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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
    • 1 comment

Alright, Been A While Since I Wrote A Story

Here is my Halloween fun story.   https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/billysnewt13thbirthday/1   As I said, I do not anticipate writing this into a major series, unless readers really desperately want me to write it out. I am really irreverent in this story to the Fantasy Genre, so if you guys like this be prepared for a different take on Fantasy from a more masculine perspective.   As for Norse Mythology being used in this story, I freely admit it, I love the concept of old Norse Tales.



The Nature Of Success - A Discussion With Myself

Disclaimer: This will be depressing. Read at your own peril.   How do I define success?   This seems to be the question of the decade for me. I don't know if I've been successful in my life. My instinct is to say I haven't been, but maybe I am? If success is having financial security, then I definitely have not been successful yet. If success is reaching a position of power, then no again. A position of influence perhaps? Yes, I have some small amount of influence on the world, so in that I



The Last Two Months...

Its been Two months, 60 days actually, that I have gone through a phase that made me to learn a lot. A phase that has given me lessons to understand people, situations and mostly about fate. I know I have gone through some bad situations and incidents that made my life so... I don't even know what that felt.   It is 12 August, I got a phone call saying my cousin is in hospitals and in serious condition. I went there after everybody visited her. Docs told us she is dealing with her life and dea

Emi GS

Emi GS

Weekly Wrap Up!

First thing, a shout out to my fellow Canucks who are enjoying the Thanksgiving long weekend and stuffing their bellies with turkey. I know this is only relevant to a small number of our Members but I ask all of you to take a moment and think of all the things that you are thankful in your life   Shall we look at the past week in the GA News Blog? Monday started off the week with a compilation of Stories for the C S R Feature. Cia has given us 3 short stories that all are Halloween themed. Bi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Campbell Soup

Guess what was added to my grocery shopping list for tomorrow. The American Family Association and One Million Moms are alreadey complaining about the ad, so I think I'm going to support the company supporting real, real, life, and buy me some Star Wars soup!   https://youtu.be/7rZOMY2sOnE

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday

Writing Prompts #452 & #453

Well here we are again at the start of another weekend. Yes, it is Friday and that means it is time to tempt you all with some new prompts. Now that October is underway, some people might find it nice to curl up with some apple cider, a slice of pumpkin pie, and write! As usual it is time to see if we can encourage new authors, revitalize lagging authors, and see if we can keep our usual crew pumping out new works. Just the weekly reminder - Prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as p


comicfan in Prompts

Target's Only Plus-Size Male Model Strikes A Bull's Eye For Body Positivity

Found this feel good story about a male plus size model showing that beauty doesn't have to come in just one size!   Target's Only Male Plus-Size Model Strikes A Bull's Eyes for Body Positivity   Pretty cool story. I mean, I grew up with that whole Abercrombie and Fitch aesthetic being pushed, and it's cool to see guys who don't fit that mold still being held up as being attractive.   I do have to hand it to Zach Miko for refusing to fit into conventional beauty standards and just being li



Photos To Make People Laugh!

Was trawling my photos and found a few that I thought would make people laugh.     This one didn't get away (2010)     I can fix it!!!! (2010)       My uncle didn't enjoy the music at my wedding reception (2003)     I'm the one on the right holding the cup, I think I was between eight and ten here   Hope I made a few people laugh laughing is good for you

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Ask An Author #32

I've heard countless times how much everyone loves the Ask An Author feature and want to give a big Thank You to Dark for taking the time to contact all the authors and compile these wonderful Wednesday pieces. Don't forget, if you have a question you'd like to "Ask an Author" all you need to do is send Dark a PM!! Hope you enjoy!!!   Ask an Author #32   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #31, we had questions for authors

October Happenings

For a change I don't want to complain or talk about my life. I want to talk about my writing.   Lately my muse has been active. Which is really nice. What this means for my readers.   1) I have a new Halloween story coming up shortly. Like some of those from my past, it will be a one shot, but hopefully it will be something people can enjoy. Instead of the usual stories about witches, zombies, vampires, or werewolves, I decided to go a little different. My tale is called Halloween - Lilith S



Muwahahahaha...i'm Going To Try A Short Story For Halloween

Well, like the title says, I want to play this spooky holiday with a fun short story idea I have dreamed up. It involves a magical world of Warlocks, Vampires, and Werewolves   Since Cyber Bullying Defense Team is in post production for the 1st half of the story with a publication date of 10/23/2015, I've got some time to write something short and fun.   Here's the tag line:   I know what people might say: WL, what the fuck are you doing? This isn't your kind of story, why are you even



Music Memories Of Beverly Hills 90210

The Unauthorized 90210 Story aired on Lifetime this weekend, and it made me feel all nostalgic for the show, and of course, the show's music. (Which unfortunately has been butchered on the DVD's.) So I thought I'd post my favorite tunes from the 90210 soundtrack: 1.) When Dylan and Brenda break up, for the first time, after Brenda freaks out about her pregnancy scare.  2.) "2000 Miles" by the Pretenders When the gang watches at the train station as Steve leaves to search for his biological



C S R Feature: Halloween Short Stories!

It's a month for a variety of spooky treats, so I thought I'd bring you a few snack-sized Halloween short stories. These are 3 short stories by our site authors featuring a corn maze, a costume party at a bar, and a few zombies--what would Halloween be with a few ghouls, right?   A Halloween Nightmare by Bill W Length: 5,895 Description: Colby is a college senior who’s looking forward to dressing up in his costume and spending Halloween having a good time at a gay bar. However, his evening of


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Further Delays

Hello All,   I know some of you have been looking forward to my upcoming chapter of Indiana Summer for a very long, unreasonably so, time. I want to apologize for all of the delays and set backs. I recently suffered yet another one in the form of a computer glitch that seriousl corrupted the file I was working. I have been having to reconstruct the chapter bit by bit from memory.   I have also been pulling mandatory over time hours at work and getting very little sleep. I know I have said



Ready Made Reading List

Started to read a new book, sample sentence follows.   They were like the faces of sleepwalkers looking backward across nightmares, recognizing no one and no familiar things, glaring down across the fleeing irrevocable instant as if they were being hurried to execution itself, flashing on, rapid and successive and curiously identical, not despite the fact that each had an individuality and a name, but because of it; identical not because of an identical doom, but because each carried into that



Well... That Was An Interesting Time...

So an update. The company I was working for decided to let me go with no notice - which sucked. Their reasons were that I was defaming the company at every opportunity with my cast. Which was 100% inaccurate, I never called on the company at any point in the process. I stated quite openly that the production was unsupported and in the private conversations on how to handle this with my assistant I was quite harsh - but I never publically showed my frustrations. That would be incredibly unprofess

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Weekly Wrap Up!

So the seasons have changed from Summer to Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and from Winter to Spring in the Southern. Hoping that you are enjoying the changes in your area Shall we see what happened in the GA News Blog this past week?   Monday was our monthly C S R Discussion Day with Cia doing an interview with Graeme. Some different questions were asked by Cia and then you, the readers took over and asked your own questions of him. Although there is a major time difference it went over with


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


You can only have one Mother Patient, Kind, and True. No other friend in all the world will be the same to you.   When other friends forsake you, to Mother you will return. As we look upon her picture, Sweet memories we recall.   Of a face so full of sunshine and a smile for one and all. Sweet Jesus, take this message, to our dear Mother up above.   Tell her how we miss her and give her all our love. We can

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Wearing Glasses To See Straight... Or In My Case, See Gay

I was around 5 years old when I began to wear glasses, and I wasn't the lest bit happy about it Even at such a young age, I thought I looked like a dweeb   The only bright spot, at the time, was during the first grade (ages 6 to 7). At the time I wore these round glasses that, according to my classmates, made me look like Harry Potter   Well, I got used to them eventually, and soon enough I wasn't even thinking much about them.   Now, I must insert a bit of context Erm... I ain't a fas

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

Update: End Of The First Month

A lot to update actually this week but I'm too lazy to go into details To sum it up, I'll list them things instead.   1. Braces boy and I got along great, his sassy side came bursting out in the debate in HIV 2. Was angry at a friend whom I initially didn't like because she treats me like I'm her boyfriend or slave and never respect my time. 3. Found out that my other friend and I have way too much in common it's AWESOME, but she still won't go karaoke with me 4. Once again, my plans and



Literary Device: Chekhov's Gun

I am as much a writer as I am a commentator and reviewer, so let me introduce a literary concept to all my fellow GA Authors.   Chekhov's Gun is an allusion to the famous short story author, Anton Chekhov of the early 20th Century. and his idea of utilitarian story elements. He proposed that if a gun were hanging on a main character's wall in the 1st chapter of a story, then it must follow that the gun would go off eventually in a later chapter. If the gun never goes off, then the writer shoul



Writing Prompts #450 & #451

So here we are at the first Friday of October. Is it me or is the year just flying by? Anyway, I hope everyone has been having a good week. Since is it once again Friday, I'm here to present to you some new prompts. As always, if your work is under 1,000 words you have to place into a collection. And now to give you something new to entice you to write.   Prompt 450 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – an apple, a farm, hay, a horse, a diamond ring   Prompt 451 – Cre


comicfan in Prompts

Moment Of Silence For Victims Of Oregon Shooting

..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................   I am tempted to post this in the Lounge, but fear it would get political due to the nature of gun issues in America. I am tempted to debate gun control in the pit, but I don't want to dishonor those who have just lost their lives by using them as talking po



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