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  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack

Conversation With My Mother 2

'They're doing a premium short story collection at GA,' I said, 'for Pride. Coming out stories. Thought I might submit something, got a couple of ideas. I'd get paid, even.' 'That's nice,' she said vaguely. 'I think you should try to write some more . . . accessible stories, though. You know, stories you could sell.' Did you not hear that I may in fact get paid? I sighed. 'I can only write the stories that come to me.' She pursed her lips. 'Of course. But you could write something

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Prompt 748 and Prompt 749

The weather is getting warmer, the flowers are blooming, and the grass is growing. So it is safe to say Happy Allergy Season! I mean spring, right, happy spring. Oh well. If between your yard cleaning, house cleaning, and life, in general, you might find time to write then I have some new prompts to tempt you with. Prompt 748 – Creative Tag – The Ring As you finished your final task at work, your retirement lay moments away. A knock at the office door found you staring at a s


comicfan in Prompts

Ask an Author 2.0 #18

Happy 18th birthday, Ask an Author! After today, our little feature can vote but is still unable to drink legally in the United States. I think someone has been slipping it beers behind my back, though. I found it passed out in my computer complaining of a hangover. • • • • • @AC Benus, GA’s poetry guru and the author who gets the most questions will kick off the party. • When you're not writing your own stories and poems, you seem to spend a lot of your time commenting and r


Hey All Just letting you know, that I am currently setting up a website. quokka63.wixsite.com/home  Please feel free to check it out. Regards Q



Editor behavior change

We have changed the way the editor behaves due to the difficulty in maintaining the code for it.  It used to work that when you hit "return" it would go to a new line.  Now when you hit "return" it goes to a new paragraph. Example: This is a new line from Example This is a new paragraph. If you would like a new line, instead of new paragraph, hit shift-return. This was part of what caused the double space error you see in some stories.  Now, some posts will seem oddly space


Myr in Technology Archive

Blessed are...

A "thank you" card from C's sister showed up in the mail today, to thank me for paying off the headstone. First time I've heard from her directly -- my other interactions have been with a mutual friend of C and his sis. Was nice to finally hear from her directly, but sad to know that she's still having a really really hard time with his passing.  I know there are moments for me where a memory will catch me blindsided and rip my heart to pieces again, but for her it seems like that's still a cons

Fae Briona

Fae Briona


I must say I struggled with this one. And I am sorry there is only one. However, here it is and it has been hopefully improved somewhat after a talk with AC.  This one is about our last trip to the hospital …     I force you to the hospital and you won’t recall it you fight me like a frightened thing because you are hurting   You, my love are so very strong yet you are made of glass the hidden flaws begin to show widening t



April CSR Feature: The Assassin by Lilansui

No April Fools, we're really featuring The Assassin by Lilansui this month for the CSR story! Darkish, lightish, twisted, different, definitely what you don't expect... what more could you ask for? Read the description and check out the review from one of the readers who thought he'd just give it a quick glance... then make sure you're ready come back and share your thoughts on the Discussion Day on Monday, April 29th!    The Assassin by @lilansui   Length: 71,240 D

The weirdness

Sometimes I be sitting here and I just think how surreal and strange life really is.  I never imagined I would be sitting in Mobile, AL, with a stranger's liver, trying to find purpose in my life.  I suppose it just goes to show that for all your careful planning and preparation, everything could be terribly doomed before you ever even start.  Hard pill to swallow.  I don't necessarily believe in fate, but I do think that sometimes coincidence is just too coincidental.     This may be



Trans Day of Visibility

I wanted to write something for trans day of visibility. Couldn’t quite figure out what to write. Maybe cause I can’t quite figure out what I am. I keep going back and forth between this joy at being able to be myself and this fear that this isn’t me at all. That I’m making it up. Hardcore impostor syndrome. I don’t have that story. I wasn’t a tomboy growing up. I was a girly girl who liked playing with dolls and dressing up like a princess. I don’t have body dysmorphia. I didn’t always feel lik

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 24 - Mar. 30)

So just in case you missed it GA underwent a Software upgrade on Saturday. So far I haven't noticed any differences but I'm sure that is a good thing . In case you did miss the announcements, Myr did put everything in a nice, neat, little blog:     Now let's look at the rest of the GA Blog for the week!   Monday, Cia lead us on the CSR Discussion Day:     Wednesday, was another addition of Guess Who? I have to admit, this one has stumped a lot of people


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Forums 4.4.2 and other changes

Today, we are upgrading the site to the latest version of the forum software.  While there are not going to be a lot of visible changes, there was a ton of things changed under the hood that is geared towards making the site faster loading and to operate better on mobile devices.  It is going to take a few days to sort through the various settings and getting things operating properly. I'm going to post here several times as we go through this process. Some changes that have occurred p


Myr in Technology Archive

Prompt 746 and 747

So we have made it to the end of another week. Hopefully, it was a good one for you. Are you ready for the weekend? Are you writing a new story? Perhaps, just maybe, you need something to get you inspired? Well, help is here. Here are two new prompts to get you set to write.   Prompt 746 – Creative Tag – Death As a child you had always hoped to grow plants and flowers, but no matter what you did they died. Today you were brought to the main education center to be tested for y


comicfan in Prompts

In Chandler’s Hands: A ‘Brandon Smiling’ Tie-In.

Music ———————————   Tracks ——————————————     Happy When You Smile (Brandon Chandler) - When Brandon Smiles Smile (Josh Groban) - Chandler Sings An Uplifting Song Perfect The Way You Are (Dead by April) - Chandler’s Words At Millennium Park February Song (Josh Groban) - Chandler Sings A Bittersweet Song Pure Imagination (Glee Cover) - Chandler Says ‘Seize The Day’ I’ll Stand By You (Glee Cover) - Chandler’s Suppor


MrM in Soundtracks

GA's Newest Signature Author: Parker Owens

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Parker Owens as GA's newest Signature Author! Parker has been a member of GA for almost four years and was first promoted to Promising in September of 2017. Since joining, Parker has written several short stories, a couple of great novels, and a multitude of poetry. If you want to check out Parker's stories and poetry, you can visit his author page. It's definitely worth a visit!   Please join us in congratulating Parker on his we


Graeme in News Archive

Author Guess Who #2

Well, it's time for another Author Guess WHO!  You'll have a couple of weeks to guess the author. Good luck! Sorry about the lack of extra formatting. Posting using my phone. What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you? I’m a loner. What prompted you to write your first story? Therapy. What genre of books do you enjoy reading and have you written for that genre? I enjoy reading history either fictional or non-fictional, and I tend to write in that genre.

March CSR Discussion Day: Second Chances by Meric Cotton

Have you taken a second look at @MericCotton's completed story if you read Second Chances once before? Or was this your first time reading it? Either way, this month's CSR selection was something a little different than the usual teen or twenties or even thirties fair. Sometimes life passes before we know it (How is it almost April already?) and things happen.... Make sure you share your thoughts about the story in the comments, but first, as always, my interview with the author first!   


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Saying I Love You

There are about a million ways to say those three words “I Love You.”                                           Have you eaten?                                         Sleep well.                                         Drive safely.                                         Grab a coat.   These are some of the ways it’s said in my house.  There are others, not as obvious, but we all know them when we hear them.   And it’s not just that way with lovers and s



Night Blooms

. Night Blooms Haibun   Early the other morning, I couldn’t sleep anymore from all the memory-filled dreams I was having, so I took the dog outside. Standing in the garden, all the world peaceful and sweet, I saw a truly Mid-western moon – the type I grew up. Placid and nearly full, and yet hidden within the glory of its own eerie light. Moons like this remind me I have no home anymore, not with my parents now gone from the world.   5 AM, the moon playing night

AC Benus

AC Benus


Need a vacation -- too much stress.   Reading "Between the Shadow and the Soul" has brought back memories of my cub. Wish I knew where he was, but he stopped talking to me a couple of years ago. My cub is the one person I've loved with all my heart who I knew would never love me back the same way. He stayed in my apartment for about a month while he was trying to get things together. Always tried to be circumspect about when he was going out, to not hurt my feelings, but I always knew.

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Lemme tell ya'll a thing

Okay, so, I will say this first.  Do not be mean to your customer service people.  No matter what, never start out a call being mean.  You never know who you'll get.  Sometimes you'll get me.  And bitch I am good at my job, but woe unto the person who angers me.   This woman today, last call of my day, continued to berate me and call me names and refuse to be cooperative whilst she was yelling at a police officer as well.  Ms. Barbara was a handful, but like the professional I am, I at



Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 17 - Mar. 23)

Well now that it is officially the end of winter on the Northern Hemisphere, let's not wish that winter on anyone in the Southern I think  it was rough on our European, Asian and North American friends.   Just a reminder, I am still looking for completed stories or series for the weekly blog. If you have a favourite, or two, or more, make sure you send me a PM @wildone I have one left, so send me some...please   Cia started the week off with our introduction to a new Classi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 744 and Prompt 745

Spring is here! Or it is supposed to be in the Northern Hemisphere. So is it inspiring you or do you need a little help? If you need help, might I suggest some new prompts?     Prompt 744 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – a sea shell, a blue blanket, a snowman, a caution sign, and a bench.   Prompt 745 – Creative Tag – First Line “I’m so tired of always being the one to apologize.”   If you wrote a prompt st


comicfan in Prompts

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