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  • Myr

    Mystery Deep Dive 4

    By Myr

    Top 1 Most Read Mystery - Amateur Sleuth Features characters who are not professional detectives but get involved in solving mysteries due to personal interest or circumstance. Bleeding Hearts by Josh Aterovis In Process Top 1 Most Read Mystery - Caper Light-hearted mystery that is easy to read, witty and not too intense.  Can also be more comic in nature.  Examples: Clue, Scooby Doo, Hardy Boys, or Janet Evanovitch books A Ticklish Thriller (Revised) b
  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y

Looking forward and backward

What is human nature? A complex array of interactions, emotions, and systems of belief that conjures up a myriad of potential outcomes.   I guess for me I look to the future as much as I look to the past. A great thought of the nature of existence is that time is arbitrary, consequences are not. We can measure time based on human terms of seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, and centuries, but how can we measure consequences.   This is just me musing on the nature of existence, we base our



Blast From The Past!

It is always fun looking through old newsletters and GA Anthologies - so many treasures. Like a story from ComeWhatMay, written for the 2008 Anthology "Living in the Shadows". Much thanks to MJ85 for their review of Falling Slowly.   Falling Slowly by ComeWhatMay   Reviewer: MJ85 Status: Complete 2008 Anthology: Living In the Shadows   I stumbled across this story while checking out some of the older anthologies on the site, curious as I was to see what they were (this


Trebs in Reviews

Update, Flashing and Humping

I can't beleive it's been so long since I posted here. Things have just been so crazy. Among other things     I've become involved in a Flash Group. Basically this means that every Wednesday I post a 1000 word 'flash fiction' on my blog. At present, this is following two beautiful boys called Rune and Luke. They've gone through the mill but they're getting there Check out the story so far http://nephylim-author.blogspot.co.uk/p/luke-and-rune.html   I've published two new books. One is an ol



Writing Prompts #144 & #145

Wind down your week with our foray into writing prompts! With our usual profound thanks to ComicFan, we have two great new Writing Prompts to try out - and once you do, share them with the community in the Writing Prompts forum!   Prompt 144 – Creative Cue – Beloved We all have someone or something that we love dearly. Tell a narrative in poetry. Who is this person or animal? Is it your ever faithful dog? Your doting parent? Your incredible partner? Bring them to life in a poem so that we can


Trebs in Prompts

Why are public Charities not giving 99%?

I saw the posting in the Soapbox and I promised not to get involved in any debates in there, but I have to at least correct some people's understanding on how non-profits work.   I hear people say, "You are scamming us and not giving our money to charity." a lot, since I've worked with charities and foundations in the past. I have worked with charities, sat on their boards as an unpaid director, and generally understand why on the accounting side of thing, it's hard to make them functional.  



Writing Tip: How To Find A Beta

So, a couple of weeks ago we talked about what an author should look for in a Beta Reader. I thought that today we could maybe talk about how to FIND a Beta Reader. There are many ways to go about it, but here are just a few! You could always post in your Chapter Note or Chapter End notes that you are currently looking for a beta reader! I wouldn’t personally put everything I want from a Beta Reader in there, but you could always tell your readers that if they are interested in beta reading for

Author Showcase!

It's Wednesday! You know what that means, two more Author reviews. First off, we are bringing you a story from our Promising Author: JWolf called "The Funny Thing Is" reviewed by Percy. Based on the wonderful review given by Percy, I will be checking this story out in the very near future. Our second review is an in progress story by Author: Naptowngirl called "Hello, My Name Is..." reviewed by K.C.. When KC sent me his review, I read through it and what he wrote sounded like something that I wo

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Reviews

A sad day

Not the happiest thing to have as my first blog entry, but who ever said blogs had to be happy.   I've been working on a children's oncology ward for the past year or so, doing the data collection for our national cancer register and managing the medical files of the patients. One of the children (who for this blog I'll call Max) passed away a few weeks ago from leukaemia. It really is true what they say, "Paediatrics is the best and the worst of medicine".   Usually, I don't have much to



Reasons to be Greatful - Youth

When you are young, you can't wait to grow up. When you get older you suddenly wake up to realise that you can't slow life down fast enough, and dream of going back to the days when you were a wee nipper.   I fondly sit and recall my youth. Those wild days of wreckless abandon when I didn't care about what the world thought, where it didn't matter to me if I was bunking off my lessons, or late to finish an assignment. The pressures of the world meant nothing, and the responsibility of being hu

Yettie One

Yettie One

Feature Story: Seeking Nirvana

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Even though the weekend is over, there's something good about the new week starting. It's Monday, which means, that we are bringing you a new featured story!!! Thank you to Mark92 for writing this review for us on Hosted Author: LittleBuddaTW's story "Seeking Nirvana." Hopefully this review will pique your interest and convince you to go check out the story and if you enjoy it, you might even leave a review!! Seeking Nirvana by LittleBuddh

Smiling at our Strange Sayings

I've lived in the UK for a number of years now, and one of the things that's amazed me about this tiny Island in the sea is the number of people and accents that are packed onto it.   To name but a few you'd easily think of the likes of the Cockney's, Scousers, Geordies, Mancunians, the Cornish, the Welsh the Irish or the Scots.   Yet even within the more commonly known regional accents, there are more local dialects or variances of these, and it can get really confusing to say the least.  

Yettie One

Yettie One

Weekly Wrap Up!

First - the deadline for the Summer Anthology "Choices" is LESS THAN A WEEK away! Also, if you haven't seen Myr's Thursday post on the "EU Cookie Law and You", please take a moment to check it out.   I hope your weekend is going well. I seem to have a bit of a head cold so this is going to be a more minimal wrap up - hope you understand.   Our Hosted Author Feature story was Double Down by Cia.   In the Author Showcase, our Promising Author spotlight was on Dolores Esteban and our Author s


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

The Sexuality Conundrum

I read a blog recently discussing a gay man's response to sex with a woman. I've read a story on GA about a man who finally finds the strength to accept he's gay after 20 odd years of marriage. I've been asked about being gay by youngsters I know. I've been chatting with a friend on GA about sexuality and what they think it means for them.   If there is one thing I've realised in 38 years of my life it's that sexuality is no simple thing.   Personally I'd consider myself gay. Ok so this is p

Yettie One

Yettie One

Blast From The Past!

Glorious Saturday! And here at the GA News Blog, we like to look back on Saturday's to previous newsletters or anthologies. Today is a review by Birds of a Feather, of a poem by Nickolas James called The Hand that first appeared in the December 2006 newsletter. We hope you enjoy! The Hand by Nick James Reviewed by Birds of a Feather   Poetry Review   There is an eminent paradox that most poets at GA have confronted, but few have conquered as triumphantly as Nickolas James. Is there


Trebs in Reviews

Keeping Up

Just figured I was a bit behind in my blog. Welcome to the first of June. The weather has been beautiful today.   I managed to fill in a hole in the yard, and get it seeded. Supposed to rain for the next couple of days so hoping the seeds take and the lawn comes in instead of the soil just getting washed away.   I also completed the beta work I had. I hate to fall behind but this week was crazy with the hours I was working. I also got back the latest chapter on Jonas. Lets just say I had som



Guess I should rename this the Trebs' Health Blog

So... It took me a while to find my blog. Everytime I tried to search, it would just show me the GA New Blog because of all of the entries I've made there. But eventually - YAY - found it again.   Ya, blogging. I'm not good at it. I love FaceBook because I can do quick updates or thoughts on things, but kvetching about my health - heh, an actual blog seems better.   So - nothing as horrible as my last health problem but - meh...   Started a couple of weeks ago. As part of the follow



Factors of Attraction

So what is it about attraction? To be fair I think if we each made an effort to answer this question, it'd be pretty interesting to see the differences for each of us.   Lets not just consider the basic principles of attraction ie. looks or personality, but actually drill down to think about the specifics of what it is that we consider to be the things that make us stop and take a closer look.   I've often thought about this, as to be honest, if I go onto a website full of an array of men, a

Yettie One

Yettie One

My Bag of Tricks

As a field engineer, I could carry everything in a semi-truck and still show up at a site without something mission critical. This is a list of my standard kit and load out for jobs that have not specified any specific tools.       M-51 Engineers Field Kit   Box cutter Mini-Maglite Dymo LectraTag Lettering Gun Gerber Multi-Tool Folding Magnifier 8X Jewelers Loop (40X) w/LED light Scissors Needle nosed pliers Wire Cutters Skil laser/LED/area light Phillips/Standard fiber-glass s



Writing Prompts #142 & #143

It's Friday AND it's JUNE!!! Be sure to change your calender (people still use calenders, don't they?!?) and then settle down and try one of our prompts, supplied by the ever inventive Comicfan. Be sure to share what you do with the community in the Writing Prompts forum!   Prompt 142 – Creative Cue – First Line “Because … how could you not know this was done to me?”   Prompt 143 – Creative Cue – Superhero Don’t they only exist in comics? Who expected to run into a real life superhero? What


Trebs in Prompts

Take a stand, stop the deaths of American children.

Tuesday, in New York, another young teen felt he couldn't take anymore. For whatever sad reason or reasons, this 12 year old boy hanged himself in the bathroom of an apartment he shared with his mother.   For months he had been harassed at school by bullies, for his intelligence, his height, and his deceased father. After enduring incessant taunting for months, Joel Morales transferred to a new school, but the bullying persisted at his new school.   Kids chased Morales, threw sticks and pipe

Billy Martin

Billy Martin

Does It Ever Stop - Lorien Trust

I'm often amazed at how much I don't know. There is always something new and exciting to read, to learn, to experience.   I've had a travel bug for a number of years now, and as a matter of principle do not like to do much in the way of planning or preparation. Spontaneity I believe is very much a spice of life, and a good dose of variety without planning or expectation is a healthy way to keep life interesting and fun.   In this way, I have enjoyed some really amazing trips, mainly around t

Yettie One

Yettie One

Author Showcase

Gayauthors.org, as with many sites, thrives on its Hosted Authors. They are a valuable part of this board and unlike some sites, we have a formal contract with them, including such things as either exclusivity or preferential posting to GA (the details of which, vary by author). They are authors who are recognized by our site as special, and we here try to make sure that we show our appreciation to them, for the value they bring to the site.   We also have a cadre of wonderful Promising Author


Trebs in Reviews

Life's Moments

I've never been a massive fan of shopping, especially grocery shopping.   Unlike my father who would spend hours reading labels and checking out the special deals, I like to get in and get out. I've never been one for waiting around. Mr Impatient maybe. Well in certain situations, alright I admit, Mr Impatient is a glove that fits rather well.   I had reason to visit Tesco's this morning to get some batteries, and while I was wondering around I decided to get me some new rope. Ah huh, rope..

Yettie One

Yettie One

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