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  • Myr

    Horror Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 0 Most Read Horror - Body Snatcher Revolving around the invasion or replacement of human bodies by extraterrestrial beings, parasites, or other entities, body snatcher horror explores the loss of control over one's own body. No stories Top 3 Most Read Horror - Gothic (aka gothic romanticism; and dark romanticism): fiction mixing themes of horror, romance, and death Shadow‘s Reach (Halloween Noir) by Jack Poignet In Process Hungry for Gains by Jack

Aria Graice

Wow it's been a long time since I've been here. I'll try to post something more regularly but if you know me at all you'll know my memory is awful. Nudges always appreciated.   Anyway, I thought it might be fun to give you a bit of a peep behind the scenes of Aria Graice. It actually all started with one of those silly, click bait things that crop up on Facebook. It was about the children of celebrities. I started thinking about it and this name popped into my head. Aria Graice. I star



July Classic Author Feature: Fish Out of Water by Altimexis

There's something about summer that brings back a tinge of nostalgia. The heat, the hormones, the first flush of love... and that's what Altimexis's story, Fish Out of Water, has in spades! Check out this story from the 2009 novella contest featuring two American teenagers experiencing all life has to offer for those just starting to look forward to adulthood!      Length: 62,573   Description: Danny and David are two typical American teenagers who share a passion


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (July 08 - July 14th)

Hopefully you all are enjoying your summer or winter depending on your locale. No matter what the season, GA will be here with informative articles and activities for you all year long!   Monday Cia brought us the Story Review done by Parker Owens:   Tuesday was more information and examples of how to use the Story Archive Search Filters:   Wednesday, we gave the keys to the GA Blog to Graeme for his first blog as an Admin:   Thursday Myr took us back t


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

New Beginnings News Flash

Hello my faithful readers   I have a news scoop for you...   Sebastian and his twin brothers, plus others, plus a little twist, from "NB A New Chapter", will appear, starting from Chapter 16, in an up coming new story to be published on GA in a few months time. So keep an eye out for them.   Regards Preston aka Quokka



Writing Prompts #682 & #683

And just like that, almost half of July is gone! How does this keep happening? I swear, there's a time warp that makes time ahead of us seem to stretch out forever, but as soon as it's passed, I have no idea what I did with it. How about you guys? Maybe that should be a prompt? LOL    Prompt 682 – Creative Tag – The Tree Create a story that begins and ends under a tree in the park.   Prompt 683 – Creative Tag – The List Use the following words in a story 


Cia in Prompts

Summer Break 2018

Wow, with summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, we are definitely seeing a drop in people online.   Even I'm getting more sun. I'm going to cut back on the number of blogs I'm doing for now and pick up again in the fall.  It'll give me more time to do these silly summer homeowner things I'm suddenly stuck with. lol.      


Myr in Life

I Think the End is Nigh

I’m at a juncture in my writing where I seriously think I need to stop it. The problem is basically for the most part I write violent shit and I don’t like it.   I’m tired of having likeable characters die in the most horrible ways. For chissakes, how many assaults, rapes, and murders have to be written before I go down to the local sporting goods store and buy a pistol to blow my diseased brain out of my head? I suppose I could call my new therapist, but what the fuck will she do?



Author Promotions

I'd like to talk about Author Promotion, what it is and how it works.   As hopefully everyone is aware, here at GA we have a number of authors with either the Promising, Signature or Classic status. These are authors that we have "promoted" after a review by the Author Promotion Team (APT). The APT is a group of members whose job is to evaluation authors that have been nominated to see if they're reached the "next level" of writing.   What do Promising, Signature and Classic


Graeme in News Archive

Jurassic Park World

I enjoyed this movie.  I was a big fan of the first Jurassic Park.  It was a definite classic.  Of course, that was before Steven Speilberg nuked the fridge... Jurassic Park 2 kind of sucked as the only character they kept was Jeff "The Annoyance" Goldblum.  Jurassic Park III, well... it was better than 2.  The kid was less annoying too.  So yeah... this is better than 2 or 3. Have you seen it?  Where does it rate for you?


Myr in Movies

Tech Tuesday - New Search Filters

For those of you that have not yet watched the video on how the new search filters work, please watch it now:     Back?  Good...  Now to add a few things.  Since the new search system uses the URL to add filters, you can now bookmark your search. Or copy it for others.  For example, this is all the Sci-Fi stories by dkstories: https://www.gayauthors.org/stories/?filter_genres=9&filter_authors=212     Or maybe your thing is complete Long


Myr in Technology Archive

Featured Story: How The Light Gets In

This week we're featuring a story by one of GA's Classic authors, one that isn't quite finished based on the story status (always important to check if you have a preference). Good thing we have a lot of ways to filter stories. Even better than just doing a search for stories, are these great reviews by our very own review team. And today's review of Duncan Ryder's story is by Parker Owens. Let's see what he thought of How The Light Gets In.    How The Light Gets In Duncan Ryder


Cia in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (July 1 - July 7)

Well a belated Happy Independence Day to our American cousins  Hope you all have recovered from you mid week holiday  Another busy week this week today at the GA blog, so let's jump right into it!   **Special note to everyone on the video that has been posted on the recent Stories Archive Software by Myr**   On Monday, Cia introduced us to this month's CSR Feature for July:   Tuesday, Myr showed us how to follow blogs. Is it narcissistic to say I follow my own blog


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Without Remorse by Tom Clancy

I have mentioned before that I enjoy Tom Clancy's epic length novels.  He had three intertwining series all set in the same world.  This is another thing I like.  Having a created world where you can do different series of books and the characters bump into each other.  Without Remorse is where we meet the major recurring character of John Clark.   This is a good solid book that is a pageturner.  It's been entirely too long since I've last read it, so it is back into the queue for the next time


Myr in Books

Writing Prompts #680 & #681

I'm back again! Happy Friday! Did everyone make it through the week? Did you get some writing done? There's always time for a little flash, right? Well, maybe you wrote for the game featured last week or maybe you wrote for the weekly prompts, or maybe you wrote something of your own. Either way, great job! Or perhaps one of this week's prompts will catch your fancy. Give it a go!   Prompt 680 – Creative Tag – First Line Don’t bother trying, kid. I’ve been trapped here a wee


Cia in Prompts

Gay Song Seven – “You're the cutest jailbird I ever did see”

. Gay Song Seven – “You're the cutest jailbird I ever did see”   Note: for this series of postings, the term 'Gay Song' refers to music written to/for/by or about Gay men or women. A second category also deals with music identified as Gay because it speaks to the heart of the Gay Experience. So to make this easier, I will call them Gay in the 1st Degree (to/for/by/about), or Gay in the 2nd Degree (like Judy Garland singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow).   ---  

AC Benus

AC Benus in Essays

Love Simon - Movie

Just been watching the movie, "Love Simon", man I thought I had it tough growing up knowing that I am different, when I saw this movie I realised it seems to be tougher for guys and girls to come out, these days. great ending thou....



Thaw is published!

OK, this is something I never thought I would ever get to say. But my book Thaw is published! Yes, my little story has been turned into a real book. I'm excited beyond words! Of course, none of this would have been possible without a lot of help from the best friend anyone can ever hope to have. The ever amazing @JohnAR has guided me through the entire process and all I had to do was follow instructions and enjoy the journey.    And don't you just love the cover?     



Chair in a Bag

This fits today's theme too...   One of the cooler things they have come up with in the last few years are these folding chairs that fit in a bag.  I have about a dozen of these in various configurations as they were sturdy, portable and fairly comfortable.  I have several different brands in different colors bought in different years.  lol.  I keep one in the truck all the time and have one in standby just inside the garage door for when I went to sit out in the shade to read or


Myr in Gadgets

Ask an Author 2.0 - #9

My threat to ask myself questions in a previous entry sparked the following from a GA member: A question or two for you... Or for anyone else with a long-running saga.  How do you keep track of everyone? And indeed everything they do? Do you just remember, write notes in a separate file, rely on your beta-reader to keep you on the straight and narrow? Do you ever mix characters up, giving them characteristics belonging to someone else?  I decided to accept the invitation to share the q

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