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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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update number something

So, I am alive (as much as I can be). I am working on things, really I am but I've been a bit on the busy side. Working on some fanfiction and the such. Some originals.   Updated my twitter.   Going to get a tooth pulled on Thursday.   I'm still offering commissions (10 dollar a drabble [100 to 200 words], 2 to 10 dollars for a poem, .02 cents per word for story). Yeah, so life still sucks.   I'm going to take pain killers now.

S.L. Lewis

S.L. Lewis

The healthcare debate...... forget it.

I was reading a thread in the Soapbox on Healthcare, and I took a particular interest in Jamessavick's ultra moderate posts on the issue. He made so many good points that I hardly know where to begin. For me it all comes down to two points:   a) How the United States pays for a public option (there's currently no viable plan.)   and   b ) We shouldn't be talking about reforming health care. We should be talking about reforming health insurance. I was reading some of the posts from people w



What a Rush!

Okay, a lot has happened in the past two days, so I'll sum it up by day   Friday - Got my first check from amazon for stuff I sold. Yea I know not as big news, but I was happy with it I also made some duct tape rings for me and Matt (it was an inside joke between us).   Saturday - Spent most of the day working and waited until Matt came over to pick me up from work where I gave him his ring   http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=viewimage&a



A word I hate

There are words that annoy me, words that are over-used ("dude" comes to mind), offensive words, but the one word that just turns my stomach is "huggles." WTF is that? It's like taking the word hug and the word snuggle, mixing them together, and forming this bubble-gum cutesy word that makes me want to vomit. Christ. Throw in some baby talk and just finish the deal, make me puke my guts up.   It belongs with other cutesy shit, like rainbows and unicorns and ponies and puppies and kittens

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

Assisted Dining

This is something that I've meant to do for a long time now, but never got around to it.   Most of you how know me, knows that I work in a County owned and operated Nursing Home. Three years ago this past August, the Administrator started a program called the Assisted Dining Program. This program is designed to help Nursing in making sure all residents are fed in a timely fashion. It was set up as a volunteer program and all Department Heads were thanked for volunteering. Yeah, you read right,



Cause you left me, police scene, chalk line...

So, after much panicking and mayhem and nonsense, Rich and I have come to the same conclusion we had previously been at... Annemarie is NOT ready to have a boyfriend. Now that it's all settled, I feel MUCH better. Thank you to Jeff, Steve, Gregg, and Tony for calming me down while I was temporarilly out of my mind. I love you guys!   Speaking of Gregg... he put his two week notice in at work yesterday and I'm pouting. He's already been instructed that he BETTER come visit me and supply me with



Exodus- The little story that could

Well, it is difficult to write, but I enjoy it immensely.   Today marks the 6 month anniversary of me holding production of this story in order to finish my other story ideas, which have had rather anemic showing of support; except for Love and Again, which I want to thank the 5000 views for from you guys.   I'll most likely go back to Love and Again in the next few months to conclude the Alexander arc, after I do more work on Exodus.   This story is getting really big in my mind and I h



Next Week

Next week is gonna start some major changes for me. I'm going back to school to start my MCSA/A+/Network+ computer certifications which is going to be a big step for me given my past history. These certifications will let me get a decent IT job and hopefully let me pay off my debts, student loans, get a car and ultimatly move out of the house (yay!).   For those who don't know, the past three years to me have felt like an on going episode of House M.D. where I came down with a mysterious illne



A Tragedy Almost 10 Years Ago

Now, I do not remember the exact date, but it would have been 10 years ago in April of the upcoming year. I was a junior in high school, and I will never forget this. Danny was only 14. He was hunting with his 13-year-old friend. His friend's rifle jammed. Yes, it jammed. What happened next was nothing short of tragic. The rifle discharged and hit little Danny in the heart. He died at the hospital soon after. It's worth noting that I went to a very small school. Just to give people a general ide



Matthew Shepard: Rest in Peace

I'm working on the sequel to "If it Fits" in my "Chronicles of an Academic Predator" series. It's called "Bloodlines" and the first chapter will post in the next few days. The story takes place in 1998, and it was impossible to avoid Matthew Shepard and his tragic ending in October of that year, not that I wanted to. I'd heard of Matthew, I'd heard his story. It was horrible, a senseless waste. But to do the story justice, I felt I needed to draw him in, and that meant I needed to get to k

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

I was just trying to be nice..

Right.. it was the other day.   I got up early so i could be nice to my mum for one day. Just one day wasnt going to hurt was it?   So i got up , i made her a cup of tea and got a chocolate eclair out the fridge for her ready for when she gets back from the weekly shop.       So she gets home and i give her a hug ( i was feeling good ) and a peck on the cheek and she seems quite happy. She walks into the room and sees the tea and smiles lightly.. i offered to bring the shopping in. Good

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Environmental Douschebag Alert

Today a judge fined a local environmental activist $500 for dumping.   July 28, Jeremy C. of Brandon, MS was confronted by a Rankin county sheriff's deputy dumping trash in a rural area that local residents had been complaining about for months. Items dumped were old pesticide, car batteries, old paint cans, mattresses and furniture.   What made it even better was that Mr. C. was driving his Chevy Taiho with tons of edgy "Green" stickers like save the whales, Greenpeace and Green Day.   Mr



Creigh Deeds Loses My Vote

So I was a little conflicted about who I wanted to vote for in the upcoming gubernatorial election here in Virginia, but the Creigh Deeds campaign made my decision for me. Who's Jennifer?   Apparently, the Democrat party, struggling under the inept leadership of Tim Kaine, has become desperate. One of Creigh Deeds's staffers called the campaign headquarters of his opponent, Bob McDonnell posing as a reporter. Unfortunately for that staffer, she happened to place that call from Deeds's capaign



The Construction Factor

The broke ass state of California has been working on the Freeway next to my job for the last two months give or take. (Damn time flies when one is having innumerable amounts of fun). Freeway construction in, and of, itself isn't really that intriguing. The guys who are doing the job however, are. Well one guy in particular. He's tall, tan from ethnicity, as well as all the time spent in the sun. Has a killer smile that he gives freely to anyone who says hello or gives a friendly nod. Plus he ju



911: the truth is out there

This film featuring Mulla Omar and Bin Laden was captured in Afghanistan in late 2001. Bin Laden likes to tape his "high level" meetings.  as reported by Fox and CBS.  NBC reports suicide attack plot a year in advance.   The story is so fantastic that many people dismissed it thinking that Islamists were incapable of launching anything of that scale or sophistication. A suicide attack with an airliner was a key part of the plot of a popular novel by Tom Clancy and many people dismissed i



So I Just Found Out An Aquaintance of Mine Died

It's weird. He apparently died about three weeks ago.   I wasn't that close to him- he was my lab partner sophomore year, and we hung out a few times, but when I spent a year away from UD and saw him again last semester, it wasn't some tight bond, you know?   Still, this is the first time I've directly known a contemporary who has died, and it's weird. I mean, the dude was only 21. My friend Alex was much closer to him, and I'll definitely keep a look out for her and try talking to her



3,700 Freshmen move to UD

3,700 Freshman Move to UD   Freshmen are so goddamned adorable- so impossibly young, so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Last night I partied with some friends, and we enjoyed the spectacle of the hordes of freshmen looking for parties. We even helped one freshman who got just a little too drunk- the whole thing was kinda surreal- because it felt like just yesterday I WAS that guy, and now...it's four years later and I'm now the "cool upperclassmen", as the Freshman put it. It's weird



LMAO Awards!

Eych! Cats ask for it by name!   The most shocking practical joke in movie history <<Hurl alert, have bucket ready>>     Best comic timing and placement of epicac   Best farting animal   Best Commercial involving a horse   The Unluckiest Guy in all of Film, TV or Radio



Long-term starry-eyed love? Sure, why not?

I turned thirty on the 20th. I told members of my Yahoo group that I was going to write in my blog about what I've learned about love in 30 years.   That sounds waay too effing pretentious. And boring too. And that's not exactly what I meant to say anyway.   What got me to thinking I'd like to post something on love is that there's a lot of cynicism about the whole romance-thing-over-the-long-haul. It seems as though a person's belief in the whole "in-love" or "romance" thing is inversely pr

Adam Phillips

Adam Phillips

Unlocking the inner activist

So I've been looking for somebody to take out all this pent-up rage on. After a week of picking up everyone's slack, cleaning up everyone's mess, putting up with everyone's shit and dealing with outlandish expectations, I've finally found a person to take out all this frustration on.   It went something like this:   Friday 4pm. You get home from work and find the heater is turned up to max, that there's a load of washing drying out and there's not a single person home to supervise. After fur



Straight, Straight, & Super Straight

So I had to break up with my two pretend boyfriends and the 3rd one who was a backup. Fantasy over .     So I got up early to go running with the boys. Met them at the Bagel shop and we started our run. First off, Damien wasn't around and it was mentioned that he must have had problems with his new baby (strike 1).   During the course of the run, I find out that the backup guy has a wife and two teenage girls, and used to be principal of a private catholic school (strike 2).   And th



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