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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Ask an Author 2.0 - #4

Hello February! By the time you read this, stores will be full of red and pink decorations. Chocolates and love cards will be prominently displayed everywhere. Florists will be busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger in a windstorm would. And GA readers will be searching for love stories to read. Our focus this month is on the authors of three such tales. • • • • • @Rip Skor I was not aware of Rip Skor’s Boy Story until one of its fans sent in a question for the author. The story

Tech Tuesday - Fluid Forum View

So, when Forum 4.2 was released, they added a new feature called "Fluid View".  This is a whole new way of looking at the forums.  It basically lists all new topics based on when they were posted and gives you a color-based tag on which forum it belongs to.  The forum company is recommending now that new forums start with it.  This ties into me taking the time to colorize the forum icons awhile back.  You can check out the different options here: The Standard forum view is the button t


Myr in Technology Archive

February C S R Feature: All We Have Now by DavidAB

This month we have a lot of focus on love, love, love! But sometimes that doesn't come in the form you think it does, especially when the world is an entirely different place. This month's feature combines moments both light and dark, so I hope you'll enjoy it and come back on Monday, February 26th to share your thoughts!    All We Have Now by David AB   Length: 42,836   Description: It has almost been a year since the world ended. The majority of the populatio


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Wonder Woman

This is the best DC movie I've seen in awhile.  Probably the best since the Dark Knight.  It is way better than the Superman movie, and Batman V. Superman.  I also enjoyed Chris Pine in this movie.  Though, to be truthful, I seem to like the job Chris Pine does in all the movies I see him in.   For the movie itself, it has a good solid plot.  It explains the picture from Batman Vs. Superman very well.  The movie has action and character.  It's good to see a kick-ass woman kicking ass b


Myr in Movies

The Eagles Win the Super Bowl!

Joy. Just pure joy. I'm sitting here in my living room (I decided not to go out because I honestly don't want to deal with crazy crowds) and I'm just savoring the moment.     I am so proud of this team, and I'll never forget this moment. E-A-G-L-E-S!!!



Yet Another Misrepresentation of D/s

I haven't posted a blog in a while, but I was compelled to share my thoughts on this.     Recently, someone shared an amateur porn video with me. It was of a supposed “Dom” taking his sub over his knees and spanking him. Normally, that would be good subject matter, but this one, like so many similar ones I’ve had the displeasure of viewing over the years, is about the Dom causing the sub as much pain as possible, alternating between bare hands and a paddle, while the sub squeals a



Weekly Wrap Up (Jan 28 - Feb 3)

First off, let me just say that I'm sorry for the lateness of the Weekly Wrap Up.  And secondly, a quick reminder to go get your code from the newsletter and enter to win a copy of Barbed Wire Cowboy. Instructions can be found in the newsletter. The drawing will be closed to new entries after February 9th and the winners will be announced in the February 11th newsletter. Also, please consider helping me with new blog content by participating in one of the various blog opportunities. The list can

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Quokka's Stories Update

Well I have just completed publishing my tenth story on GA, and began posting chapters of two more stories. Those being Outback Corporation and Wellstead, with Outback Corporation being in two parts, the first has 9 chapters the second part has 5 chapters. While the story - Wellstead has a total of 21 chapters. I have also began writing a second book for the story - New Beginnings, titled - NB New Direction, the number of chapters is yet to be finalised, which I will begin po



Im Back

Hello Followers I have had to take some time off from GA.   I have been still writing a little, starting a second story, with a 2nd book of New Beginnings, that is called NB - New Direction.   It still has to go through editing, so it will be a while before it appears on GA.   Meanwhile the next book of Outback is almost ready for publishing, so stay tuned for them. Regards Quokka



Luck in the Shadows Book 1 of the Nightrunner Series

This week I want to bring up the Nightrunner series by Lynn Flewelling.  All of her books seem to touch on one LBGTQ issue or another.  Nightrunner though stars the adorable, naive Alec.  From Amazon:   I really enjoyed this book.  It is a slow burn on the Alec thing.  This is a pretty long series and I don't think I've even read the last two yet.  I think the first one is my favorite though.  If you like fantasy stories, this is absolutely one that is worth checking out.  


Myr in Books

Writing Prompts #644 & #645

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. It's time for this weeks writing prompts. If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 644 – Creative Tag – First Line “I never would have expected that from you!” Prompt 645 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – a corgi, a manuscript, a phone message

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Letting Go (or the day my heart broke, just a little)

Oh, my heart!   I did something hard today.  I let my almost 18 year old daughter go on a 3 day trip. A trip that will take her some 4 hours away.  OK, it’s a school trip and there are chaperones.  She’s a member of her high school’s culinary team and I am so proud to be her mom!   Her brother has been taking trips with the marching band and indoor drum line groups since middle school.  And there have been some long ones, 16-18 hours! (Texas is a BIG place!)  But neither one



Anthology Flashback: Summer 2007 Endings and Beginnings

This week's Anthology Flashback brings back to the Summer of 2007 and for Endings and Beginnings. As always, we thank all these authors once again for participating so long ago.  If it is not too much trouble, would you be willing to write a review for these authors?  Even if some of them are no longer around, I'm sure other readers will appreciate the effort.  The authors are are still with us surely will.


Myr in Anthologies

Echo and Echo Dot

So, I picked these up on sale over the Christmas season this year.  I've really gotten into the habit of using them.  I have Hue lights in my living room and in my mancave and it is so nice to say "Alexa, turn on the lights," when I have my hands full.  Or to turn them off.  Or, since they are Hue, change them to any color as the mood hits.  I'll do a separate post on Hue soon.   I also get my weather now from Alexa, usually a couple times a day.  It's really handy.   She can


Myr in Gadgets

Get Featured in the Blog!!!

So, normally today would be an Improve & Encourage feature, and while I do have one, I am extremely low on blog content, so that feature will continue next month so that I can get the word out about the various blog opportunities available to authors. I need at least one more "Favorite Self-Written Story" and then I'll have one of those features ready as well. I am also adding a story recommendation opportunity so that readers can send me their favorite stories without having to write a full

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

Tech Tuesday - Quotes, Mentions and Etiquette

I thought I would talk this week about the use of quoting and mentions while you make posts and comments on the site.  There is a certain etiquette to this to keep topics flowing smoothly without making a nuisance of yourself.  So, first up, some definitions: Quoting is when you press the "Quote" button and it pulls in the entire comment Quote This is when you highlight a portion of text and a small "Quote This" box pops up that you then click.  It functions the same as Quoting, bu


Myr in Technology Archive

December & January CSR: Holiday Stories!

The CSR for the last 2 months were completely different from our usual format. Usually we feature a story, do an interview with the author, etc... but we had a few holiday blogs planned on the Mondays the CSR usually happens so we went with holiday stories--and we have a lot on GA! Did you read one over the last 2 months you loved? A feel-good holiday slice of sweetness? Or a bittersweet moment that resonated with you? Maybe it a new story released by the author this year or perhaps one of the f


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Well, this movie is a bit different.  So, right up front, let me say that I liked this movie a lot more than the critiques.  Sci-fi and fantasy are definitely in my wheelhouse.  I also enjoying watching Dane DeHaan.  Kris Wu is also a nice in the eye-candy category too.    The movie's special effects are outstanding.  The plot, which those critiques complained about, requires you to pay attention.  Not Inception levels of attention, but not casual watching either.  I enjoyed the movie


Myr in Movies

Food Bytes - Diabetes

First, i am no expert on diabetes, but i am learning.    During the summer Michael (my Husband) learned he has type2 Diabetes. I'd rather suspected it, and asked a few times that he go to the doctor. He would say, yes later. The symptoms increased (thirst, frequent urination, painful nerve pain in his feet and hands) and i was worried and afraid. i do not raise my voice to Michael, but on this day i did. i was upset and He wasn't hearing me, so i did. He agreed to go and we went togeth



Weekly Wrap Up (Jan 21 - Jan 27)

Hiya all!  Hope you all have had a great week!  Before we get into this week's wrap up, I wanted to take a quick second to point you in the direction of a giveaway that we are doing on GA. We'll be providing a code in the next couple of newsletters that will let you enter to win 1 of 3 copies of Barbed Wire Cowboy. For more information, check out the thread in the announcement forum!  Now, lets get to our weekly wrap up!           Contests 2018 Summer Nov

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

The Gayborhood is Dying

The last couple of weeks, my gym here in the city has been under threat of closure. A few months ago, the building was bought by a New York real estate company that has a track record of demolishing older structures and building condos. The building sits right in the heart of the Gayborhood here in Philly, which in turn is located in the heart of Center City. There has been a huge influx of luxury apartments being built the last ten years, like any other big city in America. I guess it was only



Survival Handbooks and Writing

For those of you that haven't figured it out by now, I'm a compulsive researcher in far too many ways.  I end up all too often with far more research than writing what I was supposed to write.  Having said that I picked up these two books a number of years ago to give a story I was working on more accurate flavor.  It didn't get posted, but it is in the backlog of things that I'm sure I'll polish up, complete and post some day.  Anyway, I found both of these books interesting and informative.  T


Myr in Writing

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