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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Criminalization of Homosexuality in India: All that is black is not coal!

Ok, I have stayed silent for long... for too long it seems. There has been a good number of blog posts in GA and thankfully all of them are in favour of the LGBT community of India. This was expected. GA is a safe space and a close community of great solidarity. In today's hateful cyberspace, this is a truly unique oasis of love. I am really thankful for GA. But, regarding this matter, there has been some amount of confusion and misinformation as well. I want to target those and clear the air a




So i wanted to get some help from you guys. Or even just advice.   I'm having a few problems around the house and in my life that I don't really know how to deal with. I've spoken with my bf about these things and I just wanted some other ears.   firstly. My mum. She is... unique. Just she seems to be under the impression that i'm not gay. For example, i bought this beautiful scarf in Camden the other week and its probably my favourite thing i've ever owned. And today she turns around to me

Johnathan Colourfield

Johnathan Colourfield

Missing Holiday Spirit

It is official. This was the year without any Christmas spirit for me.   Since I have gone to work in retail, life as I knew it was over. This year though work has pushed the idea of holiday over the edge. I worked 51 hours over six days. The store has been closing at eleven or midnight, and opened by seven am. There is a marked lack of customers but that hasn't stopped the non-sense. I listen as other stores this year have gone twenty four hours a day till Christmas eve, like Toys-R-Us and Wa



"So...did they rule out suicide?" (And Christmas Caroling)

Friday I went to this alumni lunch deal at my old high school, where I get a free Bobbie hoagie and sit around and watch current students do a Holiday showcase.   I talked to some people about my friend Steve's death...when I mentioned that he died a drug overdose, almost all of them asked me, "So did they rule out suicide?"   I mean, I get the question, and on an intellectual level I get it, but a part of me just felt pissed off. Pissed off that my friend Steve is going to be dismiss



Was I wrong?

So I did something tonight that I've always wanted to, but have always kind of just turned away and ignore it.   It happened in a McDonald's of all places   I walk up and a lady asks me to take my order. She is an older lady, by her accent would guess she originally came from Eastern Europe.   Next to me is a man about 55 who has already put in his order and is starting to get louder and louder as he is saying that Canada is giving away all our jobs to the foreigners. He gets louder and s



Sounds of a 90's Childhood Playlist, Part 2

Sounds of A 90's Childhood Playlist, Part 2   1."   2. "   3.   4. "   5.   6.   7.   8. "   9.   10.   11.   12.   13. "   14.   15.   16.   17.   18.   19.   20. "   21.   22.   23.   24. "All I Wanna Do" by Sheryl Crow   25.   26.   27.   28. "We Are Young" by Supergrass   29.   30. "Kiss From A Rose" by Seal   I honestly think 1994 to 1996 were the best year



Writing Prompts #286 & #287

Well, we made it to another Friday. Did you miss me? I hope you all took the time to read and comment on the Anthology which went live last Thursday. However, it is now time for some new prompts. So consider these my gifts to you, open them and let the fun begin.   Prompt 286 – Creative Tag – First Line “Is that really the gift you’re giving him?”   Prompt 287 – Creative Tag – Holiday Special The malls are a mess, the people are surly, and your shopping list is beginning to look like a noose


comicfan in Prompts

Duck Dynasty

Okay, even living under a rock like I do I have heard of the show. Not the type of thing I sit down to watch, but then I barely watch much of anything on television lately.The show itself is centered around a family that was making nearly a million a year off their business.   Now the father and founder of the group has gone on to have his say on what he feels about gays. That is his opinion, and I feel it is his right to have his say about how he feels. Whether right or wrong he is protected



Coincidences and overreactions

Well a friend of mine, James, phoned me earlier today saying he needed to see me.   His 15 year old son Michael, (who is gay and out) has been suspended from school for bringing "smut" onto school premises, even though the school year ends on Friday - "smut" was his teacher's words not mine.   Needless to say I was shocked. Not quite so much by the fact that he is into porn at 15, it was the surprise that he would be stupid enough to take a porn magazine to school (at least that was what I



"Oh I love all the gays, but I don't want to touch one because it might have AIDS."

Interviewer: "Hello Bobby, do you support gay marriage?" Bobby: "Yeah of course. Gays should get to marry whoever they want."   Interviewer: "Would you let them live near you?" Bobby: "Well... They might have AIDS and they might fuckin pass it onto my children when they open doorknobs and shit. But I still have much respect for them."       Interviewer: "Hello Joe, what do you think about gays?" Joe: "Dude I'm totally cool with all the gays."   Interviewer: "What do you think about ga



Dr. Zhivago

Sonnet No. 101 [November 4th, 2013 – 8:16 am]   Sometimes the draw of this paper is all I have to pull me out of bed, and think My lonely snow-white sheets will take the scrawl Of my restless hope spilling out into ink. I imagine Zhivago, and the ice He had to chop through to get to his desk, But – the unfrozen chamber must entice – For at its center, lays love picturesque. Alone with my sheets, I draw you out too; I write your name at the top of my heart, And allow icy blood the in

AC Benus

AC Benus

The Speed of Progress

I was attending a physics conference in Puri, India when in the hotel lobby, I literally dropped what I was doing to read the paper's headline about the Apex Court recriminalising homosexuality. My reaction was shock, but then muted to a shrug.   Take this for example. An Indian colleague of mine, a fellow particle physicist, 30, about to get married, is still trying to convince the fiancee's family not to pay a dowry. Not to mention that his own family still hasn't come around to accepting hi



Wacky Wednesday: Interview With Stellar

Wow! This year has gone by so fast. This will be the last Wacky Wednesday post I do for this year as we have something different planned for December 25th. Now, I'm not going to give away any spoilers except to say that I'm looking forward to next Wednesday's post! For this week, and the last Wacky Wednesday of 2013, Myiege did an interview with Promising Author: Stellar.   Stellar was promoted back in September and is the author of Hidden Sunlight and Veil of Shadow. Also, Stellar has agreed

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Interviews

Big things coming!

With each passing edit, I am getting more and more excited about the release of Ice Fairy! Squee moment! It's been a long time since I've released a solo book and to have it so well received and loved already has me very excited to see how it does in the marketplace!   Any new releases you're looking forward to?

stephanie l danielson

stephanie l danielson

The Sounds of A 90's Childhood Playlist, Part 1

Sounds of A 90's Childhood Playlist, Part 1   1.   2.   3. Love Will Never Do - Janet Jackson   4.   5.   6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   11.   12. 2 Legit 2 Quit - MC Hammer   13.   14.   15.   16.   17.   18.   19.   20.   21.   22. To Be With You - Mr. Big   23.   24.   25.   26.   27.   28. Everything I Do (I Do It For You) - Bryan Adams   29.   30. Losing My Religion -



Ray Price dead at 87

Many of you youngsters have no idea who Ray Price is. I used to wake up to him singing on Saturday mornings at my home. My Dad loved him. If you want to hear some wonderful and heartfelt music, Google Ray Price Greatest Hits. 'For the Good Times is wonderful, but I love so much of his music. I know this shows my age, but music like this should be remembered, and revered. May this iconic Country singer be remembered with respect and love.



After You Left

(This is dedicated to Carl)   Your face is fading from my memory Your form Dispersing In the cold winter night In the condensations on the grass that look like teardrops And my vision is blurred Fin   ©asamvav111




'Cause it never gets old.   1) Seven Lions ft Fiora - "Days to Come"       2) Royskopp - "Running to the Sea (Seven Lions Remix)"     And time to study, cry.



Weekly Wrap Up!

Once again it was a busy week here at Gay Authors. A lot of things have been going on behind the scenes as the staff worked to get the Anthology ready to go live, but we made it. The 2013 Winter Anthology: Recipe for Disaster went live on Thursday. I hope everyone found the stories enjoyable! Now, let's look at what happened in the blog this week!   We started out the week with a review of "So Little Magic Left" by Promising Author: Mann Ramblings. This story is an "In Process" story but is al

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Creepy Science, strange but true

I think GA writers will get a good amount of inspiration from this factoid, it also shows one very interesting truth about human beings. We are in many ways conditioned and controlled despite our own beliefs in individuality:  



Becoming A Bully

Just a little something I wrote for school, and thought I would share, oh and please disregard all the grammar errors, I wrote this for a presentation and figured since only i was reading it I didn't need to fix them, and now I'm just lazy.   I live, I lie, I make you cry, It makes me stronger when you no longer, Have any power, to fight back To attack, to react, To stand up through my attack, Cuz if you did then you would see, That what I do, is not because of me, it’s because of y



Damn TSA

So when I got to the airport today and was going though the TSA they were questioning my temporary Iowa Driver's license. It is equipped with a watermark and security features but the guy was asking for something else. He asked for my social security card, which I don't carry. I landed up showing an insurance card and credit card. I was surprised I didn't have to give a DNA sample. I was so happy when I got home and in my mailbox was my official Iowa Drivers License. Now when I am in DC next wee



2013 Winter Anthology: Recipe For Disaster *now Live*

Have you been looking forward to reading the 2013 Winter Anthology: Recipe for Disaster? Well, your wait is over! We had 12 authors take on the challenge of writing for the theme. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to leave the authors a review to let them know what you think of their hard work! Now, no more waiting, let's get to the 2013 Winter Anthology! Enjoy!!! Thank you Luc Rosen for creating the 2013 Winter Anthology Graphic!       All Over The Road Sasha Distan  

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

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