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  • Valkyrie

    Prompts Featuring Creatures

    By Valkyrie

    In honor of our Anthology theme, I thought it would be fun to do some warm-up exercises. Maybe these will even turn into a complete Anthology story.  So let's go creature hunting!    PT Prompt #263 First line: "It's behind me, isn't it." PT Prompt#264 You buy a new pet and surprise your partner with it, only to find out they are deathly afraid of it.  What is it and how do you deal with the aftermath?    Please include the prompt number either in your sto
    • 1 comment

Trails And Tribulations

I am almost finished with the last chapter of T&T Book 1.   I may need a beta reader to take a look at it for me. If you're interested and have read the book, please let me know.   I guess the first sentence has given it away. Book 1 of Trails and Tribulations is coming to a close. It will be out this week, sometime, between now, and Friday night.   Thanks to everyone that has read, clicked on the LIKE button of every chapter, and those that left a review. It means a lot to me to final



Book Review - His Grandfather's Watch By N.r. Walker

This is my first book review, so please feel free to suggest improvements.   I looked at a few friends blogs and found there seemed to be a fairly excepted standard layout and so I have tried to stick to that as much as possible.   Book Details     Title: His Grandfather's Watch Author: N.R. Walker Publisher: BlueHeart Press Length: 86 print pages   Blurb: It was just an ordinary day for Alex Harper at Harper's Antiquities, until Callum Winters walked in with a watch. "It was my Grand

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Advice On Dealing With Ego.

Hi Everyone So i haven't updated this in a while so I thought I would.   Life is going very well - I'm about to finish my Masters, just achieved an Associate Fellowship of a national teaching organisation (and have been asked to apply for full fellowship) and i'm sort of seeing a nguy - not sure what will happen with him, but we shall see. Keep you posted   But that's not the purpose of this blog. So I am currently volunteering as a director for a local theatre company and I wanted some ad

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Featured Story: Noah's New Plan

So, in honor of the title, and the general theme of Rob's story, Noah's New Plan, I decided to do something a little different this month for the review of the Signature Feature story. Instead of one reviewer giving us their take on the story, I asked a series of readers the same questions and asked them to pick a few to answer (and some picked all of them, lol). I hope you'll enjoy this new feature format, and don't forget to download your copy of the signature background for this month if you


Cia in Featured Stories

Ga Story Ashes Of Fate Episode 2, Season 1 Review

Cynus' Ashes of Fate Episode 2   Plot Summary: We find our protagonist Tristan trapped in the Wer camp from last episode, until a mysterious boy named Jacob rescues him. He meets up with a ragtag band people, which include humans and Were-creatures alike. They board an aircraft and head to some unidentified hospital facility, where Tristan sees some hidden memories   Review: Good stuff and bad stuff abound in Episode 2,   The Good is that we get to see that the Wer are not the only one wit



Ga Story Ashes Of Fate: Episode 1, Season 1

Alright, this is my first GA story review in a while, I have my own set of review structure that is slightly different than Renee's outline for GA, but not incompatible.   Let's start with Cynus' Ashes of Fate   Ashes of Fate Episode 1, Season 1   Plot Summary: We meet Tristan the protagonist of this story with a mild amnesiac episode at the beginning of the chapter, where he does not recognize who he is and where he is. The chapter unfolds with Tristan recalling his life and references hi



The Alternative To Windows 10

I have five computers. Two run Windows 7 and 8, respectively, in order to access certain programs that only work on Windows. The other three run Linux. I love Linux, and I'll tell you why. It's easy, for one thing. Over the years, Linux distributions have gotten smarter and made more of their operating system GUI, which means the times a user needs to drop to the command line to type anything in are few and far between. It's free. That matters in a world where Microsoft charges $100 a pop for an



Cbdt Reveal: How I Am Going To Schedule Publishing On Ga

I envision this story to act almost like a TV series, when I launch it, I will publish Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 as my series "pilot" episodes.   Each week, I will publish a new chapter at a exact time slot, Friday at 9PM EST, so readers will have time to read it.   Here's the Publication Schedule as it stands for CBDT (Cyber Bullying Defense Team):   Publishing Date Chapter #   October 23rd 2015- 1+2 (Pilot)   October 30th 2015- 3   November 6th 2015- 4   November 13th 2015- 5   N



Weekly Wrap Up!

We're going to get right up into the wrap up this week, and guess what, we're even going to go backwards! Have you been looking for something new to read? Something short maybe? With the release of the 2015 Fall Anthology, you have 16 brand new stories to check out. If you check Thursday's blog entry, you'll find links to all of them. Don't forget to leave the authors a review to let them know how much you appreciate their work.   Have you thought about doing a story review for the blog? Maybe

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

New Story In Process: Working Title Cyber Bullying Defense Team

I've been arguing back and forth, even trying to offer some one else a chance at writing this story, but I have decided to finally take the plunge and write this new story. I had come up with the concept 3 years ago, but I kept shelving it until now.   The plot of the story centers around a mass act of Coordinated Cyber Bullying attacks on Gay teens. LGBT leaders and advocates are unable to do anything to fight this new threat as ad campaigns, youtube videos, and marches prove ineffective. The



Oh, Crap!

Went to see the psychiatrist today. It was going like a normal appointment until I brought up the hallucinations I’ve been having. We’ve (and my previous shrink) discussed them in times past, but recently they’re manifesting themselves more frequently. We discussed if I felt this was due to one of the many meds I take. After we talked for a good while she asked if I ever had a Parkinsonism examine, which I haven’t. On the paper test I scored 21 out of 26, not good, but at least not too bad eithe




Hello guys   I know I haven't been around lately, and it sucks but I have been really busy at school. Well, not too busy, in a way. The main problem is I can rarely access GA due to it being blocked by the school's wifi system I could use my phone data, but it ran out Starting from next month tho I will be saving my data especially for GA and emergencies only and will fully take advantage of the school's wifi at all times   So, here's a recent update of what's been going on this pass f



2015 Fall Anthology: Blurred Edges * Now Live *

I know a lot of people have been looking forward to the release of the Fall Anthology. Luckily, the wait is over! Sixteen stories have now been released for your enjoyment. I hope you find something you enjoy and don't forget to leave the author's a review to let them know what you think of their work! Thank you to all the Authors and their teams, the Anthology Proof Team for giving the stories a final polish, AJ for his Tech help, and Mann Ramblings for the Anthology banner!    

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Part 4: Three Voices

Sometimes Tragedy makes us stronger people,   Title: Three Voices   Setting: Rural, Carterville, NC   Plot Overview: A short tale about Trey Parker (Finding Family) finding love after his partner of 9 years, Brian Barnes, dies tragically of Cancer. We also get to meet Pat O'Connor, a Wildlife/Game Ranger, who finds himself raising his estranged 15 year old son, Marty, after his wife disown him due to him being gay. Pat has never been with another guy and Trey does not know if can ever love



80's Babies Are Getting Old

Over on my friend's facebook, this has been making the rounds amongst us vanguard Millennials. Pretty scary, no?     It's a weird thing. I remember back in 2003, I used to tell people I was born in 1985, and they'd go, "Wow, you're so young!"   Now I tell people that I was born in 1985, and I get, "Damn, you're old." It's weird- I think my mind pretty sees the mid/late 2000's as being about yesterday, and that my peers (i.e. those born around 1984-1989) are the "youth peers", and the real



Congratulations From Across The Pond

I'll probably forget to post this tomorrow morning so, I'll go ahead and post this now   Tomorrow will be an interesting day for the UK and the Commonwealth realms, because on 9 September 2015, Queen Elizabeth II will become the longest reigning monarch in British history.     So, Congratulations Queen Elizabeth II!

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

Trials And Tribulations

Hey, Hey, I know, I know, it's hard to believe, but yes, there are indeed a new chapter for T&T.   Go read, use the LIKE button, if you like it, and leave a review to tell me what you think about it.   Either way, I hope you have an AWESOME DAY!   Love y'all



Secret Behind 1St Chapter

The thought of Suicide will come from the pain that never ended. But for me it came out of misunderstandings. Yeah, misunderstandings... By knowing the consequences, I don't wanna be a Gay. At least not in front of the people I Love. Its not that I am ashamed of myself, but... You know its complicated to answer.   Coming to the story, the first chapter itself named as the story title. So many, not so many though, said it was very emotional and tough write. I don't know it was that deep but it

Emi GS

Emi GS

Part 3: Finding Family Review

If you think I was gushing in the last story, this one will shock you on how critical I can be   Title: Finding Family   Setting: Rural/College, Carterville, NC and Adam State University   Plot Overview: Parker Arnold is a high school History Teacher and soccer coach, who tries to help his students both as a mentor and also as a father figure. This story revolves around his life, his trials and tribulations, and his relationships with students. It is worth reading and understanding for the



Saying Goodbye

When a friend or other loved on leaves us behind it leaves a mark. I know that when my father passed away in 2003, it was expected - he'd had cancer for more than a year by then and when he came home with hospice, we knew our time with him was limited. That was very hard on him and on us, emotionally, but we got the chance to say goodbye and he knew how valued and loved he was.   I made a friend almost a year ago who wasn't always very nice. He could be, frankly, a jerk. I know why he was the



Ghostboy Aka Cj

Can anyone tell me what happened to Chris?   And someone has now answered my question. So I have a few things to say.   Chris is someone I met, what is now, years ago. He has a strong mid-western stubbornness, but also a heart that allows him to bend a little from his held beliefs. He is a contradiction of beliefs, but that was because of his bending for his heart. He is a human being first, before anything else. He isn't much for labels and that quickly gained my respect, since I don't beli



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