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"I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables reminds me of the first time I ever saw a musical. My folks took me to see Les Miz in June, 2000 when I was ten years old. I fell in love with the musical and especially this song, and I'm sure I drove my folks crazy by playing the CD they bought me at the performance all the time. I still love Les Miz and plan on seeing it again in June, 2012 when it returns once again to the Orpheum Theatre in San Francisco.


What is the most vivid dream you've ever had, and why is it so memorable?

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Way too many times. In the first few years of driving I went through three cars.


The time that upset me the most was a vintage volvo I bought off a friend. It was more than 25 years old but in awesome condition. It was burgundy with light grey leather interior. It was built like a bus, could easily seat five, or six at a push and you could camp out in the boot. It was like driving in an armchair. It was my first automatic and it was the easiest car I have ever driven. It was huge ( so, obviously I couldn't park or reverse :P ) and smelled of leather and polish. I don't think I have ever taken better care of a car.


One day, on my way to work, I was driving along the motorway in a queue of traffic. It was a brilliantly bright morning and the sun was full in my eyes. I didn't see the queue stop and I went into the back of the car in front. It wasn't a huge crash. I didn't do much damage to the car in front of me, but I broke the front grille and cracked the headlight of Sunny (the name of my car. One of the few male ones I have owned)


Because it was a vintage car the cost of replacing the headlight and grille would have been over three times the value of the car, so it was written off. I cried for days. The wouldn't even let me buy it back.


The insurance cheque was a little over five times as much as I paid for the car in the first place but it was no comfort because Sunny was irreplacable. I still have fond memories of him, and the things I did in him :)



What is your favourite movie character and why?

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What is your favourite movie character and why?


One of many is the little vampire girl Claudia in the movie Interview with the Vampire. She was played by Kirsten Dunst and the co-stars were Brad Pitt (Louis) and Tom Cruise (Lestat). I loved how she was pissed for never growing up and getting to share what Louis and Lestat had. Her frustration of the non-functional family-love--affair was suberb; she just didn't fit. I think Kirsten Dunst rocked as a child actress and she still is quite fine :D



When did you break your heart the last time and why?

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A week ago I was at a holiday party and one of my new co-workers kissed me right when my bf Stoney walked in. I was so scared it was over when he ran out of the building. After groveling for a week (and most likely bugging half the people on GA with my freakout) we patched things up. Apparently Kiltie69 sent him a PM full of ideas for punishment and now I have to be his naked slave for a day :devil:


Speaking of punishment, what is the cruel-ist punishment you've received by a mate?

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What was the last dream you had about? Posted Image


A really interesting one actually. During the day I looked through this guy's Facebook, someone I haven't seen in years and who I use to have a huge crush on, so last night I actually had a high school-ish dream involving him and some old high school friends. At some point in the dream I was actually holding his hand for like 5 minutes, I have no memory of how it came to be though.


Have you ever tasted your own cum?

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I had to land on this question.... yes,but not on purpose....


Heres a personality question.... Why are man hole covers round?


Any other shape has points that are not equidistant, which would allow it to be thrown down the man hole.


What is your biggest regret in life to this point?

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I don't have many regrets, the biggest one was I had a chance to study abroad and I didn't take it.


What to ask...what to ask...


What would you do for $1,000,000.00???


Oh my, I think it's more of what I wouldn't do for a million dollars.... seriously... anyone got $1000000, I've got a taker :P Didn't give a good answer, so I repeat the question.... (I'm actually to lazy and tired to think of one...)
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Pay off all my debts, my brother's, and my fathers. Then there are a few friends who are really close to me and I'd help them out. Once the major part of that is done. which probably wouldn't even scratch the surface of the money, I would do a few things. Put money away for my old age which isn't as far off as it use to seem. Buy my own place, I don't need a damn mansion just a small place I can call mine. I'd send my brother and his wife on their trip to Australia. A friend of mine wants to travel across the US with his family, I'd make that happen. Me, I'd take time to travel and see the people and places I've always wanted to. Make some donations to cancer, diabetic, and aids foundations. Then, invest the rest to see what it could make for me so I could live off the interest and not have to worry.


Where would you never want to live and why?

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Haha- Wayne, the question was what would you do for the money not with the money, silly boy! :lol:


I would never want to live somewhere that it's cold for too long. Here it only gets cold 2-3 months but not super cold. Only a handful of days way below freezing. I hate the cold! :pissed:


What is your favorite sex act?

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Do you still remember your first kiss? Who? where? when? and why?


My first kiss was when I was 8. It was with a girl, and I honestly can't remember her name. I was over her house swimming and we had just gotten out of the pool. She asked, and so we kissed. The first time I kissed a guy, I was fourteen and we were dating. It was at my friend's house on a couch in his basement. Both so romantic... I know lol.


Who is your best friend?

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My best friend is a woman called Josephine. We have known each other since primary school (what the Americans on here would call elementary school). I think we were so close growing up because she knew I was gay so wouldn't try anything on with her.


What's the worst thing your parents have ever caught you doing?

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What's the worst thing your parents have ever caught you doing?


OMG, my mom busted me renting pornos using her video card when I was about 16. (Blowjob Joes! :o )


What is the last book you bought?

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If you could choose to have one superpower, which one would it be?



Oh, I'd want to be like Aquaman and be able to breath underwater and talk to animals and stuff. I've always been fascinated with undersea creatures (or underlake, underriver, LOL) and I love to swim. I'm dive certified but to be unencumbered under the ocean, to be able to really exist in the watery environment would be so cool. Plus he had like infravision and cold resistance so I could go explore the depths of the Marianas Trench and see things no one else has ever seen!


New Years is coming... do you make a resolution and will you try to keep it?

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