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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y


Law enforcement should not have unions. Or actually, anyone who works in government should not belong to a union. Our government is a powerful entity. Its servants should not band together to amplify that power. Whenever I read a statement from the Policeman's Union, I perform a translation. The Union spokesman states, in translation, "The accused is guilty of all charges without reservation. There are no mitigating circumstances. There are many other things that have not yet been brought to lig



Writing Prompts #404 & #405

It's been quite a week, but now we're back to our regularly scheduled blog posts. That means that it's time for a couple of new prompts provided by the prompt guru Comicfan. Don't forget to share your prompt responses in the forum so that maybe yours can be the featured response next week. Also, don't forget that you can post your responses in GA Stories but prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 404 – Creative Tag – Photo Use the following photo to

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Lady Galadriel vs. Sauron

Ever wondered what Lady Galadriel said to Sauron as she spanked him back to the East in Peter Jackson's "Battle of the Five Armies"?   You have no power here, servant of Morgoth! You are nameless, Faceless, Formless! Go back to the Void from whence you came!   Morgoth was the mighty evil tyrant of yesteryear, in his origin the most powerful of the angels of Eru and rather similar in many ways to the Adversary of Christian Apocrypha. To learn of Morgoth, the servants of Morgoth, and the V



Featured Story: Meta

Being the start of a new week, Monday's are also a good time to take a look at some of the different stories that can be found on Gay Authors. With so many great works, it can be easy to overlook one and Monday's provide an opportunity for us to help make one of them stand out and maybe catch your interest. Today, we're bringing you a review by Timothy M. of JohnAR's story "Meta." Enjoy! Meta by JohnAR Author   Reviewer: Timothy M Status: Complete Word Count: 101

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everybody has had a great week. It has been a very busy week here in the GA News blog. Don't forget there's only one week left before the CSR Discussion on "Roommates" by Krista, so if you haven't finished reading, you still have a little bit of time. Now, let's see what happened this week in the blog!   Our Monday feature took a look at Leaving Club Leo by long-time site member and author C James! If you haven't already read this story, then check out Monday's review and see if it's so

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

from "The Big Bang Theory" .. credits words of wisdom

CHUCK LORRE PRODUCTIONS, #193 Show of hands, during the climactic, face-scrunching moment of the sex act, how many of you out there sometimes find yourself thinking, "Gee, I must look pretty silly right about now"? C'mon, be honest... Okay, I understand. This is a little too intimate for a public conversation. How about if we do it this way: If you're alone right now, just nod. If you're reading this with your sexual partner, simply look at them, smile sheepishly, then, when they smile back, su



Prompt Me!writing Prompts #402 & #403

The prompts are back! We skipped the prompts last week to bring you the Spring Anthology, but they're back with a bang this week! Not only do you get the two prompts you're accustomed to from Comicfan, Poetry Prompt #7 has been posted as well! I look forward to seeing what everyone can come up with! Also, I'd love your thoughts on the featured prompt responses, so please answer the poll question!   Prompt 402 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – a four leaf clove

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ga's Newest Promising Author: Aditus

Please join us in welcoming Aditus to the ranks of Promising Authors on GA! Aditus has several stories to his name, including a novel, a series of shorts, and a lot of prompt responses for readers to enjoy. He's also part of our Author Promotion team--giving back to the site and volunteering his time to uphold our quest for quality fiction on the site. Please take a few moments to congratulate Aditus on his promotion--then go hit up some of his stories and leave him a review!


Cia in News Archive

Cowboy Summer

So it is that we move into the final stages of editing a novella I wrote, and many of you enjoyed, in 2013. Cowboy summer has since been through the editorial wringer, combed over in fine and nagging details by the lovely Rustle, then nit-picked to within an inch of my life by Kitt. I have lost count of how many times it's been read through, how many times I've stared at the words trying to find errors and fix grammatical issues. Now it is with Vinnie, the man who did the final checks on the pub

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan


Well 365 did fail for a myriad of reasons. Some out of my control, some totally in my control and some old issues which were brought in to the light due to the concept. So yes I failed but it wasn't 100% and the large goal of pushing myself to mend broken parts and face new challengs was meet. And I think I may try again this year but the approach must be far different.   I think the block for this year is finding a non-baised way to hold myself accountable. Here isn't the best place, not that



The Top 10 Elements of a Book People Want to Read

This guest article on Writer's Digest's blog is absolutely wonderful! I can't say enough about how I agree with every single point made!   The Highlights:   1. Your words are your tools; make sure they are in working order. 2. Check for inconsistencies. 3. Avoid overwriting. 4. Avoid underwriting. 5. Make sure your characters are more than a name. 6. Show, don't tell. 7. Sharpen that dialogue... 8. ...And expose that subtext. 9. Drive the plot toward your reader's AHA moment. 10. Bu



that 70s trilogy

My 70s trilogy is finally complete and it's all hosted here at gayauthors.org   It follows a small group of friends from Mississippi that learn that we need each other, how to be friends and lift each other up.   We weren't saints and all of us got lost along the way at some point. Only together did we find our way.       the Place in Between   Getting to the Happily Ever After   Nightfall  



Featured Story: Leaving Club Leo

Monday's are a great day, not so much as they are the start of a new week but because it's the day we look at one of the stories here at Gay Authors. Maybe you have been looking for a new story to read? Hopefully I can help you out with that! I like to contribute the occasional review to the blog, and today I decided to do a review on a story by one of our earliest authors. C James is well known for his story Circumnavigation, but I'm going to share one of his lesser known stories. I hope you en

Music Memories: "Sweet Jane" by Cowboy Junkies

So I thought I'd try something a little different than my "music playlist" stuff. I thought it might be interesting to highlight a particular song that brings back a very vivid memory. So first up...   "Sweet Jane" by the Cowboy Junkies     It's mid-March, 2012. I'm 26 years old. I'm in some non-descript, beat up car from the 1990's(I think blue, maybe black), traveling with two or three other guys as we were coming back from our Spring Break. We had spent the week in Tennessee, build



Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone had a great week! With the release of the 2015 Spring Anthology, it's time to start looking forward to the 2015 Poetry Anthology and the 2015 Summer Anthology. Look for the announcement for the Summer Anthology within the next week or two, but if you want to get a start on it, the theme is Road Trip! This week we're going to go a little bit backwards in our look back at the week.   For those that didn't already notice, on Friday, there were no prompts. That's because we

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

An Irish story of magic for St Patrick's Day - Shamrock Lite

Hello everyone! My newest story, Shamrock Lite, is out today published by MLR Press. It's a lighthearted and slightly nostalgic homage of mine to the wonderful country of Ireland and its rich lore. You can find the link and blurb below!   Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Shamrock-Lite-Albert-Nothlit-ebook/dp/B00UQF1R4W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1426636816&sr=8-1&keywords=shamrock+lite MLR Press http://www.mlrbooks.com/ShowBook.php?book=ANSHAMRK   Shamrock Lite   One lifetime of exp




My grandmother cooked rutabagas with bacon and butter every time I visited for lunch, and they tasted great. I loved my grandmother. She was the nicest lady in the entire world. She died of leukemia, but lived a long life, and everyone she knew loved her just as I did. In fact, people loved her too much, and she had to hide from some people. That is one of the problems when you are too lovable. You have to hide from the non-lovables. She did the best she could. I remember she used to tell me to




Vanuatu had a bad day and a hellacious hangover. I could not even pronounce Vanuatu until a gentleman from that region of the world corrected me. Vanuatu's predicament reminds of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina.   People should be helped out, given money to relocate, temporary housing, food, whatever they need. What I don't like is the idea of rebuilding another offering to Poseidon, who will just wash it all away again. These coastal targets are doomed in our warming climate. Let's be rea



2015 Spring Anthology: Full Circle *now Live*

Hope you all are ready to do some reading! The 2015 Spring Anthology: Full Circle is NOW LIVE for your enjoyments. Eleven new stories to help you get through the weekend. Don't forget to leave the authors a review to let them know what you think of their hard work. Now, what are you waiting for? Read!!!!       At the Right Time jian_sierra   "Tell me about yourself, Mr. Connor."   I was in a spacious room with glass walls, the Los Angeles skyline could be glimpsed outsid

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

That Guy

Time for a confession. As often as I do it, you would think I was a bloody Catholic.   One of the biggest issues I had coming to terms with being gay was, in my time, that excluded you from ever being a dad.   Sure- things are changing on that front. If I had the cash, I could adopt but I don't and I'm getting to old for it.   So if you wonder why I am the way I am with the younglings, that's it.   I may not ever be a dad, but if I can be that guy that tells you that you have value when



Where the &#!* have I been?

Thanks to those of you who have sent me e-mails, pms, or otherwise showed concern as to where the fuck I’ve been. To answer the first, most obvious question: I’m fine. Life has its challenges, and I have mine, but there’s nothing there that’s debilitating.   There are three major areas of my life that can impact my writing. My health/wellbeing is obviously one of those, but as I’ve said, that’s pretty good. The next one is the relative level of activity in my life, and I’ve had an awful

Mark Arbour

Mark Arbour

Author Interview: Cia

Have you downloaded your March Signature Background? If not, there's still time and you can do so, here. Cia's always asking everyone else the questions, and now it was time for the tables to be turned. Hope you enjoy this little question and answer session with Cia! Author Interview: Cia on Two of a Kind   Do you eat your fruits and vegetables?   Some more than others. I love raw baby spinach and bananas. I even like combining them in smoothies. Don’t knock it til you try it! A

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