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  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack

Just one moment

I went to the gas station and like an idiot left my wallet, I just wanted to buy cigarettes (before you say it, yes, I know I'll get the cancer, I'm fully realizing that, I'm okay with it, I'm just gonna jump off a building when it happens, but for right now it keeps me sane, I like to borrow against my future, probably not healthy but we cope in our own ways).  I went to the counter and he said "6.67".  I reached for my wallet and SURPRISE, that shit is not there, because I've been so distracte



Tha mi sgith

Had my second counseling session yesterday. Honestly not sure how effective they are. Things are, ever so very slowly, getting better. Getting easier to think of the good times and the memories without hyperventilating or collapsing into a pile of tears. Doesn't look that professional when it happens at work.    Biggest hurdles for me are still the guilt of not having told him that I loved him -- even though I know he knew I did, and I know he felt the same way about me; and letting

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Panicked apathy

A lot of the time I don't like to talk about what goes on inside my head very truthfully or directly.  I almost feel ashamed or dirty whenever I talk about it.  I hate the idea of talking about my thoughts and being rejected, made fun of, laughed off, or the worst possible consequence which would be making another person feel worse by sharing what I'm thinking.  The voices in my head shout alarms, and I end up in a strange state of being where I'm at once having a panic attack and also telling m



Writing Prompts #724 & #725

Happy Friday, y'all!  Sorry for the delayed prompts today, but here you go!  Hopefully these inspire you to write something, whether you're a seasoned author or someone writing for the first time. Enjoy!     Prompt 724 – Creative Tag – New Year, New You On New Year’s Eve like so many others you made a promise that in the new year you would change and do much better. Having had a bit too much to drink and no one special to share the night with you went home and coll

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

"Adults don't understand the Internet." What??

Warning: Just in case you haven't read my blog before, I swear. Deal with it. Also, this rant is a mess. Deal with that, too.     A little while ago I came across a post on Facebook in which some Gen Z kid or another was saying how great it was to be under 21, because people older than that don't understand memes. (There was other stuff, too, but that was my takeaway.) And, I just, what? Who do these kids think they are?   First of all, the word meme was coined by Richard Daw

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Life be weird sometimes, yo

Okay so ever since I got really sick and had to take that huge leave of absence and then I got back to work and I was still sick and have been out like four times in the last four months because of various things, I've been terrified of work.  My job gives me panic attacks sometimes, I always feel like I'm going to get into trouble.  Why do I feel like that?   Honestly, I'm a pretty great employee.  I mean everything I do is right in line with what they want for the most part, and wher



Streamlining Help Menu

As mentioned in previous announcements, we are undergoing clean up and consolidation.  As part of this, some of the temporary links that were on the forums have been removed and placed in the newly streamlined "Help" menu.   Help -FAQ = a list of common questions with links to the answers. Help Topics = a database of common questions and answers Step-by-Step Guide to Authors = How to become an Author on the site. Support = Open a support ticket if you


Myr in Technology Archive

Q & A: Round 3

Well, it's time for another Q & A session with our site authors, poets, editors, and readers!  As you can see, these features have a little something for everyone. If you have ideas for questions for one of these groups, feel free to PM me!  And while you're at it, why not answer one of the Round 4 questions!  Now, let's see what we have for you this month!  This month, we're going to turn it around a bit and start with our editors first!         Editors: What is th

Friends and Family

Got an email this evening from a mutual friend of C and his sister. His sis isn't doing that well dealing with the loss; neither am I to be honest.  C was a very private person, with everyone it seems, so I spent the last hour trying to decide how much to say and what I shouldn't.  I did say that he was a man I loved dearly, that we had been dating off and on the the last several years, and that he was someone I saw a future with.  I included the last selfie he sent me (G-rated) and the pic of t

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

January CSR Feature: Fun with a Fanfiction Story by Laura S. Fox

Welcome to 2019! The Can't Stop Reading book club continues, and this winter month drags on without a holiday and with so many facing a post-festivities let down. So let's have some fun with fanfiction story by @Laura S. Fox titled Nude Pics Please! She shares some information and backstory on the original Chinese comics this is based on in her story note, so make sure you check out all the info! So enjoy the story and come back to catch my review with Laura and share your thoughts on this 23k n


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec.30 - Jan.5)

Well have we all recovered from our New Year's Eve festivities? Are we back to work if you took some time off for the Holiday Season? Are the students getting ready to head back to skool on Monday? Are you still writing 2018 down on everything?   Enough of those questions and let's move on to the most pressing question on my mind right now... How do you have a pair of underwear? Like do you say I need to grab a clean pair of underwear? Do you grab two, or one? So how is it a pair?


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Spoke with someone at work I'm close with, who had known about my relationship with C, and told her what had happened.  She offered to get in touch with his sister ("M") on Facebook -- as I don't have a Facebook account (or Instagram, or twitter, or....). She got a response.  M did see the flowers I had left for C when I visited his grave, which makes me...  well, not "happy" but pleased? They're waiting on a response from the VA on the headstone, and hope to hear back soon, though with the gov.

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

I sneezed

A funny thing happened to me while I was at work the other day.  I will preface this by saying you have to understand the context to get the punchline the universe delivered.  I've been dealing with major problems, like life or death problems, and usually if something goes wrong it's a trip to the ER and then admission and then days before they let me go.  I felt a small victory in the midst of dealing with this because it was so comedic in comparison to what I normally deal with.   So



Writing Prompts #722 & #723

Hey All!  Have you missed the prompts for the last few weeks? Now that the anthologies are fully posted, it's time to return to our weekly prompts. If you haven't already done so, make sure you check out the 2019 Fall Anthology. There were some great entries, and I'm sure that you'll be able to find something that you like. Now, let's take a look at what prompts comicfan has for you this week!     Prompt 722 – Creative Tag – First Line “Not my problem anymore!” Prompt 72

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ask an Author 2.0 #15

Happy 2019! Here’s hoping the year’s better than the one just ended but not as good as future ones. Here at the AAA (that sounds like the Miami Heat home—the American Airlines Arena!) we’re starting the new year the way same we did the last one: a poetry special. We’ll kick it off with GA’s poet laurate and the man I get more questions for than anyone else: @AC Benus • Your poetry is so good, and you so willingly share your knowledge with anyone who's interested, how did you get s


Painted more of the loft today. It's been cathartic - and also somewhat painful.  The loft ceiling slopes from 8' at the front of the room, overlooking the street, to just 27" on the back wall.  And the stuff that was in the loft is in a big pile in the center of the room, covered with a tarp. So...  not much room to work, and even though I can paint it sitting down and scooting back and forth the hips still don't like it. Will need a second coat, but that will have to go on tomorrow.

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

That Call you Don't Want

I got that call that you don't want today.   I've been dreading it. I hoped it would take longer.   My brothers battle with cancer is over. He's going home for hospice care.    We don't know how long he'll last but it's not expected to be long.    This is why I've been away a lot. Silly cat pictures is about all I can manage at the moment.    I'll be back.     



Writing Resources Page

We have consolidated and removed two different forums that were dedicated to Writing Resources.  We have instead replaced them with a single Writing Resources page. This page will be a constant work in progress as we update and make better ways to organize it.  There are already a ton of resources linked on the page.  If you're writing and stuck on something, there is probably a resource there for you. https://gayauthors.org/writingresources/  


Myr in Technology Archive

All Stories Updated in 2018

Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories Strawberry Chapstick by Comicality Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories GA Writing Prompts by Dolores Esteban Summer's End by Parker Owens The Hollow Hills by Valkyrie Castle Dark by Cole Matthews Superhero Surprise by Cia Igneous by Valkyrie Culled by Parker Owens The Death, Life and Suicide of Tommy Crouch by Tarek Donohue by Mikiesboy Lifting the Veil by Headstall Je


Myr in News Archive

Happy New Year and Announcements

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Over the next few weeks, we will be doing a number of things around the site to simplify and streamline things.  We have a very large sprawl of forums at this point that are semi-active or less.  We are working on consolidating those so that only what we need is around.  The Announcement forum is the first thing that is highly visible that is getting removed.  We will post Announcements in the most appropriate blog going forward.  When we do so, we'll use


Myr in News Archive

December CSR Discussion Day: House of Storms by Geron Kees

This month's featured CSR story was Geron Kee's The House of Storms. Did you catch the feature at the beginning of the month featuring it? There were a lot of positive thoughts urging readers to check it out! If you did, make sure you share your thoughts below in the comments, but first, as always I pumped this month's author with all sorts of questions during an interview, so check that out!    Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point? I


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec.23 - Dec.29)

So, who is ready to bring in the New Year with a bang? Well let's do something a little different as we all here at GA enjoyed the holidays so let's finish off with you taking over! Why don't we discuss the New Year. I know a few years ago I failed miserably when I said I wanted to be more of a drama queen in the coming year Well, some of you may have thought I'd succeeded. But what the h e double hockey sticks, lets ask you what you are going to make your resolution to be this upcoming year .


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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