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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Despite all my rage I'm still just a rat in a cage

I am always studying addiction. It is a science that far too may people think they have figured out. The reality is a lot more complicated.     This is Whiskers the rat. I bring Whiskers into this discussion because almost everybody is familiar with the famous experiment where they put a rat in a cage with easy access to cocaine and the rat goes ape shit and does cocaine until he dies.   The obvious things most people think about this experiment is that holy shit, cocaine is awesomely add



Writing Prompts #388 & #389

Another Friday is here and with it comes your weekly dose of writing prompts! Don't forget, if you decide to tackle one of today's prompts, to post a link to it in the Prompt Forum! I check the threads for the previous weeks prompts when I'm looking for a prompt to feature. Also, please remember that flash fiction under 1K cannot be posted as it's own story and needs to be posted as part of a collection. Happy writing!   Prompt 388 – Creative Tag – First Line “Snow? Again? How much more are th

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

What a Wonderfully Weird Day

I went to lunch recently with a old school friend I hadn't seen in years. Same old story, lost touch over years, went to a High School Reunion, reacquainted ourselfs, and planned a lunch date to catch up, that got post poned like 10 times. A year later we finally get our busy schedules in line and met for a very good lunch. I told him that I had something to tell him. "He said sure what is it."   " Well, I have schizophrenia! Been sick for the past 15 years, but doing well these days." I got




i dont expect to see many of Rick Owens winter fashions out on the streets any time soon - google it as the pic is NSFW so i wont put it up here



Ponder in the Dark

How come, I can wake-up in the middle of the night and walk around the house in the pitch dark like a Ninja… but a few hours earlier when I went to bed, I leaped across the dark room onto the bed like a scared little girl, so the monsters under the bed wouldn’t grab my feet in the darkness??



Another Neko Update

So, I just want to first thank everyone who read, liked, rated, and/or reviewed What No One Sees. I hope you enjoyed the story, and I greatly appreciate all the comments. Thank you so very much. I am considering possibly using Avery and Matt for some short stories/prompts like I did for the Neko. I dunno, we'll see.   Anyway, to the reason you probably clicked on this link--I have actually completed the sequel to Tears of the Neko. It will be called Blood of the Neko. It's about 60k+ wor



Critiques from Mom, Dad, and Blobbo

My parents were English professors. When I was a university student, I showed them my prize science fiction story. Mom refused to comment. She was always of the opinion that if you haven't anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Dad used diversion. He said my talent was clearly in non-fiction, and he praised the A+ papers I had written for my classes. "But Daaaaad! What about the story?" "I've got to grade some papers, son. Maybe another time." I asked my best friend, Blobbo, to give an



S&M for Dummies

I just don't have it in me.   I have experienced enough real pain to know that I don't like it and, am mortified(good Southern word) at the thought of causing pain to others- especially someone I like enough to want to roll around with.   The idea of being out of control gives me cold sweats so trying to tie me up would be like trying to give a cat a bath. It could probably be done but no one would enjoy the experience.   Leather? No. Just.. no.   I'm just not kinky that way.   My big



Sometimes the fix is simple....

Okay, so here's my 'here's your sign' moment.   About six months ago our ice maker just seemed to stop working. We knew it would cost probably about $900 to fix (because it stopped working when we first got it, and the repair guy told us we were lucky it was still under warranty or it would have cost about $900). So that's what we figured had happened now.   Well, since I don't really use ice, my husband had taken to buying bags of ice as he needed them. He's been doing it for six mon



Prose vs Video

Words aren't the thing anymore. Everyone I know looks at videos or images all day long. They could care less about words, unless those words caption an amusing image. So ours is a dying art, mainly of interest to the old. Bless the readers, for they are few and declining in number. I was struck by Myr's call for young males to get involved with the site. I wonder how they can be lured away from videos, images, and games. I think that will not happen. Images are more immediate in their effect upo



On Writing

History has overseen increasing democratization in the arts. I know the big shots disapprove of the motley-grotley, but too bad. We live in an era when even a nobody like me can find the time and means to compose whatever possesses my fancy without any regard to remuneration. That is a strange thing, and I don't expect everyone to understand it, but then I don't understand why other people do the things they do. I guess each of us picks a little niche in which we specialize for better or worse.



A Time of Reflection

They say that the new year is a time of reflection. It has been a very long time since I just sat down to write and I did that last night. It felt good to do it. I decided to stop by my blog because I was cleaning up old stuff. With the big software upgrade, some of the old junk needs to go. I decided to keep this blog though because of it's long history. But since I was here, why not write something? One of my goals for this year was to be more visible on the site. You've seen some of


Myr in Life

Featured Story: The English Year

Time to start a new week and with a new week comes a new featured story. Timothy M offered to do a review for the blog and chose the story "The English Year" by Promising Author: Jwolf. I hope you enjoy his review and if this sounds like something you'd like, then go read! Don't forget to leave Jwolf a review, or two, to let him know what you thought! The English Year by Jwolf Promising Author   Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: In Process Do you like roller coasters? Ar

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Leo Varadkar becomes Ireland’s first openly gay minister

Ireland’s health minister has become the first member of a government in Dublin to openly say that he is gay. Tipped as a possible future prime minister, Leo Varadkar told Miriam O’Callaghan on RTÉ Radio 1 on Sunday morning: “I am a gay man. It’s not a secret.” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/18/leo-varadkar-ireland-first-openly-gay-minister lets hope he still gets to become leader of his party ... or at least stays tipped as being the one ... and here's hoping more ministers of dif



Weekly Wrap Up!

This week has been a busy week, but before you take a look at what's happened in the blog, take a minute and take part in today's poll! I hope everyone is ready for another week to begin, and if you're not ready, well... I think it's going to start anyways so hopefully you'll be ready when it does .   This week was Signature Week in the GA News Blog which meant Monday & Wednesday were all about Stellar's story Hidden Sunlight. On Monday, Yettie One provided us with a great review and then

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Joined by Blood & Other Story News

First off, thank you to all my readers for being so patient as I try to get story chapters out! It's been a struggle to write lately, though I'm not sure why, but I am still writing. I wanted to update everyone who follows my work on a couple things that are going on in regards to my stories, but especially the completed story, Joined by Blood.   As of February 1st, I will be unpublishing Joined by Blood from GA Stories. It is NOT going away permanently, but I have been slowly working on so

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Out of my home for now

Well, to cap off a crappy week where I have had to work minimum of 12 hour days for the past 13 days and now compulsory overtime at work for another 2-3 weekends, I got off a bit early yesterday and headed home.   Once I got off the elevator to walk down the hall to my apartment style condo, I saw two of the Condo board members standing outside of my unit. I noticed a huge wet stain of water outside my door and then noticed that my door and door frame were all smashed up.   Since I'm tired a



happy couple get married

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2914707/Stephen-Fry-announces-marriage-Elliott-Spencer-Twitter.html   Fry is 57 ,,, Spencer is 27 - they got engaged 10 days ago .... lets hope they stay as a coupe for a long time



Space Vampires!

Okay, this is funny because I am posting the third story in what has been called my 'Space Vampires' trilogy. That, and it's just soooo true at times!     " data-width="466"> Post by Jena Gregoire.




Marred and scuffed weathered brave from the good and bad... there's this look of a life lived... twisted and worn beauty seen with the eye and held by a hand felt in the heart strangely at peace wanting nothing anymore but giving instead a fond farewell



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