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Guest FullOfLust

Roses they give off that wonderful smell (:



Has anything ruined your day but you over reacted and it still effects you today? If so explain.

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Has anything ruined your day but you over reacted and it still effects you today? If so explain.


One time I was borrowing a friend's camera- one of those really nice expensive ones. I'm not sure how it happened, but the thing slipped off my shoulder and the screen broke. That ruined my week basically, it sucked. But a few hundred dollars later it was fixed and I don't feel guilty about it anymore, but every time I think about it falling I still cringe.


How do you deal with problems in your life?

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How do you deal with problems in your life?


Head on. The problems of being single and an adult. I have no one else to turn to or fall back on. My problems are mine and I deal with them the best I can.


What book or movie is something you always want to share with someone in your life?

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What book or movie is something you always want to share with someone in your life?


This totally campy movie called Surf Ninjas. Every time my bff and I got together in our teenage years we watched that movie. It's hilarious and there are a few shirtless shots of the teenage guy we loved to drool over. The only person who became a well known actor is Rob Schneider but we love it anyway. I recently found it on tv and dvr'ed it. She's coming over tomorrow and we're doing a movie marathon, starting with that. It's just one of a million memories we've made since we were 6 and became friends but I never want to lose how some of them make me feel, like watching that campy movie does.


How many siblings do you have and are you friends with them?

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Bad....really bad.

When was the last time you had a fight?



Verbal fight? With my dad about a week or so ago concerning why i was ignoring them for the holidays

Physical fight? A long long time ago. A "friend" of mine threw a punch at me, I don't remember the reason.


If you had an edible dollar, would you eat it or buy something with it and then eat that?

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Boy talk about opening up a can of worms. I was raised in one faith but my family has always been pretty open. I've lived long enough and make friends easy enough that I have been exposed to many. I have friends who are Wicca, Jewish, every form of Protestant, and more than a few agnostics. I think every religion sort of fascinates me. I was given a ring that has every symbol for faiths all over the world on it. Might be the only place they all live in peace. I just am curious as to how someone else views the world at large.


If you could spend the day with one person, (they don't have to be living now), who you could ask any question, learn what you could, or see them do what they might be best known for, who would it be and why?

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There's not really one person I'd like to spend a day with, there are many and for different reasons, Socrates, Charlie Chaplin. But my dream day would probably be to spend it in the past with a group of writers, painters and bohemians in old Christiania (the old name for Oslo) and to join in their discussions, drinking and other activities. That would be an amazing day. (On the other hand, I would also love to get to be a starkid for a day, back before they got "famous")



What is the most stupid ting you've ever done or said?

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Hmm, I don't think we have that much space for it all. Let me just put it this way, I am one of those people who if they haven't had their coffee and are awake, ask me a question and you get an honest answer with no filter. Doh. Gets me into all sorts of trouble.


Name someone you grew up admiring and why?

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How often do you masterbate?



Truthfully? Just about every day, sometimes more :P


What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?

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What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?


Fumble around for my glasses.


What do you totally suck at?

(I mean suck as in 'what are you rotten at' not suck suck you pervs Posted Image )

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What do you totally suck at?

(I mean suck as in 'what are you rotten at' not suck suck you pervs Posted Image )


I'm really bad at waking up in the morning. And at team sports like football and baseball.


What does your living space look like (messy/clean/ in between somewhere)?

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Depends on what has been going on in my life. I like to have my place clean, not exactly neat but clean. However if the job has taken over my personal time like it has lately, my living space looks like a tornado hit it.


What is the one gift you wish you could give your best friend or significant other?

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