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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has had a great week and an even better weekend. Before we get into this week's wrap up, I'd just like to do a quick reminder that Spring Anthology entries are do to the proof team in only 5 days!!! Hopefully we'll have a few more come in before the deadline, otherwise I might have to try and write one and we don't want that!!! LOL. Now, lets take a look at what happened in the GA News Blogs this week!   For our Monday Featured Story, Timothy M provided us with a review for Tr

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Potential Anthology Idea

Many of you will probably know that outside of my writing here and the small pile of pseudo-educational jobs I do, I'm also a political activist and one-time candidate. This is not a blog post to go on and on about my politics, but simply to set the context for everything else. Five years ago I helped pass an anti-homophobia and anti-transphobia school board policy, and since then I've had the distinct pleasure of watching people become less worried about anti-LGBTQ discrimination in my hometown

Hunter Thomson

Hunter Thomson

Prompt Me!

Who's missed the weekly prompts? It's been a few weeks since we posted some new prompts to help spark some ideas, but they're back. Not only do we have two new prompts for you, but for those that missed it, we also have the new poetry prompt for you! Don't forget that anything under 1000 words needs to be in a collection and that authors are allowed 5 different collections without Admin approval.   Prompt 478 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – roses, bacon, a f

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Sine Cosine Tangent

This morning I read Don DeLillo's short story, "Sine Cosine Tangent", in newyorker.com. As surprising as it may be, I have never read any of DeLillo’s fiction, but this story intrigued me as it is about a teenager coming to grips with his parents' divorce.   The story takes place in New York City and covers the boy from age thirteen, when his parents divorced—in a very telling scene as he is doing his math homework, his father informs him of the fact—until the boy grows into adulthood. Therefo



In Your Facebook

I have the good fortune of being friends with a delightful young couple from Florida. We'll just call them Luke & Carter.   We love classic rock and seafood and being blessed by living where we do. There's really not anywhere like the Gulf Coast. Sure- it gets blown away every 40 years and we have to rebuild it but what the heck. It's worth it.   We have a long on going conversation thread where we talk about life, music, art and other assorted stuff that's shiny.   Here's a snip that



Sorry For The Delay...

Sorry about missing a posting last week for Falling Apart. I hope you will understand that it was a very trying week last week as my brother-in-law (my husband's younger brother) died of a heartattack. It was sudden and very unexpected and left us all reeling. I was in GA (as some of you might already know from my status update) for most of last week for the funeral. Then I was sick when we got back and slept most of the weekend (except for another trip up to PA for a gymnastics meet on Val



Grammar Rodeo #8

Ever wonder what the correct word to use is? Cia has written a blog entry to help show which word should be used in different instances. It's been a while since we had a Grammar Rodeo, but I find these posts to be rather informative and we hope you do too.   Commonly Misused Words   When writing, most authors know there are homophones to watch out for, and we all know the big ones like your/you’re/yore and there/their/they’re. But there are a lot of words that are harder to figure ou

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Featured Story: Trouble Plus Trouble

Time to take a look at another story that can be found in GA Stories. This week, we're taking a look at Trouble Plus Trouble by Palantir. Thank you Timothy for the review. Don't forget, if you've read a story that you'd like to see featured, contact Renee Stevens.   Trouble Plus Trouble by Palantir   Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Complete Word Count: 170,574   Trouble Plus Trouble was quite a challenge the first time I read it. I could see myself in Peter, a serious,

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Brought Me To A Stop

I was on my Facebook page and got a friend request from some person my husband might know—our 'friends' in common are people my husband knows. I usually put these folks right on 'acquaintance' because, frankly, we usually have nothing in common and if their crap comes up in my feed, I comment. That usually does it.   I noticed someone else in my feed, non-relation, but I clicked on them and looked at one of their photos. Then, I noticed someone who commented looked like a cute kid and, since I



Weekly Wrap Up!

It's been a rather busy week here at Gay Authors. I think we'll get right to it.   Monday started the February Signature Author feature for Bill W of his story Butterflies Fly Free. You can see some of the reviews from the story and if it sounds good to you, then you can check out the excerpt that was posted on Wednesday!   Voting for the Secret Admirer Short Story contest ended on Thursday and we started the Secret Admirer Guess Who game prior to the Secret Admirer Winners & Reveal on F

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Why I Wrote Last Run To Mosul?

I am post timing this blog entry to coincide with Secret Admirer contest, I don't expect to win, but if I did I am really grateful to all the readers that chose my story, despite how different it is from my writing style.   So the big question for all the readers, why did I write a story like this? It's so tragic, so detailed and impact with a subject matter that is definitely Left of even Bernie Sanders , and holds a lot of questions about the nature of national principles versus geopolitica



First Light

Cape Verde, Oregon 2019 July 04 1300 PST   What had once been on old barn was completely unrecognizable. Scientific instruments of all descriptions surrounded a concrete vault called the pit.   The pit contained the equipment to make the experiment work. It also protected the human participants in the experiment with a foot of lead and six feet of hardened concrete. Once it was sealed, it could only be viewed by remote cameras in the control room above.   The vapor of condensation washed o



Through A Glass, Darkly

Through a Glass, Darkly   General George S. Patton, Jr.   Through the travail of the ages, Midst the pomp and toil of war, I have fought and strove and perished Countless times upon this star.   In the form of many people In all panoplies of time Have I seen the luring vision Of the Victory Maid, sublime.   I have battled for fresh mammoth, I have warred for pastures new, I have listed to the whispers When the race trek instinct grew.   I have known the call to battle In each changeles



Depakote Blues

It's only been just over a week on 1500 mg of Depakote and that old, familiar feeling has come back. You could say I feel like I was taking 2 mg of Risperidone and 1000 mg of Depakote, but it's different than that. There's no energy, zero, zilch. There's nothing there. It's like being in a warm pool of salt water. You just float there without a current to move you along. You're going nowhere and there's nothing to stop you from getting there.   Yesterday I wrote 3,000 words, but it was mostly



February Signature Excerpt: Butterflies Fly Free By Bill W

This month we're featuring Bill W's story, Butterflies Fly Free. Did you check out Monday's post with his ad graphic and reviews by some of his readers? You should! You can also download a copy of the signature graphic if you want to help promote Bill's story.   Butterflies Fly Free       Bill says: Sometimes you have to give those you love the chance to spread their wings, like a butterfly, and if they return, your being together was meant to be.   Want to read more? Check out


Cia in Signature Feature


I am not the only one ... To look upon the sky And know Where I am is ... Perfect And not care



Super Bowl L Impressions

The hoopla the NFL concocts around the championship game saved the day. The contest itself was mediocre. An overconfident young quarterback was hammered in a way he hadn't been all year, by the end you could tell he had given up. Who doesn't jump on a ball after a fumble?   Payton Manning should retire while on top. He's still a force to contend with at his age, but his best days are over. Remind me again why the Colts released him when they did? The man won his 200th game, more than any other

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday

February Signature Feature: Butterflies Fly Free By Bill W

For February's Signature Feature, we're bringing you one of the earliest GA authors who has represented our Signature group for a very long time. Have you read any of his short stories or novels on the site? He has a ton! If not, why not start with this month's feature, Butterflies Fly Free.     Length: 83,133   Description: Leo meets Colt as he’s leaving a gay bookstore. Colt is on his own and looks young, but there is an instant connection them. Leo wants to help, so will a bond


Cia in Signature Feature

Weekly Wrap Up!

It's been busy this first week of February! There's a lot going on for readers and authors to enjoy. I'll remind you, just in case you missed something or put it on the back burner (there's so much to read this week!!) Monday we started off with the CSR (which stands for Can't Stop Reading, btw, since so many people don't know!) Book Club. This month Aditus story, "The Holly and the Ivy" is the feature. He'll be answering my hard-hitting questions and replying to reader comments on the last Mo


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

I Quit

Some times we have take decisions which will more effect us than others. As well as some times they affect our life, our self respect and our personal life too.   I took new job in the aspects of unnecessary terms. I took it to prove that I am not nothing. But there I faced some obstacles which I never expected.   My own friends turned against me. They blamed me. And they broke my trust. Yeah I over reacted. Over expected. But I'll turn anything to prove myself as worthy, honesty and respect

Emi GS

Emi GS


[attachment=8506:happy-chinese-new-year-2016-with-a-cute-monkey_23-2147532303.jpg Happy New year to all of you who are celebrating Cny



Have You Ever Had A Strong Desire To Save A Character From His Author?

It's a taboo among writers, which I understand. We respect one another ability and respect our works mutually   Still, recently, I came upon a story that I was so angry at and so desperately desiring to change the fate of its protagonist that I wanted to ask the author if he would allow me to do a sequel based on his work, which has been in limbo for years. I haven't done it, because part of me doesn't want to desecrate the author's work, but on another level I don't like seeing a character be



Completing My First Story

Wow. Earlier today I posted chapter 18 of The Last Out, which is amazingly the final chapter of the story I've spun around Devin and Alex. I'm writing this and it feels surreal to me to have finished it (again, actually) and to have it published on a site like Gay Authors. I can't help but think 'what a strange, magical journey this story and I have gone on together'. The Last Out was never meant to be published. Not originally anyways. This was meant to be a guilty pleasure and escape, somethin

Hunter Thomson

Hunter Thomson

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