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  • Cole Matthews

    Building a mystery!

    By Cole Matthews

    If you know me at all, you know I love a good mystery story.  Dame Agatha Christie, Jonathan Kellerman, Joseph Hansen, Martha Grimes, Earl Derr Biggers, Dashiell Hammett, Robert Parker, Minette Walters, Joe Lansdale, Wilkie Collins, and many many more all come to mind.  There is something intriguing about a whodunit or even a whydonit.  They are also such fantastic period pieces, where you journey to another place and live in a different time.  You can read about Dave Brandstetter in the 19

A Storm on the Horizon

Lemme know what you guys think... It's a teaser and heavily and I mean HEAVILY beta right now. I want to get a general feel for how people like it before I continue with this one... I'm also working on another story which will also have a teaser posted in the near future   Eric



Who do you pray to...

Who do you pray to when you need just one miracle? I'm afraid god will no longer do. We have a contentious relationship he and I. Plus I wasted my one good miracle prayer on him years ago. I remember, I prayed for a lego set, a stupid child who prayed for a lego set, said he'd never ask for anything again.   I've asked for things since, better things. Great people, and they have all been unanswered.   I'm getting desperate here. I can't keep watching the good ones leave.




Well... after close to a year, I started to write today...   It's weird I know, but I just sat down in front of Word on my computer and before I knew it an hour passed and I had a few pages written.   On some other notes, I moved some more stuff to my new place today. I hung around for most of the weekend, with the exception of switching my phone to a family plan (yay verizon!), going to an art gallery with Joe and doing some other errands in the morining, and going to my first gay bar in th




Almost three months since my last entry already! Quite a bit has happened.   I was on GA a lot over the summer, since I spent three weeks in a cast and was stuck at my parents't house with no means to drive back home. I ended up coming out to my parents at that time. It was hard on them, but not dramatic, and was probably made easier by the fact that I came out as bisexual. They keep hoping I'll end up marrying again even though I made it clear that I wasn't going to date women right now.  



I'm not dead.

so.......... it's, um, been a while.   six months, in fact.   six months since my last (proper) blog update and...   um...   I've got nothing.   well, that's not entirely true. I've been places, met people, done things, made progress. but still, as I sit and write this...   nothing.   it's like life has settled down and become pleasantly non-descript.   vanilla, even.   it's not chocolate, strawberry, topping or sprinkles; but it's kinda sweet and fulfilling nonetheless.   as



Stardust - a preview

Stardust     I. Genesis   The comet 1733/Latimer was born in an ancient supernova remnant among the rack and ruin of a star and its shattered planets. For eons the magnetic and gravitational force of the pulsar left behind acted on the gas and dust like a blender keeping it hot and ionized and blowing it farther out into the emptiness between stars.   Over millions of years the gas and dust of the titanic explosion began to cool, the nebulae cloud began to contract and the comet began to



Sinking fast

I hate this depression shit.   I'm sinking fast and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.   I take my medicine and it works, too, almost all the of the time.   I don't want to have to go back on the mood stabilizer because I can't drive a truck and be sleepy all the time.   So, I have to accept the cyclical nature of my condition.   Overly happy to down so far sad seems like a good mood.   I wrote a whole bunch of stuff after this, but I deleted it. It made me feel worse.  




To those of you who find my or Krista's blog offensive and demeaning, boo f**king hooo tough f**king shit. instead of going around and giving each and every single one of our entry's the lowest possible rank... How about instead you put on your grown up pants and just stay the f**k away from our blogs? Because you see these are OUR private blogs, where though GA we are allowed to express ourselves pretty much freely. So go cry a f**ken river and bitch and moan all you want. In other words, if yo



" Queer. "

- Don't spit that word at me, I've done nothing wrong to you. You look at me, and you think you see who I really am, but you'll never know me. -   He hiss those hateful words at me, my love didn't ignore it, so he asked and glared: "What did you say?" and before replying, they walked away. It makes me howl with pain that there are people who would ever want to hurt us like that. Don't they realize that people suffer everyday from hearing those words? They suffer, because it robs



In Rio Rico, again!

I'm sitting in the Pilot at exit 12 on I-19. It's interesting to note that the exit numbers on I-19 are in kilometers, not miles. It doesn't matter all that much to me since I'm only concerned with exits 4, 8, and 12.   I'm here because I delivered my load yesterday off of exit 4, in Nogales. It was seven barrels of paint going to the Ford plant in Hermosillo. Those seven barrels weighed a little over 38,000 lbs. They weren't your ordinary barrel.   If I was going to our yard in Nogales, I w




My mother died today. I wasn't there. When I got to the hospital she was already dead and I went to her room with my sister and neice to sit with the thing that used to be my mother. i say 'thing' not out of any disrespect but to acknowledge the fact that my mother no longer inhabits it.   We sat around for a while feeling as if we should be saying or doing something but there was nothing to say or do.   I came home and lit candles, said a prayer to the goddess and contemplated what it was



Grad School Faux-Paus

I had a bit of a faux-paus today where I cracked some joke that I wouldn't let up on, and the professor took me aside and told me that I might not be picking up on the social cues that I was ticking off some of the kids in the class.   I felt pretty embarrassed, although it reiterated to me what a great professor I have. It just reminded me that social cues and graces just are never going to be second-nature to me, and that I really have to remember when I should let my guard down and just fre




Okay, so in 4 hours I'll be getting up for my first day of internship. And I'm not asleep yet. But this is nothing. I guess I just need to rant out a few stuff to go sleep. And need to write a blog anyway.   The other day I came out to a friend - my former professor, who I had a big big crush on and am pretty sure straight. It was because I hadn't replied to his email in weeks and I was feeling a little guilty and I didn't have much to say in the email so I decided to tell him. I had always su

Kev de Cauchery

Kev de Cauchery

very sad haven verse

magi in the silence you was with him river accused her magi say brother and sisters dont have sexual relationship river escape with his high first magi in the silence both emptiness inside   this is only a old verse i work on it never happen in my life but i like the verse now



Hi. I'm James and I kill shitloads of people.

There's a 12 step group I'd like to see.   Mass murderers Anonymous. MMA. Free coffee and group therapy.   NO. I'm not one of those pathetic souls on a mission from God to wipe out hookers.   One at a time is for rank amateurs and under-achievers. I'm talking fifty, one hundred, a thousand or a million at a time.   Why do I feel like a murderer?   When I first got out of college I went to work for a defense contractor. Won't say who but if you did the math you could probably figure it



Jesus is alive!

And he has a Facebook page.   http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000965683487&ref=search   Jesus Effing Christ has one too.   http://goo.gl/N58f



10 Things you probably didn't know about me....

Im bored... so:   I have a passion for History. Specifically British Military History. I have a few hundred books on the subject in case anyone is interested ... Linked to the above, I have a fascination with the English Raj in India I have a collection of books that is too big for my home; they are currently in storage. I have read all of them. Before I had an "enlightening experience", It was my intention to become a Roman Catholic Priest I can trace my lineage on one side of the



- ;; " Are you willing to take a Risk? " ;;

September 16, 2010   It was now or never... In the heat of the moment, I stepped up to him, and kissed him with every strength I had. In the close confines of his arms, it felt like I had stepped right up into the stars themselves... Like I had become one with the sky, and that together "we were as clean and pure and wide as the universe itself."   It was as if my mind was completely devoured by the dream world. It left me breathless, and for once in my life, everything felt so right. We



The Penis That Kills

THE PENIS THAT KILLS   By Krista & Meeko What a way to die, to moan, sigh and cry, they are happy tears, I've wanted a cock this big for years, I like it hard, I like it rough, it makes me tough. Fill me up, with your hot stuff. My oh my what a way to die, no pain, that's lame, cum is my name, deep throating, my game. I've been looking for a big dick, finally found it too, But I never thought it



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