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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Toss-Up Tuesday: Interview With Napervic

When Yettie One approached Trebs and I about doing some interviews for the blog, we were ecstatic These interviews will run once a month. So, rather than write a lengthy intro, we'll just let Yettie One tell you about it himself! Interview with NaperVic by Yettie One   As part of a community of people I got really curious about what brought people to the world of GA, what the enjoy to read, and what kind of people they are.   So when I volunteered to help the GA Blog with

Puck's Story.... It was a Vacation Day

as many of you know Puck has been giving me a headache about writing his story, well I've got him pinned, skewered, and a roasting fire ready, but I really don't know what questions to ask him concerning his activities and whereabouts....   I know my readers do.   Please post your questions, or anything that has been niggling you about the entire series if you want so that I can get it cleared up in this installment.     Thank you for your assistance, it is much appreciated.



Unexpected Sadness

Even though I live in Mississippi, I came from an even smaller town in Louisiana.   From the time I was eight until the time I was 13 when we moved to Mississippi I lived next door to the baptist pastor, one house over from the church.   Across the road from us, down the hill, there were a couple of trailors that young couples rented..   Richard and Kay were one of the couples. Richard was a native of our small town that fought in Vietnam. He brought a new bride home with him that left h



Feature Story: Of The Flesh

Being Monday, it's the start of yet another week. What better way to start the week than to feature a story by one of GA's earliest authors, Comicality! Hope you enjoy this review and if you do, then go check the story out yourself and leave Comsie a review! Of The Flesh By Comicality Reviewer: Renee Stevens Status: Complete Word Count: 7,869   So, “Of The Flesh” by Comicality. Comicality, or Comsie as he is also known, has been with Gay Authors since the beginning. He wa

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

First anniversary

So yesterday was my GA first anniversary.   When I first came to GA it was really just to read some brilliant stories, and hopefully find a few authors I'd never read before.   I really didn't plan or even expect to be where I am now - having posted 15 stories (and 30 some prompt stories) and 127k+ words, and recently having joined the blog team. I certainly didn't expect to get to know so many great people - I'm not gonna start naming names because there's just too many of you great people



Weekly Wrap Up!

We had a great start to our week with a look at Hosted Author Altimexis's story Double Trouble. Or as sat8997 said in the comments "Yep, what they said. Can't go wrong with an Altimexis story."   For our Toss-Up Tuesday, Cia wrote an informative article on the GA Store, "So many options! What Should Members Buy!" Good stuff to know about the GA Store.   Our midweek Author Showcase gave us a great look at Promising Author KingdombytheSea;s Dare as well as a review by LouisHarris of Author Sid


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

to grow old, to go gray and later white

Getting old, feeling his strength diminishing, thinking more in the past than the future, seeing my friends disappear one by one ... Seeing the youth stand up to leave their seats when I boards a bus ... Seeing my hair in the mirror becoming more and more white, No longer be able to run as long and as fast as before and quickly losing my breath after few hundred meters, No longer feeling anything but tenderness at the sight of the beloved, Thinking with nostalgia of the happy times when I l

old bob

old bob

Blast From The Past!

What's better than our typical looking back that being able to additionally highlight someone that I admire, who I've been fortunate to meet, who helps keep my husband's writings clearer... I'm talking about Emoe57, editor and person extraordinaire Here from the April 2008 GayAuthors.org old newsletter, the Gay Authors GAzette, is a member interview that was done with Emoe57. Enjoy!       MEMBER INTERVIEW   The GAzette will try to feature an interview on each edition, so this month we hav


Trebs in Author Interviews

Writing Prompts #178 & #179

While it is great to read what some established writers do with these writing prompts, it is just so wonderful to see new authors, who haven't published any stories on GA.Stories yet, answer these writing prompts. These writing prompts are a great way to try your hand, see how you can do and get some great feedback. We're thankful to Comicfan for these prompts, and we hope you take a try and share what you write with the community in the Writing Prompt forum.   Prompt 178 – Creative Tag – List


Trebs in Prompts

To Shave or Not To Shave

Ok so a bit of a break form the norm for me today, I am going to write something that is probably a little bit of a rant, a little bit controversial, and you will probably all be telling me that it is down to personal taste, but still, I'm going to vent about it anyway.   Late last night, a little bored, perhaps a little frisky, and being a full blooded male, i sort out some interesting porn and chose to be entertained by some on screen antics for a while!!!!   Shock, horror, the Yettie Watc

Yettie One

Yettie One

Tip Thursday: Constructive Criticism

We love getting News blog articles and tips from members - and CassieQ has been a wonderful contributor. Here she writes her thoughts on Constructive Criticism - a very detailed article that shows a lot of thought. I hope you enjoy and let us know your thoughts as well! Also, if YOU have an article you think would be great for this blog, let Renee Stevens, Andy021278 or myself know. Thanks!       Constructive Criticism by CassieQ   I'll try to make this as painless as p


Trebs in Writing Tips

Featured Story: Dare / The Life Of Him

Sorry, today's author showcase is a bit late this morning - was having crashes with my computer last night.   First we look at Promising Author KingdombytheSea's Dare and then LouisHarris gives us a great review of The Life of Him, by Author SidLove. Enjoy!   Dare by KingdombytheSea   Reviewer: Trebs Status: Complete Word Count: 5315   If you couldn't tell from my reviews, I love a great short story. While novels are interesting and give us such rich texture, it is


Trebs in Featured Stories

Life's ups and downs

Hi All,   I know it has been a while but I figured I would update things a bit. I am really having some ups and downs but trying to keep it going.   I prefer to focus on the good.   I am up to five Halloween cards this year. One of them was a postcard for the Day of the Dead. That was a first for me so really made me smile. Plus one of the people who sent to me mentioned they didn't know Halloween cards existed. They should just wait. Any of my usual's know I send out cards for all occasio



Read Before Entering

Well, I know I always talk about suitcase company and it is not just talk. Guests seem to like to stay overnight, and most of the time two nights. But, some of my family called last night to let me know that they would be at my house next weekend, staying until Wednesday. That would be a total of four nights. I love them to death, but they are the most complaining guests that I have. After getting off the phone with them, I starting bitching about them coming to my husband and how they comp



The Cloud - coming soon

I have decided to suspend releasing the Cloud in my blog.   I will release the story in its entirety this Halloween!   ====================================================   The great observatories have detected an unknown object approaching earth from deep space. Governments prepare for the worst in secret as scientists look for answers.   The Cloud is released in its entirety at:   https://www.gayauthors.org/story/jamessavik/thecloud



Featured Story: Double Trouble

I feel a bit odd, writing an intro to my own review soooooo... Here is a review of Double Trouble by our Hosted Author Altimexis. Enjoy!   Double Trouble by Altimexis   Reviewed by: Trebs Status: Complete Word Count: 14,081   I fondly remember waiting for each new chapter of Love in a Chair when Altimexis wrote this beautiful story six years ago. So when I was looking around for something new to read, I saw Double Trouble and decided to check it out.   I am glad I did


Trebs in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

Ack - spent the weekend helping the kids get ready for Halloween. Can't believe it is just around the corner (sort of like I couldn't believe the prices on the stuff they "needed" for their costumes). Oh well, just means we are getting colder nights finally - and can do big pots of soup and stew, with baked bread :-)   So here at the the News Blog, we started the week looking at a beautiful story by Hosted Author Libby Drew. Radiant Renee Steven's reviewed Libby's The Art of Walking in Snow. I


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

A Kick Out Of Writing

It has been a while since I have done any writing, I have been working on a variety of other things for my job, my company, my responsibilities, and of course doing a lot of ground work on my brand new work, the story I hope one day blows people away.   Ah heck I can but dream. but to be honest I do like the idea, and the guy that is helping me with the research for the book is really amazing, and has some wild stories to tell. He's made a small fortune as an escort and is such a nice person

Yettie One

Yettie One

Featured Story: Unconditional

It's always fun looking back in time - this time, to our October 2006 issue of "The GAzette", GayAuthors.org's previous newsletter. In this second issue, was a Poet's Corner, that I'd like to share with everyone today. Disclaimer - normally I post these past newsletter items as they originally appeared, but for this one, I did edit it to update the links to Luc's forum and to the Poetry Discussion forum. Enjoy!       Poets' Corner   Poetry is a growing area at Gay Authors. In recen


Trebs in Featured Stories

Writing Prompts #176 & #177

I recently read a great short story that originally started as a Prompt response. These prompts have helped generate some fantastic reads - and with this week's prompts, I'm looking forward to some more great responses. Try one (or both) of these prompts and please share them with the community in the Writing Prompts forum.   Prompt 176 – Creative Tag – The Mythical Your child has just told you they found something and want to keep it as a pet, but as they describe it to you, you smile thinkin


Trebs in Prompts

The Cloud (3)

World News Network Pacific Bureau Sydney, Australia     Kelly Simmons, the Pac Bureau’s science correspondent, had five minutes’ notice that there would be a full staff meeting in the Bureau Chief’s conference room. Everyone that wasn’t in the field or on the air was supposed to be there.   Something very odd was going on even in her little niche of the kingdom. Scientists loved to talk about their work. Many of them saw outreach and education as vital part of their job. They loved to t



A Thought For You.

For me personally, the last two weeks have been a quietly controlled spell of manic activity in the bigger scheme of things. For a while, I have been locked down in a world of woe, wondering what tomorrow will hold and when the inevitable is going to happen.   It is never a pleasant feeling, knowing that you are headed for a world of pain, and there is nothing that you can do to avoid it, side step it, or even really prepare yourself for it. These are facts of life, nature in all of its cruel

Yettie One

Yettie One

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