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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

March 10, 2015 - Another year

Funny, I knew the date and tried hard to put it off. Dad and I just don't talk about it, but he has it worse than I do. Remembering my mother. Today would have been her 75th birthday. He went to bed a few hours ago. I don't think either of us mentioned it at all to each other. I couldn't let the day go without saying something. I posted it on Facebook and I am commenting here.   Next week I know he will want to go to the grave site. The snow should be gone and it will be their anniversary. Mar



Free Publishing eBook

I like to share tips, and free tip books, whenever possible. Not everything might apply to you, but even if you don't publish, knowing how to brand yourself as an author and use social media can be helpful! Bookbaby is offering another free eBook, Self-Publishing Book Camp by Carla King, as a download now. Get your copy!!   Bookbaby Download Page




My uncle passed away on Sunday after a long battle with cancer. He was 69. It's hit me pretty hard, even though we weren't particularly close. In fact, my first memories of him aren't pleasant at all. When I was a kid we lived in a house with an inground pool. I hated that stupid pool. My parents had my brother and I take swimming lessons at the Y because neither of us knew how to swim. Those lessons were torture. I don't have specific memories of the lessons, but I do remember that the



Featured Story: Two Of A Kind

This month I told Cia that I was stealing the March Signature Author Background because I decided it was time for the one who started it to be featured. I chose her story Two of a Kind since I love the Carthera series and it was a toss-up as to whether I liked Two of a Kind or Hypnosis better. If you haven't already read this series, I highly suggest it. To help you decide whether or not it's for you, here's a review, provided by Cannd. Two of a Kind Book 2 of Carthera Takeover Tales

On Being Old

As a young man exploring the gay subculture for the first time, twenty-five seemed the outer limit, old age in the youth-centered gay scene I was exploring. Once I reached twenty-five, I decided that was not so bad after all, but everything must be downhill after thirty. After reaching geezerhood at thirty, the time had come to open my mind to a new way of thinking about age.   Now that I am, shall we say, older than thirty, I'm happier than I ever was. I'm legally married now, thanks to the b



Weekly Wrap Up

Surprise! It's me again. Renee took over my Signature Background this month, so I'm giving her a bit of a weekend break. This has been a busy week!!   Monday was the announcement of the CSR featured story, Roommates by Krista. Don't miss out on the discussion day on Monday, March 30th.   On Wednesday, Dark graced us with another of his Ask an Author... #25!! He shared questions answered by Nephylim, Stephanie L. Danielson, and Aditus. Want to know what they were? Check it out!   I brought


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Feeling pretty vulnerable

Holy crap, how did it get to be three am and why am I eating nachos?   This has been an emotionally draining weekend and it has left me feeling very vulnerable.   Friday night I told my story to a 12 step meeting. I've done it before in front of complete strangers. This time it was in front of people I knew. It would have been easier just to take off all my clothes and sing . It went OK. No one showed with torches & pitchforks and not a word was said about exorcism.  Then there was t



Thank You

Yesterday, I went out to Goodreads figuring I would add Tears of the Neko their books list. I went through the whole process to find that some kind soul had already added it! I assume it was probably someone from here as this is where I'm most active, so thank you so very much.   Right now I am working on getting it associated with my account as there are several other Taylor Ryan's out there. Hopefully they will get back to me soon.   And thank you to anyone who has reviewed it there as



Top Baseball Prospect Lives in A Van Down by the Ocean

I came across this pretty neat story about a Blue Jays prospect, who despite having a 2 million dollar signing bonus, lives in a van at a Florida Wal-Mart and leads a spartan lifestyle by choice.   The Man in the Van by Eli Saslow   I really do admire people who live such free, minimalist lifestyles like that. I find the guy a throwback to the 1970's, when some people rejected the materialism of American society and went off to try and live off the land in nature. He's not quite doing that,



Writing Prompts #400 & #401

Happy Friday, everyone! Unless Friday isn't the end of your work week, or your weekend work-at-home is just beginning... or any other non-fun Friday vibes are hitting. Either way, celebrate or distract yourself with some fun writing prompts from the flash fiction guru--Comicfan.   Prompt 400 – Creative Tag – First Line “But I heard you were dead!”   Prompt 401 – Creative Tag – Infection It started at a lab in Washington, DC. It seems people began to morph and become a human animal hybrid. A


Cia in Prompts

another medical article

Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference in up to 15?521 men http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bju.13010/full



Ask An Author #25

I've heard countless times how much everyone loves the Ask An Author feature and want to give a big Thank You to Dark for taking the time to contact all the authors and compile these wonderful Wednesday pieces. Don't forget, if you have a question you'd like to "Ask an Author" all you need to do is send Dark a PM!! Hope you enjoy!!! Ask an Author #25   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #24, we had questions for authors Andr

Beach. Body.

Strange encounter with a stranger on Sunday. Two days later and I'm still thinking about it. I'm thinking about my feelings about it which range from narcistic pleasure to shuddering dismay.   After my swim on Sunday I realized I'd forgotten to bring a towel. Fortunately it was a warm day out at the beach by Crissy Field so the sun could dry me. I stripped off my wetsuit, left it in the plastic bin in my car and walked over to sit on the cement pony wall along the beach. I was only wearing my



An Unfortunate Sidetrack: 2nd Update

Hey, for those of you that were interesting in following the story about my friend Tim who got arrested during an Unfortunate Sidetrack, I talked to him on Facebook recently.   Tim is generally doing okay. He told me that Nassau County (New York) is still dragging their feet on giving him a plea bargain so he can avoid being charged with a misdemeanor, but he can put things off for awhile now. Tim's still hopeful they'll give him the plea bargain, and he doesn't think this will go to trial- mo



Things You Miss

Hello, Hello!!!   I feel like jumping up and down, being able to post on GA again, even though it's just a blog post for now. I missed posting on here, writing comes easy, but without sharing the stories, I tell you, it can be a dull world. I've been away, unable to log on to GA for like two months...yes, that is a big deal apparently. I'm glad to be back now. The picture is a treat from yours truly....sunrise at Diani...pretty, right?   Look forward to new chapters all around.   Sui.



Getting a Graduate Degree in Theology

There's a legal case pending for some poor woman on death row. She graduated from a prison theology program in 2011. Now in 2015, she's set for a graduate degree; instead of studying God, she's going to meet Him. Oh, Georgia, you wry old thing.   Seems to me only the poor get sentenced to death. The rich get off with murder, rape, theft, or whatever they fancy. If they don't buy the judge, they'll buy the best lawyer, or buy the governor, or buy the prosecutor. Somehow or another, the rich get



Please Don't

Please Don't   Please don’t look at the bruise on my face, Please don’t ever drop by my place, Please don’t ask me how I am, Please don’t ask unless you give a damn.   Please let it go when I say that I’m fine, Please ignore it when you see the signs, I don’t know why they get so mad, I wonder what happened to my Dad.   Please don’t say I just have to be strong, Please don’t see what is really wrong, I can take it, I don’t talk back or fight, I can take it, it’ll be all right.  



The Things Some Authors Will Say!

Some authors--and apparently teachers--are assholes. Yep, I said assholes. I've seen the ego on small-time so-called "professional" authors get large enough to capsize a cruise ship, and apparently Ryan Boudinot (who I have no personal connection to, but could not believe what he posted) is not only an author, but supposedly a teacher whose job it was to guide others. His article exposes a blowhard whose personal views beat them all. Out of every single thing he said, I can agree with only one c



Yahoo Disses GayAuthors

Yahoo disrespects gayauthors. The picture above speaks for itself. I complained to my little search engine provider, DuckDuckGo, which gets its feed from Yahoo & Bing, but have not heard anything back. I may have to stop using DDG, because there are too many sites I just can't find. How about coughing up exact url matches, Yahoo?   No such problems with Google.



March Csr: Roommates By Krista

This month I thought I'd feature something many readers can enjoy, since the weather's been so bad and we have four full weeks to read--a novel length college-age story by Krista. I hope you'll enjoy it! March's CSR Discussion day will be on Monday, March 30th! Roommates by Krista   Length: 72,249   Description: About best friends from college.   A Reader Said: I know I say this about every story, but I really did love this one ~ Gene63

The Great Art Heist

Greetings, minions!       I hope all of you are doing well and that your year has been running smoothly so far.   As for my new year, you ask?   Well, I wouldn't use the word "smooth" in any way, shape, or form. I feel like my life has been like a soap opera or something over the last 2 months! It's seriously been too insane to believe, but what I'm about to tel you is 100% true.   ----   So, in my last blog I described the sad ending to my 2 year relationship with my girlfriend,

Autumn Dream

Autumn Dream

Saying the Last Good Bye to Dad

Last Saturday morning, about ten minutes after arriving at my destination on campus my mother called my cell phone. I could barely make out what she was saying. The gist of it was that dad had a massive heart attack and collapsed in the driveway. She told me she was getting on the ambulance and hung up. It took me almost 15 minutes to trudge across campus through the snow to my car. I was going as quick as I could without falling on the ice. I drove to my house and grabbed my meds and some


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