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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

eBook Review: As Natural as Breathing by Thianna D

As Natural As Breathing by Thianna D. My rating: 3 of 5 stars   I enjoyed the story, which is why I gave it 3 stars. However, it was not without its flaws. I definitely felt the 'Stepford family' vibes. The contrast between the perfect couples to the supposedly broken Christian bothered me. The parental/child knowledge of their sex lives really bugged me. Just... ew, but I guess in a true DD relationship having kids would create a wrinkle. Either it becomes bedroom related only and extremely w



Day 2 of 2014

Well it has been an interesting start to 2014.   Started off the new year with some snow, which won't be going anywhere any time soon since we won't be above 10 degrees for a while.   Today was probably the most interesting day.   There were these two guys I made friends with when I was in training in Chicago, we'll call them T and J. Both great looking and both married with children (not the show).   I am assigned to T as a buddy to get him though his first couple months after training.



New Year's 2014

Happy New Year's everybody. I've spent the day being massively hungover. For the most part, these days whenever I go out, I have at most 2 beers, because I'm my own designated driver. But last night, I went to a house party and they allowed us to crash there, so I went way harder than I normally do- two Yuenglings, 1 Negron Modelo, 2 Harvest ales, a double shot of Whiskey, and champagne. At 21 in college, I could have consumed all that plus smoke a joint and felt fine the next day.   But 8 d



Wacky Wednesday: Ask An Author #12

**NOTE - Friday's Prompts may be delayed due to weather issues. We hope to have them to you as soon as we can. Thanks for understanding - Trebs       HAPPY NEW YEAR!   Hope everyone had a safe and wonderful time while saying goodbye to 2013 and welcoming in 2014! There's a lot of exciting things planned here at Gay Authors for the new year and I for one am looking forward to being involved in them. To start the new year off right, I'm happy to bring you the first Ask An Author p

End of the Year Thoughts

In the last few days, I've had a few conversations that caused me to reflect about various songs and their lyrics. After hearing "St Elmo's Fire" on the radio, I talked with a new friend about how it and Breakfast Club were the movies that defined my high school/early college generation. I graduated high school in 1983 so both movies were very topical for me. The rebellion of Breakfast Club, and the tight friendship circle of St Elmo's Fire were reflections of what I was living. Originally after



A look back at 2013

I sit after having done some of the things my mom always did for the holidays. I put a coin in the window as wish that I wouldn't ever be totally broke, had a piece of fish for good luck, and I was going to watch Dick Clark's Rocking New Year's Eve but just don't have the desire to see the new hosts.   I look back at this year and am ready to see it go. There have been many issues. Sometimes I wish I could have been better prepared. My back was the main and over all issue of the year. From the



happy New Year to my boy...

Sonnet No. 142 [December 31st, 2013 – 2:21 pm]   As it ticks its arbitrary passage, The new year's countdown makes me think of them – All those young men, and the time they bridge, For their beauty stays, though the years condemn. And you and I? – How will we remember The fullness of this vanishing moment, From the vantage of many years' number, Together for the lifetime that we've spent? Youth may fade, but perennial as New Years, The fresh-faced count replenishes like grass – The

AC Benus

AC Benus

the ones and zeros of existence

Sonnet No. 141 [December 31st, 2013 – 8:09 am]   Like a curtain of scintillating sheath, The ones and zeros of reality Matrix themselves flatly in our belief, Then settle in forms of finality. Hindus conceive of all experience As being set down upon the pages Of Akashic knowledge that we may reference, If our hearts are pure enough for the ages. And so in living code I have writ you Large in the great book with its sacred seal, Whose transparent veil can only be seen through With t

AC Benus

AC Benus


There's this guy I like but all we ever talk about are raves and school. Also he hasn't gotten back to me when I asked him out. It's been like four whole days (I think).   I'm kinda bummed.   brb while I play some sad sad piano and collect my tears in a jar and save the salt crystals so I can cook myself a fucking plate of stir fried depression   #FIRSTWorldProblems                                           (I always get first* and third* world confused, why am I so d



Csr Discussion Day

Happy end of December! As 2013 comes to a close we have one of my stories for the Can't Stop Reading book club. You can read Bonds Unbroken, the first story in my Carthera Takeover trilogy in Stories if you haven't already. Renee was kind enough to interview me for the blog, so we'll go straight into that!   First a few more general questions:   If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? Hmm… I don’t know if I have a mentor about writing. Nephy gave me some amazing tips


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up!

What a way to end (well, almost end) the year. We had a great week here at the GayAuthors.org News Blog. The week started with a wonderful project that Renee initiated - a round of reviews of the stories that made up our past 2004 Winter Anthology: Christmas. These now classic stories - seeing these reviews make these stories shine with new life. Daithi, aditus, podiumdavis, crazyfish, Lisa, LJH and Ron were the reviewers and we thank them so much for their time and efforts in completing this gr


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #288 & #289

It is that time again, prompt time. Hope everyone has been enjoying their holidays. Now on to the prompts.   Prompt 288 – Creative Tag – New Year You made a new resolution for yourself this year. Unfortunately on the first day of the New Year problems immediately arose. What was your resolution?   Prompt 289 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – Champagne, party, dress shirt, pot hole, and a deer.   Last week I asked in a prompt to look at what could happen fo


comicfan in Prompts

2013 Be Gone

I know it’s a little before the new year, but considering recent events, it seems fitting to reflect on the events of the past year. It has been quite a rough year for my family and I will be so glad when 2013 is behind me and I hope for a much better 2014.   There have been major gaps in posting this year and there have seriously been times that I had considered giving up on writing as I wasn’t in the frame of mind where I could compose a story. There have been times where I wanted to go f

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Holiday/Christmas Story Mini-Event/Contest Voting up

Please feel free to read these stories and vote on your favorite in the link, the winning author will receive a $50.00 Amazon gift card:   http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/38136-holiday-themed-story-eventcontest-voting/   Stories are listed below 1. All I want for Christmas is You- Joann414 http://www.gayauthor...oroominthelodge 2. I Saw Daddy/Mommy Kissing Santa Claus- Dark (Automatically Withdrawn) 3. There's No Place Like Home For The Holiday - Sasha Distan No Place Like Home Fo



Sounds of a 90's Childhood Playlist, Part 4

I thought I was going to do this in three parts, but it looks like I'll probably have to do five parts. LOL.   Part 4   1. "Killing Me Softly" by the Fugees   2.   3.   4.   5. "   6.   7. "You Only Get What You Give" by The New Radicals   8.   9.   10. "   11.   12.   13.   14.   15.   16.   17.   18.   19. "Brimful of Asha" by Cornshop (Norman Cooke Remix)   20.   21.   22.   23.   24.  



Doggy Christmas

It's Christmas for the Dogs:   Wonder what I got:       I sure wish I could have a puppy pal to snuggle with on Christmas:     And we should all have a big musical number  



Sounds of A 90's Childhood, Part 3

1.   2. "Sitting Up In My Room" by Brandy   3.   4. "Scream" by Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson   5.   6.   7.   8. "The Macarena" by Los Del Rios   9.   10.   11.   12.   13.   14.   15.   16.   17.   18.   19.   20.   21.   22. "I Don't Want to Wait" by Paula Cole   23.   24   25.   26.   27.   28.   Stephen Jenkens circa 1997. Goddman he was hot.   29.   30.



Special Review - 2004 Winter Anthology: Christmas

So, I'm sure a lot of people noticed that I was asking for reviewers for a special project. Thank you to everyone who responded. With Christmas being this week, I thought it might be neat to take a look at the first ever anthology on Gay Authors. The theme for the 2004 Winter Anthology was "Christmas" which seemed rather fitting considering the season. I asked each reviewer to pick a story from that first anthology and review it for this special review feature. I hope you enjoy reading these sev

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

What do I believe in?

I finished writing my Christmas story and while writing it, I expressed some stuff that has been festering in me for a while.   https://www.gayauthors.org/story/w-l/christmasthemedstoryalifesworth In terms of my faith, I really can't be considered a mainline Christian, because to me, I think Christianity as it is in today's religion is incredibly diluted and deluded.   I don't like how Christianity has taken the route of power by manipulating political figures and movements, creating strife



Retail's insanity quest, holiday or otherwise

Is there no limit to retail greed? It just seems that they'll do anything for a buck these days. One of those things has to do with business days and hours. Walmart, for instance, operates their supercenters 24/7, 364 days a year. They bow only to Christmas Day. This even includes stores in smaller, rural locations, such as communities of 15,000 or less. How many people in these small towns realistically shop at 3 in the morning? But this isn't just about them. There are plenty of guilty



Prog House - Nigel Good

Discovered Nigel Good on plug.dj and his music is progressive house at its finest. So much beauty.     1) Myon & Shane 54 ft. Natalie Peris - "Outshine (Nigel Good Remix)"       2) Nigel Good ft. Sarah Clark - "This is You (Original Mix)"   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_niEJ1aa394



Weekly Wrap Up!

Didya miss me? Well - I missed all of you, so I begged Renee to let me do the Wrap Up for this week and she said yes And it was a great week here at the GA News Blog. For Wacky Wednesday, we had an Interview with Stellar, done by Myiege. This is especially timely as Stellar was recently promoted to Promising Author here at GA. As a bonus, Stellar did an author chat this week that was announced in this interview article. If you missed the chat, you can see a lot of questions and answers from Ste


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

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