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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Considering something I haven't done in forever

Unlike so many on here, I never really consider my work worth publishing. Face it, unlike so many others who have reached the hosted level, most of my work is in the field of short stories. Even among short stories I have a tendency to go for Fairy Tales.   However I have watched so many authors I admire from here take the plunge one after the other. Andy, KC, Cia, Renee, Nephylim, and so many others have parlayed their work into longer pieces and sold them.   I was considering gathering all



Oh, how I love my technology

After having to live without my tablet for a week, I'm realizing just how much I really, really love it. My old tablet had been slowly dying--constantly rebooting randomly, freezing, etc. So my husband bought me a new Galaxy tab 4 for Christmas, and I had it all set up with my Kindle, Moon pro, Handwrite apps, etc. until I tripped over my daughter's shoes in the foyer on new year's eve and the tablet went flying down the stairs, cracking open. *sigh*   It still worked but fortunately my hu




On any ordinary day The rain Can Dance Extraordinary...   It's natural, this Joy   But I have always known Something contrary



Ask An Author #23

Hope everyone is having a great new year so far! Not only is it the first Wednesday of the month, but it's also the first one of 2015, which means it's time for this month's edition of Ask An Author. A big thank you goes out to Dark for continuing to provide us with this great feature. Remember, Dark can only provide the Ask An Author feature if members keep providing questions. Ask an Author #23   We return to Ask an Author following December’s Special Edition (#22), in which we had qu

2014 - A Year in Review

It has been some time since I last blogged anything. The last time was about the stress due to the sale of the place where I worked. That has ended as on February 27, 2014, I took my money and ran. I retired from working with the County. Ironically, the sale took place a few days later. Do I miss the place? Not at all.   WARINNG. IT MAY BE A BIT GRAPHIC FOR SOME AT THIS POINT.   On Saturday, March 15th, I woke up to find blood and clots in my urine. I called my doctor to let him know I was g



January Csr: Joe The Welder By Robert Rex

This month I thought I'd feature one of our newer authors, Robert Rex, and his story Joe the Welder. So how about some contemporary romance to kick off the new year? Joe the Welder by Robert Rex   Length: 28,206 Rating: Mature   Description: A gritty story of a casual meeting that turns into more than you might expect. You'll meet Rex, a real estate agent, Joe, a new-to-town out of work welder, and watch as people and events occur that shape their lives. You'll have a first row s


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Mr. Perfect Character

You know what bugs me in a story?   Mr. fucking Perfect. If I were ever to meet this person, I'd probably kick his ass on general principles.   Granted: with some authors, there is some level of wish fulfillment going on but please!   I'm not going to dump on any author- lot's of us do it.   See if you've met this asshole:   Mr. Perfect as a kid is brilliant and gets all A's. He's the perfect size, with perfect hair, with perfect bod and a perfect schlong. Of course- he get's the perfe



Three Weeks Dead

Everyone, and I mean everyone, said that looking for a house would take forever. My sister in law told us to be prepared to look for a year, others said we would see dozens of properties, and good friends of ours said that we were more than likely to need to spent six months firming up our credit rating. This last was especially worrying, especially since we were told that without any loans or regular credit card actions, our credit rating would likely be lower (purely through being non-existent

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

3 years on

Where does time go? Apparently the last time I posted on here was more than 3 years ago. I still come to GA pretty much on a daily basis, but I am not as active in the forum or in chat as I once was. Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to recap what's been happening over the past year and have a look at the one ahead.   Most of late 2013 and early 2014 was dedicated to making Jian_Sierra's move to France possible. It has been a long time in the making. There were multiple difficulties to



Weekly Wrap Up!

Out with the old and in with the new!!! No I'm not referring to Renee and myself but the passing of 2014 and now on our way into 2015. Renee is taking a much deserved vacation or she is recovering from a massive hangover from New Year's Eve. I'll let you all decide   We had a busy week on Blog for the end of the year and into the new one.   Monday was a chance for Cia to bring us the CSR Discussion Day with Delores Esteban. Not only did they discuss Delores' story Space Pioneer, but also g


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Metal Mania

hello my friends. I have an unusual request. No it doesn't involve a chicken suit or gravy this time.   In an upcoming story, my character is a young metalhead in middle school.   Jimmy Mcculloch is small for his age and a bit immature. He's the younest in his class because his August birthday fell at just the right date for him to start scool.   He wears NIN or Tool or anthrax or megadeth t-shirt all the time.   He drinks and smokes weed every day. He doesn't have a lot of friends and i



Avery's Story

For those who have read my CSR November author interview, you may be aware that I have a third m/m story hiding in the background--Avery's Story which is called What No One Sees. I had not posted it here as it is even darker, more intense, than All In, steeped in abuse (mental, physical and sexual) by a boy's father. However, I did offer to send it to anyone who asked me for it.   I had several requests, and after reading it, I had many say that I should post it for all to read. Therefore, I h



A Look Back on 2014

Wow! It's been over a year since my first and only blog post! Yikes! Well, fear not. I have returned.   Some of you may have forgotten about lil' ole me since I haven't been active for several months (not to say that I don't lurk in the shadows of GA stalking you all... like Batman. But without a cool costume. Unless you count fun pajamas as a cool costume? Because right now I'm wearing bright yellow pajama pants with Homer Simpson's face all over them, and a yellow shirt with his face on it

Autumn Dream

Autumn Dream

This comment got me in a little trouble

Last month we had a very unusual protest of the ruling that struck down the law banning gay marriage in Mississippi.   A black minister put a wedding dress on a horse. You don't see that everyday     As you can guess, I wasn't too fond of that. It prompted a discussion on social media a little like a wild fire with brilliant social commentary like "adam and eve, not adam and steve" and "next they'll want to marry their dog".   This doesn't bother me. I've seen it before but then came th



Prompt 381

I wanted to give a little background into my response to Prompt 381. The prompt was a challenge to create a detailed scene describing an uncomfortable situation. My response can be found here:   https://www.gayauthors.org/story/valkyrie71/2014promptresponses/38   The image that immediately came to mind when I read the challenge was of a person sitting on a stone bridge over a river, contemplating jumping in. I hadn't completely formulated the reason the person was so despondent when I sta



Writing Prompts #383 & #383

Hope everyone had a great new year. What better way to start it off than with brand new prompts! If you've been feeling stuck, or maybe just want to do something a little different, maybe one of these prompts will jumpstart a new idea. Don't forget, if under 1,000 words, prompt responses that are posted in GA Stories must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 382 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – a beach ball, a vacation ticket, a snow storm, a crying ch

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Reflecting on 2014

It's a new year, so I guess it's time to look back on the old one.   For me, the dominant theme was my continued grief process into accepting Steve's death. It wasn't every day, like the end of 2013 was, but there were moments where things would just flare up every month or every two/three months. I still don't feel like the same guy I was when Steve died, and I haven't quite let go of the idea that I was supposed to have met up one day with Steve in our 50's, at our old favorite college b



Writing: 50 How-tos, Tips, and Tricks

No, I'm not sharing my own advice for writing--I'm sharing one of the sources I use to explore and research various aspects of the business from figuring out those pesky grammar and punctuation rules to questions about publishing you might not know you need to ask.   Writer's Digest.   Seriously, if you're an author, but you're not hooked up with this site and getting their free newsletters via email--you're missing out on a valuable free resource you should be using! Today, they've put o




In the early 70's, my family moved to Mississippi from Louisiana. I was enrolled into a military school to begin my high school years. At 14 and being a female it was quite terrifying. My first day to attend classes, I was as lost as a student during his first day on a college campus. The school I was going too also had boarding students and their dorms. It was a new world to me.   I'll never forget the first break of my first day. I sat on a bench alone pretending to be absorbed in a bo



Writing Prompts Second Chance Prompts!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Years Eve and a great start to 2015! I was in the prompt forum the other day, and I noticed some prompts over the last year didn't get any responses. Now, I know there could be a number of reasons for this, but I thought it might be nice to give some of them a second chance to be noticed! On the last day of the year, no less. So for this week's Wednesday post, that's what I'm doing! Here's a list of 10 prompts that for one reason or another, didn't receiv

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Great Stories You Might Have Missed #4

A New Life by the Eggman   Preston O'brien and his Mother have relocated from Texas to Malibu, CA. For a gay kid from Texas, it is a whole New Life. This story has been around for some time. It is a great slice of life in Southern California in the nineties. It gives hope to those of us that live in the sticks that somewhere there might be a new life for them too.   Bonus:   the Quarry by Driver   This is Driver at his best. It introduces a huge cast of characters and delves deeply into



Just went on another date today

The honest truth about being single, legally blind, and gay is that it is hard to remain optimistic about your prospects in love as you continue on the trek to find the right guy. Sex does not drive my interest in guys, so that kills 70% of the dating scene, and I have to "come out" to them about my own issues from the low field vision.   I don't hate any of the guys I date either, it's just that much harder to really put yourself out there as you lose another bit of yourself. They are decent



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