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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Anthology - Creature Feature - Guidelines

    By Valkyrie

    I'm super excited about this year's theme!  There are so many possibilities.... Do I go with a cute fluffy kitty?  Or maybe a fire-breathing dragon?  Or an army of Norse penguins fighting Canadian otters?   It's a good thing there's a lot of time before the deadline, although with my prowess at procrastinating, I probably won't start till the week it's due   The guidelines for this year's anthology are posted below.  So now that we know the theme and the parameters... start writing!  
  • Valkyrie

    Prompts Featuring Creatures

    By Valkyrie

    In honor of our Anthology theme, I thought it would be fun to do some warm-up exercises. Maybe these will even turn into a complete Anthology story.  So let's go creature hunting!    PT Prompt #263 First line: "It's behind me, isn't it." PT Prompt#264 You buy a new pet and surprise your partner with it, only to find out they are deathly afraid of it.  What is it and how do you deal with the aftermath?    Please include the prompt number either in your sto


I don't normally rant or care about sensitive issues, not on this site or anywhere else, but I am sick of it. And I don't care if I get banned or whatever cause if I have no rights to speak, then I don't want to be here.   I am tired of hearing people complain about religion/religious being and what not. You people do realized there are some users here who believe in a certain religion. I know most people despised and would normally criticized religion/religious people because they most likely



Come Join Us On "the Alphabet Game"

(If this is an improper use of a blog, please let me know and I will remove it immediately.)   The Alphabet Game is a game we've been playing over in the "Forum Games and Humor" section of the site. We've been having a lot of fun over there, and we'd love to see you there, too. The object is for us to take turns writing lines, with each successive line beginning with the next letter of the alphabet from the line before it. There are examples below in the spoilers.   Come participate in writi



Duggar Diddles Kids & Uses Ashley Madison

You can't make this shit up. A man who pretended to stand up for conservative family values has been outed as a child molester, and now using a website to cheat on his wife. These people are such a fucking joke.   http://gawker.com/family-values-activist-josh-duggar-had-a-paid-ashley-ma-1725132091



Writing Tip: Conflict Is Key

Sometimes it's hard to find new content to share in the GA News Blog. Lately, I've been looking back at some of the stuff that has been shared since the Blog started up again and I realized something. We have new authors joining all the time and not everyone wants to search through the News Blog and read the tips that have been shared. With that thought in mind, I decided to look at some of the past tips and bring them back to the forefront. The first one I'm once again featuring is from Libby D

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Regarding Depression And The State Of The World.

I received a message from someone who read my last blog entry, "Social Anxiety and Crying Wolf", and who thanked me for sharing my experience, as it related to their own. This was the second of two messages that addressed the same subject, and I don't know what came over me as I was responding, but the words flowed like magic, and I just wanted to share my response with you now. I hope it's not too forward.   Thank you for the message. I remember watching a video a couple of years ago about



Compression Outfits

Alright, let me drop politics for a bit and blog about something I seldom talk about, my nascent love of compression gear Yes, I have a naughty fashion edge to me; especially towards runner outfits and exercise outfits   It's just so hot!     It's also so form fitting   Let me add a few more for fun:     Yum   Anyone else?



A Shocking Secret Shame

Upon doing some research for my next story I came across this article. I had no idea that it was this bad for men who have been raped.   Some dark places in this world are unbelievable barbaric!   http://www.theguardian.com/society/2011/jul/17/the-rape-of-men



Featured Story: Metaorigins

Hope everyone had a great weekend and a big thank you to both Cia and Wildone for taking on the blog while I dealt with some health issues. Now it's a new week and it's time to take a look at one of the many stories that are posted for your enjoyment on Gay Authors. Today, Puppilull has provided us with a review of MetaOrigins. Enjoy.   MetaOrigins by JohnAR Author   Reviewer: Puppilull Status: Complete Word Count: 103,236   MetaOrigins is the second

Weekly Wrap Up!

Wow, what a great week. Hoping the weather was great where you are, we hit 3 record breaking days for the past 10 years here so enjoying being indoors for a while and working on the wrap up.   First off, the voting for the first round picking the 2016 Anthology Themes is now closed. A very big thank you to everyone who contributed to narrowing down the number of great ideas. GA relies on you the Members to help drive the direction of these special events, and sincerely appreciates your input.


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Perception And Perspectives

I am one of those contrarians, you know that guy who will eat a box of twizzlers despite knowing I hate the lycorish or in this case giving a man I know I despise a few minutes of my life to listen to what he has to say. To be honest, I still hate lycorish, but I learned twizzler is actually eatable. I actually listened to Donald Trump's speech in New Hampshire and I might not like the man, but I can see his appeal and even agree with him, that just got me thinking about the nature of defining m



Late Night Confessions

Having issues sleeping.   My back is slowly healing. I'm hoping to be back to work soon.The pain is still there, but I'm staying off the pills.   I had a friend who sort of hit the wall. It is scary to think someone you care about no longer sees light but only darkness. Trying to keep them grounded long enough to find help isn't easy, especially when you aren't close distance wise. I'm not sure I can keep doing this without breaking myself.   Ever have so much happening and yet nothing.  



Social Anxiety And Crying Wolf

I have some significant issues. I think most people have one or two, but are able to keep them in check. Over the past few months it hasn’t been as easy for me to do the same with my issues. They keep sneaking up on me at inopportune times and trying to take me down. Every once in a while, they succeed. I wouldn’t be surprised if people thought I was nothing more than a spoiled child seeking attention. Every now and then my social anxiety gets the better of me, and I overreact, and I star



Of Weddings And Broken Hearts

Decided to go for a certain wedding, dressed in red. I figure supporting is better than sulking at home like a little child. This is the point where I discover that I'm a tad masochistic. I had lunch with one of my friends the other day, and we got to talking about how it gets harder to make friends as we grow older. I'm thirty-one right now, and it seems the same circle of four friends I have is the same one I've had forever. In fact, the circle dwindles at times, there are times when I'm c



Writing Prompts #438 & #439

Today we have a slightly new method to the madness, me! I'm a little bit later than Renee on posting these, but I hope you'll enjoy this week's prompts as well as the feature prompt selection. Sometimes an author hits a road block that they just can't seem to make their way through. The weekly prompts are a great starting point to jump start some new ideas. Whether you're looking to just do a quick flash piece or maybe you want to do a bit longer story, why not give them a try! A couple of thing


Cia in Prompts

The Genie Is Out Of The Bottle

Today one of our members asked a very interesting question which I attempted to answer.   I did my best to keep it apolitical as possible by using four examples: two each from democratic and republican presidential administrations.   Have we made mistakes in regard to the technologies that we sell? OH HECK YEAH! Many, many mistakes. They are made by businesses and at the governmental level.   They have been made by both sides of the political spectrum.   They have been made with malic



Interview: Dolores Esteban

Have you downloaded your copy of this month's signature background? If not, before you do so, check out this week's interview that Cia did with Dolores Esteban on her story Cold Case.   Interview with Dolores Esteban   Single people often have more time to write. Are you single? Yes, I’m single, but I don’t feel I have more time. No long evenings and lonely weekends   Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point? I make my bed in the morning.

A Sad Day

You may remember my Traditional Siamese Bortai from previous blogs...I got her and her brother Genghis when they were only a few months old back in 2001...Genghis was stolen in 2005, which left just me and Bortai until I got another stray Siamese, Chula, from my sister. Chula has been gone just over two years now from a resistant respiratory infection...she was eight years old.   Two weeks ago, Bortai had small swellings around a couple of her mammary glands, so I was going to schedule a vet v



Broken Angel

In everyone's life there will be a tragic hit you like speed breaker. Some will give no pain and some a little. But God will give this kind of tragedy that will give you so much pain that can't be bearable and can't replace... I have gone through these kind of heart broken things that I wish never happened.   When God think you are happy and to test you he will arrange some typical thing in your life, which will make a great impact on your love life. It happened in my life which made my all re

Emi GS

Emi GS

Featured Story: Cold Case

For those that missed this month's signature background announcement, this month's Signature Background is "Cold Case" by Dolores Esteban. If you haven't already downloaded the background, there's still time! As our featured Monday post, we're sharing a review that Cia provided us. Cia obviously enjoyed the story and hopefully, after reading today's review, you'll decide you want to take a look for yourself. Enjoy!   Cold Case   by   Dolores Esteban Signature Au

Jordan's Guide To Being A Retail Assistant

Guys, I have come up with the basic outline that every retail assistant follows. Here it is!   1. Follow customers like they're the fish to your shark. And when he/she stops to look at something, get in their face and ask: 'How can I help you? Is there anything you are looking for?'   2. When behind the counter and the customer asks for an item, reply with: 'Sure we've got some out the back.' Then, go out into the break room, send 3 text messages to your friends, then come back out with a sm



Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has had a great week so far. Before we get to this week's wrap up, I'd like to remind everyone that the first round of voting for the 2016 Anthology Themes is currently going on. Voting is open until August 15th at 11:59 pm MST. There hasn't been too many votes as of yet, so if you haven't voted, go to the Anthology Forum and vote! Whether you're a reader or author, we'd love to have you vote. If you're a reader, vote for the themes you'd like to read about or the ones that migh

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Cultural Enrichment

It has come to my attention that some of you have never heard of the Bloodhound Gang. This is not acceptable.   Prepare to laugh your ass completely off. You might want to turn it up.       Check them out on YouTube.   Other notable titles are:   Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo   and   Kiss Me Where It Smells Funny



Stuck Between Three Worlds... And An Idea...

Well in my last blog I talked how I had a bad reaction to some medicine and to recap, made me dizzy and loose balance which in turn caused be to fall down the stairs since it was a really bad spell, and in the process, destroyed my tablet and forcing me to get a new one.   Now back to our regularly scheduled blog...   The new tablet I picked up was the iPad mini 3 (Apple's newest edition) since I needed a tablet that was small but could run the eTextbook program and still keep me in the tec



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