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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
    • 1 comment

A Moment in Fall

This game is bust. How can one possibly play a game where the rules are so obviously skewed in the other direction. It is always the same. You like one person, they like someone else, and the person they, in turn, like yet a different person all together. How do you get ahead with out some basis of mutual attraction?   Then again maybe it is just me. Perhaps I prefer that which I can never achieve. That is a scary thought, much less a scary preoccupation; to never be satisfied with what you ca



Just set up my profile already

Well, I just got done setting my profile up, since I didn't update or do anything on this one. Keep in your mind, I will not update my blog entries that much because I have another blog that is on another website where I often update my life stories often. Please give me any suggestions of what to improve my page! Also, if you have any questions or want to get to know me, just message me and we will talk! Thanks!



Sexuality Poll and UTBOS Preview

The reason for the poll is that there seems to be a sexual orientation thing happening with my daughter's new group of teammates. There is H, who is a lesbian. There is D, a guy, who is bi, but seems to exhibit typically female tendencies like shaving his legs, having long hair with bangs and then wearing it up in a ponytail like girls tend to. Then she said another girl told them she was bi, and now a freshman, M, has said she's bi, too, and when I walked in there last Friday she was all cuddle



Colts-Dolphins MNF at its Best

Now as far as cynical old bastards go, I'm right in there with them. I'm not easily impressed by classless oafs making millions of dollars for being steroid enhanced freaks of nature.   Tonight the Colts and the Dolphins earned their money. There was no phoning it in or half-ass play. These teams got after each other. It was assholes and elbows all night.   Tonight's Colts-Dolphins game was one for the ages. It was a classical match up: a high powered passing offense vs an old fashioned, gri



Indictments all around

"You fall in love too easily, and hold on to it for too long..." This is the bold indictment i heard yesterday while watching a guy have people fill out some sort of questionnaire for a cheap little Edison key-chain light. I can't say that I find fault with her logic. In some ways she is insanely accurate, then again I only gave her the info I wished her to have. I bring this up because there is this guy im... intruiged with. he seems fun and what not and he is definitely a sexy f**ker. I'd real



Life in a nutshell; My Apology

To my readers: I apologize for missing last week's update of Staying together. Life has grabbed me by the hair and its been running me around at its own leisure. So far I've been able to juggle school, work, spending time at home with my family and writing, but the last two weeks have been out of control. On the days that I don't have to go to school, I have more work than I know what to do with. I'm on a serious paper chase right now, trying to keep what I have in savings in tact and still be a



NFL Week 2

Patriots are 0-2 after losing to the Jets     Saints paste the Eagles 48-22     Bungals beat the sad-sack Pack 31-24     "Orton hears a boo" led Broncos beat the underwear Stains (the Browns) 27-6     I'll laugh at the Giant disappointments or the Cowgirls regardless of who loses the suck-fest being held in Jerry Jones ego at this hour.   If I missed laughing at your team, don't despair. You can be sure I'll be laughing at them soon.



Help me... I'm losing my mind

i .. i dont know what it is.. i feel like i could cry.. i feel like i could scream... and yet... i'm overly happy and way too happy clappy and happy with someone..   Is this what real depression feels like? To feel like you have barely anything to believe in..   I shouldnt be saying it because i know people will just say "dont talk like that.. youre just being depressing"..   but i just dont know... theres something wrong... something wrong with me... and i cant figure out what it is..  

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Growing Up

So I grew up.   Dunno when it happened, but I grew up.   After years of promising myself that I'd turn 23 and devote an entire year to living out Blink 182's What's My Age Again?, I've woken four days after my 23rd birthday and realised that I'm already grown up. A functional, contributing member of society. A fully-fledged adult.   What do I do?   Now I'm scared.   I think I'm gonna have to sit back and have a think about what this means...



Midget Sex

So I was reflecting back on my interesting sexual history, trying to decide what was the most bizarre thing I've ever done. Not kinky, bizarre. And I finally decided what it was:   Jacking off with a midget (or for the PC crowd, mutual masturbation with a vertically challenged man). Incidentally, I found out that just because a guy is a midget, doesn't mean his dick is.   If you give me shit about this, you have to tell me your most bizarre experience too. It's my blog, I get to mak

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour


As you may or may not know I am an avid supporter of open-source technology, in that I use as much as I can. My computers usually only use Windows as the OS, but the rest of the time, I use open source software, like FireFox, OpenOffice.org, Songbird, Pidgin, etc.   All of that is gonna change, well has changed today. I was informed that as part of my certifications, I have to use Windows as the OS (not an issue since I've been beta testing Windows 7 RC1 and found it stable enough for everyday



Baptists, death and fried chicken

A week ago Sunday my father passed away. It has been a difficult time around here.   My father had health problems for a long time and was becoming less and less able to get around and function. While I am sorry he is gone, I am very glad that he missed the stage where he lost his dignity. He died peacefully in his sleep and if you've got to go, there are far worse ways to depart.   As exhausting, emotional and difficult this has been, there are some unique things about southern funeral ritu



Acorn Exposed.... surprise surprise

This hasn't been a very good month for democrats. First, they lost a lot of ground on the healthcare debate, then James Trafficant got out of prison and wants to run for congress again. Add to that the fact that they're losing badly in the polls in the Virginia and New Jersey governor races, and it becomes clear that the last thing they needed was for top Acorn officials to be caught on camera giving advice on how to run a successful prostitution operation, evade the IRS and traffic underage gir



Fending off the gloomies

If at some point in the future a doctor offers you Gabapentin for pain control, run away as fast as you can. Our GP seems to think this is the latest and greatest panacea to be available.   This is a dangerous medicine.   Yes, it will probably cause you to be drowsy, but a good twelve hours of sleep takes care of that. Do you have four extra hours, plus a couple more of feeling very drowsy? I didn't; and I wasn't up to the theoretical theraputic dose. I was only takeing 400 mg and it was wip




You're the only person in my blog reading history that has deleted a comment. And that is the most entertaining thing since the fact you look like the Myth Buster guy. Keep up the good work.   Prescription drug addiction ain't good and neither is joking about it.  



Eric + Xanax = Baaaaad!

Well, the past few days have been fun, but also there's been an overwhelming dark cloud hanging over my head, to which I had to go to my doc and talk to him about it. As you may (or may not know) I have a serious anxiety disorder that, if untreated, can lead to a seizure like panic attack. Unfortunately the medicine I was taking for awhile to help with the anxiety started to cause anxiety.   I was becoming addicted to it.   I talked to my doc and he told me to come in ASAP yesterday which I



I'd ask for a do-over...

but I'm not sure if it would actually get better so I guess I'm going to remind myself that it's just stuff...   So, I was literally all over Earth yesterday trying to get ready for this birthday party we're having on Sunday, which, on a side note, I'd like to take this time to bitch about people who don't RSVP, f**king DO IT people, it's hard to know how much stuff to buy... ANYWAY, I bought a pinata, I went to the party store to buy candy and stuff for some games we'll play, I went to this p



Commitment to Running

I've been running with the boys regularly for the last couple of weeks. Awesome. They run a really fast pace and they're really working me hard. As expected, any lingering attraction to any of them has dissipated. See, once I find out someone is straight, they're no longer attractive to me in that way.   Sure sure, I get sucked into a sappy Nifty story where straight guys turn gay for the right person, but come on, whatev.   I came out to one of the guys in normal conversation (there w




Haven't had the time to piece together a blog about my really interesting life (and it is) but nothing tickled my fancy, so that means it wouldn't tickle yours. I was thinking of writing about Elijah and my thoughts on that. A blog of reasonable length will come, promise. But I figured...   nah, I'm going to go to bed, but I'll leave you with this second grade riddle to google the answer to cause you're stupid and regretfully probably didn't pass second grade. i got such bad grades in elementa



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