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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Life & Hiatus

First blog entry on GA The year ends tomorrow and 2015 brings changes, some quite unexpected. Hence the blog entry. I love writing here on GA, and often run several stories at the same time. Its a challenge I love and I try to keep updating as often as I can. But the new year brings a change to this. As work is important to keep life going, I have to place my posting on GA on hold. The company I work for is sending me to an even more remote place. Hehe, several factors will seriously affect m



Great Stories You Might Have Missed #3

Tapping by Kit   This little story is lot's of fun and it is as English as a pile of fish & chips.   Mark is 15, just out of school and his dad has to move. They buy an old mansion in Scotland with a ghost and a 100 year old secret. What will he find when he looks for answers?   READ IT! IT ROCKS!



Csr Discussion Day: Space Pioneer By Dolores Esteban

This month just flew by! I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. Did you have time to read this month? Hopefully you didn't miss the chance to read our CSR feature, Space Pioneer by Dolores Esteban. Due to the time/language barriers, Dolores won't be doing a 'live' Q&A, but she does plan to pop in off and on to reply to reviews and comments/questions posted here, so make sure you share your enjoyment of her story! To get the ball rolling, we have a great interview with Dolores to share, alon


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Great Stories You Might Have Missed #2

Brian & Pete by Dewey   Once upon a time there were two boys on the West coast. Their names were Brian and Pete and they fell in love. Then things got complicated by reality.   This is the story that broke through my shell and got me started writing. It did me a lot of good because through the struggles of these brave and noble kids, I could see myself differently.   It is a beautiful thing but I warn you: it hurts. Have some time on your hands and a box of Kleenex handy.   This is o



New Year's Eve, Late Christmas Gifts, and Unfinished projects

I don't know about anyone else but this year can be over, and it isn't soon enough for me.   Just to recap the worst highlights - Dad went into the hospital in October with massive blood loss. I was up every day for over two weeks before I went back to work and really needed a break from my break. Dad then went to rehab after three weeks in the hospital. He remembers ambulance rides to the hospital and to the rehab center but not the time spent there. HE will finally come home from rehab on Ne



New story

Hiya everyone!   As you may know, I've had a rough couple of years, especially the last one. Due to some of the experiences I've had recently, I am hopelessly stuck on the next scene for Trials and Tribulations. I will at some time be able to get through it and complete the story, but for now, I have another idea.   I've started a new story, untitled at the moment, but it will involve teenagers meeting head on some serious adult level events that affect this earth and other places as well.

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

I am back...with lessons learned

Months of inactivity is over, real life is a bitch (why do we use such a misogynistic terms to denote a bad experience in the first place?), but it passes.   Let's see some updates on my life, I am still employed, I am still a homeowner with a decen sized mortgage, and still quite alone as a gay man in his late 20's. Nthing has changed in the last 3 months concerning my life.   As for my writing, I have been holding off for so long, but I want to get back to it again. Between my grandmother



My 2014 Playlist

So these were the tunes that I enjoyed in 2014- give it a listen!   Methodwriter85's 2014 Playlist   1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6. " by the Chainsmokers (This kinda felt like a modern-day take on Valley Girl by Frank Zappa.)  7.   8.   9. "   10.   11. " (I enjoyed it before it got played a million times)  12. "   13.   14.   15. 16. 17.   18."     20.   21."   22. "   23.   The homage to Rob



Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone had a great holiday. It's hard to believe that 2014 is nearly over and this will be the last "Weekly Wrap Up" for this year. The next time we look over what happened during the week, it will be a brand new year. A lot has happened this past year and there is a lot coming in the upcoming year, so make sure to keep an eye on the GA News Blog to keep up to date on upcoming site changes! Now, let's see what happened during the last full week for 2014!   Monday we took a look at Gra

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Great Stories You Might Have Missed #1

Falling Off A Log by Driver   If you have never read this story, it's so good it hurts a little.   Joey and Scott are two average kids. They aren't athletes, they are so uncoordinated they are a little dangerous and they aren't brains. What makes them special is that Joey can play the electric guitar, Scott can sing and they love each other like brothers. They are both very talented and together they are something very special.   The boys do a lot of jamming and growing up.   Typical of



Neko update

Just wanted to say that I'm nine chapters and 20k+ words into the Tears of the Neko sequel, so it is coming along. I expect it will be shorter than the original, but we'll see after my betas get back to me. I have sent the first six chapters to them today, but of course, being the holidays, I don't expect to hear from them soon.   I have been sick the last two weeks, and that has slowed down my intended progress quite a bit. But I would still expect to have it out in January, just maybe not ri



Writing Prompts #380 & #381

I hope everybody had a wonderful holiday and maybe you even got to read a few of the stories on the Christmas Reading List that was posted for the last couple of days. I've already got some ideas for things to do for next Christmas, but you'll have to wait to see what I've got in store. What you don't have to wait for is two new prompts to help get those fingers moving on the keys! Let's see what's in store for us today!   Prompt 380 – Creative Tag – First Line “Sure, now you want me to make t

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Yule Greetings

A happy Yuletide Season to all my GA friends and fellow members! Dinner was great--ham, fresh bread, green beans and sweet potatoes...and sweet tea to drink. My little girl--okay, Siamese cat Bortai, is enjoying an inch-thick slice all of her own, suitably cut into small pieces. She is one happy 14 year old girl right now! Her birthday is around now also, from what I could calculate when I got her and her brother back in 2001 when they were 3 months old in March. Her brother was stolen six year



Kitty Kay-o and the Cat Cannibals (or why grammar matters)

My mom was a little girl during the Great Depression. In addition to all that, she grew up in a tiny town in the Mississippi Delta.   If the rest of the country was broke, the Delta was like Oh my God, how could they get any poorer poor.   They lived on what they could grow on their farm and had precious little extra.   One of my mom's best pal's was a big black cat named Kitty Kay-O. Back in those days cats weren't that common in those parts. Kay-o was a prized mouser and her kittens were



Nightfall (preview)

There are three stories in a trilogy. The 1st is: the Place in Between The 2nd is: Getting to the Happily Ever After The 3rd will be Nightfall   I've started it but I'm not sure when it's going to post. Most probably in the Spring Anthology.   I have several things going on at once. Well- screw it. I produce better under pressure.   Nightfall is about the early days of the AIDS epidemic. Back when AIDS was mysterious and we didn't know much about it. It's about the fear, the panic, the




“It’s not that I didn’t like the gift…”   “You don’t,” Ron interrupted while flipping through a magazine.   “Right, but he doesn’t have to know that.”   “He will figure it out when you never wear it and it goes the way the rest of his gifts have gone, “Ron said gesturing towards the closet.   “It’s our fifth year anniversary, that deserves something more romantic than a brown coat and an even plainer brown scarf,” Daniel exclaimed, pushing his hair off his forehead.   “It could have b

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Rainbow Award Winner- Silent /Giveaway :)

My novel Silent was selected as the 2014 Rainbow Award Winner in the Gay & Lesbian Young Adult Category! I don't think I ever posted much about it here-- ran a couple of ads at one point, but I sort of suck at advertising and self-promotion. In any case, on the off chance a curious person stumbles by my blog, here's the cover/blurb:   2014 Rainbow Award Winner: Best Gay & Lesbian Young Adult Novel     Alex's life as a teenager in South Central LA is far from perfect, but it's his

Sara Alva

Sara Alva

Featured Story: Gay Whales

Happy Monday! So, it's been a while since I've done a review for the blog, so I decided maybe it was time that I remedied that. While it's not a Christmas or holiday tale, the story I decided to review is one that is humorous, fun, and lighthearted; all things that a holiday should be. The story we're going to take a look at today is "Gay Whales" by Graeme. Hopefully if you decide to take a look at it, you'll enjoy it as much as I did! Gay Whales By Graeme Signature Author

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Scotty gets a Mustang (and I got the shaft)

Scotty gets a Mustang     I'm fifteen. It's summer and in July in Mississippi, it's hot as hell.   Things haven't been awesome at home for some time. Not since my asshole scoutmaster told my parents that homosexuals weren't welcome in scouting.   He threw that little bomb into our home and walked his self righteous ass away. I hated him. I really wanted to kill him because nothing was ever the same after.   My dad never hit me before. I was always afraid. They told me that you can't b



Weekly Wrap Up!

First off, I want to give a big Thank You to Cia for handling the blog for me this week, much appreciated, but I'm back and we have a lot to look at. However, there's something that needs to be addressed before we look back at this week's postings. As many might remember, the authors here at Gay Authors reached a milestone of 100 Million words! To celebrate, we decided to run a couple of contests. Thank you to everyone who participated, but now it's time to announce the winners, you will be cont

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Running in Place

We’re finally getting rain here in northern California after two years of very little of the wet stuff. It’s great to see. It’s great to feel. I went swimming in the rain yesterday. But for running, I’ve moved indoors to the treadmill. Until last month, I probably hadn’t run on a treadmill since 2011. Treadmill technology has improved in the last two years. The gym has two machines made for long distance runs with bases better at absorbing impact. The difference between those and the re



Merry Christmas

This time of year can be filled with joy, excitement, happiness, and what some would call, miracles; but also, dread, loneliness, stress, and depression can be found as well.   Don't be so quick to brush off rudeness or an uncaring attitude. Perhaps with a smile, offer an ear to bend, and be the person someone can lean on, you could help bring a miracle into a person's life. Be a candle in the darkness!       Merry Christmas

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

A Tekkies Christmas

A Tekkies Christmas   Every Christmas it seems the weather is dreary, And I gets calls from my friends, their minds bleary, They buy laptops and games and PCs for their young, But getting it all going can be a bit high strung.   So I go about town in the dead of night, With my shiny tools and flashlight so bright, To help those poor souls to get things working Since with Santa's elves, there can be no shirking.   Off to see Bill and Cheryl to get a lap top loaded, Off to see Kim and



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