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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Ellora's Cave

There's an article on vulture.com on the various controversies surrounding Ellora's Cave, an erotica publisher. I remember visiting that site once. I liked it, because the background was dark and easy on the eyes. I may have purchased a story out of curiosity there or at another web site, but I think it was purchased there. Along with the well-endowed stud, the story was also studded with stylistic, logical and grammatical errors, and the explicit sex scenes made me laugh. My curiosity kept me g




Russia has had a bad millennium, that's all. Reading that region's history is like walking through an overgrown, unmaintained cemetery--depressing, sad, horrible. Their greatest composer in all of history, Tchaikovsky, abandoned Russia for better lands, but when he returned, they murdered him for being gay. Their rulers include Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, and Nicholas II, the last, murdered czar. None were good for gays. None were nice, smart or even half-way competent. Madness. Bloodlus



Weekly Wrap Up!

It's that time again, time to take a look back at what happened this week in the GA News Blog. Before I get to that though, i want to remind everyone that Tuesday is the last day to send your story to the Anthology Proof Team. At the moment we've only received 5 entries. Now, lets see what happened this past week in the blog.   The CSR discussion for Pierced by JVaughn took place on Monday.   Tech Tuesdays came back on Tuesday to tell us about how the new software upgrade is going to deal wi

How Many Peeps Watch Peep Show?

Channel Four's Peep Show is the best-written comedy on television and one of the few that I can watch over and over again. I don't know of anything remotely like it. Everyone I've shown the show to here in the U.S. hates it, absolutely hates it, possibly because it is unique, unlike any other show ever produced, with an ongoing narrative from either Jez the stoner or Mark Corrigan the geek, and the camera shoots scenes from the viewpoint of one of these two gentlemen. Although the show is about



2nd Student Loan Paid Off; Many More to Go

I've now paid off two of the four private student loans I took out from a Lehman's Brothers-based company called Campus Door (which eventually got bought out by Wells Fargo)...many more federal loans to go after that, but it's always a small little victory when I see a loan balance of zero. I made the decision to make postponements on my federal loans so I could focus on the private ones because they often have a higher interest rate and they are able to make rules that federal one can't. Namely



Writing Prompts #398 & #399

FRIDAY, FRIDAY, FRIDAY!!! *Dances* Oh, oops. Forgot what I was doing there for a moment. Hope everyone has had a great week and I bet everyone is looking forward to the weekend. Before the weekend can get here though, we have to do the weekly prompts from the Prompt Guru. Hopefully one of these will spark an idea!!!   Prompt 398 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – umbrella, toy bunny, banana, a parrot, and a young girl.   Prompt 399 – Creative Tag – The Snore

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Of Comments, Be Skeptical

Comments here on gayauthors.org are fine. Let me say that right away. This web site is a moderated, safe, fenced-in area of the internet. If you blog out in the wild, wild west, that is to say today's Internet, on your own little blogspot or wordpress or what-have-you, unfenced-in and left to your own devices when it comes to security and access, then be skeptical, please. Be skeptical of comments that are left on your blog and of messages emailed to you. Please.   Ask yourself first, is the m



'Give HIV drugs to healthy gay men'

Healthy gay men should be offered daily HIV drugs to prevent infections, say campaigners. A UK study, on 545 high-risk men, found one case of HIV could be stopped for every 13 men treated for a year. more at : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-31601042



Knobs and Tubes

I bought this bunalow house built in 1915 last year and have been restoring and remodeling non stop. This month I had some new wiring installed in my master bedroom only to find out the house still had 45 % of the original knob and tube wiring system being used. Most of it was hidden under the installation of the attic and some walls. Not only is this type of wiring not up to to code, its down right dangerous. A week later, it had all been replaced by a professional electrician.   I can do mos



Neko is on Amazon

Hey everyone!   Tears of the Neko is now available on Amazon if you feel you must have a copy for your kindle so you can read it whenever you want! Or want to leave a review over there too ...   No, really, just wanted to let you all know that it is published there under the pen name Taylor Ryan, in case anyone sees it there and wonders if it's me or someone trying to steal it (which I know has happened to people unfortunately). So it is me, just under a pen name, since my young adult works



Writing Tip: Grammar Rodeo #1

Today's blog is courtesy of Cia! Ever wondered which is the correct word to use when faced with lay/lie? You're not alone and Cia has put together a very informative blog entry to help, it even includes tips and tricks for when you're really not sure. Thanks Cia for taking the time to give us Grammar Rodeo #1! Grammar Rodeo #1 Tips and Tricks for wrangling those Pesky Word Choices!   Who and Whom Okay, I hate this one, even though it’s relatively simple! Let’s make it easy: Who i

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

A Glimpse of Normal

A Glimpse of Normal   I showed up for summer football practice on my bike at the appointed time of 7am in August my 8th grade year.   August is a blow torch here in Mississippi. It's not cool in the mornings. It's just less hot.   I was wearing my Red team jersey that I had earned the year before. I was supposed to be on the 8-9th grade starting team but the redneck coach wasn't having any of that. There was no use arguing with him. He just wasn't going to have a faggot on his team and tha



The Democratic Gun

The gun is democratic. It requires little in the way of training or skill. What can be easier than pointing a gun and pulling a trigger? The gun does not care who you are--rich or poor, skilled or unskilled, young or old, strong or weak, smart or foolish, sane or insane, or good or evil. Guns deal death, and death is equal opportunity. Anyone can pull the trigger. What an easy thing a gun is! Anyone can die. A genius may be slain by an idiot, a billionaire by a common thief, or more likely, a go



Csr Discussion Day: Pierced By Jvaughn

This month, a shorter than usual one, I also went with a shorter story. JVaughn's Pierced is a solid read, for all it's only about 20k in length, that I really enjoyed. I was happy to feature it this month, and I hope you're ready to enjoy learning a bit more about J, too. Don't forget to leave your comments or questions. J will be "live" on the blog from 4-6 PM, PST today to talk to you--so make sure you're ready!   Single people often have more time to write. Are you single? Technically, yes


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up!

Before I get to the weekly update, a reminder that tomorrow is the CSR Discussion for Pierced by JVaughn. Also, the deadline is fast approaching for the 2015 Spring Anthology. Now, lets see what happened in the blog this past week.   On Monday Cia provided a review for Dangerous Impulses by Greg_A. If you haven't read the story, check out the review and maybe it will prompt you to check out the story itself. If you have read it, feel free to offer up your own opinion.   Wednesday continued t

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Unbearable Joy

We just finished watching The Theory of Everything, about the life of Professor Stephen Hawing and his wife. Afterwards I cried, and I couldn't explain it to Cris. Right then was another moment when I realized how really wonderful my husband was, because he just said he loved me, and didn't ask why a film about a physicist had left his big strong cowboy in tears.   And the reason is this. The film made me infinitely sad, because the love powerful enough to make one person love another even tho

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

Help Remove Pat Robinson's 700 Club from ABC Affiliates!

Pat Robinson just compared gay marriage to man-dog marriage. Pat Robinson Compares Gay Marriage to Man-Dog Marriage   Now I've got nothing against dogs but I'm reasonably sure that they have no standing in legal agreements.   Pat Robinson is an ass hat and spreads hate against the GLBT community every time he opens his senile mouth.     Tell ABC Family that this isn't the sort of family values you had in mind when you tune in.   If you have had quite enough of this asshole, sign the p



Time The Illusion

Time is an illusion that we cast by the frailty of our organic machine-bodies. But the mind and the soul are not finite. They persist.   Time is an illusion we cast for ourselves in a world of clocks and watches to meter out the days of our lives. But the foundations of creation do not speak to time. The universe lives and breaths in a never ending cycle of creation, reformation, and recreation.   The universe speaks of change, not death. What was once one thing gives way to the same thing i



Writing Prompts #396 & #397

There are many reasons that people might look forward to Friday, but here at the GA News Blog, we look forward to Friday because it means one thing.... New Prompts!!! Sometimes we get stuck and need a little push to help us get writing again, that's what the prompts are all about, to help get the juices flowing. As always, Comicfan has provided two new prompts for you to take a stab at. Hopefully one of these will inspire you to write a little something!   Prompt 396 – Creative Tag – First Lin

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

So... What's next?

Okay, so Blood of the Neko is completely posted now, and I'm so glad that so many readers enjoyed it. It has made me think about writing a third story--as well as more Neko shorts, of course. I really appreciate all of the reviews asking for more neko, as well as the abundance of ideas. So I'd say one will be coming, I just don't know when, maybe by the summer.   Currently, I'm working on another fantasy/romance (think shifter, but not wolf). I haven't been able to get very far yet (three cha



eBook Review: Bratty Angel by Chris T. Kat

My rating: 4 of 5 stars   Today I'm featuring Chris T. Kat's newest release, Bratty Angel. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Okay, I don't have much to say about this book... except go buy it now! It's a great fantasy, with a mythological twist I really enjoyed. Good and evil aren't quite so clear cut in this tale. Nope, no siree. You find that out when you learn a hellhound and angel are hanging out. And the angel's harassing someone for some pleasure.   Reading this



Ga's Newest Promising Author: Valkyrie!

After a long delay since our last author promotion, we begin today to replenish the list of Promising Authors with the promotion of Valkyrie! Valkyrie is fairly new to writing fiction, having only finished her first serial in May 2014. Valkyrie's stories tend to feature flawed individuals who go through some pretty rough times before reaching their happily ever after -- if they ever do. As she states in her author bio, she is a big fan of animals and several of her stories feature them. In addit


A.J. in News Archive

What's worse than being stuck between a rock & a hard place?

The answer is being stuck between a bud and a bro.   There's something you might not know about Southern culture. In some ways we are almost Arabic.   Once we make friends, there's very little that can change that. We're loyal to an absolute fault even when it hurts and goes way past making any sense. Why sure Butch, I'll follow you over that cliff.     There is one place that I absolutely hate to be: in between people I care about in a controversy.   I literally don't know how to han



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