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  • Valkyrie

    Prompts Featuring Creatures

    By Valkyrie

    In honor of our Anthology theme, I thought it would be fun to do some warm-up exercises. Maybe these will even turn into a complete Anthology story.  So let's go creature hunting!    PT Prompt #263 First line: "It's behind me, isn't it." PT Prompt#264 You buy a new pet and surprise your partner with it, only to find out they are deathly afraid of it.  What is it and how do you deal with the aftermath?    Please include the prompt number either in your sto
    • 1 comment

Music Memories Of Beverly Hills 90210

The Unauthorized 90210 Story aired on Lifetime this weekend, and it made me feel all nostalgic for the show, and of course, the show's music. (Which unfortunately has been butchered on the DVD's.) So I thought I'd post my favorite tunes from the 90210 soundtrack: 1.) When Dylan and Brenda break up, for the first time, after Brenda freaks out about her pregnancy scare.  2.) "2000 Miles" by the Pretenders When the gang watches at the train station as Steve leaves to search for his biological



C S R Feature: Halloween Short Stories!

It's a month for a variety of spooky treats, so I thought I'd bring you a few snack-sized Halloween short stories. These are 3 short stories by our site authors featuring a corn maze, a costume party at a bar, and a few zombies--what would Halloween be with a few ghouls, right?   A Halloween Nightmare by Bill W Length: 5,895 Description: Colby is a college senior who’s looking forward to dressing up in his costume and spending Halloween having a good time at a gay bar. However, his evening of


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Further Delays

Hello All,   I know some of you have been looking forward to my upcoming chapter of Indiana Summer for a very long, unreasonably so, time. I want to apologize for all of the delays and set backs. I recently suffered yet another one in the form of a computer glitch that seriousl corrupted the file I was working. I have been having to reconstruct the chapter bit by bit from memory.   I have also been pulling mandatory over time hours at work and getting very little sleep. I know I have said



Ready Made Reading List

Started to read a new book, sample sentence follows.   They were like the faces of sleepwalkers looking backward across nightmares, recognizing no one and no familiar things, glaring down across the fleeing irrevocable instant as if they were being hurried to execution itself, flashing on, rapid and successive and curiously identical, not despite the fact that each had an individuality and a name, but because of it; identical not because of an identical doom, but because each carried into that



Well... That Was An Interesting Time...

So an update. The company I was working for decided to let me go with no notice - which sucked. Their reasons were that I was defaming the company at every opportunity with my cast. Which was 100% inaccurate, I never called on the company at any point in the process. I stated quite openly that the production was unsupported and in the private conversations on how to handle this with my assistant I was quite harsh - but I never publically showed my frustrations. That would be incredibly unprofess

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Weekly Wrap Up!

So the seasons have changed from Summer to Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and from Winter to Spring in the Southern. Hoping that you are enjoying the changes in your area Shall we see what happened in the GA News Blog this past week?   Monday was our monthly C S R Discussion Day with Cia doing an interview with Graeme. Some different questions were asked by Cia and then you, the readers took over and asked your own questions of him. Although there is a major time difference it went over with


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


You can only have one Mother Patient, Kind, and True. No other friend in all the world will be the same to you.   When other friends forsake you, to Mother you will return. As we look upon her picture, Sweet memories we recall.   Of a face so full of sunshine and a smile for one and all. Sweet Jesus, take this message, to our dear Mother up above.   Tell her how we miss her and give her all our love. We can



Wearing Glasses To See Straight... Or In My Case, See Gay

I was around 5 years old when I began to wear glasses, and I wasn't the lest bit happy about it Even at such a young age, I thought I looked like a dweeb   The only bright spot, at the time, was during the first grade (ages 6 to 7). At the time I wore these round glasses that, according to my classmates, made me look like Harry Potter   Well, I got used to them eventually, and soon enough I wasn't even thinking much about them.   Now, I must insert a bit of context Erm... I ain't a fas

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

Update: End Of The First Month

A lot to update actually this week but I'm too lazy to go into details To sum it up, I'll list them things instead.   1. Braces boy and I got along great, his sassy side came bursting out in the debate in HIV 2. Was angry at a friend whom I initially didn't like because she treats me like I'm her boyfriend or slave and never respect my time. 3. Found out that my other friend and I have way too much in common it's AWESOME, but she still won't go karaoke with me 4. Once again, my plans and



Literary Device: Chekhov's Gun

I am as much a writer as I am a commentator and reviewer, so let me introduce a literary concept to all my fellow GA Authors.   Chekhov's Gun is an allusion to the famous short story author, Anton Chekhov of the early 20th Century. and his idea of utilitarian story elements. He proposed that if a gun were hanging on a main character's wall in the 1st chapter of a story, then it must follow that the gun would go off eventually in a later chapter. If the gun never goes off, then the writer shoul



Writing Prompts #450 & #451

So here we are at the first Friday of October. Is it me or is the year just flying by? Anyway, I hope everyone has been having a good week. Since is it once again Friday, I'm here to present to you some new prompts. As always, if your work is under 1,000 words you have to place into a collection. And now to give you something new to entice you to write.   Prompt 450 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – an apple, a farm, hay, a horse, a diamond ring   Prompt 451 – Cre


comicfan in Prompts

Moment Of Silence For Victims Of Oregon Shooting

..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................   I am tempted to post this in the Lounge, but fear it would get political due to the nature of gun issues in America. I am tempted to debate gun control in the pit, but I don't want to dishonor those who have just lost their lives by using them as talking po



The Altitude Of Love

The Altitude of Love   maybe it's something more than faith... beyond mere heartbeats and belief... maybe this love is an absolute. I want it to be.   I feel you so near to me all the time I can see how it's already a conclusion and not a supposition. I need it to be.   those are the things I mean when I say "I love you."

AC Benus

AC Benus

A Farewell To Arms

WARNING: This article contains crud humor. If you have not read The Atlantic online article, “The Coddling of the American Mind”, or if you do not enjoy crud humor, please leave now. You have been warned!   On Monday afternoon I tripped coming up the stairs to the front deck resulting in a full header onto the deck. I have a hard lump on my left eyebrow, a colorful left eyelid and surrounding tissue, and, to make matters worse, both wrists are seriously sprained.   When my son came home from



Pre And Post Of Chapter 2 - 'a Letter By Francis'

When I was writing the first chapter of 'Suicide Note', it just came out like that according to the circumstances. Coming to continuing the story I stuck there. I don't know how to start and how to involve all new and existing characters into this platform. That's where I think a lot and finally I got what to write. The whole picture was displayed on my mind's imaginary screen.   Now coming to what to write first, I thought about it too. That's when it struck that I don't have to write about D

Emi GS

Emi GS

Becoming A Gentleman

A fine read and bit of instruction for anyone in need of addressing one's own lack of civility or in imparting such civility upon one's distinguished characters from their tales. This book is the standard of every man who wished to comport themselves as a gentleman of distinction in English High Society.   The Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness:   http://www.gutenberg.org/files/39293/39293-h/39293-h.htm



The Future... Starting From The Inside.

We need to reestablish the family. We need to put it once again in the center of our hearts. We need to prioritize the bonds that link us, prioritize the hugs that bring us together, prioritize the tenderness that makes us love each other, prioritize compassion against an impersonal world that negotiates everything, that corrupts everything. I’m willing to compromise, that’s why today I told my parents about that part of me that has been hiding for so long. We need to start the change in society



Did I Ever Mention To You All That I Let Two Homeless Guys Stay Over Winter?

I realized while answering Method's blog that I never told you guys the story of last Winter's guests. Last year during the worst Blizzard in the history of New England, I let two homeless guys stay in my house. The first question in your mind maybe, Is WL crazy? Then, the second question, Were they hot?   To answer your questions, No, I am quite sane if a bit soft hearted. As for hotness, one was around my age with a cute/shy demeanor and another was in his 50's who kept saying thank you eve



C S R Discussion Day: The Rainy Day By Graeme

Graeme's The Rainy Day is the CSR feature for September. I asked Graeme a series of questions about his time on GA and his story, which, considering the story is from a past anthology was kinda tricky of me. I hope you'll enjoy learning more about Graeme and his writing. He is a busy man, but he will be "live" on the site at 6 PM his time zone, which is 10 PM Pacific and 1 AM Eastern. For our night owls, YAY, and for the rest, make sure you add your questions beforehand so he can answer them the


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Creepy Lady At 2:30 A.m. In The Morning

I'm a 29-year old male from the East Coast. Tonight, I went out to my favorite bar to listen to my favorite cover band.   On my way back home, I stopped at a local bank which has a drive through with an ATM. It's located at a blue-collar shopping center in the middle of a very busy highway in the suburbs, although being almost 3 a.m. it was empty. I wanted to deposit some money in my bank account to make an insurance payment.   While I was getting my money together, some lady walked up to th



Cbdt Reveal: Inspirations

After finishing the 1st half, I just realized how much other writers have influenced me, in particular two on GA.   C James, you are the most fun technical guy I have ever had the chance to read. Your nuclear thrillers and your serial novel "Circumnavigation" inspired me to create CBDT: Cyber Bullying Defense Team. In terms of themes, we're similar, but different in terms of our style and genre environment, but I consider you as a primary inspiration. I also think the idea of a long serial nov



Weekly Wrap Up!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Just a reminder that tomorrow is the CSR Discussion day of The Rainy Day by Graeme. Now, with that reminder, let's see what happened in the GA News Blog this last week.   For our featured story, Timothy M provided us with a review of Prophylaxis.   Wednesday, Cia took over the blog to discuss something that had once again struck the site: Plagiarism. Cia gives some great tips on how to search for your story to make sure it's not posted anywhere that

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Reddit Story- Woman Strikes Up A Friendship With A Guy That Tried To Rob Her

I found this entry on Reddit's OffMyChest sub, and I thought it was a great story.   I Just Went On A Date With A Guy Who Tried to Rob Me   Of course, it could be entirely made up, but sometimes the truth really is stranger than fiction.   If this ever turns romantic, that'd be one hell of a story for your grandkids.   I do like to believe in the power of redemption and the innate goodness of people, and this story illustrates it well. The guy wanted to rob her, but as soon as she starte



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