and the feature is his still ongoing serial (now over 500k!) story, Beloved. For all of our fans of coming of age stories, this is one of the long-time epics available on GA.         Length: 643,157   Description: Cameron MacKenzie and Kevin Stolz had been best friends and almost brothers their entire life. When a series of bad things happens to their


Cia in Signature Feature

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has been having a wonderful weekend. It's time to take a look back and see what's been happening in the GA News Blog.   On Monday, we had the CSR Announcement. To start out the new year, we've chosen The Life of Seeon by Comicfan. If you haven't already read it, make sure you do so that you can participate in the discussion on January 25th!   On Wednesday, we had this months Ask An Author Feature. This month featured questions to AC Benus, Aditus, and Mark Arbour. Hopefully y

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

The G. M. Os., The End

Well, The G. M. Os. has finally come to an end. 26 chapters, a little over 179,000 words. Quite a project.   Now all that is waiting is the publishing. Chapter 8 went up today. Chapter 9 is out for proofreading.   Frankly, I’m very happy with the story. It was a good mental exercise and kept me sane for two months.   Yesterday had a bit of a letdown and almost had to call the suicide hotline. Haven’t had that feeling in over five years, but I know it’s always there. Good thing I’m going to



Prompt Me!

Through the magic that is GA staff who never seem to sleep (we're always watching you, so be afraid, be very afraid!) the Prompts are coming to you slightly late, but not so much. Ever get bogged down on your serial posted story? The novel you're dying to write just not flowing? Take a break and enjoy one of the prompts brought to you by our very own prompt guru, Comicfan! This week, we're also featuring a poetry prompt from AC Benus, too! As always, if your responses are under 1,000 words, make


Cia in Prompts

The G. M. Os., Thoughts

The G. M. Os. has come down to the last chapter. The cycle of the story has come around to a point close to the beginning as far as relationships go. All I have to do now is write it. No, there is no block. It’s just a matter of tidying up and giving any possible continuation of the story a jumping off point.   My dreams last night were very troubling. There were images from my childhood and family and friends. The scenes were very different, but they had a familiarity to them that was unsettl



Ask An Author #35

Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #34, we had questions for authors Columbusguy, craftingmom, and pmdacey.   In AtA #35, we hear from authors AC Benus, Aditus, and Mark Arbour.   For their protection, the members who asked these questions shall remain nameless (unless they choose to reveal themselves). Please note that all author replies are copied as is, spelling errors and grammar eccentricities original to the individual.  

C S R Feature: The Life Of Seeon By Comicfan

The start of 2016 is already here, as hard as that is to accept. Where does the time go? I just realized today that we’ve been doing the CSR Features for 3 years now! Is it still popular? Do you have any ideaas for tweaks from the usual feature? Let me know! In the meantime, this month we’re going to enjoy an oldie, but goodie, in Comicfan’s story, The Life of Seeon.   The Life of Seeon By Comicfan   Length: 28,566   Description: Seeon Toleran is the fifth child of the rul


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful New Year's, and are looking forward to the coming year. It was a busy week in the GA news blog, so let's get right to it.   On Monday we had the story discussion for the CSR book club.   On Tuesday, we announced the next story contest, that will take place in February. If you enjoyed the Secret Santa contest, then hopefully you will enjoy the Secret Admirer contest as well.   On Wednesday, we kept up the busy schedule with our author promo of Albertnoth

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

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