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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Am I Blue?: Coming Out From the Silence

I originally about this book because of one of the authors, Bruce Coville (Monster's Ring) is a local author in the area where I grew up.  I was read Monster's Ring I think in 5th or 6th grade as reading and discussion hour.  Anyway, this is a great anthology from back in 1995 when I graduated high school well before it was common to see any gay-themed books published anywhere.  This is an enjoyable anthology collection that is a quick, but worthwhile read.  I really enjoyed the title story: Am


Myr in Books

Writing Prompts #662 & #663

Thanks to @comicfan, the prompts are back this week! Yay!!!! Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.         Prompt 662 – Creative Tag – First Line “Why do you always do this?”   Prompt 663 – Creative Tag – The Crew It seems like forever ago this began. You remember your mother kissing you goodnight and falling asleep in your bed. Y

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Hitachi Jobsite Tablesaw

For those of you with hobbies that involve building things, or remodeling the house or whatever, this saw comes highly recommended by my uncle, who is a professional contractor.  Lowes had a nice sale on them, so I picked one up.  I have a few projects on my agenda for this summer and next summer that this will be very handy for.  Mancave stage 2 is scheduled for this summer.  I'm making a nice workshop extension to my mancave.  It will also double as place to relax on those great summer evening


Myr in Gadgets

Renee's Writing Challenge #1

I was sitting here the other day, trying to come up with some new blog ideas when the idea for this blog popped into my head. There may be future challenges, but we'll start with this one.   Renee's Writing Challenge #1: Different Choices Have you ever wondered what would happen if your character made a different choice? Wondered how it would affect the overall story and whether or not your story would end the same?  Now is your chance to find out. The challenge is to write two sh

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Rest In Peace Moggy

As many have noticed Moggy has been offline for some time. she has been my editor for a while and got to know her a bit with our many emails. Because I knew what town she lived in, I was able to track down her phone number. Sadly a recorded message from her ex husband announces that she has passed away. Rest In Peace Dear Lady, you will be greatly missed. Info Update; Moggy passed away on Friday the 6th of April, aged 55.



Tech Tuesday - Updates

I've started my new job and I'm getting settled in.  I'm hoping my schedule settles down soon as I've been going a bit bonkers. lol.   Anyway, we stealth upgraded the site a few days ago and since no one complained, things appear to be working well.  We also updated the rules on the site on Sunday which triggered a request that you agree to the rules again.  This rule updates and your agreement with them is now recorded so that we comply with the upcoming EU debacle, the GDPR. (General


Myr in Technology Archive

Anicient Aliens Season 1

So, this is a TV show and not a movie... but the show is really fascinating.  There are 10 seasons now.  What I love about the show is that it asks questions that don't have ready answers.  Now, I don't agree with them jumping to "it was aliens!" to everything they ask.  But that doesn't change the fact that something is wrong with the history that we know. Oh.. And this is the source of Alien Hair Guy Meme.   I've used some of the questions generated by this show as backgro


Myr in Television

Featured Story: Travelling Home

Monday, Monday, Monday. What could we possibly have for you on a Monday? Oh yeah! We have a new featured story for you. This week, courtesy of Timothy M., we are taking a look at Travelling Home by podga. Hopefully you'll like what you read and it will prompt you to go and read the story itself!   Travelling Home podga Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Complete Word Count: 24,715   With this review I pay homage to the author who brought me to GA five years ago, and to a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

I Just Won Volunteer Of the Year at My Museum

We had our opening today and I got named Volunteer of the Year. Pretty proud of that. I have a plaque and everything. Nice cap to 5 years of service to them this May.   The immature, spiteful part of me wants to snap a photo of my plaque and send it in an email to the archives that canned me as a intern 4 years ago with the capture, "Fuck you", but gladly I've learned a lot in the past few years.   It's been a pretty gratifying experience in general. Volunteer work can really



Weekly Wrap Up (Apr 1 - Apr 7)

Hope everyone had a good week. Don't forget that the deadline for the novella contest is the 15th. So far we only have one entry, so I'm hoping to see at least a couple more before the deadline is here. Now, let's take a look at the past week.     Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology: Summer - Due April 15th, 2018   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th 2018 Spring Anthology: Encounters - Due May 15th 2018

The Filly by Mark R. Probst

So I have the paperback version of this book.  I found it while re-organizing my mancave's closet.    I enjoyed this book when I read it.  I think it's worth a read.  You don't see too many gay westerns.  Check it out.  


Myr in Books

Writing Prompts.... Oopsie

Well... as the title of this blog says, OOPSIE!  I didn't realize that I was out of prompts, so didn't send to @comicfan to get new ones!  Since I forgot, I decided to go through and pick a few recent ones that showed zero responses in the forum.   Creative     First Line     Word List     So there you go!  Hopefully I'll have some new prompts for you next week!

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Anthology Flashback: Summer 2010 - Out of This World

Authors, take note, there is a deadline fast approaching for the Novella Contest!  We are also 6 weeks out from 2 anthologies!  Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology - Due April 15th, 2018   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th 2018 Spring Anthology: Encounters - Due May 15th 2018 Fall Anthology: Fight Back - Due Nov 15th 2018 Fall Anthology: Good Intentions - Due Nov 15th   This week's Ant



Razer Chroma Keyboard

I'll be in the market for a new keyboard soon, as the one I'm using to write this is very well worn.  I've worn away the letters on about 10 keys and I'm looking to get a replacement from a different manufacturer.   The settable LED lights appeal to my geekdom.   Of course... this keyboard also ties in with Hue, which I'm deploying all over the place.  


Myr in Gadgets

Ask an Author 2.0 - #6

And we’re back. Sometimes I wish a few of my favorite GA authors were still around. I have questions about what inspired them to write a particular story, how they decided on locations, or even how they settled on a character’s name. Unfortunately, those I’d most be interested in asking aren’t around these days. Will you face the same regrets I do in a couple of years? Think of one of our new hotshot writers and send me a question. I’ll get it answered and we can all learn a bit more about

Fast then slow

For those that don't follow me on a regular basis, I have been pushing myself to write despite a badly sprained wrist for the past 3+ weeks. I wear a splint day and night and have to have assistance with the craziest simple things like putting socks on or even picking up anything over 2 lbs.  I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel at 18 yrs old, but a night of overzealous knitting pushed it over the edge, and I'm still paying for it.   That said, I was able to finish a story in two months time

Tech Tuesday - Other Social Media

I've completed my move, but my life is in boxes and I'm actively digging out.  I am keeping it short this week and hoping to resume longer posts next week.   If you have not already signed up for our weekly newsletter, you should. Cia likes to sneak surprises in from time to time. You can find it here: http://eepurl.com/cqQPIz   We also have a YouTube Channel, which I have placed a number of "How To" videos.  Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/user/GayAuthors


Myr in Technology Archive

Monthly Week Night Rendezvous

You know what comes with age?  Silver highlight on your hair and hard of hearing.  Which I am sure are what most people referring to as wisdom and grace.  This year, I am turning Four-Zero, and I will become a legend because my sexlessness seems to inspire a movie.   In any case, what also comes with age is the fact you began to see how history repeats itself again and again (ad nauseam).  When young folks were only starting to be disgusted by human nature for the first time around, I




Warning: Some spoilers for those who haven't read the story Accepted GA Story: 31 March 18 Vigilant *In Progress* Sci-Fi Futuristic Gay Romance * Summary Ardant is an ex-Corps soldier faced with the harsh reality that everyone is moving on from the war against the Gahlamons except himself. Swept into a group seeking to protest the executive laws passed by the United Planets Association, Ardant struggles with personal issues and a shocking love interes



Remembering Ripley

Remembering Ripley   I know. I wrote about him last year at this time. He's been gone for nearly two years and frankly I don’t think I'll ever really get over him.   I won't do it again next year.   I didn’t know him as a puppy but Michael did, of course. I’ve seen pictures of him then, more apricot than white. He was a cross breed, yes a mutt, but he was mostly poodle.   I’ve been told he was a cheeky pup, loved to run around, nip (often and hard, my b



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