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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Poetry and Prose

I had problems falling asleep last night and this popped into my head unbidden and fully formed. Then insisted I write it down before it would let me rest (you can picture whatever Muse is to blame standing behind me, his sharpened quill-pen ✒️ at my throat) : My beautiful rose made of shattered glass, glittering in the sunlight and morning dew. Beautiful from afar, but made of sharp points and rough edges which cut & scar when you try to hold it too close, hold it

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Stories Software Update

First thing this morning, I applied a new Stories Archive software update.  This was a minor update that was mostly focused on bugs. Added new feature on forum posts that shows how many Stories you have reviewed and how many story/chapter comments you have made Added "Story Review Guidelines", "Story Comment Guidelines" and "Chapter Comment Guidelines" feature that pops up a box when clicked that can offer general site guidelines for posting comments and reviews.  If you click on


Myr in Technology Archive

Prompt 760 and Prompt 761

Oops. Sorry was a bit off last night so Friday is starting off a bit late. However, there are new prompts for your consideration. Prompt 760 – Creative Tag – First Line “Because I said so!” Prompt 761 – Creative Tag – The Ex You’ve been busy with work and finally, have a night off. Deciding you don’t want to spend it in front of the television you go out. Barely out of your car you turn and knock someone off their feet. As you go to help them up you find y


comicfan in Prompts

Poems with an accent

Poems with an accent I like to write. However, why attempt to write in a language other than the one I learned first. One reason: Over 130 Million people speak German (https://www.deutschland.de/en/topic/culture/the-german-language-surprising-facts-and-figures) More than 3 Billion people speak/understand English. Duh. I’ve come a long way from There is a cat. The cat is fat. The cat lies on a mat. to my first novel long story written in English. Red Running Shoes.



Anthology Flashback - 2018 Anthologies

Well, I completely forgot that I needed 3 different Wednesday posts for this month. So the dilemma happened early in the morning as I wondered, what can I post for the day? Well... Since today is the last day to send in your anthology entries to the proof team, I decided, why not take a look back at the anthologies for last year! Notice, that I mentioned today is the last day? Yep, make sure you have your anthologies sent to @Valkyrie by the end of the day today if you want them included in the

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Here We Go

This week I began a new workout regimen.  I was sick of excuses I make when I can't make it to the gym, so I wanted something I can do anywhere.  No excuses then, right? I planned out a mostly bodyweight routine.  I have simple equipment on hand too - two 35 lb kettlebells,  a yoga mat for when I need to be on the floor, push-up bars to keep my wrists happy, and a pull-up bar above our bedroom doorway.  I'm focusing on increasing the work done in the same span of time.  I am not interested

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Featured Story: The Strange Life of Jonas Marks

For today's review, we have a review from Puppilull on @comicfan's story The Strange Life of Jonas Marks. If you haven't already started reading the CSR story for May, here is the review to whet your appetite. Don't forget to check out Cia's interview with comicfan at the end of the month and maybe ask your own questions. The Strange Life of Jonas Marks  comicfan Reviewer: Puppilull Starus: Complete Word Count: 57,189 Some jobs require a bit more of you. Though I bet you’

joie de vie

Something during my trip up to see mom and my Aunt on Friday has triggered a full-blown allergy attack.  If it weren't for my stubborn insistence that I will have my bœuf bourguignonne for lunch I'd still be in bed.  But...   as I so want it for lunch it has to start now.  One of the reasons I rarely make it -- too much of a pain in the ass to bother for one person. However, it's what I was going to make my Boy last year before our plans fell apart, and what I was going to make him for Valentine

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Weekly Wrap Up (May 5 - May 11)

What up buttercup? Strange thing to say, but 3 different people said that to me this past week, and after all, this is the weekly update  So make sure you try saying that phrase to someone this week and see what kind of reaction you get   So what's up with Gay Author News this week? On Monday, Cia brought us a new CSR feature for the Merry Merry Month of May ♪♪: Wednesday we has a reveal of the last Author Guess Who. Whooo are you, who who who who ♪♪: Friday, Wayne dro


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Was it ever Broken?

With all my free time (hahaha!) I've been going through a hard edit of Camp Refuge.  It's sort of the story where I found my favorite subject matter.  It was where I decided I was no longer a writer of "porn with plot", but rather "erotica with purpose". Head-hopping became my enemy after Camp Refuge.  I realized that I did it a lot, and I felt I had to eliminate it in order to improve, and grow.  So I did (mostly). Yet, as I edit and as more players are added to the mix in Camp Refuge

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray


Drove up to see my Aunt this morning before she passes.  Mom and I went over once I got into town.  There was enough of an awareness that when mom said we were there, her breathing rate changed.  Almost like she was struggling to the surface.  I told her to relax -- that she didn't need to respond to us, and sat holding her hand. Told her I loved her. Weren't there too long, but by the time we left her breathing had settled back into a calm and regular (if shallow) pace.  Her blood pressure (top

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Prompt 758 and 759

Welcome back. I can't believe we have reached another Friday. While racing to finish your anthology story you might find time for one of these prompts. Prompt 758 – Creative Tag – The Garden The new house next door always seems empty but an incredible garden seems to be growing in the backyard. One day your curiosity gets the better of you, you open the side gate, pass through the mushroom circle, and begin to follow some stepping stones that lead to a path. As you walk through th


comicfan in Prompts

Some GA Nostalgia

I've been a member of GA now for almost ten years, which might as well be a lifetime in the internet. I was 17, closeted, confused, and was just looking for any kind of escape from the miserable existence of high school in a small town. I met so many great people in those early days through chat, where I would stay for hours talking about anything and everything with whoever was in there. I learned to refine my debating skills in the old Soapbox, where ironically I was one of the most vocal cons



Author Guess Who #3 - The Big Reveal

Two weeks ago today, Renee brought us another edition of the new feature of Author Guess Who!  Well a lot weighed in and a few were pretty sure they knew who it was, or wasn't , but today is the day for the big reveal!!!                                 Aditus And check out these two stories and many more of his amazing compliment of works!                


My Boy's headstone is - finally - ready; HOWEVER -- they are going to have to wait "until the ground is a bit drier" before they can install it. I just want him to have it before his birthday on the 27th.  At least they didn't screw it up a third time. It does help some to know that it's ready.  Extremely annoyed at my best friend who, not intending to be a bitch she says, used the word "antzy" to describe my feelings on it's continuing delay.  More storms moving in overnight into tomo

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

In my brain right now

My brain's doing that thing, where it's just running away and I can't keep up and I feel anxious and sad and also kind of elated and excited about stuff. So I thought I'd try to just try and write a stream-of-consciousness thing. So, this is my brain on whatever the hell is wrong with me. Sorry about the wall of text.   I'm super excited cause I've been reading comic books and I love the Young Avengers and why aren't Wiccan and Hulkling in the MCU? Almost out of comics, gonna have to f

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

CSR Feature: The Strange Life of Jonas Marks by Comicfan

Well happy May to everyone! Is it moderate and beautiful where you are? The year is moving faster and faster, but and we're approaching Pride month next month. Did you catch the feature call for the Premium short stories themed with coming out stories? It's something many gay authors face, no matter what orientation we claim (and can't that be interesting to explain?!) and it's no surprise it's often the subject of teen fiction as well. Let's take a look at another long-time favorite GA author's

Lean air adhart a ’dèanamh na tha math dhomh

Finally realized that I'm going to have to finish painting the loft the same way I started:  playing songs of love and loss, grieving for my boy, and loosing myself in the painting. It's the only way the loft can get done and -- more importantly -- I think it's one of the things that has to be closed for me to let him go. Though I should have left Rebecca Ferguson's version of "I'll Count the Days" off the playlist. 😭 The other is for his headstone to finally be installed. Sent an email to

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 28 - May 4)

So what is going on in your neck of the woods? I guess I get to say 'May the fourth be with you', as technically in my time zone, the west coast of N.A and S.A and Hawaii, it is still Saturday With the first of May past us, I just wonder when spring will start here Snow, snow go away and to down to Australia today Oh, before I forget Everyone should take note of the upcoming deadline to get their Anthologies in. 10 days and counting!! And one more thing, lol, if anyone has finishe


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Haberdashery: Measurments

Forgive the pun but suitably impressed by my suit consultation today.  Getting a nice light charcoal in a wool/silk blend.  Gentleman took several measurements and I left feeling confident that when the suit arrives in a week or so there won't be that much "fine tuning" to do for it to fit perfectly. And the total cost is going to be less than I expected, so that's a bonus!

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Prompt 756 and Prompt 757

It's May? It's May! The lusty month of May. Ooops, my love of Camelot and all that entails is showing. However, the year is just rolling along and we have reached the first Friday of the month and I'm here to tempt all of you with new prompts. Prompt 756 – Creative Tag – Given Life Your family has always been a bit odd. You were never allowed to read fantasy, fairytales, science fiction, or comic books of any kind. You never watched movies based off books or cartoons. The shelves


comicfan in Prompts

Ask an Author 2.0 #19

May Day! May Day! I’m floundering, here. I know April has thirty days. So thinking the first Wednesday in May was next week was a total brain fart. My apologies for the late posting and the brevity of this issue. Coffee has yet to properly do its job. A member sent me a question and suggested I ask it of either Cia or Mann Ramblings. Not one to waste an opportunity, I approached both. @Cia   You are an artist in many forms, be it the written word, photography, sculpting,

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