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  • Valkyrie

    Vacation Time!

    By Valkyrie

    I just spent two wonderful weeks in the south of England, seeing everything from the Cerne Giant (Google it if you're not familiar...  )  to Stonehenge at sunset.  I could write an entire story about all the sights and experiences from the trip, but at the moment, will have to settle with two prompts based of actual things I experienced during my adventures.  PT Prompt #217 After travelling for over 24 hours with pretty much no sleep and lots of Dramamine (motion sickness med that make

If you thought my voice was sexy before...

Just kidding about the title. Actually, Dan is quite possibly the first person to say something positive about my voice. More often, I get made fun of for it, not least because I have a greater degree of control over it. I can pitch it high falsetto, properly, so even that can be easily heard, or I can pitch it low so that it carries through doors and walls. Usually I mumble, which makes those two tricks all the more startling the first time someone hears them. This last week I've been sick, and



Saying Goodbye to a Friend

Today, I took my friend, Lori, to the bus stop. I have known her for over six years now, and she has decided to move to California. She had been in a relationship with my cousin for a while. Anyway, it was not going well and she decided it was time to pack her bags and move for good. Personally, I don't hold it against her, though some might think I would. She is doing what she had to do for herself. It seems that she has had enough of being miserable. In her situations, I'm sure I would have do



A new day, a new story

I posted a new story in eFiction today entitled Truthfully and so far I've gotten 2 review (at the time of the posting). I really hope I get more reviews or PM's from the members here that tell me how my writing is and where I can improve.   I'm also happy on another level because I'm signed up for classes this Fall and i got the two I really wanted (the other two are required for me degree and are two i'm not really looking forward to lol). But I am really excited for my American Sign Languag



Maid of Honor, ebay, hell.

I really kind of regret not going away to college, or at the very least moving out of this house.   I graduated from High School this month. I graduated with honors. My report card came in the mail today. My parents have been bitching at me all night about it. Damn! I graduated with honors! Yes, my grades were not as good as they have been, but I had honors! Isn't that good enough for them? No! Nothing is ever good enough for them! Whatever...   I need to start saving lots of money, because



Apple Pie Alamode Ice Cream and Squirt Guns!

Well spending the past few days resting (and a few more in the future doing the same) with limited activity, all I can say is that I'm enjoying the time I'm spending with my friends who are coming over to visit me, and watching people interact on GA. Seriously, I've never been more entertained then I was last night   Oh, the reason for my blog title is simple, my friend stopped by yesterday night and hung out with me for a little bit. She brought my favorite cold stone ice cream and brought m



Vacation.... postponed...

Well... I get out of bed today all ready to catch the bus to meet up with Tara in Philly so we could head out on the retreat she invited me on when Tiger (my cat) decides to run between me. I lost my balance and fell down my steps. As I go to get up, start to see stars. Turns out when you fall down the steps and land on your shoulder, you have a good chance of dislocating it. Lucky for me my mom was home and heard the comotion (cat yelling, me yelling and cussin, someone falling down the stairs)



page 490...

I have the same birthday as Lily... I finally like Kathleen. Almost done!   I'd finish now, but I'm asleep already... Tomorrow.   Hugs, Viv   PS... Someone do me a favor and tell the sunshine to chill a little... over 100 degrees for too many days than I can count now. :wacko:   PS2... (Not the gaming system, but another addition) 9 days until I have my angel next to me



Vacation is where i'll be!

Well today proved to be a busy day. I managed to finish up Truthfully (yay!) thanks to my friend Scott having a rough copy of it and hopefully it'll get read by Drewbie and he can tell me what it needs and what it doesn't (thanks! it's much appreciated!)   Tomorrow I leave to go to PA and go out on a spiritual retreat with my friend Tara. I'm really hoping that I can understand some of the enigmas plaguing me lately.   Word of warning CJames... if I come back to find any of the LTMP characte



4 Meat free days...well, almost. Plus, Nafta 4

Ok, so it's been 4 nearly meat free days for me I can't say that I haven't indulged a little, since I had 3 ounces of shrimp with my dinner last night, but so far I'm doing pretty good My diet has mainly consisted of leafy greens, colorful fruits and berries, whole grain carbs and at least a gallon of water a day. I was craving seafood last night, so I had my stepmom saut



Good and Bad News

Bad News: Well, suffice to say that I learned a very very important lesson yesterday, never open emails that look suspicious. I lost everything, my writings, music, pictures, videos, everything. I got a virus on my laptop and it erased everything. It's going to take me at the least a month to get back to where I was with my stories (and hopefully I can get some of the rough copies I sent in my email to my friends). I can try to piece back together what I had written from my writing journals. If



To a Child Not Yet Born

I have just finished reading one of the best books I have ever read in my entire life. It was pristinely crystalline. Perfect. I'm still in shock that it was able to make me not stop reading it all the way through. That hasn't happened to me in years.   A Density of Souls, by Christopher Rice   It was just... amazing. I saw a lot of things coming, as usual, but it was so detailed, so complex, so absolutely and indescribably perfect!   Stephen is perfectly written. All of the char




Have you ever had a dream you would give anything for, to never end? A dream that's so powerful you remember it for days, weeks, one that bothers you so much all you can do is think about it non stop. :wacko:   What about a song, that has so much meaning, a lot of people wouldn't understand, but to you it's like a light bulb just lit up! A song that you must have listened to for the past 24 hours straight, and no matter how much you listen to it you just can't seem to get sick of it, because



Reflections of Dark Earth: The Prophecy

I have just posted the final chapter of Dark Earth: The Prophecy. You can find it here. I also realize how some readers only like to read complete novels, and here it is from the beginning. For those who have not read it, I have a brief discussion of major characters and my motivations as an author.   Imagine a world where the sun never shines and there is a constant threat of death. Dark Earth: The Prophecy is my first completed novel, and I loved exploring this world and bringing it to life



Grand Island, NE

Way back when the pioneers were slogging their way into the Platte River valley from Kansas, they found a large island in the river, hence the name. Back then, it was a great big island, twenty-three miles long. What's that, a day on a horse? The US Army determined the up stream end of the island would be the perfect location for a fort. Of course, the Platte River was, at the time, known for being "a mile wide and an inch deep," but there was an island in the middle of it and an island is alway



Packing, Moving, Programming, Oh my!

Well... I'm moving back to the city I want to be in. I start my new job on 7/7.   I am moving this week. As such, I have been spending a LOT of time packing and going through my junk. I have more books than I thought possible. I'm going to need a large room just to hold them all.   Let's see... I have also been working on the Story Archive. There are some very major updates coming soon there. It will also be the first place we deploy the new logo. Steph has been working hard on gett


Myr in Life

Coming out again

This weekend sucked in comparison to the last. While the company was good,the task was less then desirable.   I spent the weekend - Saturday really - helping my cousin move most of his downstairs into a storage unit in preparation for his move into a new house next month. It was going fine, he came up with the ever so brilliant idea of "Load an object... drink a beer" that worked fine for the first load, but quickly deteriorated from there. needless to say we only got about 5 or so trips to th



Fighting ignorance and educating myself

Finally, after two long months of making my initial request, I can finally say that my work is mine again. I'm not going to mention a domain, but what I will do is caution other authors to be careful where they ask to have their work hosted. Not all site owners will be as willing to take your stories down, and the process could take several weeks. It hasn't been fun, and unfortunately, this morning I had to be very assertive about what I wanted. And as everyone here knows, I hate being assertive



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