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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Review of Spartacus: War of the Damned Finale

Epic, beautiful, and tear-jerking.   The legend of Spartacus has been told countless times with every generation coming up with another story or film that captures the imagination. This retelling by Starz network had more blood, swearing, and sex than any other, but it felt more true to form for the era and times. Slavery is not a dead concept of the ancient world, even in today we still have slaves, whether it is in the human trafficking in Africa, the sex trade in Europe, Asia, and Americas,



Weekly Wrap Up!

Once again from yours truly... a look back at this week on Gay Authors!   This week's blogs started with a review by Wicked Witch of The Rider's Pride by dkstories. This novel length story is a fanfiction of McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern stories. Dan did a great job creating a story in much the same manner of the original work; Wicked Witch called it a "superb piece of fanfiction". As a fan of the series since I was a girl, I have to agree!   Wednesday brought something a little differen


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

The Annoying Muse

Me: *In a public bathroom.*   Muse: "Pssst. I've got a story idea for you that I know that you will just love!"       Me: *Finally drifting off to sleep at 3 a.m....*   Muse: "Psst you sleeping? Didn't think so! Get up 'cause I am not visiting you in the morning."       Me: *Sitting down to get some homework done...*   Muse: "Hey buddy, you look like you're working hard. Not anymore!"       Me: *Finally sitting down to do some creative writing...*   YouTube: "HOLLA BROTHA."



Writing Prompts #226 & #227

Thank you once again to Comicfan for providing a couple of new prompts for you to take a shot at. Make sure you share in the Writing Prompt Forum!   Prompt 226 – Creative Tag – The Lover You finally have found the perfect mate. Someone who listens to you, shares your tastes in music and art, loves your movies. However they have just one small flaw. What is it?   Prompt 227 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story: cane, pillow, car, medicine, and toilet paper.   Si

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Costs of Health Care in the US

I said it beforre in another blog and countless times when the soapbox was still around: the biggest expense for the average health care provider was the insane mandate of Electronic Health Records implementation.   I was reading this on CNN and I think even the more liberal proponents have to see that this reform was far too heavy handed:   Doctor Gives Up on US Health Care   Look, I warned people years ago, when I was heading up accounting at a health care firm that the new laws are not



Rotten banks and worthless money

I gave up long ago taking seriously - if I ever did - the posturing by economists that they truly understand how economies work and what actions really need to be taken to deliver a healthy and sustainable economy. Because it seems to me they're charlatans, the proverbial snake oil salesmen peddling their own patent remedies under the guise of "wisdom and knowledge", when the reality is that modern economies are underpinned by smoke and mirrors - the illusion of wealth that is "money". British b



if music

if music on the corner if music where it's at if music who will buy? if music i heard that   if music is the magic if music found a cure if music take some time out if music open the door   if music secret rendez-vous if music blow your head if music revelation if music miles ahead



To-Do List

So here I am trying to keep myself on track. This shall be my things I still need to do in order to get up to Alaska and my new job.   1. Transfer Credential -- ready to be mailed -- Application form -- status: filled out, notarized -- Fingerprints -- status: completed and in packet -- Transcripts -- status: located and in packet -- CSULB Recommendation Form -- status: received and in packet -- Test Scores (CBST, CSET) -- status: received and in packet -- Teaching Certificate -- status:



Sharing a anime dub, Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi

Don't worry it's not the sexual brand of gay Anime However, it is moving and very adult oriented. I thought the fan Dubbers did good job on this episode and it explores some interesting things that GA writers have gone over, gay guys who have given up on love.   The original japanese is much better, but this is fine to give an American audience a taste.   IF you really enjoy it, I suggest watching the entire series if possible. I made the recommendation earlier in the Member Q&A thread,



Featured Story: The Rider's Pride

Happy Monday! Please enjoy this week's story feature!   The Rider's Pride by dkstories   Reviewer: Wicked Witch Status: Complete Word Count: 107,446   The Rider's Pride is a story by dkstories; It is a superb piece of fanfiction set in the world of Pern, created with its own twists on the mythos of Anne McCaffrey's world. dkstories has some great works on GA but this is my favourite of them all.   I fell in love with this story as soon as I began reading it; it


Cia in Featured Stories

Detroitism- A.KA. "Ruin Porn"

So, since Adam Phillips just loves to get on me for my reading habits, I thought I'd try and read something that wasn't written for 12-year olds, and looked around for something a little different. I've had this fascination for the past couple of years with the city of Detroit, and how it's accelerating depopulation has been depicted in pictures and videos. Detroit, in the course of one decade, has seen its population plunge from about 950k to just 714k- that's approximately equal to if the city



OK, who agrees with me?

OK, who agrees with me?   Clement Wood published a guide to writing verse in 1936 (The Poet's Craft Book), and together with his rhyming dictionary, you may have it on your self as I do.   One thing in it has always amazed me, and caused me to question Mr. Wood's value as an arbiter of poetic taste, but I'd like to know your opinions!   In the section headed 'On Translating Poetry' he serves up a literal translation of the opening lines of the Bible vs. The King James' version. You can wel

AC Benus

AC Benus

1st Person or 3rd Person? Which POV do you prefer?

I have been playing close attention to the ratio and how POVs (point-of-views) correlate to the stories on GA as well as other websites, and I have been quite interested in what people here prefer to read or write.   If you guys don't know what first-person, close third-person, and omniscient third-person is I'll just give you a very brief n' bare overview of what they are and the advantages/disadvantages of each POV are based on research and personal experience.   Before I start, I'll touc



Anthology: Whispers in the Dark Graphic

Hello authors, readers, unregistered users and the like,     April 15th the deadline for "Whispers in the Dark" is fast approaching, so if you're interested in sending in a poetry submission refer to this link: Click me. With that being said, here is the banner that I have designed in Photoshop this time around:       I encourage you all to copy the url of this image/save it and share this poster on your Facebook or website or whatever you use so not only the anthology gets read but GA



Weekly Wrap Up!

From Cia this week! So much going on on the site, so this will be a long one. Please bear with me and read on! There are a lot of announcements; we've been busy! Check out the special announcement below our look back at this week's blog posts!   Monday's feature, To Move Forward by Randomness, a special look at how to people whose paths diverged in their past have met again ... and how they move forward. You can still check out the story here.   Wednesday we hosted yet another wonderful tip


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Why Be Angry

I have had plenty of time to sit and try to get my head around a few things... One, I was very upset at the cliquish groups that are here.. I felt as if I were back in High School... I mean I understand that not everyone will like you and this is okay. However, When there are those who make it plain and evident this is what they are doing, then this is where I use to have a problem with. This is no longer the deal.. I could care less who doesn't want to get to know the real me... it is their lo



Health Update!

Update:   Went to the doctor today, with my wonderful husband at my side. The doctor did a a1c test which is supposed to give my average glucose levels for the last 3 months. That should give a better indication of what exactly is going on with me.   She agrees with us that she doesn't think it was a seizure like the ER doctor thought and is fairly certain that it was the low glucose levels that caused me to pass out. She is also doing some kind of blood test for my thyroid and all of those

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Weekly Review: Never A Hero by Marie Sexton

<a href="http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17304538-never-a-hero" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img alt="Never a Hero (Tucker Springs, #5)" border="0" src="http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1359485180m/17304538.jpg" /></a><a href="http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17304538-never-a-hero">Never a Hero</a> Never a Hero is yet another installment set in the small town of Tucker Springs. This eBook, written by Marie Sexton, was full of a lot of angst regarding



Boston Bombers are NOT Czech

http://zpravy.idnes.cz/foto.aspx?server=zpravy.idnes.cz&r=zpravodaj&foto1=JB4aa280_usa.jpg   I know that not ALL Americans are stupid and ignorant, but there are still plenty enough to generate news like what is shown in the picture I linked. During the last hours since it was revealed that the bombers had links to CHECHNYA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chechnya), many Americans tweeted their surprise about the bombers coming from the CZECH Republic. Even if they used the official shor



A very special Thank You

With everything going on in today's world it isn't often you hear of people taking the time to put together a project just to make someone smile.   I've had a few set backs this year, but I keep going. Like everyone I have my ups and downs. Yesterday was a bit rough with the tests I had to take causing my back to flare up again. So you can imagine my surprise when I got a package today.   At first I thought it was a really big box from one person, however I soon discovered that there were ma



2013 Poetry Anthology: Whispers In The Dark Now Live

NOW LIVE!!!             The 2013 GA Poetry Anthology: Whispers in the Dark is now live! Fifteen new poem collections by some of your favorite authors, hope you enjoy!       A Life in Question Bill W       All in Your Mind WatchPatRun       Astronomical Dusk FishWings       Coy carringtonrj       Murmers at the Dusk of Day comicfan       Night Calls JoejoeGreene  

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Healing with dogs :D

Well, there is a lot of sympathy and charity going around (I just put $100 to the red cross for Boston Marathon bombing victims) We're going to get through this and I am thankful for everyone around the world showing your solidarity.   Now as for the title of blog: This was the cutest thing in recent days and kind of lifts the spirit     Two Paws up!



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