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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass

Nest Protect

One of the things I was interested in for protecting my mancave was a smoke detector that connected to the Smart Home.  Nest Protect is one that does.  It is tied into my Wink Home Automation system, in addition to having the Nest App itself.  If the smoke detector goes off, it triggers alerts to my phone as well as setting off the alarm in the house.  (since my mancave is in the barn, not in the house) This thing works well and doesn't suffer from issues the first generation of smart smoke


Myr in Gadgets

February Classic Author Excerpt: It Stays in Vegas by Jack Scribe

Did you catch Monday's blog where we featured Jack Scribe's story, It Stays in Vegas? You can also download an image there for your signature if you want to share your enjoyment of the story and promote it to fellow readers! If you haven't read it yet, maybe this excerpt will help you decide to put it on your list! And, if you do read and enjoy it, make sure you leave some comments and reviews. The author might be gone, but let's make sure his great stories aren't forgotten!    Cia sa


Cia in Classic Feature

Tech Tuesday - Fancy Links

I created an announcement a few weeks ago asking people for topics they wanted to be covered here in more detail.  You can find it here: One of those requests was how to we make the fancy links, like I use in my post signature to link to my story.  It's really, really simple.  Just copy the link in the url address bar and then paste the link to a story on the site into an editor, and it'll auto format for you.  For example, I could paste a link to my Sci-Fi Anthology story, A Bad Day to Be


Myr in Technology Archive

X-Men First Class

I loved the eyecandy on screen.  Special effects and good looking actors.   It was a good movie.  Plenty of action and it tied logically into the existing X-men movies. This is definitely in my collection and staying there.


Myr in Movies

February Classic Author Feature: It Stays in Vegas by Jack Scribe

February is short and often gone before we know it. Jack Scribe is an author that many readers from GA will miss as well. But we still have some of his stories to enjoy, including his Las Vegas Trilogy. If you're in the US, you're probably ready for some sunshine and heat, so enjoy this first story in the series, It Stays in Vegas!      Length: 48,027 Description: NOVEL. Drew is an ambitious, young manager at a Las Vegas casino resort who becomes smitten with an arrivin


Cia in Classic Feature

Hard-headed Hat Area

Adventure is guaranteed upon entry into this  area. Wear a helmet and mind the rubble, there's a lot of construction going on around here.    You've come along at the very beginning of... if this was Hollywood, they would call it a reboot.    How I got here is a long story, and I have enough things I'm working on. *Drum sting* I'm finally finishing the beginning of my career here.   Because coming back is inspiring the new energy, instead of the reverse, you, and ev



Weekly Wrap Up (Feb 11 - Feb 18)

Well good morning, evening, maybe afternoon depending on where you are! Yes, sadly I will be doing the blog today so apologies are sent out to everyone I might mess up with me doing it  . Well now that we are done with Valentines week, let's take a look back on all of the different offerings this week.                                Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology: Summer - Due April 15th, 2018


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Sprout by Dale Peck

I was going back through my list of books that I had bought over the years and this one sprang to mind.  I think it is the cover that got me to read it.  Teenager with greenhair just begs the question why.     This is definitely a layered story.  It has great character development and is interesting. I definitely found it worth the read.


Myr in Books

Writing Prompts #648 & #649

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. It's time for this weeks writing prompts. If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 648 Tag – The Dragon You walk into the Dragon’s lair, swearing you are well prepared for anything. However, now that you are actually face to face, this isn’t what you had imagined. What is the dragon li

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Anthology Flashback: Spring 2009 - Oops

Before we get started with this week's flashback, I wanted to remind all of our authors that there are two anthology topics and a novella coming up.  You can find more details and weigh in on your progress here in the Writing Club: If you aren't a member, join up!  There is a lot going on in there for authors.   Now, on with the show!   Would you be so kind as to take a few moments to review the stories you read here?  You never know when you might inspire an auth


Myr in Anthologies

Blog, you say? I posted new content!

Ever since I made my triumphant return,  I've been promising new material "soon."   Unless they've changed in the last few hours, I've never seen "soon' on a calendar. Well, today is "soon" enough for me.    There's a catch:  You've got to head over to https://imagine-magazine.org/releases/   There's a lot of great stuff there!  I'd tell you to start at the top and work your way down,  but I can't guarantee a certain one will stay at the top of the list. If you look at "Volume 38



Nest Learning Thermostat

So, I installed a Nest at my mother's last May.  Let me tell you, this thing has been really good at lowering costs.  It has also solved so many of my tech problems with mom.  Now she just texts me and I can adjust her thermostat from my phone when I'm anywhere.   Since I have to do all of her technical support, this makes my life so much easier.   The funny thing is I have it tied into Alexa as well.  That means I can sit in my living room and adjust the temperature in her house just by telling


Myr in Gadgets


On Valentine's day, the day when the world turns its mind to thoughts of love. Love. Such a small word, but means so much.   I love my partner. I love my son. I love my friends and extended family. Heck I even love my ex-boyfriend and chocolate. But do I love the same? No. I love them all with the same intensity, but not the same way.   Humans today get hung up and think only of the romantic meaning of the word love. We should never feel weird or ashamed to say that you lov



Updating Stories

Hi All! Recently, site staff has been reviewing stories on GA, and we’ve come across a few things that we need your help to fix! Missing/Incomplete Story Descriptions:  A good example of missing/incomplete story descriptions can be found in many of the earlier anthologies. Many of these stories simply have a description of “2006 Summer Anthology”. Incomplete descriptions do nothing to engage readers or entice them to read your story. When updating the story description, keep in m

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Tech Tuesday - Activity and Activity Stream

When we upgraded to the new software, we picked up a very powerful tool called the Activity Stream.  The cool thing here is that it has not only built-in options, but you can create your own as well.  We'll start with the most important two, right up front.   First.  All Activity.  You can find it by going to the Activity option on the Main Menu and Selection the top option on the Sub-Menu, All Activity.   This immediately shows you all the latest new content on the site.  Yo


Myr in Technology Archive

Featured Story: Shifter

Well, it's the start of a new week, and for today's schedule, we're bringing you Puppilull's review of Shifter by skinnydragon. Featured story days are a great way to highlight one of the many stories that can be found in GA Stories. With so many stories, it's easy for a single story to get lost in the shuffle. If you're reading a story that you would like to do a blog review and bring attention to, PM me (Renee). Now, onto the review. Hopefully you enjoy Puppilull's review enough to go check ou

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Spider-Man: Homecoming

So I finally got around to watching this.  I shouldn't have waited so long.  Oh... mmmm.  Tom Holland.  What an adorable Spider-Man he makes.  What a great selling feature too, showing him in boxers.  More than once.  lol. Eye candy aside, both male and special effects, I also enjoyed the movie in general.  It's really good to see Micheal Keaton back to acting again.  He did a good job with a complex character.   I'd definitely say this is worth having in your library.  The 4k ver


Myr in Movies

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb 4 - Feb 10)

I hope everyone has had a great week. It's been a very busy week here on Gay Authors, so it's time to take a look back. Unsure if you missed any of this weeks blogs? Or did you miss any of the updates from our site's promoted authors? Now's your chance to find out!!!     Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology: Summer - Due April 15th, 2018   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th 2018 Spring Anthology: Encounters - Due

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

An Emotional Week

Been an emotional week around here. tim is going through something, and I can only watch and wait. But words run through my head after he comes to me, needing me. Last night he asked me to just hold him, as he tried to sleep. I did and he did.    But I know him very well. Know his heart and the kind of human being he is. It's why I love him. And why I wrote this:     You tell me you need my arms about you tight I know there's something, and I whisper tell me th



Stalking Darkness and Traitor's Moon (Nightrunners 2 & 3)

Stalking Darkness is the conclusion of most of the threads set up in Luck in the Shadows.  It picks up where the last book left off.  Traitor's Moon moves in time a bit and covers the consequences of the first two books.  If you liked the first book, you'll definitely want to complete these two books.   Both of these books are good and have a nice emotional connection to them.  (And the slow burn on the romance final pays off).  There are further books in this series, but I found my in


Myr in Books

Writing Prompts #646 & #647

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 646 – Creative Tag -The Rocket Ship You were the last person placed into the ship. You haven’t fully realized what is happening when the ship begins to take off. Why are you on the ship and where are you goin

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Anthology Flashback: Winter 2009 Deceptions

This week's Anthology Flashback brings back to the Summer of 2009: Deceptions As always, we thank all these authors once again for participating.  If it is not too much trouble, would you be willing to write a review for these authors?  Even if some of them are no longer around, I'm sure other readers will appreciate the effort.  The authors that are still with us surely will.   For Authors! We'd also like to remind all authors that we have 4 Anthology themes for 2018 a


Myr in Anthologies

Darkened Days

It's been difficult lately for tim, and frustrating for me. Depression is such a hard thing to live with, both for the one that suffers through it and the people around them.   Try as he might, and I am not surprised by it, tim tries to push away the bad things he feels. It is a constant fight for him.    People say he's a man, he should put the past behind him.  Move on, fuhgeddaboudit!   he does, a lot, but with his dad's passing, well, I wish the brain had real d



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