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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 15 - Sept. 21)

    By wildone

    First thing first, I really need anyone who is thinking to enter our yearly Anthology, please see Val's Thursday blog and if you fingers haven't started typing, get them going! As you read this, I am indisposed. Read into that what you want . But I'm up by a lake in the mountains looking at the colours change for fall.  So next week in the northern hemisphere, we flip into fall, autumn, whatever you like to call it. Down under the equator, they are about to hit spring   What is y
  • Myr

    Mystery Deep Dive 4

    By Myr

    Top 1 Most Read Mystery - Amateur Sleuth Features characters who are not professional detectives but get involved in solving mysteries due to personal interest or circumstance. Bleeding Hearts by Josh Aterovis In Process Top 1 Most Read Mystery - Caper Light-hearted mystery that is easy to read, witty and not too intense.  Can also be more comic in nature.  Examples: Clue, Scooby Doo, Hardy Boys, or Janet Evanovitch books A Ticklish Thriller (Revised) b
    • 1 comment

Top versus Bottom

In a forum somewhere on that one site, there was a discussion topic that asked a simple question…Top or Bottom.   And after reading all the comments in that thread, and believe me you should read them because they are extremely amusing, I decided to reply to that thread and offer up my perspective.   And then, as one or two of you might know by now, I noticed my reply was getting rather long winded so I decided to answer this question in my blog where there is less of a chance that something

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Feature Story: Ben

So, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Father’s Day and that everyone is enjoying the newly released Anthology Stories. If you haven’t, why not check them out, as well as our Featured Story for this week. The Hosted Author we are going to feature today is widely known for his many stories, not the least of these is his over 100 chapter story, Circumnavigation. He is known to leave his readers hanging on the edge of a cliff as they wait anxiously for the next chapter. Our story review today is

Back from DC

Well, the trip was fun and relaxing; no pressure, no hassle, it was a simple affair between strangers, who are equivalent to pen pals of old. Sometimes, I wonder how much people on site actually think about the "real" you as in the actual person behind the avatar. We're all different people with our own backgrounds and tastes.   I didn't picture Q being Mr. Dad or how cute lil' Q was in real life versus just pictures.   Cassie and I shared a hotel together, it was fun to be traveling compani



Thoughts on Father's Day

(Some rambling words after two glasses of wine and some dark chocolate. You have been warned.)   Father’s Day has gotten me into a “what if” mood. My younger brothers are both fathers now and enjoying the pleasures of suburban family life. Many of their activities center on their kids with swim meets, violin recitals, girl scouts. They and their families generally seem happy and content with no more or less stress than most middle class Americans. Their happiness is well-deserved and I ho



Weekly Wrap Up!

Choices - our Summer anthology is LIVE! Go enjoy (after you read the rest of this post) ;-)   We started the week with Almost Home, by our Hosted (and very sexy) Author Shadowgod. This is one of Shadowgod's short stories, and Podiumdavis wrote a wonderful review of it.   In this week's Author Showcase, we also had great reviews of both Promising Author WrathOfMagneto's Three Hundred Years, as well as What Remains, by Author myself_i_must_remake.   Our Tuesday Toss-up gave us the first of a


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Changes - As I Saw It. Summer Anthology

Well joining GA has opened my eyes to a lot of different things, and one of them is the Anthology idea.   So summer 2012 was the first time I actually came across anything of the sort, and if it weren't for Bugeye pointing it out to me, it'd have slipped by unnoticed as I was caught up in reading some of the amazing stories on the site.   But thankfully I was encouraged to give it a whirl and submit an entry.   I actually got a good kick out of giving it a go. It was a lot of fun writing a

Yettie One

Yettie One

The power of Google

The power of Google. It does so much stuff, I dont have to find the answers on the textbook!. Easier and quicker too! The power of internet is making us so lazy.   I was gonna ask my dad something weird, but decided to google it instead.   As the picture shows, idk why this was in the first google link search... Google is just so powerful!   http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/801/wtfoh.jpg/



Time Away, Time Back

Well it's nice to see new faces here on GA and after taking time away for a multitude of reasons, I gotta say I'm looking foreword to re-connecting with people.   I've taken some time to write, take pictures and get centered and healthy again. A couple of trips to the ER, a new chronic but manageable diagnosis, work being crazy and volunteering with LGBT youth tends to make life extremely crazy.   Today, I had a seizure which is something that hasn't happened to me in God knows how long and



Getting ready for the train ride down to DC

Checklist:   1. GA anthology stories downloaded Can't do it, hope there's wi-fi at the hotel   2. Alternative reading for long train ride, The Lost Bank- Check   3. Clothing appropriate for DC in the summer (I am not going nude, it'd make a bigger scene than the protesters in front of the Capitol and White House)- Check, Cargo shorts and shirts   4. Music for the ride- Check, just downloaded the new album by The Maine and The Fray + my other favorite bands   5. An emergency escape pla



Back Home

Just back from a two day cancer conference in Manchester - woo hoo!!   Lots of the usual learning stuff - what we are doing to treat children's cancers, what the future holds, survival statistics, what we are doing better on etc etc etc.   More important - 2 nights out painting the town pink Lots of fun in the bars in probably the most well known street in England outside of London.       Had a few drinkies too many and committed the age old sacrilege of karaoke Stayed out each nigh



So when problems strike

Alright I feel like hell and will be posting parts of this in a few spots so people know. I hate going anywhere without being all set. Considering I was the one who set up the DC get together let me simply put this as simply as I can. I won't be there   Three things made sure that doesn't happen. First Strike was my car. I had set over a thousand dollars aside for this trip. I figured no way was I going to be caught flat for it. However, my car in the last month alone stripped me of over $1100



The Year That Ate My Life

As some of you may have noticed, I’ve been “gone” from GA for a while. I ended my last post of Social Skills, wrote a short story, chickened out about posting it, and disappeared into the mist.   It took me about a month to begin working on a new piece. At the time, I was moving from an apartment into a house, and my writing time was severely limited. In addition to that, I’m a very slow writer (or, if you choose to believe, as Carringtonrj so kindly put it, a “thoughtful” one ). I can’t seem

Sara Alva

Sara Alva

What is natural law? - It's a question beyond politics or economics

You have given me a lot of things to think about in terms of philosophical arguments and concerns over the nature of “Natural Laws”. I am not sure if this is the best answer, but it is a probable answer to a question that is uncertain.   What is “natural law”? There are several ways to interpret the concept and I’ve seen several different perspectives trying to frame the idea.   First, some people assume natural laws mean absolute rules, based on certain facts of nature, i.e. there is



Some music for the nihilist in all of us

I was browsing Billboard to see what was hot in today's music just out of curiosity as I haven't gone on that site in ages and I want to prove my astrological chart wrong that I can enjoy popular things. To be honest, I don't follow many popular bands anymore outside my small circle of pop, punk, and rock groups, but I saw Linkin Park had a #1 rock song, so I thought why not, they're usually good.     Oh I love it!



Author Showcase

Ready to check out a new story but not sure what to try? Hopefully these two reviews may help. New reviewer ChingTara reviewed Three Hundred Years by Promising Author WrathOfMagneto and MJ85 has done a great review of What Remains by Author myself_i_must_remake. If you'd like to help us out by reviewing a story here on GayAuthors, just let Renee Stevens or myself know. We love seeing more people reading and reviewing and helping us to highlight the great talent we have here, writing compelling s


Trebs in Reviews

Technology is Amazing

I was finally due an upgrade for my phone which I've probably had too many years to truly consider myself to be trendy. To be honest I am no technophobe, I've just always figured that a phone is to make calls on and maybe send text messages.   Ok maybe a lot to send text messages. Actually I am quite grateful for the 'unlimited' number of text messages that my traffic offers me, as there are times when i can get quite carried away with my textual conversations.   However, I was really quiet

Yettie One

Yettie One

A piece of my astrological chart

So I went to Cafeastrology.com and tried it out. It hit me right now on the mark, sadly.   Look at the quotes:     I actually do feel that way right now about my life and job. Heck, I'd love to be free being able to live my life as I want to and doing what I "feel". Like right now, if not for obligations, I'm feeling like flying South America and traveling down the amazon or going back to school and learning molecular biology.   That was just an attribute according to the chart, my core



On the road again

Let us be lovers; we'll marry our fortunes together I've got some real estate in my bag So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner's pies And we walked off, walked off, walked off to look for America "Kathy," I said, as we boarded the greyhound in Pittsburgh "Michigan seems like a dream to me now Took me four days to from Saginaw They've all gone to look for America All gone to look for America." Laughing on the bus, playing games with faces She said the man in the gabardine suit was a



Writing Tip: Publishing, Part 1

We are very appreciative of everyone here at GayAuthors that has stepped up and offered to help in some manner. One of our volunteers, K.C., did some interviews with AnytaSunday and Nephylim recently about publishing. Here is part one of his two part contribution.   Publishing Interviews by K.C.   You said you were going to do it! You swore you were going to do!   Even a few of your friends laughed at you, but you’ve finally did it, you finished that novel that’s been spinni


Trebs in Writing Tips

Featured Story: Almost Home

It's Monday! Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend, and while I'm sad to see it end, I'm also happy because it gives us another choice to bring you a review on one of Gay Author's wonderful Hosted Authors! Not only is our author today a Hosted Author on the site, he is one of the earlier members of the GA community. He's the author of the chapter story "A Shot of Bourbon" but has shown that he can write not only longer stories, but also short stories as well as poetry. Today we are happy to


Trebs in Featured Stories

Movie Review: "Prometheus" aka Aliens prequel

Somewhere between the mock up spaceship, the android David, and the gut puncher coming out of someone's belly; I just said been there and done that.   I really tried to like this movie, it has everything the Alien franchise movies had, a good story, a decent cast more or less, and superb sci-fi themes. Problem is that the movie has been done over and over again for so many decades and I have seen enough incarnations to really stop "believing" as the movie holds as its central tenet.   I won'



Reasons to be Greatful - Art

Art in its basic form should be viewed as a celebration of humanity. Be it paints applied to a canvass, or ink on a paper, music from an orchestra, or motion picture on a screen, it is the giving of pleasure from one to another.   Art is something we turn to for enjoyment, pleasure and contentment. I don't think we stop enough to consider how much art impacts on our lives, how it creates in us a world of emotions and expressions, how it helps us to communicate and record our history. It impres

Yettie One

Yettie One

Weekly Wrap Up!

Our Summer anthology deadline has come and passed, so looking forward to soon being able to read some good "Choices".   Our week started by Seeking Nirvana - a story by LittleBuddhaTW that was reviewed by Mark 92. Seeking Nirvana is a great story that I first read when David wrote it, but it was sooo good to take another fresh look at this gem.   We had a couple of great tips this week. As one of the possible uses for Tip Tuesday will be interviews, what better than a tip on conducting inter


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

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