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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Health and safety gone mad?

Well apparently I've managed to get my Brett's ten year old nephew, Michael, suspended from school for three days.   Brett and I were talking to him recently about the games that we played in school during breaktime (recess). One of the most common games I played when I was in junior school (age 7-10) was a version of tag called British Bulldogs (when I was 5 or 6 I used to play Fishy-Fishy instead, but that really is for the littler kids to play).   The link explains the basics of the rule



Writing Tip: Writing Groups - Some Pros And Cons

We wouldn't be able to produce and provide all of the wonderful content here at the GA News Blog without so many great contributors. Libby Drew gives us a great tip for authors on Writing Groups. Enjoy!       Writing Groups: Some Pros and Cons   A writing group can do wonders for our motivation and keep us accountable for our production. Members cheer us on, understand how even the smallest recognition can mean the world, and know not to say things like, “Oh, you’re a writer? Do yo


Trebs in Writing Tips

Some thoughts about the Boston Marathon Bombing

As a Bostonian, I am extremely sad and angry. Sad at the three lives extinguished so far and over a hundred, whose lives will never be the same. Angry that some one could act like this and kill so indiscriminately.   It felt like 9/11 happened again, but it was much closer to home. I've walked these routes in years past, I've traveled down Newbury street like most twenty-somethings in my town looking to take in the newest restaurants and fashions. I remember eating lunch on the steps of the li



Featured Story: To Move Forward

ANNOUNCEMENT: Today is the submission deadline for our Poetry Anthology "Whispers In The Dark" - so you only have a few hours left!!!   In another bit of randomness we're very pleased to have this review from LJH, of Author Randomness's "To Move Forward." We hope you enjoy the review and check out the story - you're bound to be as captured by this tale as many others have been so far.   To Move Forward by Randomness   Reviewer: LJH Status: Complete Word Count: 37,125  


Trebs in Featured Stories

beautiful weekend

Just got home from an awesome mother/daughter weekend with my nine year old daughter, and just, wow, the memories made on this trip are just priceless. We drove down to cedar rapids yesterday morning and spent the morning exploring the city, taking in the beautiful architexture and museums as well as having a nice dinner together and then totally going gaga over the half price bookstore we found. I think we both could have moved in there for a week and still not explored everything. After the bo



Alaska Teacher's Job Fair

Wow, what a whirlwind the past few days!   First, I ran out of school Wednesday afternoon and over to the Long Beach airport where I found out that our plane was delayed in Portland due to a mechanical failure. Time: 3:45ish pm. Flight departure time: supposed to be 5 pm. Since the plane would not be able to make it to us by 5, they sent a number of us to different airports for different flights. My group went up to LAX where the nice lady at check-in said, "Say, we've room on a non-stop stra



Did 90's Fantasy have more gay subtext than modern fantasy?

I was itching to re-watch some old fashioned campy 90's action shows, so only one name came to my mind, Xena   Yes, that show was definitely made to be utter cheese, but I really tried to pay attention to all the lesbian hints in the show that I missed as I was growing up. I watched it as a kid in the 90's, but never really thought of it with sexual overtones, just that Lucy Lawless kicked ass! Now, I realize how much subtle romantic and love interest there was between Xena and Gabriel, which



Weekly Wrap Up!

The wrapup will be slightly late this morning - thanks for your understanding and come back around 11AM pacific [posted Fri night]   So - I almost made it, if it hadn't been for Myk interrupting me   Want to start with reminding everyone that April'sCan't Stop Reading Book Club is featuring Josh's Blog by Hosted Author CarlHoliday. We hope you join many in the community and read this great story so you can join in our discussion which will be held on Monday, April 29th!   Also - the subm


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Ambulance Ride

So, I had promised a couple of people that I would post a blog about what had happened to me last night.   I was simply sitting here, talking and laughing with my husband. I was on the couch, he was on his chair and suddenly he said I just collapsed and somehow ended up on my stomach on the floor, out cold and completely unresponsive.   Scary stuff... but I don't remember any of that, I only know what I was told later. He rushed over to me and I was breathing, but no matter how much he sa

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Writing Prompts #224 & #225

I've talked about our GayAuthors.org community many times, but I have to say, in seeing some recent comments and posts - I am once again just so privileged to be a part of GA. A few years ago, when Myr asked me to be the Member Advocate and among other tasks, help support and foster the community here, I immediately said yes and have had no regrets since.   One of the great ways I see the community coming together is weekly here with our Friday writing prompts, courtesy of the great Comicfan.


Trebs in Prompts

Weekly Review: Covet Thy Neighbor by LA Witt

<a href="http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17305027-covet-thy-neighbor" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img alt="Covet Thy Neighbor (Tucker Springs, #4)" border="0" src="http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1359499031m/17305027.jpg" /></a><a href="http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17305027-covet-thy-neighbor">Covet Thy Neighbor</a> by <a href="http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3185029.L_A_Witt">L.A. Witt</a><br/> My rating: <a href="http:



eBook Review: Covet Thy Neighbor by L.A. Witt

Covet Thy Neighbor by L.A. Witt My rating: 4 of 5 stars   I was lucky enough to receive a copy of this eBook and delved right into it. I adored Tucker Springs #3 and couldn't wait for books #4 and #5 in this series. Each book focuses on a different couple, so they can be read alone, but couples show up from each in the community in this series.   In Covet Thy Neighbor, Seth's conflict was quite well done and clear. He was obviously the main character and had a lot to deal with. I agree with



Wacky Wednesday: How Ga Changed My Life

How GA Changed My Life Compiled By Renee Stevens   I don't remember what really brought me to GA in the first place, but that's not important. What is important is what I found here at GA. I no longer get asked why I write what I write. Instead, I have found acceptance of my writing that I haven't really found anywhere else. I was made a part of this community and I have met so many wonderful people who I am honored to call my friends. Those friends have been instrumental in so


Trebs in Author Interviews

A more matured reflection on tha passing of a Legend....

So, yesterday I posted a rather emotional blog entry on the Death of Margaret Thatcher. She was and is a hero (heroine?) of mine, and to say that I was devastated yesterday was an understatement. Someone commented on that blog entry that they do not feel anywhere near the connection to any politician as I seem to feel with MT - but yesterday I did experience a genuine and heartfelt outpouring of Grief.   I remember very clearly the 31st August 1997, waking up to the news that Diana, Princess



Devestation (RIP)

I know that the death of a public figure shouldn't really have too much of an effect on ones emotions, but for me this is devastating.   For me this is more seminal than the death of Diana. It could only be worse if the Queen herself had passed.   Beyond devastated. It's genuinely numbing for me   RIP Margaret Thatcher. The "Iron" Lady. The last great conviction politician. She did what she believed was right (whether you agreed with her or not) and she didn't waver - even if it made



Anyone Care to be a Guide?

So I got a message out the blue today from a reader of a story I have been posting here at GA.   It was actually really nice to hear from a reader, and get someone following up on a story that has kind of been standing stagnant for far too long. Thing is, I have kind of written myself into a bit of a corner on this one.   The story takes place at the turn of the century a time when being gay was not openly done, and so we have two youngsters that are attracted to one another, and realising t

Yettie One

Yettie One

Featured Story: Challenging Fate

I am especially thrilled to present today's review for you. I've been preparing for this for a while, went out and asked someone whose reviews I particularly enjoy and asked that person to give a review for this story that I personally LOVE!   BUT - before we get to the story, I want to give a little plug for our Premium membership, especially as it seems like we haven't plugged Premium in almost a year (last July, if I recall correctly).   We strive to keep most of GayAuthors.org as a total


Trebs in Featured Stories

Life is a long quiet river, but not every day...

Today, April 6, 2013, I'm living the 30’562nd day of my life.   Let us forget the first years, of which besides I have no more memories. If I try to return back enough and retrieve the little boy that I was then, the first image that I remember clearly - I was about 3 years old -, is as follows: I was sitting on a stair step in the house of my grandparents in Germany with a large hammer in my hand and I was beating aggressively on a peg to consolidate a small bench. I already showed the first

old bob

old bob

Adventures in Community Theater

Damn, I'm excited.       The second video is the video intro that they're going to play before the Jurors come in, so it looks like us 12 were just in the jury box before coming into the deliberation room. Pretty cool, right? (Although they really need to photoshop over the Delaware state seal, as this is supposed to be in New York.)   This has probably been the most intense theater experience I've ever had so far...but in a really good way. From having every line and movement scru



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