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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Wine In Trouble

This is embarrassing.   I do a lawn mowing job for my dad's employee. The employee Mike gave me a bottle of wine for Dad coz he owed him for something. Anyway, after the job, I began waking home with the lawn mower with the edge clipper and broom on it, with the bottle in hand which was wrapped in plastic wrapping. I only got around the corner when the bottle slipped from my hand. Yes, I dropped and smashed it. So as I stared in complete fascination at what I'd done, I thought about telling m



Asking The Wrong Questions

What can you do for me?   What's in it for me?   Why are you being so nice?   What is YOUR game?   So, how does this scam work?   How are you going to hurt me?   What can I do, How can I help? << Winning



Where Have They All Gone?

Warning: This is a message that may offend middle-aged to near elderly members. No offense.   I just want to know where all the teens arehere? You know? Practically all my friends here are between 40 and 60 and that's awfully disturbing. They're great but they'd be better if they stayed a teenager. I know a couple in their twenties and I know ConnorWhite who is 17 (hurrah) but that's like the only teen here I know.   If you are teen near the age of 16 or know of anyone who fits this categor



Electric Innuendo

On the way home today, I saw this hilarious thing I have to tell you. We were behind a van which looked like it belonged to an electrical company. On the back of the van however it said: 'We remove your shorts and turn you on.'   I nearly died with laughter right then and there.



Writing Prompts #416 & #417

There are many reasons that people might look forward to Friday, but here at the GA News Blog, we look forward to Friday because it means one thing.... New Prompts!!! Sometimes we get stuck and need a little push to help us get writing again, that's what the prompts are all about, to help get the juices flowing. As always, Comicfan has provided two new prompts for you to take a stab at. Hopefully one of these will inspire you to write a little something!   Prompt 416 – Creative Tag – The bombs

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Gay For A Week

This is going to be interesting. For the first time, I'm letting you into the bizarre and crazy world of me. Welcome, take a seat and get comfy.   Now, today something wierd happened.   I have been friends with a boy called Chris since 2012 at high school. He has a half right arm which extends only to his elbow where his stump is. He is fit and us a national swimmer representative. He is quite smart, obsessed with Game of Thrones and Greek mythology and is quite opinionated. He's average l



The Broken Beautiful Boy

I posted this on Reddit, in a sub that talks about pleasant encounters you've had with people that left a good impression on you. Here's a tale of an platonic stranger encounter I had when I was 21...   *** When I was in high school, I was a hormonal gay teenager who had two minute crushes on any cute guy that crossed my path. There was this one guy, I can't even remember his name now, who was a senior when I was a freshmen. He was an artistic type, with auburn hair with sideburns that framed



Remembering Kathmandu

Five years ago I spent ten days in Kathmandu. It was on my bucket list, and I must say that I was enchanted with the people. Watching guys as old as myself holding hands while walking was a pleasant surprise -- not necessarily gay but just friends. I understand that the hotel I stayed in went down. I am so glad that I did include this trip in one of my novels. May the people of Nepal recover

alex canton

alex canton

Life Has Its Moments

I prefer to focus on the odd.   This morning the washing machine died. It had a long life. It gave its all trying to wash a load of my father's underwear and socks. Middle of the cycle a belt went and the machine seized. My father dutifully woke me up to tell me, help him go down and drain it, then take all the wash we could find down to the local laundromat and do it.   Tomorrow he wants to go shopping.   Today I am going to recycle the cans and plastics, pick up something to cook for din




Lets start a protest and ban Kanye West from society! And then once we've done that, Beiber's ass belongs to us!   [insert triumphant Ullulation here]



Likes And Dislikes

So someone asked for me to tell about my likes and dislikes. That would be a good start.   So here they are, welcome to my world of what I give the tick and what I give the cross.   I like food, iPad, TV, music, writing and sketching. And of course: Boys, boys, boys.   I like the summer sun, the warmth of my bed and hanging out with good friends.   What I don't like is unfair treatment, self obsessed celebrities and anchovies. And I'm not into fantasy/witchcraft either.   So there we



Hello, My Dear Colleagues

I have been blogging since quite a few years, and I recently discovered this site, which I have found to be varied and friendly. It is not frequent -- I think -- to find a place to discuss or exchange concerns about our writing within the gay community. This is especially true in my case, as I live in Panama, and this aspect is kept under the carpet -- not in the closet. My experience with the gay theme stems from my clinical work in the field during 40 years. This produced several scientifi

alex canton

alex canton

A New Nation Rises

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Jordanation! Thanks for popping in. I only figured out how to do this five minutes ago and now I've started an egocentric tribe of one. Please follow this blog, that would be awesome. Not bad first entry so far, huh?   What's gonna be in this blog? (That's always good to talk about) Good question - I have no idea. But that's great because I can post random babble and it'll be okay! OH I know, I'll do done promotional plug-ins for my story 'Someone Like Me'. Th



Finding Alex: Extended Short Scene

Howdy y'all! We're doing something a little different today for the Signature Author Wednesday post. As most probably know, today is when we'd normally feature the Signature Author Interview, but occasionally it's good to switch it up a bit. Instead of the interview, Krista gave us a little addition to Finding Alex in the form of an extended short scene. Leave Krista a comment on this blog to let her know what you think! Finding Alex - Extended Scene by Krista   I sat patien

"openly Straight" By Bill Koenigsberg- When A Book Really Hits Home

Hey, I came across this Young Adult book that Adam Phillips recommended to me a year or two ago, called Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg. I was in Barnes and Nobles, and I basically devoured the book in about two hours. I honestly loved the story. It's the story of a guy, named Rafe, who after being Mr. Openly Gay Guy, decides to get a new fresh start by going off to boarding school and just being regular. Because of his resemblance to a very former popular student, he's embraced by the jock



Overly Long Absence

So I've not been about. This is not my fault.   1) our internet got cut off 5 days before we moved 2) we moved house 3) school blocked GA from all school computers 4) despite having moved in on the 2nd May, our internet didn't get connected until TODAY!   Normal people are irrational and grumpy without the web, so can you imagine what my life has been like living with a first-class grade-a bona-fide geek-nerd and programmer without internet? He's been in hell. Oh goody.   The house is b

Sasha Distan

Sasha Distan

Boston Bomber 2

I was touched that the Boston Bomber told a nun no one should suffer like his victims did. Really. I thought to myself, well, here's two eyeballs, two kidneys, two lungs, a heart and a liver to harvest to repair the victims, who can get bumped up the waiting list for a transplant. No need for pain medication, as resources are limited, and our sick and dying have so much need of pain relievers. Restraints are all that is required for Mr. Bomber, restraints and liberal use of a taser.   Our grea



Featured Story: Finding Alex

For those that missed this month's signature background announcement, this month's Signature Background is "Finding Alex" by Krista. If you haven't already downloaded the background, there's still time! As our featured Monday post, we're sharing a review that Suvitar provided us. Suvitar obviously enjoyed the story and hopefully, after reading today's review, you'll decide you want to take a look for yourself. Enjoy! Finding Alex by Krista Signature Author   Review

Thank A Teacher

So this past week was Teacher Appreciation Week, and I think it is all very important that everybody thank a teacher that really taught you something valuable. The very fact that you can enjoy reading on Gay Authors all stems from an early elementary school teacher showing you all the skills and techniques of being an effective reader. The fact that so many of you can write wonderful, sweeping, complex stories all began with learning how to write basic sentences in preschool, kindergarden, and 1



Weekly Wrap Up!

First off, let me start by saying to all the mother's out there.... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! I hope you all have a wonderful day. Also, just a reminder that there is less than a month to get your Summer Anthology entries sent to the Anthology Proof Team. The team is standing by, ready to complete your final proof. The theme for the Summer Anthology is Road Trip. I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with! Now, let's see what happened this week in the GA News Blog.   Our May CSR Book Club

This Week

This week is one I would not want to re-live ever.   It started on Sunday with one of the worst things that could ever happen. I got the call from my uncle that my sister has passed away. I didn't believe him and called him all sorts of things but he still stood my me. He was here for my parents while I was 1,000 miles away in Iowa. I got on the first flight I could to be home.   I had to help my parents prep and get things ready to lay my sister to rest. She was only 18 months older than me



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