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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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Getting Older

One of the joys of getting older is the need to subject yourself to various and sundry tests and procedures meant to diagnose cancer early.   Beware of the Flexible Sigmoidoscopy.   It's not like a Colonoscopy because it doesn't turn the corner between the traverse colon and the descending colon. It only goes up to the corner. Also, they don't use any drugs to ease the comfort of having your colon blown up like a balloon or having a long, hard, flexible probe run up the tunnel.   It was ni



Game Manual

I'm writing a game manual for an online game called Outer Core   It is similar to Astro Empires but it expanded and the programmer is constantly working to improve and expand it.   Check it out but be warned- it is addictive. Message me if you join   __________________________________   Distribution: This handbook is for distribution to Weyland-Yutani Managers, Associates and Allies only. Unauthorized duplication or distribution is prohibited and may result in the total forfeiture of s



my Pretend Boyfriends

So I'm still running pretty regularly (about 13 out of 14 days) so that means that I continue to run into my two running crushes at least 3 or 4 times a week. They always have some encouraging words or salutations for me, like 'Heya Vic' or 'Good Morning Vic' or 'Nice job Vic' or 'Looking Good Vic' or 'See you tomorrow Vic'. Perks me up everytime I runinto them.   When you're out there running, just trying to keep up your pace, your mind starts to wander. I've started to build up fantasies



440 to the dome

Well, I officially know what it's like to have the living shit shocked out of me. I was working on a panel box today at work and I went to remove a fuse, but I didn't lock out the power first. Basically, I got my ass lit up with 440 Volts and I'll never forget the feeling. It was brief, and to be honest it didn't hurt, but it was definitely an eye opener. I'll NEVER make that mistake again.   Okay, so now onto an issue that I really consider to be none of my business, but what the hell.... Loo



Sad day

It really is unfortunate. I never thought the people here could be that rude and uncaring.   Why must people be so inconsiderate of others?



Play For Keeps, who's with me?

There has been craziness afoot this past week in my life and there is so much to tell... grab your popcorn and settle in. This is like when your mom told you that you better go before you leave the house cause it's gonna be a long ride.   In no specific order:   Annemarie came home from her first day of band camp with a gift. Tradition, she says, for the seniors to give the freshman a gift. A notepad and pen to mark where she is supposed to be in each set on the field, a chapstick, a band ai



What matters in life

I got up this morning and went for a hellacious jog. It's been a week since I've ran, and I realize now that I shouldn't have taken such a long break. My legs feel like rubber right now, but I guess if nothing else I can at least say that I got it out of the way and tomorrow morning's run shouldn't be quite as bad.   So when I got home I jumped in the shower and when I got out, I went to check on the baby. When I went in there she was awake and for a change, she wasn't screaming her head off.




I just wasted 2 hours of my life watching a documentary about a whining, drugged out little bitch called Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis   It is about this freak of a producer that makes BULLSHIT, I mean art, that no one understands, cares about or wants to watch.   He bitches and whines the whole time about the evils of capitalism through the entire documentry film while he makes this weird BULLSHIT that he calls art that no one wants.   He talks about squeezing art out of him



Trying to get on a Plane with Drugs

Why the f**k would you try to get on a plane with suitcases, briefcases, etc. with drugs anywhere in the world? It's like people have f**king holes in their heads. You're not going to get away with it anywhere. Yet, people still try it. Hell, you're not even likely to get away with swallowing balloons full of drugs, and it's dangerous to do so. Are people stuck on stupid or something? Does anyone actually know of anyone who's actually gotten away with it in recent times?



Another One Bites the Dust

I've come to the conclusion that I pretty much suck at summing events up. Good thing I have no aspirations to be a Journalist at any point. I better keep this in mind so I do not become a biographer as well. I was supposed to be camping over the weekend, and for the most part I was. For the most part. We left early friday morning. and set out for my uncles house. Got there at 5:00 am the agreed meeting time. The house was dark. Usually there are two other trucks there and and people are shuffl



What The Buck?

For the last year or so, I've been subscribed to the Buck Hollywood channel on You Tube. It's probably my favorite channel along with SXE Phil and the Shaytards. I don't really feel like talking about politics this time because the whole health care fight makes me sad. To think that the level of the debate has sunk down to the point of republicans taking about death panels and comparing Obama to Hitler, while Nancy Pelosi compares the town hall protesters to Timothy McVeigh, the terrorist who mu



makin' up my mind

Haven't blogged in a while, nothing interesting has really happened. But I wanted to share a couple things.     I went to Disneyland today, haven't been in a year or two. That place is fun after edibles. I met this kid who was 16 and was already a senior in college, graduating this upcoming year as a computer programming/engineer major. Blew my mind. I have a 3 day pass thing so we're probably going back like Wednesday, maybe the crowds will die down. Disney is annoying, I hate their media gr



Not really "tomorrow"

Gotta remember to stop making promises in my blog, like "I'll post tomorrow" - heh.   ANYWAYS...   So - the doctor visit LAST WEEK went relatively well. Dr Arai was still happy with my progress, only thing was, I also got a dose of reality at the same time. I had been hoping that I might be able to go back to work in say, early September. So I brought it up as far as - "I know the schedule says I can go back to work after 5-6 months, but what about earlier". I knew I was in trouble as I



A Long Awaited Update LG

Not sure if anyone still cares, which is totally my fault for putting it off for this long. But for those who do, Last Goodbye Chapter 7 has just been finished and will be headed to my editor very soon. Also i just wanted to say sorry to those who were waiting for this chapter for soo long. Real life took over me during the summer like it does every summer and things just got a little out of hand. But I have a lot more time now, even with school approaching fast I'll have a lot more time for LG



The End

Well, I guess it was inevitable that The Artists would end early. After a nine month hiatus, strings become frayed and some brake unexpectedly. There just didn't seem to be sufficient need to go on because it could've gone on. The story was setup to go on for at least the four years the freshmen, Six and Casey, had ahead of them. But, it wasn't to be. Sometimes life just gets in the way of what you're doing.   So why give Casey HIV? I suppose to kill him off, too, so that future stories, if



Something weird that still haunts me

September 8, 2001: Was an ordinary Saturday. I worked on my truck. I grilled some burgers and had some friends over for supper.   My next door neighbor Lori and I sat on her front porch and talked about nothing until midnight.   I went to bed and had one of the worst f*ing nightmares of my life. I still remember fragments of it.   I saw a face I can only describe as cruel and hateful. His eyes were dark and the face was angry. I could see the eyes as two pinpoints of red light.   Then I



School Certification

Okay so I lied, I won't be going for my A+/MCP/CCNA. It turns out that Brookdale offers a better course then that for the same amount of money, which my Grant covers.   The program which I will be starting is the MCSA/A+/Network+ Certification course... which means I can be the uber computer geek I always knew I could be lol.   Well... i'm off to blow up my printer... I need to start getting stuff done for school... which is in 1 month



Gigantic Penis

Today was very eventful: Got my school id. Went jogging. Bought a planner. Ate free pizza. Helped fix the elevator at work. Went to the beach. Assisted in making a gigantic penis. Then watched the wave take out one of it's balls. Today was a good day. Picture Below!  




Like Rock the Vote, We Are the World, Live Aid... somehow when Hollywood and the music industry get involved, people listen.



History Repeating Itself

In 1993, the democrats were in complete control of Washington. They had picked up huge majorities in the 1992 trouncing of George H W Bush by Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton was working hard on national healthcare. At the same time, an unpopular trade treaty called NAFTA was being forced down the throats of Americans. The democrat controlled congress and the democrat president pushed it through. While that was happening, a seemingly tone-deaf congress pushed through a vicious tax increase on t



Assorted grumbles

I have been irritable lately and I don't know why.   That is a lie, I know exactly why, but there is little to be done in the situation. All I can do is face the facts, no matter how distasteful they are, and move on I guess. Shame really, but it does reinforce certain long standing truths. When people are pressuring you to do something, something that you know in your gut is going to backfire in exactly the way you don't want it. Just don't do it, listen to your gut beyond anyone else. After



Looking for a Gig?

So what are you doing? Are you looking for a gig?   I've been doing all right, always looking to upgrade.   Well some guys I know have a big project that's about to kick off in South America..   John, we've been there, done that. You know those coup d'



Hate Crimes against LGBT People

Gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered people have long been victims of hate. Before the Stonewall Riots of 1969, gay people were arrested even for being in gay bars. The police intimidated gay people endlessly, and coming out of the closet could mean finding oneself being sent to an asylum. Until around 1973, the APA considered being gay as a psychological disorder, meaning that gay people were considered insane. Thus, gay people were subjected to such treatments as shock therapy and othe



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