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  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack

Felipe Neto and His Sage Advice

Felipe Neto and His Sage Advice   In the midst of some stressful situations, I came across a stand up comedy by a Brazilian Youtuber, Felipe Neto (though it was thankfully subtitled in English). I sometimes watch stand up comedians because their anecdotes remind me that we all go through some crazy shit in life regardless of our backgrounds.    Now, Neto is a goof. Some of jokes were more easily grasped culturally by his fellow Brazilians than others, but I chuckled at most o



Happy Halloween!!!!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!  Hello, Hello!!!!  Long time no talk to!  My little guy is doing well (and sleeping through the night, YAY!) and I thought perhaps it was time I returned to my site duties. A huge thank you to all the admins and other team members for taking care of the blogs and blog content while I tended to Baby J and took care of some health issues. @wildone has agreed to continue helping with the Weekly Wrap Up blogs while I get back into the swing of things. I hope everyone is doing w

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in News Archive

CSR Discussion Day: Atlantis Shift by Carlos Hazday

On the first Monday of the month, I announced the CSR Feature was Carlos Hazday's series, Atlantis Shift. It features two stories, Tidal Power and Detskoye Porno, but check out my interview with Carlos to see his thoughts on writing in general, those two stories, or if there might be more to come! He always gets to ask authors questions and share the answers, so enjoy this chance I had to turn the tables on him!   When it comes to reading, do you have a preference for paper or eBook/on


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 21 - Oct. 27)

If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise If you go down in the woods today, you'd better go in disguise Teddy Bears Picnic - Henry Hall   Don't know why, but I always equated this song with Halloween and scary. But then again, I can only remember those two lines  Well enough of my childhood musings and give you all fair warning, I am tuckered out from Halloween....already . Maybe I won't mention it again in my next weekly wrap up!    Now lets ge


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #712 & #713

Woohoo! We made it. Well, I sort of did. Sorry these are a few hours late. But for those of you who are just about Halloween-ed out, this week's prompts should prove a welcome break. Now, I'm sure you could find a way to spookify them if you want, but you can also go in another direction (outer space, my fav!) with the following ideas brought to you by our prompt guru, Comicfan!    Prompt 712 – Creative Tag – First Line “What can I tell him?”   Prompt 713 – Creativ


Cia in Prompts

Caption This Challenge! Halloween Two... too? Edition

This challenge was so popular two weeks ago and we have another open blog today, so I thought we'd have some more Halloween fun. It's almost here! It's a super simple challenge that helps get your creative juices flowing... write a caption for this image below that tells a story and share it in the blog comments. You have just 30 words or less to share what you think is happening in the picture. Narrate the scene, give a spooky reason why those jack-o-lantern's are clustered there, or give us a


Cia in Fun Stuff

Writing Stages of Life

Four months ago, at least from the outside, most would say that I was on top of the world. I have a good job, a great apartment, and an amazing boyfriend. I had a good start on a saving account, a brand new car with all the bells and whistles. If I was a normal person, I would have been content at the success I enjoyed. Yet for all those possessions, something was lacking in my life. I first started working in hospitality the year I turned 21. I really didn't have the opportunity to go to c

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Featured Story: Never Too Late

Please enjoy this review brought to you by the lead of our review team, Timothy M!    Never Too Late northie Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Complete Word Count: 42,149   November is approaching, a dreary, cold, dark month in the northern hemisphere. The Danish poet Henrik Nordbrandt once wrote: The year has sixteen months: November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, November, November, November.


Cia in Featured Stories

Self Assessing

There comes a point where you might look at your work and wonder how good or bad it is. You may wonder which mistakes you're making, be they grammatical or creative. Sometimes an editor or beta reader helps you catch those things, but what if it's what you intended? How much do our intentions, in the front of our mind of unconsciously, play into the final product? I'd imagine the answer is different for different writers, so I can only give you my view.   One of the things I do is make



Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 14 - Oct 20)

Short, sweet and to the point this week   Monday, Cia introduced us to our October Classic Author Feature and a great downloadable banner:   That set us up for an October Classic Author Excerpt:   On Friday, Comicfan channeled Cia to post this weeks Prompts:   Saturday, another great tip was presented to us in a Article from Comicality on Conflict:   Anthologies 2018 Fall Anthology: Fight Back - Due Nov 15th 2018 Fall


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #710 & #711

Happy Friday! This week we had 2 features for a rather romantical story, but these prompts can go in completely different directions. Just what would you do if you were considered "stock"? *shudders* And fast forward past Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas to plant that living tree you chose to use in an ecologically-conscious move... Is Mother Nature rewarding you? I hope to see some great prompt responses!    Prompt 710 – Creative Tag – Baby News In the order only thos


Cia in Prompts

Book Club Suggestions – Crime Novels Category

Hi everyone. When thinking about private detectives, most would think of the eternal Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, or the brilliant Hercule Poirot, by Agatha Agatha Christie. I want to share with you one of my favourite detectives. Again, this suggestion is not a book, but a whole series of novellas and short stories.    This time the character is not LGBT, but it’s an odd character indeed. What’s not to like in a misogynist man that thinks most women are hysterical,



October Classic Author Excerpt: You Meet Your Soulmate in the Strangest Places by TheZot

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring the ads for The Zot's short story, You Meet Your Soulmate in the Strangest Places? This short story is a romance of a different sort, full of unexpected moments, sweet surprises, a bit of angst (what good romance doesn't have at least a little?) and some hot, hot kissing. Check it out!   I picked this excerpt because it creates a moment of romance, some humor, some of that drama I mention, and you're left with a wait... what? right at the very end.


Cia in Classic Feature

On Being a Writer and Encountering Angry Readers

Neil Gaiman once wrote, in response to angry A Song of Ice and Fire fans demanding the next book in the series, 'George R. R. Martin is not your bitch.' Much like getting attacked on Twitter, I think alienating readers is proof that you're doing something right, if that makes any sense. You've pushed someone's buttons, made them think or feel in some way, even if it was negative. I have alienated multiple readers because of artistic choices I have made, and the same artistic choices have ke

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

October Classic Author Feature: You Meet Your Soulmate in the Strangest Places by The Zot

One of the earliest authors on GA, @TheZot has stories featuring a mix of genres and styles, and one of my favorites among them is this quirky story. Not quite what you'd expect and definitely with a twist at the end, I think you'll enjoy this short story as much as I did! Make sure you come back on Wednesday to find out what excerpt I picked to showcase The Zot's writing as well!    Length: 7,416   Description: Drew never expected to meet his true love on the train, bu


Cia in Classic Feature

The shape of things

Ever look back and realize you've done more than you thought you did?   I've mentioned some word counts before. Edited chapter 4 of "2-14-9X" today for @Comicality's magazine. When I pasted the edits into this running word file I keep the whole story in I noticed something.    30, 747 words   Now, that's not too far from the last publicized count, I know. But it's still been a while since I took stock of the whole, you know?   Considering most of that was



Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 7 - Oct 13)

Well we just missed a Friday the 13th by a day  Would have been great to have one in this month. I know that some of our non North American friends don't see the hype over Halloween, but we all here do! A chance to become someone else, to come up with new and better ideas on how to scare someone, or revisit an old one. So if you are not into Halloween, why not join us and let your hair down and take in all the fun that we are having here at GA! Actually, why not comment simply your country, if y


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Me and My Mental Health

I'd almost forgotten I even had this blog. Figure, since I'm back, it's time I post something again, so I thought I might talk a bit about why I've been gone for so long and what's up with my mental health situation, which is a lot, actually.   First of all, I've been on some medication for the past five years that eventually sapped me of all my creativity. I've been virtually unable to write for over two years, only managing to pen the odd scene or jot down a plot idea here and there,

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

College Weeks 7 & 8

Howdy y'all! We are now halfway through the Fall Term. So, without further ado, let's begin!   PHYS 2425: Last week, we learned about Elastic and Inelastic Collisions, and Explosions. Hear that @Page Scrawler? I learned more ways to blow up Michigan.  This week we started learning about Rotational Motion. However this week was mostly devoted to preparing for Exam 2, which reminds me, I didn't really explain how these Physics Exams are graded by my professor.   So to explain,

Drew Espinosa

Drew Espinosa

A submissive's journey ... Perception

Something happened yesterday that tossed me off the rails for the evening and halfway through the day, today. Well, not off completely but it has made me think - a lot.    i have a tendency to just say things. Often i shouldn't, and things that are to me a joke, are not always taken that way.  Especially when it is about something relating to my/ our lifestyle.  Most of you who read this blog, or my work know i am a submissive. My Sir, Dom, Husband is Michael.   When i made t



Writing Prompts #708 & #709

I think there can be some great spooky stories to come from these prompts. A party hat, crime scene tape? A costume party gone wrong? Or just what might you see when you're tired and passing by... well, what can you come up with? Let's see some creativity!      Prompt 708 – Challenge Tag – Description Create a scene where the main character is exhausted. Make it clear to any reader how tired the character is. However, you may not use the words tired, exhausted, sleepy,


Cia in Prompts

It's been a while, huh?

In September of last year, things in my memory get hazy quickly.  Bits and pieces have come back to me over time that I now know to be accurate, but I still have to recreate what happened based on how my memory fits in with explanations from friends and family, text messages and emails, and my hospital records.   Since I was nineteen, I’ve been somewhat of a heavy drinker on and off.  God knows what all the drugs I did in my younger days did to me.  There were multiple times as a teen



Caption This Challenge! Halloween Edition

In the past, I've done Caption This Challenges in the newsletter, and since we have an open blog today, I thought we'd have some Halloween fun with one on the site blog. It's a super simple challenge that helps get your creative juices flowing... write a caption for this image below that tells the story in a minimum of words and share it in the blog comments. You have just 30 words or less to share what you think is happening in the picture. Narrate the scene, share what's going through the view


Cia in Fun Stuff

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