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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Me And Earl And The Dying Girl- Movie Trailer

Hey guys, this movie's currently on my radar right now...it's called Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, and it won the Grand Prize at Sundance Film Festival. I'm always on the lookout for a good new indie film, and this is looking good. It's the story of a guy in his senior year of high school, who is forced by his parents to befriend a classmate that has cancer. Here's the trailer:     I'm digging it. It's a well-done trailer- letting you know just enough to know what kind of movie this is,



Meditations For A Fictional Story : Outlines For My Universe's Moral Compass

Writing is more than an exercise in your imagination; it is a meditation on creation and destruction, but not always good vs. evil.   I've come to realize that what I am aiming for in my story is not a traditional story of heroes and villains, but a story of three, maybe even four, potential directions.   Here's how the idea works, there are basically three sides in existence: Creation, Destrucion, and Transition.   On a theological level, since I am musing on Eastern Theology and even por



Weekly Wrap Up!

Sorry for the delay this morning y'all. I hope everyone has had a great week. Just a reminder that tomorrow, Monday the 25th will be the CSR Discussion for Penguin by Valkyrie. If you haven't finished yet, there's still time so that you can come and ask Valkyrie your questions at 8-10 PM eastern time. Now, let's see what happened in the GA News Blog during this past week.   Monday's feature story was Gaymer by Dabeagle. If you're looking for a new story that isn't too long, this could be the s

Dangerous Settlers

One day in New Zealand:   Auckland Settlers: *Settles upon land sitting on 50 unpredictable volcanoes.* Wellington Settlers: *Settles at the bottom of north island where wind blows everyone over and every time it rains, the place floods.* Christchurch Settlers: *Settles on land above and close to undiscovered fault lines that has every potential to cause violent earthquakes and create tsunamis.* Dunedin Settlers: *Settles on uneven rolling hills, with climate so cold it snows ever season.*



Erin Go Brah

A big congratulations to my cousins on the Emerald Isle.   The Irish people now have a freedom many gay people still do not have here in the United States.   It may serve as a major indicator of the great change in our lives as gay men and women that we are on the verge of experiencing. Near universal acceptance in the Western World.   You must understand how deeply rooted in the Catholic Culture Ireland is. Of all the nations in Europe, and most certainly in Western Europe, it has been th



Shi'ite Vs. Sunni

I don't often have a reaction to the incessant Sunni vs. Shi'ite warfare now raging in the Middle East, but make an exception following the bombing of a mosque in Saudi Arabia.   Saudis learn from grade one that Shi'ites aren't real Muslims. And Muslims think it is fine and dandy to kill non-Muslims.So, basically Saudis are programmed from grade one to kill Shi'ites and anyone else that is not Sunni.   The Shi'ites and Sunnis are almost as bad as the Protestant vs. Catholic rivalry than plag



My Interview With The_Jordanator

Hi everyone, welcome to the self-interview! Thank you for joining me today as I talk to The_Jordanator about his story which is fast rising in popularity, Someone Like Me.   Me: Thank you for agreeing to do this   J: It's a pleasure.   Me: The first question we want to ask you is not on your story, but for yourself. You're a new author to GA, and 16 years old which is quite young. You've also told us that you're bisexual as well. Have you ever been bullied for your sexuality?   J: Well,



Older Than You Think

This is just the worst.   My Dad decided it would be a good idea to post a picture of our family of four on howold.net As the results turn out, this was not a good idea at all. Can I just say before you laugh at the results image that I'm 16 and Mum is 45ish. She wasn't wearing any makeup either.   (Note: Photo has been cropped to disclude rest of family)



Writing Prompts #418 & #419

Hope everyone is having a great Friday. If you've been struggling to write, or just need something to springboard a new idea, you've come to the right place.Today we have two new prompts from the prompt guru, Comicfan. Don't forget to share your prompt responses in the prompt forum. We can't pick you to feature if we don't know you responded to one of this weeks prompts. You're welcome to post your responses in GA Stories, just please make sure that any story under 1,000 words is part of a colle

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

An Interview With Oneself

I have already made suggestions about this, but now it is official. I will be interviewing The_Jordanator about his story 'Someone Like Me.' The interview will be blogged here at the JordanNation Blog in two days time. The author promises information about the story that is a MUST know for all readers.   He's also taking questions, and the first question somebody has already asked to tell him is: 'Have you ever been bullied for your sexuality?' The_Jordanator will be answering that question a



Rising Star

Recently I checked out my status and reputation points. Now I know I'll sound egocentric when I say this, which I have proved to be in previous posts, but I think I'm getting popular. With a reputation of 129 with the caption 'Moving on up', is say that is a good on-track position to be in. Some other reputation levels are below that, which I'm confused about for some as they are really cool people. I think it's my story. Every chapter published gets a healthy growth spurt from the reputatio



Trust, Not Lust

Lonely people need to get a grip. I'm looking at you, gay men. Also single women. Looking for love is okay, but trusting strangers on the Internet is not. Let me tell you the first rule about strangers. Everything they say is a lie until verified by ten different pieces of evidence, at which point it can advance from lie to simple exaggeration. Never do human beings utter truth. Truth is elusive, not something that can be spoken.   If you are browsing matchmaker-for-gullible-people.com, and th



What They Don't Tell You

When I was a kid and adults were trying to scare me out of my nasty homosexual hobby, they used to tell me stuff designed to scare it out of you. They said all you could ever hope to be is a bartender or a prostitute. Homosexuals always end up in prison. Homosexuals are useless, can't have families and other delightful things.   Of course that was all a product of the WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) society that I was immersed in. Some of it was self fulfilling.   Many young gay men in t



Forced Vaginal Exams

So what are you learning up there in college, dear?   Lubricated transvaginal probes, indeed. That was a lawsuit waiting to happen if there ever was one.   However, it is an open secret in medicine that students practice on one another. That includes some touching, grasping, occasional disrobing, listening, feeling, and probing. I still find lubricated transvaginal probes surprising, though. Especially when sexual stimulation is needed to insert them properly.   Clever students! They may g



Forgive Me, Please? :(

I just wanted to say sorry for what I said in my last blog.   Yesterday I posted an entry impersonating America for allowing their citizens to have guns, and comparing them to ISIS. I have realized that this was not a wise thing to do, and it has been made clear to me through your comments. I apologize for upsetting or riling up some of you because of my post, I want to say that I had no intention of making you feel upset about it. If you want me to, I can take down the entry.   I did this



In Guns We Trust

*America:* Boy, look at all the American fatalities that have happened over the past year, especially with all the shootings and gun-related murders. How could this possibly happen?   *America:* It can't be because our citizens are legally allowed to own and use guns for 'self defense', a rather loose and uncontrolled law that has every potential to go very wrong and blast our nation into a pile of blood and smoking guns and at the very least, significantly decrease the global population. No i



I'd Like To Buy The World A Coke- Mad Men's Finale

The iconic show about advertising ended with the most iconic commercial of the 20th century. In honor of the finale...check out the single version of Seriously though, I'm thrilled Mad Men referenced that ad. I think it's such a brilliant piece of advertising with a message that still resonates today- share a Coke with a friend and make a bond for a little while regardless of who they are. Here's the real origin story behind the ad- Bill Backer was on a flight layover, and noticed that the



Haters And Bigots = Changes To My About Me Section

Just a short rant I promise. I have had to make some changes to my about me section and here is why..   I had a visit today from my church pastor and like I expected it was about… yep you guessed it, my writing. Apparently I am leading my readers down the wrong path and maybe am heading there myself. *cue the eye roll*   I won’t bore everyone with our conversation, but needless to say he wants me to stop writing gay/paranormal romance and I very nicely told him to get stuffed. I told him I

Caz Pedroso

Caz Pedroso

Featured Story: Gaymer

Monday's are a great day, not so much as they are the start of a new week but because it's the day we look at one of the stories here at Gay Authors. Maybe you have been looking for a new story to read? Hopefully I can help you out with that! I like to contribute the occasional review to the blog, today I decided to do a review on an author that has been around since 2004. He's recently started posting a lot of stories, including the one I decided to review for today. I hope you enjoy my review

For 'him'

. Might jaded be the cruelest of concepts, The one that will allow no sleep at night, The tormentor with its holy precepts That only might possesses what is right? How many are the fucking sad moments When doubt intrudes on dreams with its moaning, To tick like a clock with its arguments That nothing's ever come from my groaning. How to pray for relief when even faith Allows no creed to say I'm good enough; How to foster hope when my mind's

AC Benus

AC Benus

Weekly Wrap Up!

Renee is away for the weekend attending a wedding. Since she isn't here, you are all stuck with me. Let me say that for a small fee, I will be selling pictures of Renee in her Bridesmaid dress   On Monday for our Featured Story, it was for our Signature Author for the month of May, Krista. We had her 2008 Anthology "Finding Alex" featured. Suvitar wrote a great review of this story and I believe enticed a few of us to go back and read it for the first time or maybe the second or third times.


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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