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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

"I Had A Fantasy That I Kidnapped You And Kept You Forever."

I have this close friend, Jack, who relayed to me a pretty terrifying tale of something that happened to his friend a long time ago. My mentor, Jack, is now a retired former HR community college guy in his mid- 60's.   Thirty years ago, however, Jack was working as a bartender in a bar in Portland's gay community. That's how Jack met Randy. Randy was a good-looking, well-spoken customer in his mid-20's...pretty attractive 80's preppy type. Randy lived close to Jack, and the two went on a coupl



Writing Tip: Grammar Rodeo #2

Who's ready for another Grammar Rodeo? A big thanks to Cia for providing these for the blog. They are a great learning tool and include some great tips and tricks to help authors remember what is best to use. Hopefully you'll find Grammar Rodeo #2 as informative as I did! Grammar Rodeo #2 Those Pesky Word Choices       Past vs. Passed   This one is complicated when you consider the many, many variations of past. Past can be used as an adjective, a noun, a preposition, a

Right Place...Right Time!

Yesterday was a crazy day at work. Every time I started to leave, something else popped up needing my attention. My shift was over, but I just couldn’t get out the door. Once I escaped, I was driving home lost in my own thoughts, completely zoned out, driving on autopilot when something caught my attention.   It was a beautiful sunny day, but extremely windy when I saw a flash at the top of a building. FIRE! I saw the flames at the top of the building before I saw the smoke which was be




I are Fubar today, f***ed up beyond all recall, not as a result of substances but rather an anonymous virus, likely a cold virus. I called in sick today for the first time ever, but I probably will trudge in tomorrow just to show the boss, hey I'm not pulling a sickie, I'm sick for real. I like for people to know I'm honest. He is probably okay with me working from home, but I need to pick up a few gadgets from work in order to make that happen.   Morally, I hate coming in to work sick, becaus



Csr Feature: Rumors Of War Trilogy

This month I thought I'd feature something a little different--and I hear there are some real twists to this author's stories, too! Depending on your reading speed, check out Books 1, 2 or 3 of the series: Rumors of War by Cynus   Book 1: War on Earth Length: 33,600 Description: Damien has just been uprooted from his childhood home and is about to start a new life. Little does he know that a war between angels and demons spanning thousands of years is about to be brought to his doo

Of Burnt toast and crunchy potatoes.

Lately, I've thought a lot about meal times, not because of the food, but about who is sitting at the table with me for the meal. Most times when I write characters, I find it lonely to write them eating food alone at the dining table. It's sort of sad to spend time in the kitchen cooking, and then lay it out on the table and have only one food setting.   The other day, I spent the day out in the city and passed this gorgeous Thai restaurant, I wanted to go in, but the thought of eating at a




The story of the Bozo that got 18 years for operating UGotPosted.com tickled me. He can now find himself on ugotarrested.com and ugotsentup.com and prison.com. He won't need to pay any web domain fees for the next ten years at least.   For a measly $30k, he traumatized women he had never met before who received his nastygrams demanding $300 to remove their compromising photographs. I think his behavior was more the result of woman-hating than motivated by greed.   If people would just abide



Forgotten Oldies: "Alive and Kicking" by Simple Minds

Everybody knows Simple Minds for their big single, "Don't You Forget About Me" from the Breakfast Club, but did you know they had another hit single and were not actually one-hit wonders? Yup, they had a tune released in the fall of 1985 and it was a hit- not as big as their signature tune, but still successful. It's been largely forgotten, but I heard this tune many years ago on a show called Glory Daze, which was set in 1986 and followed guys pledging a frat. I heard a snippet on the show, bu



A little of this, A little of that

Just felt I haven't said much in a while. Time for a bit of an update.   I have been dealing with dad. He isn't fully recovered and I guess this is my new reality with him. Life isn't exactly as it was, but at least it isn't as bad as it could be. He is about 90% back to normal. Balance is slightly off and he has mood swings. Part of what he is like now.   My own health is all over the place. The doctor wants me to go for some tests. Not sure for what now but always not a good sign.   I'm



A Better Way

I had a conversation recently where someone was frustrated about that pizza place in Indiana who got all those donations. Now there is a few different ways to look at this and mine was - how could people, presumably religious folks who supported the religious views of the shop owners (as opposed to just bigots) support this when there were so many other positive places that money could be used for? Feeding the homeless? Shelters, either human or animal? Unfortunately, the outrage doesn't always



4.5.15 Picture Poem

A ballet Is spring A conspiracy of rejoicing Be happy Be young Dance and sing And love Let go Let go And fall into the embrace It's all wildly hypnotic Dangerously symbiotic The spiral of life



Weekly Wrap Up!

Spring has sprung and it seems like everyone's mood is picking up after which has been a long hard winter for some areas in the Northern Hemisphere. Other areas in Southern Hemisphere are, I am hoping, heading into a mild winter.   One of the things about Spring is that they always seem to bring the dreaded Spring Cold. Renee is sidelined with one right now so I have stepped in to ensure she is taking her meds, hot baths, and getting as much rest as possible. Join me in wishing Renee a speedy


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Okay, first entry.

Yes, i've been gone for a long time.   Yes, i never really posted on my blog before.   Yes, i was a bitchy little teenager.   Yeah, i got my just desserts.   Most of you probably don't know me, but for the benefit of those who do, i'm not going to go in to who exactly i am and why i'm on this website right now. It's a long tedious story filled with regret and triggers that i don't want to deal with that at the moment.   So, where to start? I really don't know: let's start off with wher



Writing Prompts #406 & #407

Surprise! It's me! Our prompts aren't up so prompt this morning, whoops! But we're featuring 2 new flash options for authors from Comicfan today--so enjoy!   Prompt 406 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – rain coat, patch of ice, steak, blue fuzzy slippers, Greek statue   Prompt 407 – Creative Tag – The Clown Clowns have always freaked you out. You don’t find them funny and find the whole thing sort of scary. Unfortunately, this year your job decided to throw a part


Cia in Prompts

4.3.15 Picture and Poem

I'm not afraid of the night. I walk the shadows and watch the moon blink in blink out from a lace of seduction... sky fields sail in waves. Under this cherry tree I cast my prayers and wish it was this simple. Knowing sorrow comes with each new day has no surprise.



Ayaan Hirsi

Ayaan Hirsi is an amazing author recently interviewed on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. As Emperor of the World, I'd appoint Ayaan Hirsi to take care of affairs of state.



Philadelphia Freedom

As I have friends/minions here that I do not have at my own site, there were some things that I like to share with readers both from my stories and from my personal life. Recently I had posted that we'd gone to Philadelphia and had reason to be optimistic. I decided that upbeat item would be my first blog post here - and I hope to hear before tomorrow, when I start calling and emailing the worker in earnest.   From my site post, dated March 31:   So as some of you know, I recently took an ov



Ask An Author #26

Ask an Author #26   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #25, we had questions for authors Aditus, Nephylim, and Stephanie L. Danielson.   In AtA #26, we hear from carringtonrj, joann414, and Mark Arbour.   For their protection, the members who asked these questions shall remain nameless (unless they choose to reveal themselves). Please note that all author replies are copied as is, spelling errors and grammar eccentricities

Csr Discussion Day: Roommates By Krista

This month we featured Roommates by Krista for the CSR feature. I did an interview with Krista all about herself, her writing, and the inspiration behind Brett and Will, two best friends in college. Did you read the story? Don't forget to share what you thought! Krista will be available to answer your questions or to just chat about her story and writing at 8 PM, EDT.   Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see much point?   I don't see the point during the morn


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has had a great week. Just a reminder that tomorrow, Monday the 30th will be the CSR Discussion for Roommates by Krista. If you haven't finished yet, there's still time so that you can come and ask Krista your questions at 8pm EDT. Now, let's see what happened in the GA News Blog during this past week.   Monday's featured story was Meta by JohnAR. If you haven't already, why not stop by and read the review provided by Timothy M.   Myr joined us at the blog on Tuesday with an

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

American Songbook Track List

In the lead up to what is already being called, in our household, The Big Move, I am focusing on editing and preparing manuscripts, rather than writing. This is because it is hard to write when you feel guilty for not packing your life into boxes, and secondly because whilst Cowboy Summer waits for covers and one last read-through, I have no finished the 17 tracks of the American Songbook.   Yes people, I said 17 tracks. There are two tracks "Sandbar" and "Marshallville" which will only be ava

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

Outsmarted by a 6 year-old

I was babysitting my 6 year-old nephew for a few hours. He watched TV and played Legos while I typed away on my laptop when a new review popped up on one of my stories. I read it and smiled to myself when my nephew suddenly plopped on the couch beside me and asked, “Whatcha doing?”   “I’m answering someone who liked my book.” I turned my laptop and showed him.   “You wrote a book?” He asked.   “Yep, I’ve written several books.” I proudly told him, but he looked very skeptical.   He watch



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