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What movies creep you out every time you watch them?

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For me it's The Mothman Prophecies and The Ring. Totally freak me out every time I see them. To this day I get antsy around tube TV's and won't look at the screen when it's turned off in case I see something that even looks a little bit like a creepy ghost girl.

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For me it's The Mothman Prophecies and The Ring. Totally freak me out every time I see them. To this day I get antsy around tube TV's and won't look at the screen when it's turned off in case I see something that even looks a little bit like a creepy ghost girl.


B).................... To me the film Psycho with Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh was the most disturbing film of my time, the soundtrack was the best as it highlighted the action. I do know that this film freaked out so many people, that women refused to shower at home alone.


The Exorcist this film had people puking in the isles and fainting when it first came out, I consider it strong in it's day, but lame by today's standards.


Alien a more modern horror film, but as profound it's impact after seeing it, it still left no lasting memories for me.


I'm sure there are more worthy, like the original Halloween and others.


My ticket stubs worth!!

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I remember having nightmares after seeing Fern Gully. Anyone remember the pollution monster?


I remember.. lol. Didn't really like that movie as a kid for that pollution monster.. :( I never had nightmares though, the movie that gave me nightmares as a kid was The Wizard of Oz...


But movies that freaked me out the most was Candyman? Or something like that.. The Psycho movies and I absolutely hate horror movies and rarely watch them because I just can't stand nightmares.. lol.

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I remember.. lol. Didn't really like that movie as a kid for that pollution monster.. :( I never had nightmares though, the movie that gave me nightmares as a kid was The Wizard of Oz...


But movies that freaked me out the most was Candyman? Or something like that.. The Psycho movies and I absolutely hate horror movies and rarely watch them because I just can't stand nightmares.. lol.


:blink:................ The Wizard of OZ, you must have a low threshold! LOL!! I love horror movies, the one that gave me the most nightmares was Frankenstein , that SOB would catch me in my dreams as I walked home from school cutting thru the alley, (that I was not allowed to do per mom) He would jump down from a tree above me and get me every time. LOL!!!

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My parents loved horror films. I can remember watching the original Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman, and all sorts of stories like that and my father grabbing me just as the creature was taking a victim. Use to scare me silly. Then Chucky, the original did give me horrible dreams. The first Freddy Kruger, Michael Meyers, Sleep Away Camp, I spit on your grave, the Fog, and many others. The first time scared me silly. Psycho was did a number on me and there wasn't anything to see as far as murder went. Alien really scared the hell out of me. It was the first horror movie I watched alone and I was eating when the creature broke out. Trust me, still does strange things to me when i see that film today.

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YAY! Someone picked a movie that creeps me out! The Fly was the first R-rated movie that my parents ever allowed me to watch, and it scared the crap out of me!


With that, came A Nightmare on Elm Street, the original.



The Tommyknockers

and Poltergeist. *cries*

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I'm not much for the supernatural. Myths and superstitions don't scare me.


It took seeing Alien for me to appreciate horror.


Vampires and werewolves and all that other junk- bah! Stories old women tell to frighten children.


Out there in the universe, who knows what we'll find.

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The only movie that I can remember creeping me out was Jaws. The movie wasn't that scary, but growing up we had a swimming pool in the backyard. My sisters loved to swim at night and would wait until I was down at the ddeep end and yell "shark" and race to get out. I would swim so fast to get out. I knew their couldn't be a shark in there but still...my heart would race and I would haul butt to get out of the water.

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Anything with zombies creeps me out.


Doesn't matter if they're fast zombies or slow zombies; people zombies or dog zombies -- they're all creepy.


The ultraviolence in A Clockwork Orange was disturbing, but I didn't find it at all creepy. Different strokes, I guess.

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I don't there's a movie that really creeps me out everytime I watch it. I didn't watch horror movies until I was 15 and by nothing in the movies creep me out. But 2012 did creep me out when I watched it. I don't intend to try it again to see if it'll do so again.

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The Haunting. *shiver*


The Ring. *shivers and hides*


Paranormal Activity. *runs away*


Edit: Fixed movie name from Haunted to The Haunting

Edited by thephoenix
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As an adult, there really hasn't been a movie to to freak me out. But when I first saw Nightmare on Elm street when I was kidding...well, lets just say my parents had a 3rd in their bedroom for a few nights, lol.

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Out of all the movies I've seen I think the one that scares me the most is actually Pan's Labyrinth. The part down in the cave where the unseeing thing is chasing her gives me real creeps.

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I'm really scared of Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus. Posted Image



I'm creeped out that people actually watch that made-for-TV horseshit from SyFried network. It's horrible formula bullshit.


I don't know why the new management bought SyFi- they don't like science Fiction and they are showing less and less of it.

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I'm creeped out that people actually watch that made-for-TV horseshit from SyFried network. It's horrible formula bullshit.



It's also hilariously bad and incredibly fun to watch with friends and make fun of. That's why I watch them. Ghouls had an unintentionally invincible horse FFS! How is that not awesome?

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For me it was Paranormal Activity. I can only watch that movie up until the night when the demon drags her outta bed. After that i just get goosebumps and chills and get ultra paranoid. And the main reason is because I believe and entity's like that demons and ghosts.


I couldnt sleep well for days after watching it. Ugh, im gettin chills just thinking talking about it.

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I think the only movies that really "creep" me out when I watch them are the Chucky movies. Not so much because of the movies, but when I was a kid, my parents got me one of those talking Cabbage Patch dolls. It was right after the movie came out and we would be sitting down somewhere and all of the sudden we'd hear "Will you be my friend?" and it was the doll. It got so bad my mom took the batteries out of it and we thought that was the end of it. Nope, batteries out and we're sitting there one night and hear "Can I have a hug".. Needless to say, that doll was gone from the house really fast.


One movie that doesn't creep me out but makes me jump every time is Deep Blue Sea. When the shark comes up through the pool, I know it's coming, I anticipate it coming, and then all of the sudden it's there and I jump at least a foot. My husband thinks its hilarious.

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I remember.. lol. Didn't really like that movie as a kid for that pollution monster.. :( I never had nightmares though, the movie that gave me nightmares as a kid was The Wizard of Oz...


But movies that freaked me out the most was Candyman? Or something like that.. The Psycho movies and I absolutely hate horror movies and rarely watch them because I just can't stand nightmares.. lol.



OMG I hated Candyman...thats on the top of my list too...

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