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  2. I like the way you put things together, some of which may have been subconscious on my part. As for Grandfather's participation, I think you won't be disappointed
  3. "boo-boo-boo-boo-boo" Will Benny's grandfather provide his wisdom to this tale? I would like to hear his interpretation of things.
  4. Yer a wizard @chris191070 ::in my hagrid voice:: Nope. Never have I ever been to diagon alley.
  5. Quite true, but in retrospect, I wish I'd tried a lot more
  6. I partially disagree. Some things absolutely do not appeal to me, and I know it. Other things I might try, and yet more things I would like to try. Therefore, I do not need to try EVERYTHING, but some things would be interesting.
  7. Do you want me to persuade him a little?
  8. Nope. Never have I ever worked for the No Secrets Allowed Agency
  9. Are you trying to provide material for a sequel, Reader Paul? I think I've seen that activity somewhere else in the past
  10. Thanks for commenting, Scrubber. Let's hope Dallen doesn't let his skills and popularity go to his head
  11. With his one-sided connection, Pahana's empathy is being to resemble that of Deanna Troi of Star Trek fame. He could make a career as a rent boy, but I doubt if that will happen
  12. Fascinating, as usual. What's next -- Dallen/Pahana able to fly by swiveling his hips really fast? Able to change the size of his male member at will? Able to shape shift into a sentient rock? Seriously, a very good chapter.
  13. Another quote from ancient times comes to mind: "... only The Shadow knows..." I suspect Kenji will recover soon, but for now, only The Shadow knows that too
  14. Thanks for commenting again, Chris. Yes, more discoveries. But where are the powers coming from?
  15. ReaderPaul

    There for once

    Wow. This one takes some thought. Good one.
  16. Geron Kees

    Chapter 5

    When I logged into GA earlier, it suddenly said that chapter 5 of this story was in the queue to be posted. I thought it had somehow come 'unposted'. I should have investigated first. It turns out that when I originally posted that story, I posted chapter four twice. There is no way to simply 'delete' a chapter here - all you can do is unpublish it. So, I did that with the duplicate. Why it suddenly popped up again, I have no idea. When I reposted the errant chapter and checked it, I found it was a dupe, and I unpublished it again...and found that doing so unpublished every chapter that came after, too! So, I had to repost the last three chapters to get them to stay in place, and I just put a note in the duplicate chapter head telling any readers to move to the next one. Not content to leave it at that, the site also had to move the story to my latest posted, AND send out notifications that a 'new' chapter had been added. Some days, you just can't win.
  17. Cane23

    Chapter 9

    I think Bobby, as most of the guys, is aware how good man and friend Pete is, so, despite knowing Mitch for so long, he feels obligated to be honest with Pete. Actually, Mitch didn't lose 'just' boyfriend, he loses friend(s) too, but he is yet not aware of damage he has made.
  18. Honduras, 1987 Never have I ever breached the Official Secrets Act.
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