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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Some Winter Tips from a New Englander

Seriously, after reading about how bad the South has taken "Winter", I am quite surprised and shocked at how people don't get common sense concepts to us New Englanders.   So, I thought I would share some basic winter tips from New Englanders to GA members down south, so you guys don't become stuck:   1. Take your time and don't rush, when walking- I know Southerners might never heard of the dreaded "black Ice" that we have in Boston and New York, but Ice can be invisible to the eye and on s



Life's been too busy

Hey y'all, I hope that you all are doing well and that you had a great holidays with your family! Happy belated New Year! It has been a year and a few months since I last time blogged here. My life has been to busy- juggling my education (had graduated already, yay!), job, and family/friends. My girlfriend and Alex (my son) are doing well, and we enjoy our family time. I can't believe that Alex is growing up too fast! Alex is three now, and he will be four in May. He is cute and handsome just l



Gong Xi fa Cai

I would like to wish everyone celebrating the lunar new year a happy new year and I hope the year of the horse brings you happiness , wealth and good health



Overall better

So - still really looking forward to the trip this weekend (San Francisco, Santa Cruz and Monterey). Every thing is set - I've got a friend staying at the house to watch the dogs, reservations are made and kinda packed. Ok, I have to do a couple of loads of laundry today and tomorrow, not only clothes for the trip but also clean sheets for the guest bed. The friend is the only one that's used it, but I figure fresh sheets are the least I can do. He loves coming over, both because he is a big



Wacky Wednesday: Interview With Cassieq

I think one of my favorite things about the GA News Blog is when we have the opportunity to get to know the many authors that can be found on the site. Today is one such day as Myiege came to me not to long ago and told me that they had interviewed one of our newest Hosted Authors, CassieQ. Myiege asked if I would be interested in the interview for use in the GA News Blog and I instantly said YES!   Cassie has also agreed to hang out for a "Blog Chat" from 8pm-9pm Eastern Standard Time on Wedn

Remembering My Brother

My brother Dale, is dying. Cancer has robbed him of the rest of his life. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer a year ago. Received treatment. One morning he had a stroke. Killed the left side of his body. Diagnosis: metastatic brain cancer. Too deep. Finality. Today, Wednesday 29 January, he is in bed, at home. Can't do anything for himself. On morphine. In and out of sleep. Pre-coma. Eyes roll into his head. Doesn't recognise his family. Skin jaundiced. Face swollen. Body thin as a rake. It's



Writing? Well a bit

My life in the past two years has been sort of a roller coaster ride. One moment there is a clear road ahead, the next there are so many problems I think dynamite couldn't solve it.   Anyway things have slowed down in the issue department, at least momentarily. I presently have one story that I began to post, Last Christmas. I also have managed to do a prompt a week so far this year and am grateful that something is getting out.   Tonight I finished a story that I have had off and on since O



Trials and Tribulations

In case you missed it, I've posted a new chapter in Trials and Tribulations.   I'd love to hear your thoughts on it and every other chapter. Please, it's the only reward I get from writing. I don't mind a critical review if it's constructive.

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Csr Discussion Day: Totallyy's Shorts!

Welcome to the CSR Discussion day for Totallyy's shorts. I hope you all enjoyed diving into them this month. I asked Totallyy a few probing questions in an Author interview for his Discussion day feature, and he has also agreed to come do a 'live' Q&A from 9 to 10 PM, Eastern Standard Time. If you can't make it, simply add your questions or comments to the blog comment area and Totallyy will answer them as he can, or during his life chat. If you haven't read any of his stories yet, go check


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Lost for words

Finished ward round this morning with the on call registrar, about ten o'clock.   Acute oncology ward, 18 kids in total, with 7 of those being new admissions this morning. I had lots of scans and blood tests to request, a few referrals to be made, and my own notes to update.   I finally finished just before noon, when the duty nurse informed me that one of the kids (a 13 year old boy called Jason, who has late stage cancer) had gone to the toilet about half an hour prior and hadn't come bac



Weekly Wrap Up!

I can't believe it's already Sunday. I don't know about everybody else, but this week has just seemed to go by so quickly and it's hard to believe that January is almost over already. Lost happened this week in the Gay Authors News Blog, so lets have a little recap!   On Monday Louis was kind enough to supply us with a review of "No Room In The Lodge" by Joann414. Based on the comments, many other readers also thoroughly enjoyed the story. If you haven't already checked out Louis' review, I su

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Holding on to Hope

So I have been MIA, I know lol But today was a special day and I wanted to share this news with you all!   My story "Holding on to Hope" is getting published! It comes out next month on the Valentine's Day and I feel very lucky to announce that the publisher is none other than Dreamspinner Press - one of the most reputed publisher in the industry!   It's my dream come true. So without wasting any more time, here's everything to know about it -         TITLE: Holding on to Hope   AUT




Winding down on a Friday night with some acoustified EDM. There is something amazing about the translations of a loud club banger to an intimate, moving unplugged.   "You Got to Go" - Above & Beyond ft. Zoe Johnston       "Spectrum" - Zedd ft. Matthew Koma  



Mainly medical update

As I mentioned, I've been having pain and numbness in my right side and pretty much just dealing with it. Wednesday, my left hand started feeling numb so I got a concerned and called my doctor's office to make an appointment. I saw him yesterday and he agreed that the neuropathy was getting a bit much.   When I started on the latest chemo drug, Revlimid, we decided to have me do the full strength of the pills, 25mg per day. A bit part of this is that I'm only 48 and should be able to tolera



Writing Prompts #296 & #297

Happy Friday everyone! Hope everyone has had a great week so far. To help you finish off your week and get a great start on your weekend, we have two new prompts from the prompt guru, Comicfan! We'd love to see what you come up with, so don't forget to share your prompt responses in the Prompt Forum, you never know, your response might be shared next week!   Prompt 296 – Creative Tag – Photo Use the following image to create a story     Prompt 297 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the fo

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Tomorrow's the big day!

Finally! After over two years of writing only co-works; I was able to finish Ice Fairy all on my own and turn it into a series to boot!   It goes up for sale tomorrow at three different sites; Smashwords, Amazon, and All Romance Ebooks.   Homework and life are slowing me down on progress on other items; but those will get done too...I promise.

stephanie l danielson

stephanie l danielson

What a day

So today has been totally weird.   First I was the only member of my team in Des Moines as the others were out on a job today. I've had an escalated issue yeh big boss gave me to do and it hasn't been easy. Well today I asked someone from her office to try and look something up for me and she got the same results so she asked another person to look it up. Mean while it dawns on this guy that it was his customer. He calls me asking what I am doing as he's been trying to fix this account. My res



It's the little things

So, thankfully today and yesterday have been "good" days. I'm up, able to do simple things around the house and the pain is at a reasonable level. Really happy, especially as Saturday and Sunday were horrible days - where the pain was so bad, I basically spent almost all of the day in bed. I'd get up, let the dogs out, feed them, have a bowl of cereal and take my meds (including pain pills) and then head back to bed. Only time I'd get up is if I had to pee or to let the dogs out. One of the



Admiration, Apologies, Gratitude and Apprecation

I am currently working on, and hope to finish in time, a long-form short story for entry in the GA Spring Anthology. It is incredibly difficult and time consuming to winnow the chaff from the best grain of words I lay down on screen. My appreciation for what my partner does as part of his career and to provide for us has grown with leaps and bounds the longer I attempt this amazing thing. He is an art historian and author, co-author, collaborator and contributor of books on art history. I am pro



A Pie. With lots and lots of food in it.

Magpie's got a case of the Man Flu, which means that he's mostly lying on the couch whimpering and watching QI. When I asked him what he wanted for dinner today, he said, 'Lots and lots of food,' with roughly the coherence of your average hungry baby bird. I figured I'd better fix him a calorie bomb to give him some energy.   So I went to the shop, had a look around and came up with a cunning plan.   I'm very fond of Shepherd's Pie and its cousin, Cottage Pie (which is made w

Thorn Wilde

Thorn Wilde

Featured Story: No Room In The Lodge

It's time to start a new week and you know what that means! It's time to feature a new story. This week we are featuring a story by someone that I'm sure many of you know, Joann414!!! Louis (LJH) absolutely loved her story "No Room in the Lodge" and came to me asking if he could do a review for the blog. Of course, I said YES!!! So here it is, I hope you enjoy it and decide to check out the story yourself!   No Room in the Lodge By Joann414   Reviewer: LJH (Louis Harri

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

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