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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

What I care about and what I dont.

What I care about and what I don’t.   First of all I want to say GA is not just about writing and reading. It’s about people too. The one thing I’m proud of, before I joined GA was the fact that I have the quality of acceptance.   I don’t care about: Your colour, your looks, or your dress sense, you could wear trousers, dresses or walk round with knickers on your head. It doesn’t matter. What your sex is or orientation, do you have a fetish for rubber or wax or just get off on having a qu



Author Showcase

In this week's Author's Showcase, we break out of our mold a bit by giving you first Editor Johnathan Colourfield's The Room, reviewed by LouisHarris followed by Houdinii's review of Author Cailen's Somewhere Only We Know. We hope you enjoy both reviews and check out these great stories as well.           The Room by Johnathan Colourfield   Reviewer: LouisHarris Status: Compete Word Count: 1635   There is a strange aesthetic to this work that I can only describe as


Trebs in Reviews

Tuesday Toss-Up: Publishing Interview With Quonus10

Here is the second of our two-part interview with Quonus10, focusing on his publishing experiences. Enjoy!       What made you decide to pursue publishing the story, first on GA as a Premium story and then through a publishing house?   GA approached me last year about providing a novel length story to be used in the Premium Content section. Aside from the rush of being asked to do that, I hoped it would be a way to give back to GA. I think the readers and reviewers on GA helped me enormou


Trebs in Author Interviews

You Get Out Of It What You Bother To Put In

It is a basic principle of life really. Whatever effort you put into something is what you reap in reward. There are a million different sayings that reflect it, its something we are taught to understand from a young age, and it is a lesson in life that we put into practice every single day we wake up.   Yet we never seem to do it quite well enough!   How often do we put everything we have into everything that we do? If we did, we'd be physically exhausted by the end of the day, but then aga

Yettie One

Yettie One

Feature Story: Chosen Of Honorus

We're doing something a bit different this week. We were priviliged to have a great interview with Quonus10, both about his new Premium story Chosen of Honorus, as well as his experiences with getting published. I've broken his interview into two parts - today we give you his thoughts on his new story and tomorrow you'll have his thoughts on being published. We hope you enjoy this two parter!   Chosen of Honorus by Quonus10   Status: Premium, in progress Word Count so far:


Trebs in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

We started this first week of July with andy021278's review of Kombat Kids by Hosted Author Ghost Ryder. If you're like me, you'll find andy really has a good way of giving a good flavour of the story without giving too much away, and letting you know how he feels the author did with plot and other elements.   We then were treated to another Myr write up, this time on the Tag system of the new forum software.   Our Author's Showcase gave us reviews of two of Promising Author Wrathofmagneto's


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Just finished the last episode of a "banned Chinese Drama"

One of the things I have been able to enjoy in the last few weeks was going to a underground Chinese website to watch a very well received, but now "banned Chinese Drama". It's English name is "Scarlet Heart". The story revolves around a modern girl transported back in time via soul migration to the past, Qing Dynasty China. She eventually falls in love with half the princes in the Imperial Palace as they all fought for the coveted role of Emperor, while knowing the final outcome of their strugg



Awesome Random Moment

I was over at the mall tonight, trying to cool down as the central air in my house is broken.   After giggling my ass off through the opening chapters of 50 Shades of Grey at Barnes and Nobles, I was in the food and noticed through the skylights that fireworks were going off. I walked out, and people were gathered outside to watch this very good and very expensive impromptou fireworks show- it went on for a good 10 to 15 minutes. Someone close to Christiana Mall must have had a lot of money to



Blast From The Past!

Fire up the flux ca.... oh.... um, nevermind - wrong show. For this show, we have a review by andy021278 of Author Camy's JJ and the Boys, written for the 2006 Anthology Day of Silence. I hope you enjoy andy's review as much as I did! JJ and the Boys by Camy   Review by andy021278 Status: Complete Word Count: 7592   Set in a boarding school in England, it is the story of John Palmer, a seventeen year old prefect in the Lower Sixth, and Jimmy James (the JJ of the title) who


Trebs in Reviews

Life as it happens

Just figured I would update and fill in a few blanks.   I have been trying not to stress about work. We are going through a restructure and who knows what that is going to entail all. I am suppose to find out tomorrow morning at a meeting. Yeah, I'm really happy to get out of bed at five am to make this thing. Love all store meetings.   Also dealing with work has been the tragedy of one of our district managers. He was out with his family on a boat on the North Shore of Long Island. The boat



Writing Prompts #150 & #151

A great way to wind down after a long week - check out these two new prompts from ComicFan and share your responses with the community in the Writing Prompts forum!   Prompt 150 – Challenge Cue – The Scene Write a scene where the story is dictated by the atmosphere of the location. In other words create a story that might use a graveyard, a haunted house, a cheery nursery, or a cabin in the woods.   Prompt 151 – Creative Cue – Changing The Past Everyone is always saying that if they could ch


Trebs in Prompts

Hey y'all

I just wanted to say hey and let everyone know, that's interested, T&T is still being worked on as I type this. I am on vacation in sunny Florida, but I haven't stopped working on it. I would like to be able to get back on a weekly schedule, but that would take gettting a few chapters ahead. I just don't have the time to pump out a chapter a week AND write good chapters. So I hope everyone will bear with me as I get my life back into order (most of you know the other issues I'm dealing with

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Writing Tip: Getting Directions

Don't let the title fool you - this isn't about how to get from here to the store, it's how to get from plot point A to plot point B. We thank Comicfan for this look at "Getting Directions"! If you have a tip you'd like to share with the community, let me know!   Getting Directions by Comicfan69   Everyone enjoys a great story. You read along following the action, learning about the characters, seeing the problem, and finally getting to the conclusion. It all seems so smo


Trebs in Writing Tips

Life is a never-ending.

It seems our fate is written somewhere (in the stars or in our genes) and whatever you do, we are conditioned by the qualities and defects inherited from our ancestors. Most ancient religions remind us that we are the sum of the experiences of those who came before us.   Karma means "deed", "action", "rite". This is a Sanskrit term used in many Eastern religions. For these religions, the concept of karma is commonly referred to the cycle of causes and consequences of the existence of sentient

old bob

old bob

Author Showcase

First off, hope everyone who celebrates it is having a wonderful Independence Day! One of the great things about working on the blog has been that I have read so many new stories and new authors. Promising Author: Wrathofmagneto has been around for a little while, but I had never read his work. I'd heard a lot of good things and finally had a chance to check out two stories by him, "Captivated" and "Consequences". I wasn't disappointed and I hope you won't be either! Comicfan was in much the sam

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

Cruel Summer

Although the weather is something we don't like to discuss, as its the only topic we can really turn to in an awkward silence, or when trying to be polite to a stranger, I can't help but spend a little time thinking about the glorious summer that's arrived this year!   We are meant to look forward to summer. The sun's back! It's happy time. School's out. Fun, Fun, Fun. Down to the beach, everyone's off on holiday, the sun is shining, and its hot. We can get out of the house, the flowers are in

Yettie One

Yettie One

Firefly Festival

I'm going to the Firefly Festival where I'll get to see the play! I'm so excited!  I signed up as a volunteer, so in exchange for three 6-hour shifts, I get to go the event for free. Unfortunately I'll have to work when the Killers are playing, but I'll get to see Jack White on Friday night and the Black Keys Sunday night.   It's going to be so much fun. I've never been to a big concert before. I can't wait!



So I cooked today ....

I'm finally feeling better today so I did some cooking. Some people know I am on weight watchers so trying to be very careful with food. I love lemon chicken but so many recipes I came across called for all sorts of stuff I normally don't have in the house or would push the points I use right through the roof. Then I came across this chicken recipe that is easy and low cal. Basically all I have to count it is the chicken itself. lol.   Ingredients   3 - 4 pounds of Chicken. (Originally they



Feature Story: Kombat Kids

Kombat Kids by Ghost Ryder Length: 283,898 Status: Complete Review by andy021278   When I was first thinking of reading Kombat Kids, I was initially apprehensive as I am not a fan of the military genre in any format; I never even got into TV series such as JAG, NCIS, North and South, and SeaQuest. However, I was pleasantly surprised not only by the story, but even found myself being drawn into the genre. Also, when a new military term is introduced in the story it is explained, which


Trebs in Featured Stories

Early Metal- Black Sabbath & Ozzy

In 1970 Black Sabbath released their self-titled album, established Ozzy Osborn as an artist and became one of metals premier and most influential bands.     During its time, Black Sabbath was highly controversial because of its dark imagery. Their music was widely criticized by evangelicals of all sorts on several continents. When asked about this Ozzy said, "It's not about evil love. It's about selling albums,"   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCjspyo-_aI   http://www.youtube.com/



So July begins

It wasn't how I wanted to start the month. I missed the chance to go to Connecticut and see my friends. Instead i was home dealing with the heat and (fingers crossed) getting over being sick. I hate that. Oh well.   This month my brother has his birthday. Not much else to worry about other than my monthly cards to let my friends know I'm thinking of them. Hope everyone had a good day.   My thought for the day is this -   Being sick I can deal with, besides it beats being dead.



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