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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

invisible people

invisible people could be seen we could have allow different people we grow heartless to the different we make different people invisible when you seen people it will make the world better one way or another



Weekly Wrap Up!

As we started April, instead of a trick, we got a treat in the start of this month's Can't Stop Reading Book Club which this month is featuring Josh's Blog by Hosted Author CarlHoliday. We hope you join many in the community and read this great story so you can join in our discussion which will be held on Monday, April 29th!   Wednesday was again a wonderful entry in our monthly Ask an Author - we are so thankful to Dark for creating and managing this great look at various authors on the site.


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Ups and downs

First off thank you very much for putting up with the occasional rants and all I put up.   Secondly a special thank you to those who have kept up with my various mails and all. The cards and things made Easter that much brighter. Trust me, especially lately, I enjoy coming home to find mail that isn't a bill and brings a smile to my face.   Okay now on to the health stuff. I have no idea what is going on with my back yet. I see the first of two specialists this coming Tuesday. My nerves near



Pick My...Um...Pic!

For those of y'all who haven't yet noticed, amidst the consolidation of staff groups happening onsite, I have moved over to the Writer Support Team.   This, however, means that my omni-present Libra scales pic no longer matches my color...again.   Now, I'm not anticipating yet another color change any time soon, but in anticipation of that possibility, and the fact that I've had the scales pic for a while...I've grown bored with it. That said, as far as what I want to replace it with...wel



Writing Prompts #222 & #223

It's Friday again, which means two new prompts from our prompt guru, Comicfan. Take a look at these and maybe even write one and share it in the Writing Prompt Forum! Also, don't forget April is Team Recognition month, so make sure you thank your writing team!   Prompt 222 – Creative Tag – The Dream Lately you have been having the same dream over and over again. Only today you realize parts of your dream are coming true. Is this something to be grateful for or terrified of?   Prompt 223 - Cr

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Paragraph 175...

Thank you to those who have read "Something to Share…", and especially to those moved to leave comments. They are deeply appreciated, and deeply felt, and Zombie's relaying how Holocaust survivors, 'liberated' by the allies, were herded back to brick-and-mortar prisons, made me think of Paragraph 175.   For anyone who has not seen this documentary, you need to. Klaus Müller, an out filmmaker, was driven to capture the voices of those who Gay man and women who survived. In 1999 very few were le

AC Benus

AC Benus

Wacky Wednesday: Ask An Author #3

ANNOUNCEMENT: Don't forget that April is Team Recognition Month, so don't forget to thank your teams! Author's know better than anyone how valuable editors, beta readers and the like really help to mold and tighten their stories, to make them a better finished product. Now is your chance to recognize those who help you   I love the features that some members have come up with on their own. Dark's "Ask An Author" series is one of them - a great look at our favorite authors and some additional


Trebs in Author Interviews

A writing update

I thought it was time to let peeps knowing just what on earth I'm playing at.   I know I have posted stories for the anthologies, and a few short stories, but I have two in process stories that have kinda languished with no new chapters since last summer, for which I apologise.   Work, life, work, work etc etc got in the way.     The Ddraig-Cyfrinachau has encountered more problems than I thought possible when I started writing it - the best laid plans of mice and men and all that   Th



A writing update

I thought it was time to let peeps knowing just what on earth I'm playing at.   I know I have posted stories for the anthologies, and a few short stories, but I have two in process stories that have kinda languished with no new chapters since last summer, for which I apologise.   Work, life, work, work etc etc got in the way.     The Ddraig-Cyfrinachau has encountered more problems than I thought possible when I started writing it - the best laid plans of mice and men and all that   Th



Someting To Share...

Were this only an April's fool's joke…   But, yesterday I was surfing the web, looking for images of Gay couples from the past, and stumbled on something sobering. A news article on human rights for our kind referenced a 1967 Supreme Court of Canada decision. It seems a man, Everett George Klippert, who apparently had no fear of the police, and no problem being Gay, casually mentioned the fact while talking to the RCMP (the Mounties, or the equivalent of our FBI) during the investigation of an

AC Benus

AC Benus

Csr Book Club Monthly Feature

No book club this month!   April Fools! Okay, so I suck at pranks. We are doing a story; this month we're going with the story suggested by Percy. I'm loving all the detailed feedback readers are sharing with each other and our authors. One of the suggestions I've heard a few times is giving short stories a chance. I'd like to feature 3 short stories, up to say, 25k each but they can be less, for next month's selections. That way people can pick and choose what to read, any or all of them.

How does an inverted debt pyramid work?

From foreign policy to theology, I have been bouncing around in my blog. Now I want to get back to my own skills, Finance:   An inverted debt pyramid is a modern concept in finance, not fully realized in most circumstances beyond the text theories with examples only becoming common in the last few years.   Let me start off with some basic ideas:   A person has $50,000 that he wants to invest in an asset that is worth $200,000, so he borrows $150,000 to make up the difference from 1st bank.



Character Interview: Damian

After the conclusion of my story Joined by Blood, I was asked by another author and friend, Nephylim, if she could "interview" Damian. I thought it sounded like a neat idea and agreed. That was months ago. Just recently, I was going through old files and found the completed interview. I am posting it here for your enjoyment.   SPOILER: If you have yet to read Joined by Blood, I would recommend you do so prior to reading Damian's interview as it contains some distinctive spoilers for the s

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

A Tardy Little Valentine

A Tardy little Valentine       I told myself I didn't care, but then I almost started balling like a baby.   "How was your Valentine's Day?" My coworker innocently asked.   "Fine," I started, then for some reason dropped the bullshit "well, actually, it sucked – and not in the good way."   "Why? What happened!?"   Still in my 'laugh it off' mode, I tried: "He forgot, that's all. See, every year we've been together, I get him chocolate, and he gets me roses for Valentine's Day." This

AC Benus

AC Benus

Just finished reading Da Vinci Code before Easter

Yes, I freely admit it; I probably am a heretic   I like the story, but I think the book's plot was stronger than the story writing behind it. However, I also felt captivated by the story. The book if read with Angels and Demons serves not only as an interesting conspiracy story on the secrets of our past defining the present, but it also serves as a warning not to be used for our future.   The novels greatest appeal is the story of the well known historical/biblical figure, Mary Magdeline,



Weekly Wrap Up!

Well - I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccckkK!     I want to thank everyone for their well wishes while I was in the hospital. I'm home now, and loving that part, but still isolated to the bedroom because of immuno-suppression. Right now, physically I feel great, but as my sister's cells finish grafting and producing new blood cells, especially white ones, I have to keep isolated and constantly washing hands, being careful, etc. But on the good side, I have my laptop, and can f


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Damn, Damn, Damn. I really need a change of luck.

Until a half hour ago I was excited. I was going back to work on Monday. I was able to get out of bed and move without needing the cane every moment. I wasn't feeling too bad.   Okay I had been given a few knocks since I this began last Wednesday. I was diagnosed as a diabetic. I lost five pounds this week, taking my total to over thirty pounds. I still had a job. I was feeling better, nearly normal.   Okay then all that sort of ended. My doctor called. I suppose I should back up a bit.  



Going HOME!

Doctor just came through, expressed concerns on what extra to be careful of, but said I can go. So probably 1:30-2pm today :-)



Writing Prompts #220 & #221

Hey Prompt Fans! Check out this week's inspiration served up hot and ready by our flash fiction guru, Comicfan.   Prompt 220 – Creative Tag – First Line “Why is my underwear hanging off the chandelier?”   Prompt 221 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – bird cage, night club, glass slipper, banana, and a fisherman.   This week's prompt feature was written by Layla. I enjoyed the world, and the lack of the appearance of the prince is bugging the crud out of me. I'd l


Cia in Prompts

Supreme Court: Thoughts on gay marriage and DOMA

It looks like a split decision based on what I am reading and interpreting from the transcript.   1st. Based on what is in front of the Supreme Court, I don't know if I'd overturn Proposition 8. The argument are meaningful and very honestly argued, carry a very deep problem to the concept of laws and observations in the traditional constitutionalist's concept. Proposition 8 was decided by California voters through plurality against gay marriage without legally breaking up "Civil commitments" o



Easter Update

So, one day left until Spring Break begins!   I'm excited about it and yet not at the same time, because it's not going to be much of a vacation. First, there's all the grading I have to do, then there's my beginning teacher portfolio to put together, plus all the moving stuff, and then getting ready for my trip to the job fair in 2 weeks.   So, updates! I got my resume updated, but still waiting on the majority of my letters of rec -- and oh shit! Just at this moment, I realized I neve



Loving red profiles and another health update!

Update - it's been 12 days since the transplant of my sister's bone marrow/stem cells and I'm still feeling pretty good. Have had mild nausea twice in the past week (but immediately controlled by medication) and minor headaches/body aches, but overall, no major side effects. My platelets have been coming back strong (138 today which is just shy of normal range of 140-440). My white cells also are coming back well at 1.0 (was 0.5 just a week ago and normal is 4.1-10.9), but my ANC, or Absolute Ne



Is there going to be another Korean War?

Was looking at this for the last few days and thought I'd chime in on my blog. Kim jung un is reeling for a confrontation: testing nukes, tearing the armistice, and now threatening to cut diplomatic contact.   If war was to be fought against the North Korean military using their nuclear arms, should and can the US honor its 60 year old scenario of nuclear retaliation? What about the impact to the Pacific Rim?   Also what many don't see is the thousand pound elephant in the room, China, remai



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