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  • Valkyrie

    Prompts Featuring Creatures

    By Valkyrie

    In honor of our Anthology theme, I thought it would be fun to do some warm-up exercises. Maybe these will even turn into a complete Anthology story.  So let's go creature hunting!    PT Prompt #263 First line: "It's behind me, isn't it." PT Prompt#264 You buy a new pet and surprise your partner with it, only to find out they are deathly afraid of it.  What is it and how do you deal with the aftermath?    Please include the prompt number either in your sto
    • 1 comment

What's Up Next...

Just thought I'd drop a note now that Lie of the Serpent is done to let anyone who was curious know what I have going on in my head now.   Well, apparently, I've deviated from my original plan. I have a couple ideas floating in my head, one of which was the gymnast one I mentioned in one of my poems and in a previous blog. And I actually started it--one chapter, sort of.   But then another idea hit me--okay, pounded me over the head--because I started it as well. I think I'm more inve



One More Short Story In Billy Newt's Universe, Then Cbdt

Well, I don't want to let my readers down; even if the appeal was small and marginal, I will give them one more short story in that universe at the very least. I am not going to commit to a long term unless you guys want me to, since I do have a primary story being launched.   For the upcoming launch of Cyber Bullying Defense Team, 8 chapters have finished editing with a Halloween special Kitt is working on the tail portion right now, but that part will not be released until December/January.



The Next Projects...

So after a pretty disastrous September, October has started out really well!   Launched our own company, with which we have three projects under our radar which I thought i'd blog about   PROJECT ONE: The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo, July 2016.   I'm casting for a new 50 minute version of the above novel with a multiroling cast. It's going to be great fun and a wonderful production. I'm in the directors chair for this one and it's partially devised, so it will be nice getting b

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

America Comes Out Of The Closet

Kudos to all those brave enough to make the decision. There's strength in numbers.   May I see the day when a person's sexual orientation is no longer newsworthy...   https://research.facebook.com/blog/403359139870267/america-s-coming-out-on-facebook/

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday

Writing Prompts #454 & #455

Welcome back to another Friday Prompt Me! Yes, amazing how quickly the week seems to pass. Already those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are seeing the cooler temperatures moving in, the leaves changing colors, and announcement of snow. Seems that autumn is flying by. As it does hopefully people are taking time to enjoy things and perhaps even taking a bit of time to write again. Just the weekly reminder - Prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Considerin


comicfan in Prompts

Pre-Info Of Chapter 3

Hey Guys... I am back with some information relating to the Next Chapter of the Story. Until now we have seen Davy's misery and an investigation about Davy's disappearance. One was a sad thing and another one is an action thing...   The next chapter is going to involve fully about a guy named Francis and something he has been holding for his entire life. I think you will guess what it is, but You have wait to know everything...   And in this chapter some of the characters are going to introd

Emi GS

Emi GS

Favorite Songs

I’ve been thinking of writing a blog entry on a few of the songs I find interesting, so I think it’s time (now that I’m feeling somewhat manic/mostly depressed) to discuss these songs. (Research from Wikipedia)   Let’s do them alphabetical (by artist) just to make it easy.   First off is Alanis Morissette’s, “You Oughta Know.” It’s a rather troubling song about a failed relationship that seemingly went terribly wrong. Now, the jilted girl is asking her former lover if his new love will measu



Nostalgia And The Best Of Wishes

So, this is a song that makes my heart ache in that way that makes you nostalgic, and happy too. My happy blog post after my birthday. This year, there was no large celebration, but a gentle day with friends and family. Smiles, encouragement, and even wishes of love and happy birthday from friends and family I hadn’t talked to in so long. It was a nostalgic kind of birthday. So, I dedicate this song to all of them, for making me love them all the more, even when they’re far from me. (Some lyrics



Interview: K C

Ready for more Halloween fun? This month we're featuring KC for the Signature background with his story A Grim Fairytale. Have you read it yet? You can check out my review of his story here. What about his themed desktop background? It's spookily fitting for this time of year! But first, you can't miss this interview where KC shares a little information of the... naughty variety.   What’s your favorite Halloween tradition?   With a name like Grim, Halloween has to be my favorite Holiday!


Cia in Author Interviews

Local News

Rambo, my son’s GSD (as distinguished from an original German shepherd; you know, the dude or dudette (Mary, Mary, quite contrary . . .) with a long stick with a crook on the end, maybe a large long-haired white dog who thinks it’s a sheep, and a flock of medium sized white or black woolies), has a very faint whine that I cannot hear even when it’s close, but my son can when the dog is across the room! N____ has super-sensitive hearing; so bad that I’m on the other side of the living room at the



Some Fun Facts About Billy Newt's 13Th Birthday

Well, looks like at least 190 views at the story so far with 4 responses. It's not a big reaction, but it's not a bad one either for a non-genre writer like me. Unless, you guys are dying for another fantasy story, I think this might just be a one time thing.   I wanted to at least share some things about the story at least for fun facts:   1. I have read way too many stories about witches, (used to love Charmed too), I feel like there's really no difference in story elements of fantasy. I w



Featured Story: A Grim Fairytale

Welcome to the Signature Author week. This month we're featuring KC's A Grim Fairytale, in honor of the Halloween season. Did you read it? If not, don't worry, my review won't spoil the story for you... but hopefully it will make you want to read it! If you haven't downloaded your background yet, get it here!   A Grim Fairytale   by KC Signature Author   Length: 3,176   Status: Complete   Reviewer: Cia   Mention Grimm, and I’m in. I was a fan of the original ta


Cia in Featured Stories

Alright, Been A While Since I Wrote A Story

Here is my Halloween fun story.   https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/billysnewt13thbirthday/1   As I said, I do not anticipate writing this into a major series, unless readers really desperately want me to write it out. I am really irreverent in this story to the Fantasy Genre, so if you guys like this be prepared for a different take on Fantasy from a more masculine perspective.   As for Norse Mythology being used in this story, I freely admit it, I love the concept of old Norse Tales.



The Nature Of Success - A Discussion With Myself

Disclaimer: This will be depressing. Read at your own peril.   How do I define success?   This seems to be the question of the decade for me. I don't know if I've been successful in my life. My instinct is to say I haven't been, but maybe I am? If success is having financial security, then I definitely have not been successful yet. If success is reaching a position of power, then no again. A position of influence perhaps? Yes, I have some small amount of influence on the world, so in that I



The Last Two Months...

Its been Two months, 60 days actually, that I have gone through a phase that made me to learn a lot. A phase that has given me lessons to understand people, situations and mostly about fate. I know I have gone through some bad situations and incidents that made my life so... I don't even know what that felt.   It is 12 August, I got a phone call saying my cousin is in hospitals and in serious condition. I went there after everybody visited her. Docs told us she is dealing with her life and dea

Emi GS

Emi GS

Weekly Wrap Up!

First thing, a shout out to my fellow Canucks who are enjoying the Thanksgiving long weekend and stuffing their bellies with turkey. I know this is only relevant to a small number of our Members but I ask all of you to take a moment and think of all the things that you are thankful in your life   Shall we look at the past week in the GA News Blog? Monday started off the week with a compilation of Stories for the C S R Feature. Cia has given us 3 short stories that all are Halloween themed. Bi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Campbell Soup

Guess what was added to my grocery shopping list for tomorrow. The American Family Association and One Million Moms are alreadey complaining about the ad, so I think I'm going to support the company supporting real, real, life, and buy me some Star Wars soup!   https://youtu.be/7rZOMY2sOnE

Carlos Hazday

Carlos Hazday

Writing Prompts #452 & #453

Well here we are again at the start of another weekend. Yes, it is Friday and that means it is time to tempt you all with some new prompts. Now that October is underway, some people might find it nice to curl up with some apple cider, a slice of pumpkin pie, and write! As usual it is time to see if we can encourage new authors, revitalize lagging authors, and see if we can keep our usual crew pumping out new works. Just the weekly reminder - Prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as p


comicfan in Prompts

Target's Only Plus-Size Male Model Strikes A Bull's Eye For Body Positivity

Found this feel good story about a male plus size model showing that beauty doesn't have to come in just one size!   Target's Only Male Plus-Size Model Strikes A Bull's Eyes for Body Positivity   Pretty cool story. I mean, I grew up with that whole Abercrombie and Fitch aesthetic being pushed, and it's cool to see guys who don't fit that mold still being held up as being attractive.   I do have to hand it to Zach Miko for refusing to fit into conventional beauty standards and just being li



Photos To Make People Laugh!

Was trawling my photos and found a few that I thought would make people laugh.     This one didn't get away (2010)     I can fix it!!!! (2010)       My uncle didn't enjoy the music at my wedding reception (2003)     I'm the one on the right holding the cup, I think I was between eight and ten here   Hope I made a few people laugh laughing is good for you

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Ask An Author #32

I've heard countless times how much everyone loves the Ask An Author feature and want to give a big Thank You to Dark for taking the time to contact all the authors and compile these wonderful Wednesday pieces. Don't forget, if you have a question you'd like to "Ask an Author" all you need to do is send Dark a PM!! Hope you enjoy!!!   Ask an Author #32   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #31, we had questions for authors

October Happenings

For a change I don't want to complain or talk about my life. I want to talk about my writing.   Lately my muse has been active. Which is really nice. What this means for my readers.   1) I have a new Halloween story coming up shortly. Like some of those from my past, it will be a one shot, but hopefully it will be something people can enjoy. Instead of the usual stories about witches, zombies, vampires, or werewolves, I decided to go a little different. My tale is called Halloween - Lilith S



Muwahahahaha...i'm Going To Try A Short Story For Halloween

Well, like the title says, I want to play this spooky holiday with a fun short story idea I have dreamed up. It involves a magical world of Warlocks, Vampires, and Werewolves   Since Cyber Bullying Defense Team is in post production for the 1st half of the story with a publication date of 10/23/2015, I've got some time to write something short and fun.   Here's the tag line:   I know what people might say: WL, what the fuck are you doing? This isn't your kind of story, why are you even



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